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Sharpen Your Teeth
Sharpen Your Teeth
A betrayed Tony Stark leaves the Avengers. He's angry and bitter but he's not about to stop being a hero. The problem is that not everyone is happy with his decision.
369.4K words
What Would Tony Stark Do?
What Would Tony Stark Do?
Steve can handle this. He could totally handle this. Tony didn't need to know. If only he had remembered Spider-Man before they ended up on the news.
2.0K words
"Li" can't remember his name or anything before waking up alone and injured in the ghost town. He can only hope to find the answers he craves in Ba Sing Se. Too bad the spirits enjoy toying with his life and sanity. Chapter 79 summary: In which Qiao makes a decision and Katara decides the enemy of her enemy is the more imminent threat, and Tengfei finally sleeps. Sort of.
252.0K words
all I ever wanted was the world
all I ever wanted was the world
Luo Binghe is a man with the world at his feet. After clawing his way from nothing to prosperity, he revels in the success and power he has gained. There is nothing that is beyond his reach, anything he desires is at his beck and call. He's proved wrong when he meets Shen Yuan, the warm-hearted school teacher who seems to be the only person in the world who Luo Binghe set his eye on who wouldn't bend over backwards for him or swoon into his arms. What's up with that?
102.9K words
A Villainess' Perfect Partner
A Villainess' Perfect Partner
A young woman with a blood-stained past shows up at Castle Dimitrescu to be a cook. As her cooking is much to the liking of the Dimitrescu family, she is hired. Four months go by without an issue till she's caught stabbing someone with a knife. What will happen from then onwards? (Hiatus: chapter 28 is the end of main story, 29 is for an epilogue.)
146.0K words
Run into the Bright Lights
Run into the Bright Lights
Keith was pretty sure his heart was going to explode out of his chest and if he didn’t do something about it, things were going to get bloodier than they already were. Keith accidentally tells Lance his feelings on April Fool's Day, and Lance really knows how to take a joke.
36.8K words
Cherished Treasure
Cherished Treasure
It's been thirty five years since the Battle of Five Armies which left Bilba exiled from Erebor. Now a lone figure stands nervously at the gates, unsure as to the welcome she is to receive. For the rest of Thorin's Company, things are about to get turned upside down.
124.9K words
The Restoration of Valyria
The Restoration of Valyria
Harry Potter is transported into the world of House of the Dragon to restore Valyria to its former glory and to mend the weave in the house of Targaryen by the fourteen flames as their champion. Little did he know what Meleys, the goddess of love, had in store for him.
70.7K words
Fall Into Paradise
Fall Into Paradise
After the war Izuku tried to be normal, but it just wasn't for him. Now at his last summer camp with the WWP, the vestiges decide that he needs break and Nana starts plotting. After a mishap with OFA, Izuku is sent flying into the Hot Spring full of Pro Heroines. How will Izuku make it out? Will Nana's plan work?
65.2K words
Until Dust
Until Dust
After the Battle of New York, Thor returns to Asgard with his brother Loki in chains. Fearing the repercussions of increased tensions between Midgard and Asgard, Thor quickly seeks to create diplomatic relations with the mortal realm- placing Loki in charge as penance for his crimes.When your parents' expertise sees them summoned to the Palace to help with the project, they come with you in tow. You are convinced it will be a week of long meetings and hard work; perhaps interspersed with some time to enjoy the luxuries the Palace can provide- but your hopes are dashed the very moment you step foot on the grounds and catch the younger Prince’s eye.When his persistence becomes more than annoyance, and he offers you an out through an unexpected game; your own curiosity reveals him to be more than he appears, and the two of you develop a relationship neither one had planned for.As this bond sets in motion a break in the timeline- and a frightening series of events- you are caught up in something that is impossible for either of you to contain. And it could cost you both your lives. Updates every Friday
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Plus One
Plus One
Aziraphale Eastgate’s wealthy family have finally come to tolerate the fact that he’s gay in the last couple of years. However, to their mind, he’s in his mid-thirties and should be settling down with someone… acceptable. So Aziraphale tells them he has a boyfriend whom they haven’t met -and doesn't exist. Now his older brother is getting married, and Aziraphale has been given a plus one. They're expecting to meet his imaginary boyfriend, so he’s got to find a date. Fast. He takes his problem to his best friend, Fergus, who suggests his mechanic, Crowley. Much to Aziraphale's surprise, the gorgeous (and likely straight) mechanic agrees to go to the Tadfield Estate for the whole five-day event. Simple, right? Well...
100.3K words
Away In A Manger
Away In A Manger
On Christmas Eve, an unwanted child is left in a manger and found by a young Potions Master, changing both their lives forever. AU, implied child abuse, neglect, Sev raises Harry.
179.7K words
Pregnant Lady Kicks Predator Butt
Pregnant Lady Kicks Predator Butt
Trapped in a public health facility, a human woman decides to take matters into her own hands to keep her and her unborn child safe... All the while cursing profanity of all kinds, and as the title implies, kicking butt. WARNING: Language and Graphic Depictions of Violence...It's Predator, what do you expect?
113.6K words
Partners In Crime
Partners In Crime
Billy Batson & John Constantine are not a pair that you would think to be close in any way. But that's just what they want you to think.
38.9K words
5 Times Yuri Taught Yuuri Russian Wrong and 1 Time Victor Found Out About It
5 Times Yuri Taught Yuuri Russian Wrong and 1 Time Victor Found Out About It
Though he had made such a big deal about how much he hated Yuuri, he didn’t really hate him. That said, Yuri couldn’t exactly pass up the opportunity to fuck with him just a little bit.
4.0K words
The Kids Are All Right
The Kids Are All Right
For Hobbit Kink Meme “After arriving at Beorn’s, one of Gandalf's spells goes awry and Bilbo and Thorin get de-aged into wee!children who do not retain their adult memories. Bilbo is a sweet, adventurous (if not a bit shy around all these dwarves) little thing and Thorin is still a stubborn little block of dwarf. Except he's got a giant puppy crush on Bilbo and gets red in the face and adorably flustered whenever the wee!hobbit approaches him.” Wee!Bagginshield fluff and crack.
3K words
Master Tigress gets caught looking at art
Master Tigress gets caught looking at art
Master Tigress was not one to sneak around her friends rooms looking through their things. but today she was alone. what's the harm of one sneak peek at the dragon warrior's room?
1.7K words
Loki and the Minion
Loki and the Minion
Loki hires OFC as a manager and his guide to everything Midgardian. He doesn’t make it easy for her, though. He causes trouble, doesn’t listen to her advice very often, and in general, annoys and intimidates her. He is the God of Mischief, and she the nearest target available to him. However, slowly, his mischief towards her becomes more intimate in nature, and keeping everything professional becomes rather impossible. Based on the following Imagine Loki prompt-Imagine Loki hiring you as his manager while he slowly takes over Midgard again. You are to manage his PR, his daily schedule, and you also are his guide to everything Midgardian. He doesn’t make it easy for you, though. He causes trouble, doesn’t listen to your advice very often, and in general, annoys and intimidates you. He is the God of Mischief after all, and you are the nearest target available to him. You suffer through his antics because he pays well and also, you don’t know what might befall you if you refuse him. He is kinda scary after all.
10.5K words
Glories of the King's Hair!
Superpowers? In OUR high school? It's more likely than you thimk
Superpowers? In OUR high school? It's more likely than you thimk
*DISCONTINUED*A Sanders Sides group chat au, except they’re in high school and have superpowers
4.8K words
And We'll Be Free
And We'll Be Free
Leo and Karone spend a week on Terra Venture as 8 year olds, thanks to one of Trakeena’s monsters. When not causing mischief, Leo helps Karone have the childhood she missed out on.
2.9K words