background relationships

background relationships

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Driving me insane (but he knows I can't resist)
Driving me insane (but he knows I can't resist)
house of the dragon (tv) lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) arrax | lucerys velaryon's dragon aemond "one-eye" targaryen rhaenyra targaryen daemon targaryen Baela Targaryen rhaena targaryen (daughter of daemon) rhaenys targaryen velaryon corlys "the sea snake" velaryon Jacaerys Velaryon Aegon II Targaryen helaena targaryen alicent hightower original characters aemond "one-eye" targaryen/lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) aemond "one-eye" targaryen & lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen & Jacaerys Velaryon Aegon II Targaryen & Jaecerys Velaryon alicent hightower & rhaenyra targaryen corlys "the sea snake" velaryon & lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) helaena targaryen & lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) & original character(s) corlys "the sea snake" velaryon/rhaenys targaryen velaryon jealous aemond "one-eye" targaryen dark lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) alternate universe - canon divergence alternate timelines jealousy possessive behavior possessive aemond "one-eye" targaryen implied relationships background relationships background daemon targaryen/rhaenyra targaryen - freeform luke is besties with gwayne hightower's son bamf lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) lucerys velaryon (son of rhaenyra) needs a hug uncle/nephew incest targcest | targaryen incest (a song of ice and fire) implied Aegon Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon crack treated seriously fluff and angst crack complicated relationships family issues slow burn slow build dead dove: do not eat complicated family dynamics some misunderstandings original character(s)
On the day Aemond lost an eye, he was but thirteen namedays old, whilst his darling nephew was merely ten, yet there was blood on that sweet boy's hands. Rather than allowing such a thing to go unpunished, both Blacks and Greens suffer a lose that unites them. Whilst Criston Cole is banished from the crownlands for the entirety of his life and stripped of his titles, Lucerys is banished from King's Landing and Dragonstone until the king seems him worthy to return. Eight years later, Corlys returns with the prodigal son in tow. No one expected for Lucerys to grow into such a violent thing and neither did they expect for him to follow in his mother's footsteps and claim a Hightower as his best friend. But eight years is long. With war in his veins and blood staining his hands, Lucerys has changed. For better or for worse, Aemond does not know.
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Soulmates are for idiots (Guess that makes me an idiot then)
Soulmates are for idiots (Guess that makes me an idiot then)
Katsuki is the first one to get his soul mark from their class, which should bring a smug grin to his face, but all it does is gnaw at his insides even more. He already knows his classmates are gonna go around telling everyone whose name they have on them as soon as they get ‘em, and while he would have been willing to tell someone like Eijirou or even Izuku if he pressed enough and his soulmate’s name wasn’t someone they already knew, he’s not so sure about it now. Not when 'Shouto Todoroki' practically bores holes into his face the more he stares at the name. -or, soulmates Katsuki and Shouto falling in love without knowing they're each other's soulmate
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Salt & Rock
Salt & Rock
a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin game of thrones (tv) theon greyjoy balon greyjoy rob stark victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy harras harlaw Jon "the Greatjon" Umber jon "the smalljon" umber patrek mallister qarl the maid (a song of ice and fire) catelyn tully stark rickard karstark dagmer cleftjaw euron greyjoy aeron "damphair" greyjoy renly baratheon Stannis Baratheon Sansa Stark Arya Stark tywin lannister Genna Lannister edmure tully original characters Gregor Clegane sandor clegane daven lannister ‘black’ lorren Oberyn Martell vargo hoat the tattered prince of the windblown (a song of ice and fire) nute the barber (a song of ice and fire) Tyrion Lannister joffrey baratheon balon greyjoy & theon greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/qarl the maid theon greyjoy & robb stark theon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy & theon greyjoy balon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy victarion greyjoy & andrick ‘the unsmiling’ balon greyjoy & robb stark harras harlaw & qarl the maid dagmer cleftjaw & theon greyjoy ‘black’ lorren & harras harlaw theon greyjoy/sansa stark(promised in secret) victarion greyjoy/?(a betrothal in the making) asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/robb stark(in case all else fails) oberyn - relationship robb stark is king in the north political alliances forced marriage the ironborn (a song of ice and fire) ironborn culture & customs (a song of ice and fire) cognitive dissonance blood and violence character study character death this is not going to go the way you think arrogance war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) canon divergence - war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) background relationships good parent catelyn tully stark pov robb stark pov theon greyjoy theon greyjoy doesn't betray robb stark theon greyjoy-centric it gets worse then it gets better warning: euron greyjoy book-canon euron greyjoy dark magic not a fix-it
Biding his time after his failed rebellion, Balon Greyjoy learns that his erstwhile heir is returning home at the new Lord of Winterfell's behest, seeking terms for an alliance between the Iron Islands and the newly crowned King in the North. In one timeline, with his decision weighed upon his sense of pride and his sense of pragmatism, Balon's pride won out. But what if he made a different choice?
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