Please obey the signs
“This young man claims to have been invited by you personally.”Tony has learned to read Happy’s expressions. That one is disapproval, and it’s highly familiar. “Peter is helping me out in the workshop today.”“Why?”“Uh.” Tony has enough presence of mind not to carelessly throw Peter’s alternative identity around. “He won a competition.”Happy’s expression flickers, grows tense. “I did not approve any competition that included a trip to Avengers Tower.”“Okay. Well. If we had theoretically organized a competition, he would definitely have won it.”-Tony’s life lately has been a perfect storm of incompetence. But perhaps he can get some solid spiritual advice from a mischievous teenager with a secret identity he meets by the side of the road one evening, like a lucky little leprechaun. If only Happy would stop being so paranoid about Tony inviting a random kid into Avengers Tower, sheesh.