team as family

team as family

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Second Chance (at happiness)
Second Chance (at happiness)
the avengers (marvel movies) marvel cinematic universe Tony Stark tony stark mcu tony stark fanon steve rogers james "bucky" barnes Natasha Romanov clint barton thor (marvel) pepper potts james "rhodey" rhodes tony stark/tony stark steve rogers/tony stark james "bucky" barnes/steve rogers james "bucky" barnes/tony stark james "bucky" barnes/steve rogers/tony stark james "bucky" barnes/tony stark/steve rogers/tony stark post-captain america: civil war (movie) civil war fix-it fix-it tony stark has a heart tony stark needs a hug tony stark gets a hug coulson lives jarvis lives communication healthy relationship alternate universe - a/b/o alpha/beta/omega dynamics alpha bucky barnes beta tony stark omega tony stark alpha steve rogers omega clint barton mating bond i am so fed up with the mcu i'm taking tony away he is going to live in a world where he's loved so help me god Angst angst with feels tony angst asexual character asexual bucky barnes bisexual tony stark angst and fluff angst with a happy ending happy ending tony is going to be happy if it kills me crying not canon steve friendly fanon steve friendly not canon team cap friendly fanon team cap friendly cuddling touch starved touch starved tony stark protective tony stark protective steve rogers protective bucky barnes pack cuddles puppy piles polyamory negotiations foursome - m/m/m/m bucky barnes feels bucky barnes needs a hug bucky barnes get a hug panic attacks alternate universe travel parallel universes parallel universe travel domestic avengers team as family
Tony knew better than to play with alien toys. He really did. But there was just something so tempting about other-worldly objects. It turned out that he wasn't the only Tony Stark that felt that way. One explosion later, there's a brand new Tony in town. But there's something not quite right about this Tony and how he reacts to the team, the way he flinches away from Bucky or shakes when Steve picks up the shield or won't turn his back to Clint and Natasha. It turns out that not every Tony Stark is as lucky as Tony, but damned if Tony, Steve and Bucky aren't going to fix that. (or, the one where canon MCU Tony gets thrown into a fanon world and gets ALL THE LOVE from the fanon version of the team)
84.2K words
The Sacrifice
The Sacrifice
"It's time Hinata, no more waiting." Hiashi orders and she withers under his stare, knows her time is up. Though she's known about this day for years, she'd been wishing, hoping he would change his mind and not give into one of Konoha's oldest and cruel traditions. When a suitable girl comes of age and the bribe isn't made, you're sacrificed to the village's jinchuriki…Canon AU
165.5K words
read our constellations
read our constellations
And Trent’s not a mess! He’s not. He’s got his life entirely together. He chose to reveal his source and give up his position with The Independent. He chose to start chasing book authorship as his new branch of his career tree. He chose his flat, and his car, and his life, down to the brands of tea he buys and the sorts of people he spends time with and the sheet sets he puts on his and Beatrice’s beds. He’s an adult man, for Christ’s sake. Of course, he’s got his life together. Everything is under his control, and it’s all fine. It’s entirely, completely, fully fine. Taking one last steadying breath, Trent opens his eyes and looks over the line of seven tests on the counter: the first he took a few hours ago, and the six he just took since. Each and every last one of them says he’s pregnant. Some have plus signs, some have two lines, some simply have the word pregnant. All of them may as well come together to form a little sign reading, Congratulations, Trent! You did it! You’ve finally made a goddamn bloody mess out of everything! Just wait until you have to tell Ted! Trent’s stomach turns for more reasons than one.
214.2K words
I Found Love (Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be)
I Found Love (Where It Wasn't Supposed To Be)
marvel cinematic universe spider-man (tom holland movies) the avengers (marvel movies) peter parker harley keener Tony Stark natasha romanov (marvel) clint barton gwen stacy thousands morals kate bishop steve rogers bruce banner thor (marvel) peter parker & tony stark peter parker & natasha romanov clint barton & peter parker harley keener & peter parker peter parker & steve rogers kate bishop/peter parker clint barton & kate bishop harley keener & tony stark canon compliant with movie: avengers: infinity war (2018) canon divergence - post-avengers: infinity war part 1 (movie) tony stark acting as peter parker's parental figure natasha romanov & tony stark friendship clint barton & natasha romanov friendship natasha romanov acting as peter parker's parental figure peter parker calls tony stark "dad" tony stark loves peter parker first meetings rare pairings work in progress avengers: endgame (movie) compliant sort of tony stark acting as harley keener's parental figure good parent tony stark alternate universe harley keener & peter parker are siblings protective harley keener peter parker needs a hug fluff and angst team as family dead aunt may parker (marvel) harley keener is not blipped | dusted blipped | dusted peter parker but also peter parker is not blipped | dusted blipped | dusted pepper potts angst and hurt/comfort family fluff iron dad spider mom - freeform precious peter parker teen peter parker confused peter parker everyone is confused to be fair alternate reality multiverse other additional tags to be added main pairing might be changed if this one doesn't work out not beta read harley keener is tony stark's adopted child tony stark has a heart Natasha Romanov is not a robot uncle clint barton grief/mourning families of choice slow to update
After Peter is snapped, he doesn’t simply cease to exist. Yes, he fades away like everyone else, but Peter materializes again. In a parallel universe, where he never existed.
26.2K words