a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin

a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin

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The Winter of Widows
The Winter of Widows
When she awoke to a new life in Westeros, Ursula Mires nearly did the smart thing. Only a year away from becoming sworn to the Faith as a septa and being free to live in relative comfort and safety in one of the more prestigious Reach cloisters, she was content with her lot in life. Her advice, slowly fed to her father over many years, had enabled her family to survive the Dance and rise in station. House Mires had its legacy secured, until tragedy struck early that winter. Now Ursula is heir to a floundering House she does not want, in a war-torn land that she must drag out of the mud. Many ladies are in her position in what maesters would later call ‘the winter of widows’. Only Ursula knows what is coming next, and she’s not sure if her house will survive it.
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The Girl With the Evil Eye
Sing the Sun in Flight
Sing the Sun in Flight
A fallen prince is found on the shore of the God's Eye lake just as the region's new overlord arrives at the nearby cursed castle with his natural daughter. Together, the three will scheme to restore a dead house and seek vengeance against those that should be, but it will be a long and perilous journey to gain the friends necessary to achieve their goals, while questioning if those they've considered friends from the start can truly be trusted. Fan praise for Sing the Sun in Flight:-I freaking love this!!! I would hit kudos thousands of times.-Did I ever think I needed a Sansa/Aemond fic? No! Does your fantastic writing tell me I absolutely do? Yes!-I absolutely love how you write Sansa and aemond! You’re such a talented author!! I’m a fan!-This story is so freaking good! Addictive even.-I love what a good writer can do with all the delicious opportunities the world of GRRM creates!!!!-Kudos to your skill at making internal and external dialogue both entertaining and plot moving-I was super sceptical about this ship, but I'm loving this story so far, as I always do with your fics.-The AU I didn’t know I needed!!!
267.0K words
King for a Day
King for a Day
house of the dragon (tv) a song of ice and fire & related fandoms a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin Aegon II Targaryen aemond "one-eye" targaryen daeron targaryen (son of viserys i) helaena targaryen alicent hightower otto hightower rhaenyra targaryen daemon targaryen viserys i targaryen rhaenys targaryen velaryon valyrian gods (a song of ice and fire) sunfyre | Aegon II Targaryen's dragon dreamfyre | Helaena Targaryen's dragon vhagar the valyrian god (a song of ice and fire) syrax the valyrian god (a song of ice and fire) original characters Aegon II Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Helaena Targaryen Aegon II Targaryen & Daeron Targaryen (son of Viserys I) Aegon II Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Daeron Targaryen (son of Visery I) & Helaena Targaryen alicent hightower & aegon ii targaryen aegon ii targaryen & rhaenyra targaryen daemon targaryen/rhaenyra targaryen alicent hightower/viserys i targaryen aegon ii targaryen & viserys i targaryen Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Baela Targaryen the dance of the dragons | aegon ii targaryen v. rhaenyra targaryen era the greens | aegon ii targaryen's faction alternate dance of the dragons | the greens win (a song of ice and fire) time travel time travel fix-it aegon ii targaryen needs a hug aegon ii targaryen is not a rapist protective aegon ii targaryen aegon ii targaryen is a little shit worldbuilding alicent hightower bashing alicent hightower deserves better otto hightower bashing viserys i targaryen bashing daemon targaryen bashing he had a child killed he's gonna get hate rhaenyra targaryen critical episode: s01e07 driftmark (house of the dragon) post-episode: s01e07 driftmark (house of the dragon) targcest | targaryen incest (a song of ice and fire) political alliances author does what they want including making aegon a good person fight me bro warning: aemond "one-eye" targaryen
Aegon II Targaryen earned the chance to change the fate of his family and stop the Dance of the Dragons. The Gods of Old Valyria have very little faith in him with the exception of the one who created the Dragons in the first place. Now the only question is will he be able to do it? This is primarily a team green fanfic but besides a short few, it's also team black friendly
40.4K words
A Dream of Wind Beneath the Wolves
A Dream of Wind Beneath the Wolves
Sansa felt a tear slide down her cheek. She had lived through it all. It was real. Her family was dead. She was dead. The Night King had won and stolen the living on his own cruel whims. Sansa had seen, clear as day, the army of the undead marching for Winterfell. Sansa had heard the screams, seen the stone painted with blood. Sansa remembered her father’s head on a spike, the tears she shed for her mother and dead brothers. What kind of gods would gift her that kind of nightmare? “If they were truly dead, why would it be me greeting you in the between?” Lyanna whispered. Sansa’s eyes widened at this. She looked back at the weirwood tree, and a soft lullaby echoes through the wind.
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The Bastard’s Whore
The Bastard’s Whore
Predictably, Luke immediately tries to turn him away. “Aemond, wh-what are you doing?!” The boy - who’s a man now, in truth - exclaims as he gets himself comfortable. This close, Luke’s scent of firewood and cedar is easy to pick up and delightfully appealing. Aemond cocks his head as he stares at him. “Isn’t it obvious?” He asks coyly. “I’m settling into my new place.” “Your new…” the young alpha looks as though he’s seen a ghost, “Your new place? And that’s on top of me?” The omega shrugs. “On top of you, underneath you… Around you, while you bury yourself inside me… Whatever way you desire to have me, nephew.” (Or, Lucerys is the Lord of Harrenhal and Aemond is scheming).
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She Wore A Cloak of Feathers (A Look of Sadness In Her Eyes)
She Wore A Cloak of Feathers (A Look of Sadness In Her Eyes)
During the Greyjoy Rebellion, Sansa Stark is lost in the godswood. From the wild touch of grief, Jon Snow becomes a Stark. It is years later that Alyane Stone lives under the yoke of her father’s suffocating rules. It is only when her Father begins to look at her with lust, does she realizes she cannot bear it any longer, and flees for the one land he hates beyond others. Alyane goes North hair dark with pitch and fear in her heart. The Wilds beneath her feet rejoice. Alyane rides wild with a Mother Wolf and pups, and she runs free from all that had nearly destroyed her. Jon Stark falls in love with a girl in the forest, with black hair and bright blue eyes, the wild girl who runs with wolves and dons a cloak of feathers.
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Chasing the Dawn
Chasing the Dawn
game of thrones (tv) a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin a song of ice and fire & related fandoms jon snow original female character(s) original male character(s) Ned Stark shireen baratheon Daenerys Targaryen wylla manderly rob stark Sansa Stark Arya Stark Bran Stark Rickon Stark catelyn tully stark robert baratheon maege mormont viserion | daenerys targaryen's dragon ghost | jon snow's direwolf grey wind | robb stark's direwolf lady | sansa stark's direwolf shaggydog | Rickon Stark's direwolf obara sand gendry (a song of ice and fire) ramsay bolton Jon "the Greatjon" Umber Maester Aemon Targaryen jojen reed maester luwin of winterfell (a song of ice and fire) Oberyn Martell howland reed brynden "bloodraven" rivers jon snow & original male character & original female character jon snow & original female character(s) jon snow & original male character(s) jon snow & ned stark jon snow & robb stark ghost | jon snow's direwolf & jon snow ned stark & robb stark direwolf characters & ned stark grey wind | robb stark's direwolf & robb stark shireen baratheon & viserion | daenerys targaryen's dragon Jon Snow & Maester Aemon Targaryen jojen reed & jon snow bran stark & sansa stark bran stark & catelyn tully stark Maester Luwin of Winterfell & Bran Stark wylla manderly & original character(s) shireen baratheon & davos seaworth selyse baratheon & shireen baratheon shireen baratheon & daenerys targaryen ghost | jon snow's direwolf & robb stark howland reed & ned stark brynden "bloodraven" rivers & jon snow house stark (a song of ice and fire) jon is lord of queenscrown bamf jon snow warg jon snow dragonrider jon bamf Ned Stark bamf Robb Stark wargs and warging good parent ned stark ned has a direwolf and shireen has a dragon rhaego lives (a song of ice and fire) wylla taking a massive detour wylla is nursing a massive grudge Wylla's minor paranoia problem character death obviously this is asoiaf cregan and sara are the cryptids of the north cregan and sara are going to take the name house stark's monsters and run with it
Winter is here.The dragons are reborn.As are the White Walkers.The army of the North marches to meet the oldest enemy one last time, to save themselves and the future generations.
45.6K words
Targaryen simply love each other.
Targaryen simply love each other.
With Daenerys and Jon being twins, Jon being only a few minutes older, it's only natural that our two favorite Targaryens are madly in love with each other since their birth. But it takes both siblings until they are sixteen years old to realize that they are not alone in their feelings. A story in which Dany and Jon discover the extent of their love for each other, while realizing that they both want so much more than just a normal romantic relationship. Is it even a coincidence that their sexual preferences match perfectly? Daenerys is completely submissive to her older twin, while Jon loves to dominate his little sister and enjoys giving her countless intense orgasms. A story full of lust, passion and desire, with lots of smut and endless love between Jon and Daenerys Targaryen.
35.5K words
The Greatest Gift
The Greatest Gift
Arya and her girlfriend Bellegere have been together for years and want to have a baby. They decide on IVF and when Belle suggests asking Jon to be the donor, it makes perfect sense to Arya, since the baby would be related to both of them, Jon looks so much like her, and the four kids he's had with his wife Daenerys are proof of his virility. When Daenerys suggests that they save themselves the extraordinary expense of IVF, though, and just do it the old fashioned way, it reawakens feeling Arya buried years ago and leads the four of them down a path of absolute debauchery.
10.5K words
The rogue princess
The rogue princess
a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin a song of ice and fire & related fandoms house of the dragon (tv) game of thrones (tv) daemon targaryen Caraxes | Daemon Targaryen's dragon viserys i targaryen aemma arryn rhaenys targaryen velaryon corlys "the sea snake" velaryon Baelon Targaryen (son of Jaehaerys I) original characters female daemon targaryen - character jocelyn baratheon Aemon Targaryen (son of Jaehaerys I) Alysanne Targaryen Jaehaerys I Targaryen original female character(s) original male character(s) balerion | Aegon I Targaryen's dragon daemon targaryen/viserys i targaryen daemon targaryen/original female character(s) mysaria | lady misery/daemon targaryen aemma arryn/viserys i targaryen alyssa Targaryen/Baelon Targaryen (son of Jaehaerys I) Alysanne Targaryen/Jaehaerys I Targaryen daemon targaryen/original male character(s) jocelyn baratheon/aemon targaryen (son of jaehaerys i) corlys "the sea snake" velaryon/rhaenys targaryen velaryon daemon targaryen/laena velaryon (daughter of corlys) daemon targaryen/original character(s) daemon targaryen & corlys "the sea snake" velaryon daemon targaryen/ corlys "the sea snake" velaryon genderbending female daemon targaryen kingsguard asoiaf a song of ice and fire - freeform book: fire and blood (a song of ice and fire) targcest | targaryen incest (a song of ice and fire) targaryen house targaryen (a song of ice and fire) valyrian steel swords (a song of ice and fire) king's landing (a song of ice and fire) faith of the seven (a song of ice and fire) westeros (a song of ice and fire) high valyrian (a song of ice and fire) alternate universe - canon divergence what if daemon was a girl? bisexual daemon targaryen romance pregnancy sibling incest extramarital affairs
I saw on a tiktok a post about if Viserys had a sister he would have married her and the dance wouldn't have happened, so here is female Daemon. Daena is a woman that carries the Targaryen name, so she knew her faith was to be queen.
19.9K words
Salt & Rock
Salt & Rock
a song of ice and fire - george r. r. martin game of thrones (tv) theon greyjoy balon greyjoy rob stark victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy harras harlaw Jon "the Greatjon" Umber jon "the smalljon" umber patrek mallister qarl the maid (a song of ice and fire) catelyn tully stark rickard karstark dagmer cleftjaw euron greyjoy aeron "damphair" greyjoy renly baratheon Stannis Baratheon Sansa Stark Arya Stark tywin lannister Genna Lannister edmure tully original characters Gregor Clegane sandor clegane daven lannister ‘black’ lorren Oberyn Martell vargo hoat the tattered prince of the windblown (a song of ice and fire) nute the barber (a song of ice and fire) Tyrion Lannister joffrey baratheon balon greyjoy & theon greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/qarl the maid theon greyjoy & robb stark theon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy & theon greyjoy balon greyjoy & victarion greyjoy victarion greyjoy & andrick ‘the unsmiling’ balon greyjoy & robb stark harras harlaw & qarl the maid dagmer cleftjaw & theon greyjoy ‘black’ lorren & harras harlaw theon greyjoy/sansa stark(promised in secret) victarion greyjoy/?(a betrothal in the making) asha greyjoy | yara greyjoy/robb stark(in case all else fails) oberyn - relationship robb stark is king in the north political alliances forced marriage the ironborn (a song of ice and fire) ironborn culture & customs (a song of ice and fire) cognitive dissonance blood and violence character study character death this is not going to go the way you think arrogance war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) canon divergence - war of the five kings (a song of ice and fire) background relationships good parent catelyn tully stark pov robb stark pov theon greyjoy theon greyjoy doesn't betray robb stark theon greyjoy-centric it gets worse then it gets better warning: euron greyjoy book-canon euron greyjoy dark magic not a fix-it
Biding his time after his failed rebellion, Balon Greyjoy learns that his erstwhile heir is returning home at the new Lord of Winterfell's behest, seeking terms for an alliance between the Iron Islands and the newly crowned King in the North. In one timeline, with his decision weighed upon his sense of pride and his sense of pragmatism, Balon's pride won out. But what if he made a different choice?
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