Take on the World
Peter Parker is homeless. After the death of his last remaining family member, his Aunt, he finds himself living on the streets. The only thing worth living for is his alter-ego, Spider-Man. As Spider-Man, Peter can be brave. He can stop bad things happening. He can be witty, funny, sarcastic. He can be okay. When he's Spider-Man, he doesn't have to think about how pathetic or useless his life is.
Spider-Man is a vigilante, and the Avengers don't like that. Soon they decide to try and catch him to question him. What happens when they find the broken, malnourished fifteen year old underneath the mask?
Peter is broken and severely depressed. He thinks life is no longer worth living. He needs a family. Soon enough, the Avengers become that for him.
(including a SI field-trip, Peter getting kidnapped, Peter being homeless, all the good stuff into one fan fiction) ;)