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Segreti e maschere
Segreti e maschere
9 anni dopo la battaglia di Hogwarts, la guerra infuria ancora e tutti sono molto cambiati rispetto ai loro giorni a Hogwarts. Hermione è la soldatessa più letale dell'Ordine, passando le sue giornate in missioni di salvataggio per liberare schiavi nati Babbani e combattendo in prima linea. Per anni, si è incontrata in segreto con una spia tra le fila di Voldemort per scambiare informazioni. Ma quando viene catturata e fatta prigioniera a Malfoy Manor, di tutti i modi oscuri e malvagi in cui aveva immaginato che Malfoy l'avrebbe torturata, non aveva mai immaginato niente di così orribile. Volevo solo chiarire abbondantemente che sono stata originariamente ispirata a scrivere questa fanfiction dopo aver letto il capolavoro che è Manacled, quindi vorrei ringraziare SenLinYu per il suo lavoro straordinario! L'aspetto della ricerca di ricordi di Manacled è ciò che mi ha ispirata, e sebbene io abbia adattato questo, (e ho anche reso Draco un Mangiamorte di alto rango, perché... beh... a tutti piace quando è il braccio destro di Voldemort 😅😉), Secrets and Masks sarà una fanfiction molto molto diversa.
454.4K parola
Hush Now (You Were Lost but Now You’re Found)
Hush Now (You Were Lost but Now You’re Found)
Red Chaos was the name the world had bestowed upon him, and Dream had laughed as he dragged Tommy down against his chest in a rough sprawl back against the couch, squeezing him tight after their first official mission together. Tommy had done good and Dream had been proud. - Siren shifts, a look Tommy can’t be bothered to understand flashing briefly before his shoulders roll into a shrug. “You saved my life.” I know, Tommy thinks, lips drawing back in an ugly grimace. It ruined mine. - The morning paper lies discarded on the couch beside him with black bold headlines: RED CHAOS: HERO OR VILLAIN?
301.3K parola
Butterfly Reign
Butterfly Reign
The royal family of Antarctic empire isn’t exactly close. Emperor Philza is always occupied; Tommy hasn’t seen Techno in months, and even if Wilbur is here, their relationship can be described to be strained at best. The royal family doesn’t need to be close, however, it only needs to be balanced, like the pillars holding the country above their heads – as long as they are strong and steady, the Empire will be too. It’s the principle that held Tommy’s back straight and his shoulders broad through the years of hardships and trials of errors; through yet another formal meeting where his father’s gaze would look past him and where his brother’s words would be filled with poison that makes the deepest parts of his soul ache. At that time, Tommy couldn't know that his family would find a replacement for him in the face of a commoner boy named Ranboo. ~🦋~ Tommy's family has replaced him. It's only fair that he gets to do the same.
345.1K parola
Nessun percorso è vincolato
Nessun percorso è vincolato
Tian Guan Ci Fu - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu Hua Cheng (Tian Guan Ci Fu) xie lian (tian guan ci fu) feng xin (tian guan ci fu) Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) baiwuxiang i genitori di Xie Lian wu ming jun wu (tian guan ci fu) Qi Rong (Tian Guan Ci Fu) ombra di lingua (pennacchio celeste) personaggi originali Mei Nianqing Pei Ming (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Ling Wen (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Shi Wudu shi qingxuan He Xuan (Tian Guan Ci Fu) wei ying | wei wuxian lungo tempo fa quando yizhen yin yu (tiān guān cí fú) mezzaluna (Tian Guan Ci Fu) lan an (modao zushi) il partner di coltivazione di Lan An (modao zushi) Jiang Cheng (The Untamed) pei su (tian guan ci fu) shen yuan | shen qingqiu yushi huang Occhio del Cielo (Tian Guan Ci Fu) hua cheng/xie lian (tian guan ci fu) Feng Xin/Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) pei-ming/shiwudu lui Xuan/Shi Qingxuan Ling Wen/Yushi Huang fondamentalmente una rivisitazione dei romanzi elementi horror omofobia interiorizzata Hong-er ha un ruolo molto più importante all'inizio principali spoiler sui romanzi menzioni di lavoro sessuale fengliano molto minore violenza grafica tortura tentativo di suicidio suicidio implicito/referenziato fanart incluso nei capitoli quando dico slow burn intendo 65.000 parole in cui ottieni (1) bacio sessismo implicito e abuso di potere referenze mdz dappertutto praticamente tutti si innamorano di Xie Lian a un certo punto Yin Yu deve sindacalizzarsi contro l'oppressione capitalista di Hua Cheng contenuti sessuali impliciti personaggi fluidi di genere leccamento della vulva (foglia di manzo) sesso vaginale (beefleaf) violenza sessuale (non di un personaggio principale) violenza domestica demisessualità edgeplay (accidental) riferimenti a svsss lavori a mano sesso anale gravidanza (non dei personaggi principali)
Xie Lian ritrovò in sé qualcosa che credeva perduto, consumato da ogni suo errore. Fede. Aprì le braccia e il bambino esitò, ma alla fine si lasciò cadere tra esse, il corpo tremante di singhiozzi silenziosi. "Ricordo te," sussurrò di nuovo, la voce spezzata mentre Hong-er gli si stringeva addosso. Ricordo te. Ricordo te. Ricorderò sempre, per tutta la vita, te. (Una rivisitazione di TGCF dove Xie Lian ha il suo giogo maledetto posto nei suoi occhi, accecandolo. Eppure, attraverso tutte le sue lotte; c'è sempre qualcuno che veglia su di lui.) (PIÙ TRADUZIONI DISPONIBILI)
1.1M parola
better luck next time
better luck next time
As he falls, he lets himself think about it. He lets himself think that if he wakes up, if things go back again, it means that he does have a quirk. It means he really can take a swan dive off a roof and hope for better luck in his next life. It means that all along, he’s been useless and worthless because he hasn’t died yet. He hits the ground. And then he opens his eyes. (vigilante!izuku AU where izuku has a quirk that rewinds time when he dies)(hiatus! will be eventually adapted into an original work. for updates/more information, my twitter is nauticalwarri0r)
638.9K parola
Il suo Kidilante
Il suo Kidilante
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead tsukauchi naomasa shinsou hitoshi todoroki shōto classe 1-A (My Hero Academia) tanti altri Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead e Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku/shinsou hitoshi/todoroki shōto midoriya izuku e todoroki shōto Midoriya Izuku e Shinsou Hitoshi midoriya izuku e tsukauchi naomasa classe 1-a & Midoriya Izuku l'arma di cattura di izuku & aizawa midoriya izuku & yamada hizashi | microfono regalo kayama nemuri | mezzanotte & midoriya izuku dadzawa aizawa è il miglior papà Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead genitore protezione aizawa shouta | eraserhead aizawa shouta | eraserhead adotta midoriya izuku Bamf Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku eccentrico midoriya izuku è così fatta aizawa shouta | Eraserhead ne ha proprio finito vigilante midoriya izuku midoriya izuku è un piccolo stronzo midoriya inko morta midoriya izuku ha la sindrome da stress post-traumatico - disturbo da stress post-traumatico midoriya izuku è un raggio di sole classe 1-A combinaguai (My Hero Academia) dormitori degli Stati Uniti (my hero academia) midoriya izuku pansessuale Midoriya Izuku traumatizzato midoriya izuku non ne ha una per tutte le stranezze midoriya izuku intelligente shinsou hitoshi è in classe 1-a shinsou hitoshi protettivo todoroki shouto protettivo midoriya izuku è pessima con i sentimenti perché ne ha troppi e non può occuparsi shinsou hitoshi sostituisce mineta minoru poliamore parentale tsukauchi naomasa ha adottato shinsou hitoshi disattiva selettivamente midoriya izuku impertinente midoriya izuku sassy aizawa shouta | eraserhead anche tsuka è uno zio impertinente, combatti contro di me caotico midoriya izuku tortura sangue e lesioni lo sappiamo tutti, questo arco è sanguinoso recupero ho trovato lanugine di famiglia dolce eri (my hero academia) Midoriya Izuku abusato honestly this fic is found family and hurt/comfort to its very core midoriya izuku ha un coltello Izuku ha anche un'arma da cattura ricevono tutti la terapia di cui hanno bisogno a un certo punto lanugine domestica trepidazione lieto fine famiglie a scelta
Izuku è un vigilante, e francamente è l'unica cosa buona nella sua vita. O almeno, è ciò che ha portato tutte le cose buone. Non ama niente più che pattugliare sotto le stelle con Eraserhead al suo fianco e Tsukauchi a una telefonata di distanza. Quindi, anche se la sua vita civile potrebbe finalmente dare i suoi frutti, ora che sta entrando a UA con la possibilità di diventare un eroe realmente autorizzato, non può abbandonare il suo vigilantismo. Allo stesso modo, Aizawa non rinuncia al suo Kidilante. Il ragazzo è suo da tre anni ormai, non c'è modo che quei documenti di adozione incompleti nel cassetto della sua scrivania vadano sprecati. Se solo avesse il tempo di respirare oltre a tenere al sicuro il suo Kidilante, insieme alla sua nuova classe che a quanto pare è una calamita per i villain. Sarà un anno lungo. (Scritto per soddisfare ogni parte della mia patetica piccola anima che doveva solo scrivere l'idea di ''Izuku angosciato! ma gentile! piccolo stronzo! un vigilante senza Quirk insonne che Aizawa adotterà al 100% se solo riuscisse a scoprire la sua vera identità, ma si rifiuta di costringerlo a rivelarla ora perché ci sono voluti anni per guadagnarsi quella fiducia, accidenti, e aspetterà più a lungo se questo è ciò che serve'', ma mia.)
504.5K parola
His Darkest Devotion
His Darkest Devotion
Harry Potter has been hiding in plain sight all his life, since he carries the soul-mark of Minister Tom Riddle on his arm—and a fulfilled soul-bond will double both partners’ power. His parents and godfather are fugitives, members of the Order of the Phoenix, and Harry is a junior Ministry official feeding the Order what information he can. No one, least of all him, expects Harry to come to the sudden notice of Minister Riddle, or be drawn into a dangerous game of deception.
256.8K parola
No Glory
No Glory
The Dark Lord divines what Harry Potter is in the Forbidden Forest, and revelations lead to incomprehensible consequences. Lord Voldemort has won... and the dystopia is damning. A tale of a fallen hero, dark desires, and a Dark Lord's obsession with something he has lost and finds himself unwillingly lusting after: a soul.
312.5K parola
Falling for You
Falling for You
In an alternate series of events, Percy saves Annabeth from falling into Tartarus. Too bad he can't save himself. As Annabeth leads the Seven on a treacherous quest to meet him at the Doors of Death, Percy fights through a wasteland of pain, torture and difficult choices. Surrounded by monsters, alone in the darkest corner of the underworld, he starts to question whether he's a good kid anymore. - You can choose whether this fic has a good or bad ending! Have fun! :)
269.6K parola
The Darker Sides of Deku
The Darker Sides of Deku
It’s easy to forget with his bright smiles and positive personality that Midoriya Izuku isn’t the living embodiment of sunshine.Or: Moments when class 1-A and company notice that Izuku isn’t quite as pure as they think he is.
141.8K parola
Merce danneggiata
Merce danneggiata
Hermione, ormai sulla ventina, è tornata a Hogwarts per proseguire gli studi superiori. Cercando di dimenticare il trauma che le ha lasciato la guerra, trascorre una notte di passione con un certo purosangue. Ma quella notte avrà delle conseguenze. Mentre la sua vita personale va a pezzi, una serie di misteriosi omicidi la costringe a collaborare con Draco Malfoy, che a sua volta sembra nascondere molti segreti. "Lui la spaventava. Non perché lanciasse maledizioni mortali come se fossero niente, ma perché sembrava capirla in un modo che lei stessa non riusciva a fare. Più lei lo lasciava entrare, più potere aveva di distruggerla." Venite per il sesso, restate per la trama. Da leggere se vi piace:- Giallo- Arti Oscuri- Hurt/Comfort- Hermione e Draco entrambi alle prese con il PTSD- Angoscia, tanta angoscia
150.4K parola
frigorifero che ronza, chewing gum e karma istantaneo
frigorifero che ronza, chewing gum e karma istantaneo
Taehyung posa i fiori sul tavolo da pranzo, staccando il biglietto dal piccolo portaoggetti. "Carissimo Taehyung, volevo solo farti sapere che sto pensando a te. Spero che tu stia pensando anche a me. Amore--" si interrompe e socchiude gli occhi prima di alzare un sopracciglio e serrare le labbra. "Hyung, perché il capo della tua piccola gang di boy band mi sta dichiarando il suo amore?" Yoongi fa cadere i noodles per terra con un forte imprecazione mentre si scotta una mano. Oppure, Taehyung ha cercato con tutte le sue forze di evitare la vita criminale di Yoongi per molto, molto tempo, ma un bambino carino e suo padre irritante continuano a trascinarlo sempre più a fondo nel pasticcio.
61.4K parola
Of Lies and Deceit and Hidden Personas
Of Lies and Deceit and Hidden Personas
Everything changes the summer of 5th year when a mere letter causes Harry's magic to react wildly and he finds out that Dumbledore has been controlling him and his friends a lot more than first thought. With the truth revealed to him, Harry shows everyone he isn't the Gryffindor Golden Boy everyone thinks he is and he isn't the only the one with masks.
567.7K parola
Greatness In Black Silk
Greatness In Black Silk
Viserys always let himself be led. And when having Dreams, it was a simple matter of following them as well. Dreams foretold the Doom. Dreams showed him a son. Dreams warned him of the dangers his daughter faced. But he was not the only one to have them. The difference is that Rhaenyra understood the Dreams for the warnings they were. As King Viserys debated with himself to name Aegon II, the first son with his second wife, as his heir, he believed that he was saving his daughter. As Rhaenyra watched, she knew it was the realm that would pay the price.
458.3K parola
A Season For Setting Fires
A Season For Setting Fires
Torture smells like spring. Like daffodils and tulips and snowdrops. Like the bouquets brought inside from the manor gardens to lend their life to cold stone walls that house criminals. Easter mixed with madness makes sense in this twisted landscape; Draco’s only chance at survival is to endure it. He knows this. But that doesn’t quell the twitching in his calves, the flexing in his fingers. Granger lifts her hand off the floor and Draco nearly loses his lunch, stomach churning as he watches her extend her arm, reaching through the translucent cord, reaching towards him. He tries to blink it away, blink blink blink, but both she and the cord are stubborn, persistent things. [In which a soulmate bond appears while Hermione is tortured at Malfoy Manor. Canon divergent from that moment onward.]
95.6K parola
Dear Voldie
Dear Voldie
With exams looming and Umbridge with more power than ever Harry is at the end of his tether so decides to try writing a letter to Voldemort, in an effort to stop the nightmares/visions that, admittedly, mean absolutely nothing to him. This one little act will spark a chain of events that can lead to massive changes in the wizarding world, but will it be for better or worse. This is my take on the 'Harry writes Voldemort a letter trope', I hope you enjoy it.
217.9K parola
The End Is The Beginning
The End Is The Beginning
Death was not what Harry thought it would be. An empty train and a being proclaiming himself to be the Death, telling him that, “sorry, no afterlife for you” certainly wasn't anywhere near his expectations. And having his soul and magic crammed back into his four year old body, being told that he can never die… That was another painful kick to the groin. But Harry is British, and the phrase “keep calm and carry on” is practically a part of him by now. He realises that this is a second chance at life. To actually live and do whatever the hell he wants without being someone else’s pawn. It is a new beginning, and things are going to be vastly different this time around. UPDATE: As of Novmber 2024 this story is in the process of being updated/rewritten.
161.3K parola
Built Different
Built Different
Everything went to hell. That was Night City for you. But through the biggest stroke of luck in David's life, he wakes up the day of his Sandevistan implant, and decides... Not again. He'd fix things. He wouldn't break his promises again. (Concept of a Sandevistan that adapts and really likes David inspired by Epsilon110)
251.2K parola
A Game of High Stakes
A Game of High Stakes
In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through.
263.1K parola
Born from Chaos
Born from Chaos
After surviving his life up to his eighteenth birthday, Harry wasn't really surprised when he got a letter that told him his biological father was Tony Stark. Exasperated? Absolutely. Surprised? Not so much. He had stopped thinking anything was too crazy to happen to him around the time he fought a fifty feet long Basilisk obeying a memory from a diary with an old hat and a sword. As a fucking twelve year old. Already on the search for himself outside of the boy who lived twice, Harry decides to visit his biological father. Tony thought after meeting literal gods, fighting against invading Aliens and flying a Nuke through a wormhole into space that nothing could shock him anymore. He is, of course, wrong. Trying to house the Avengers is anything but a piece of cake, especially while ignoring his crush on Captain America of all people. But nothing tops finding out that he has a son. A son he didn't know about. A son that has the same look in his startling green eyes that Tony recognizes from his own reflection. Tony has no idea if he can be a father, especially to someone who looks so lost but he will die trying, that's for sure.
236.6K parola
The Onyx in Radiance
The Onyx in Radiance
Harry’s time travel back to Tom Riddle’s Hogwarts years was a complete accident, and he tries to keep his head down so as not to change anything while also trying to find a way back home. But when Riddle’s Knights of Walpurgis begin seeking Harry’s help and protection in resisting Riddle, that plan goes flying out the window. Meanwhile, Orion Black is determined to court Harry as well as follow him, and Harry doesn’t mind as much as he should.
116.6K parola
House Pet
House Pet
After a dark curse, the wizarding world is left barren. Facing extinction, the Purebloods subjugate the muggles, searching for the rare muggleborns—the only witches able to reproduce. Raised in the Nott household as a pampered pet, Hermione is forced to enter the Trials as she comes of age—a competition created for pureblood wizards to claim a breeder. Determined to win her, Draco Malfoy only knew two things: she belonged to him, and he’d destroy anyone who tried to take her. But the cries of the enslaved muggles pierce through Hermione's comfortable life, causing her to reexamine everything she thought she knew about her world and the people in it. She soon discovers that the ancient call of magic and vengeance cannot be denied. Plot inspired by the Prince of Egypt, with themes from the Handmaid's Tale.
352.8K parola
Una seconda possibilità
Una seconda possibilità
Parte 2 della Trilogia Kismet: La storia che ha dato inizio a tutto. Questa è la storia di Sirius Black che trascorre solo 4 anni in prigione prima di essere finalmente processato e di poter crescere Harry con Remus (in modo platonico. NON è una fanfiction Wolfstar) nel modo in cui avrebbe dovuto. È la storia di Sirius Black e Remus Lupin mentre imparano cosa significa essere padre/fratello/tutore di Harry, trovando l'amore loro stessi, ed è la storia di Harry Potter, un giovane ragazzo con una casa amorevole che impara a conoscere i Marauder dai due uomini che avrebbero dovuto crescerlo mentre diventa l'uomo che guiderà la guerra contro Voldemort. Slow burn Hinny. Multipli punti di vista. Molteplici personaggi e trame. È scritta in 10 parti.
3.7M parola
This Bitter Earth
Resisti ai tuoi incantesimi
Resisti ai tuoi incantesimi
"Stiles sapeva dannatamente bene come ululava un lupo furioso, e ogni capello sulla nuca gli diceva che da qualche parte in quella stanza c'era un lupo mannaro molto, molto arrabbiato." Una AU in cui Derek è selvaggio, Stiles è magico, e mangiano un sacco di cibo spazzatura.
76.9K parola
"So. We died." Hevy's voice is flat.“Yes, we died,” Fives confirms. "We all... remember, right?" Even though his hands are steady on Echo’s shoulders, his voice trembles as everyone nods.Droidbait shudders, and shuffles closer to Cutup. “How is that possible?” he says. “We’re not Jedi. We can’t… see the kriffing future, or whatever it was. We can’t—it’s just not possible. How could we all have had the same dream?” Domino squad wakes up to find themselves back on Kamino, hours from taking their final test... except they remember passing the final test, and they each remember dying afterwards, too.
370.6K parola
Welcome to the Family
Welcome to the Family
While searching for a place to end it all, homeless Izuku stumbles across a meeting of villains. Intrigued by the skittish shrimp, Shigaraki offers him a second chance. Consensual Shig/Dabi/Deku. No Non Con/Dub Con.Don't like? Don't read.
177.4K parola
Null and Void
Null and Void
Izuku has always had to fight. So why wouldn't he ever expect, after feeling fulfilled with his vigilante night life for years now, that he wouldn't have to fight for that too? "Izuku just hoped that the slight terror that sparked in his gut didn’t show on his face the moment the chimera put his tea down. Smile, yes he could handle that no problem. It meant that the mammal was extremely confident and used that grin to strike fear in others with an all knowing attitude of ‘I know everything and so therefore you should fear me as I can ruin you.’ But putting down his tea can very well show that he isn’t playing anymore. And as someone who knew the rat was always playing a game that, honest to god, was terrifying. It meant that Nedzu had something. Genuinely had something. And Izuku could only hope it wasn’t the one thing that he had been so good at hiding his tracks so far. So damn proficient even when being forced to stay in the dorms that were implemented the year prior. “Null.” There it was." Or Nedzu Forces Izuku to join the Hero vs Villain exam with him as the villain leader.
322.6K parola
Life In Reverse
Life In Reverse
Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)
228.2K parola
At the age of 130, Harry Potter dies long after his friends and family have. After the war, he deams his life meaningless yet lives on to satisfy the expectations of others. Upon his death, the entity of death itself offers their master a choice of whether to live or not. Harry Potter reincarnates several times to feed his greed that was squashed and thrown away by the manipulations of Dumbledore. As Fate's favorite and Death's master, Harry unknowingly fixes different versions of the wizarding world in every kind of way. In his thirteenth life, he is Harry Potter once again and the wizarding world changes from the awakening of a reincarnated master of death. Unfortunately, said master of death has grown to be a sociopath that is hellbent on making Dumbledore suffer... And maybe forgot about the dark lord who takes offense to this. The entire world must brace itself. "Would I get to live for myself? Will I be able to be who I am?" Harry asked. Death simply chuckled, guiding Harry towards the train. The experience was similar to when Harry had first entered Kings Cross in his first year. "That is ultimately up to you, young master."
351.4K parola
and you needed someone to show you the way
and you needed someone to show you the way
Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It's a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He's okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve's and Bucky's names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine. It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony's well-kept secret out into the open.
24.4K parola
Bleed the Water Red
Bleed the Water Red
Peter and Deadpool are held captive by a super-villain that has an inclination for torture. After she boasts her untarnished record at never having hurt a child or teenager, Peter is forced to break the truth to both her and Deadpool. “Did you know I have a perfect record?” The villain collects a rusted pocket knife, tracing it up Peter’s arm, over his shoulders, down to his collarbone, as though considering where to cut. Peter focuses on controlling his breathing, fear twisting awfully in his belly. “You may look down on me, Mr. Spider-Man, but for all the righteous suffering I inflict, I’ve never hurt a child. Not once.” “Y'know, I don’t think you do,” Peter blurts. At his words, Deadpool's stare intensifies. “Have a perfect, non-child harming record, that is.”
4.8K parola
After the Sectumsempra incident, Harry runs to the Room of Requirement to get rid of the Half Blood Prince’s journal. He wants somewhere to hide but when he enters the room, he is thrown back to 1943 where he struggles with his use of Dark magic, sending him down a path leading to Tom Riddle.
121.7K parola
Hogwarts: A Home
Hogwarts: A Home
The horcrux hunt: reimagined What if Dumbledore never got the chance to tell Harry about the horcruxes? The Order has established Hogwarts as a sanctuary from Voldemort's reign of terror over the European Wizarding World. It's up to the next generation of The Order of the Phoenix to figure out how to destroy Voldemort with unlikely friendships and unexpected love. Hogwarts: A Home Trailer | A very special thank you to Doctor Giraffe for this edit 🥹
372.9K parola