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Sharpen Your Teeth
Sharpen Your Teeth
A betrayed Tony Stark leaves the Avengers. He's angry and bitter but he's not about to stop being a hero. The problem is that not everyone is happy with his decision.
369.4K words
All Leprechauns Are Tricksters, Especially Twin Redheads
All Leprechauns Are Tricksters, Especially Twin Redheads
Being raised around fairy tales in the muggle world, Y/n still didn't know which magical beings were real and which were made up by muggles. At the Quidditch World Cup, she comes to find that not only are leprechauns real but her best friends and new stepbrothers, Fred and George, are a quarter part leprechaun. They even show her how their leprechaun magic absorbs through her skin and leads to pots of gold.
5.3K words
His Master liked to say that Vader was born in fire on Mustafar. But Ekkreth was born in the desert.
2.3K words
Never Trust a Fox
Never Trust a Fox
The friendship between Scott and Stiles was never perfect. All of the Pack seemed to think so and Scott probably too, but Stiles could always see he wasn’t wanted. They never liked him. Never listened to him. And ever since Scott became a Werewolf, he was practically ignored. But Stiles managed and kept staying with them, because they were his friends, and oh yeah, his only friends.But then Theo came and Scott trusted the Chimera more than him. The fact that he (although accidently) killed someone, was bad at its own, but when Scott pushed him out of the Pack, something in Stiles broke.Why should he even talk to these people? They always made him feel weak, small and incompetent. But not anymore. He refused to let himself be dragged around like a rag doll.And when he got the chance to join a thousand-year-old fox demon… well he already lost all of his friends and probably his dad. What more could he lose? Besides… maybe Nogitsune wouldn’t treat him as an inconvenience. That would be nice.
182.4K words
Words in the Heart
Words in the Heart
“XF-53,” he said, “will your programming permit me to tell you a story?” “There is no prohibition against that. A story cannot do damage.” “Is that what he thinks? Good.” (Or, what Anakin was up to during those four hours between meeting the Grandmother and finally contacting Palpatine in Shape-Changer.)
3.7K words
Trickster Steals the Moon
Trickster Steals the Moon
This is the story of how Depur stole the moon from the sky, and how Ekkreth the Trickster stole it back thrice over. (But that's no moon...)
3.9K words
The Slave Who Makes Free
The Slave Who Makes Free
Ekkreth wears a hundred thousand shapes and has a hundred thousand tricks, and the chain has not been forged that can hold them. (Or: Meanwhile, on the Tatooine freedom trail...)
8.8K words
In Any Version of Reality
In Any Version of Reality
Standing next to not-Derek – whoa, holding not-Derek’s hand? – is someone who looks remarkably like Stiles. Is Stiles, a slightly-altered replica, just like this guy both is and isn't Derek. It’s not like looking into a mirror – one, because looking into a mirror actually makes some kind of sense, and two, because not-Stiles looks older too, mid twenties maybe. And the tips of his short, spiky hair are dark purple, and he’s got a lip ring and he’s shirtless and covered in tattoos and what the holy hell? “Time travel?" He's sufficiently freaked. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he hears his dad laughing. “Not exactly,” not-Derek says, and shit, even his voice sounds exactly the same, disconcertingly gentle. He gestures behind him, and Stiles looks over his shoulder, where behind him, scattered across the porch and in the front yard, are more…Dereks and more Stileses. Fourteen total, including the two at the door, he notes distantly, eyes feeling like they’re about to pop out of his head from bulging so hard. Seven other Dereks. Seven other Stileses. Seven Derek and Stiles pairs.
39.8K words
tripping and falling over the red line of fate
tripping and falling over the red line of fate
While trying to escape from an ambush in Afghanistan, Toni ends up on Asgard. Things do not get easier from there. Between prison stays, death sentences, and a secret that could kickstart another 1000 years war, she does find her soulmate. So maybe, it isn't all so bad.
131.3K words
Our New Normal
Our New Normal
Two girls work to fill the shoes of their late mother during lockdown.
15.4K words
All in the Family
All in the Family
”Guys…this is Frankie.” Both of them looked up at the same time. ”Frankie, this is my younger brother Mikey..." ”Sup.” "... and my older brother Gabe.” ”Hey.”
9.5K words