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Quirk: Coltello!
Quirk: Coltello!
Izuku Midoriya è sfortunato, per usare un eufemismo, e la vita non è stata esattamente clemente con lui. All'inizio le cose non erano così male, ma da quando gli è stato diagnosticato di essere senza quirk, beh, tutto è andato a rotoli. Tutti hanno iniziato ad odiarlo, persino il suo migliore amico e suo padre. Era davvero così impossibile diventare un eroe senza un quirk? In realtà non importa, perché per Izuku il termine eroe è flessibile. Sarà il suo stesso eroe perché ha imparato dalla sua esperienza, le persone sono egoiste e l'unico su cui può contare è se stesso. Lasciato solo a cavarsela nel mondo, Izuku esce per cambiare le cose alle sue condizioni, nonostante i suoi metodi siano leggermente illegali. Parola chiave, leggermente. È illegale solo se viene preso, giusto?
453.9K parola
This Bitter Earth
To Court a Monster: Hannibal Edition
To Court a Monster: Hannibal Edition
At thirty, Will Graham is finally evolving into his adult form, much to his consternation and his father's delight. But to Ezra Graham's absolute dismay, his emotional boy still refuses to hunt, feeling far too connected to the humans he grown up amongst. But at a hundred, the elder Graham know he's entering the last chapter of his life and won't be able to hunt for his fickle son for much longer. No, what his boy needed was a dominant mate to whip him in shape. It would be difficult. The Roux-Ga-Roux was a dying breed even in the old countries and were far more sparse here in the New World. But Ezra refused to be intimidated. If they left a big enough calling card, surely someone would come. To his utter surprise he finds two (two!) rather fine specimens responding.
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Fire And Blood
Fire And Blood
Ridden with guilt because of the murders of Princess Elia and her son, Ned Stark spends his years learning the whereabouts of the remaining Targaryen children to spare them from a similar fate. Now, as he sends Jon to Pentos in the hopes of rescuing his aunt from being sold off to a Dothraki Khal, Ned, unwittingly, lit the spark that would bring about a new age of Fire and Blood.
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WARNING! Extremely graphic, underaged, and disturbing! Read with caution! Look at the tags. This is a work of fiction, I do not condone any of these actions done in real life. A father witnesses his daughter's births and can't control his sex drive...Or a world where females are property waiting to be bred, even underaged.
14.8K parola
Michael accidentally discovers his dick while he's trying to kill you, and then he comes back for more. Or: you awaken something animalistic and sexual in Michael Myers, and he cannot resist you in any way. You just hope you survive it.
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Demon Slayer Characters react to the future
Demon Slayer Characters react to the future
A few days after Tanjiro returned from final selection he and several other character were teleported to a reaction room by twins. Now they are tasked with watching the future.
271.4K parola
An Idiots Adventures in the Galaxy and the Friends he Made Along the Way
An Idiots Adventures in the Galaxy and the Friends he Made Along the Way
Izuku is a normal human kid... Okay, well, actually, he can't say that! Only .009% of kids who apply to study in space at the battalion satellite actually get accepted, and even then, only two have ever gone missing! (It sucks that one is Izuku.) Humans are rare to see in the galaxy - but seeing a living being who's seen a pissed off human before? Even rarer. Humans are monsters - some of the best fighters in the galaxy and some of the strongest will powers of all known creatures. To most, they seem stupid. Dumb as hell. They can't even learn a language, can they? This fic has a Discord!Previously titled: Humans Are Space Orcs: Midoriya Izuku Edition.
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About bloodline and quirks
About bloodline and quirks
They say that your family is always watching over you.That’s is especially true to Midoriya Izuku, who has seven fallen heroes behind his shoulder.
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The Loyalty of a Traitor
The Loyalty of a Traitor
Iwaizumi Hajime was an undercover officer with a single objective: Infiltrate the Seijoh Syndicate of the Yakuza and tear them down from the inside out. His primary target was the boss, Oikawa Tooru. The job itself was simple enough, until Iwaizumi got in too deep and absconded not only from the mission, but from the city itself. Now, two years later, he’s dragged back into Tokyo’s unsavory underworld. A grisly string of murders is plaguing the city, and the culprits are most definitely Yakuza. The problem is discovering which Syndicate is responsible, and Iwaizumi – the leading expert on Yakuza affairs – is the man most suited for the job. Despite his determination to stay away from Tokyo – and from Oikawa – Iwaizumi finds himself right back in the middle of Seijoh, and it feels a lot more like home than he’d care to admit.
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Blood and Winter
Blood and Winter
“Mother,” The blonde witch to his right began, “If we string him up here, all that fresh man-blood will go to waste.” The redhead’s hook stopped an inch shy of his hand. She looked towards her mother, whose head was tilted in consideration. “Let us take him to the dungeon,” The blonde witch suggested. Ethan didn’t like the way her bloody lips split into a hungry smile as she went on, “Not a drop of that warm, wet, bright red blood will go to waste.” Or, Ethan's search for Rose is cut short when he finds himself captured by Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters. Locked up and unable to brute force his way to freedom, Ethan must bide his time and plan his escape. All the while, he has to survive being used as blood-cattle for the Dimitrescu daughters. Unlikely friendships, probably unhealthy ones, are born. It might just be Ethan's key to escaping the castle in one piece and finding Rose.
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A Lamb in the Woods
A Lamb in the Woods
Glenn had never been taught to be wary of perverted older men. Boys didn’t have to worry about those kinds of things, especially boys that were big for their age. Standing exactly six feet tall at the age of sixteen, no one messed with Glenn. He wasn’t even particularly strong, in fact, it’d be more accurate to describe him as scrawny, but his height made a difference in how people perceived him; how he perceived himself for that matter. He’d never been targeted by bullies or creeps. He’d always been the one to step in when anyone was messing with his friends or siblings. He was a protector by nature, he didn’t need protecting. It’s no surprise there was no one there to protect him when he needed it the most.
355.0K parola
How Far Will He Go?
How Far Will He Go?
All Hermione Granger wanted was a way to shut her thoughts off. She never thought Theodore Nott would be both the poison and the antidote for that. __________HFWHG is on indefinite hiatus. Short version is that work became crazy and then I just lost passion for the story. If you choose to read, please know that at this moment in time, things are up in the air with it. I'd like to finish it, but I won't do it unless my excitement for it is back. Otherwise, it'll feel forced and both you and I will be able to tell. Thank you 🩵
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Crown of Horns
Crown of Horns
"But you know, I rather like the idea of you as one of those beasts. Wouldn't that look nice for the clan, Hanzo? A living, breathing dragon, chained to a post in the gardens." (Art included!)
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Breaking the Window
Breaking the Window
When they find a magic pool in the Forbidden Forest, it kicks off an unlikely friendship for two lonely girls thirty years apart of each other. Hermione begins a desperate search to find a way to save her new friend from the fate she knows awaits her, all the while dealing with the severe repercussions of having lived through a war. It becomes the start of an unexpected adventure.
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Dog Days Are Over
Dog Days Are Over
The little mouth suckling vigorously on his nipple dragged him out of his dark thoughts. This advanced in his pregnancy, his breasts were filled with milk, and his little tag-along seemed to fully appreciate that fact. Tobirama chuckled tiredly, carressing the head of the infant in his arms. Nothing had gone accorded to plan during this mission in Snow Country.
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Bleak Manor
Bleak Manor
***COMPLETED*** After Voldemort has risen to power, Draco finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. "It was weakness that had made him choose her. And now he would suffer for it..."
84.7K parola
Molon Labe
Molon Labe
In the aftermath of the Spartan invasion of Athens, the ancient city is in ruins and its people enslaved. This is where Alpha Katsuki Bakugo meets a sweet smelling Athenian Omega who has spent a lifetime only catching glimpses of the world from his window. Now with cover art by Kyzu
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A Hunter's New Home
A Hunter's New Home
I don't think I have to do this, but just in case: I don't own Bloodborne or Monster Girl Encyclopedia, nor do I assert ownership in any way, shape, or form. Please don't sue me. The Hunt is Over. The Moon Presence lies dead, and The Good Hunter has become the new master of the Dream. However, wanting to get away from the horrible place that is Yharnam, she has willed the Hunter's Workshop to a new realm. One filled with lustful Monster Girls and the humans who oppose them. Though she may not intend to get involved with the War between monsters and humans, she will do whatever it takes to carve out a place for herself in this world. All the while ensuring Yharnam's secrets die with her, and trying to keep her godly status hidden. Will she be able to build a new home in a land ravaged by lust? Will she be able to keep the horrid Insights she discovered in Yharnam to herself? Will her new Eldritch standing be forced out by her experiences in this new world? And, most importantly, will she be able to find peace? I will be posting this on RoyalRoad. Now has a TVTropes Page:
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we bleed ourselves in vain
we bleed ourselves in vain
By the time he was released, his body was shaking all over like dry leaves in the autumn. Tears weren’t stopping. His teary eyes were wide open, and yet he wasn’t seeing, overwhelmed. His gaze glazed over the blood smeared on Sano Manjirou’s lips. “Like this, all of you become mine, yea?” in which takemitchy is a reluctant omega and mikey is an eager alpha
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The pound
The pound
The war is over. The Autobots won. With a sadistic Sentinel at the helm of Cybertron, backed by his equally deranged guard, things are even worse than before the war. All Decepticons still online are imprisoned at first, but then things go steadily worse. For those unwanted, there's an end destination: the pound. Not everybot is so fortunate to leave that place active. This drabble fic will show the mechs coming in and out of that place, as well as glimpses from their life in the clutches of their new masters. This will not be easy reading.
263.0K parola
Be Faithful
Be Faithful
“Why-” Dream’s mask turns at Ranboo’s croak. A few drops of rain dot the ground. His fingers curl into the dirt. “Why are you doing this..?” “Because-” a foot kicks his chest forcing Ranboo onto his back. Dream slams his boot down on his chest, leaning over him casually. “You ruined my plans. I’ll be coming back in a couple of days to check on things. Who knows, maybe this will be a good lesson for you.” Instead of Tommy being exiled for burning George's house, Ranboo is. He doesn't have a very good time.
54.3K parola
Just as Dorian resigned himself to the fact that the Inquisitor didn't much like him, things changed.
93.6K parola
I Heard That Clan's All Trouble
I Heard That Clan's All Trouble
The curse of Thror took everything from Thorin; his home, his people's love, and finally his family and his sword arm. Then an old wizard in a pub brings him a key and the first good news he has heard in a long time - his nephews are alive and well in the Shire, the most unlikeliest of places. Bilba Baggins had been quite happy living quietly on her own, but Bag End has not been quiet ever since two orphaned dwarves snuck into her life and made themselves at home. However, she will be damned if she lets a one-armed dwarf prince storm in and take them away after all these years. She'll follow her boys to the ends of Middle Earth if she has to. And maybe, if he proves himself, she might even stand beside their king.
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Beau Ideal
Beau Ideal
Still reeling from Garret Jacob Hobbs' death, Will Graham is called in to investigate the murder of a male model. While visiting the modelling agency, Beau Ideal, details of his past connection to the company are revealed, and he finds himself reevaluating his career choices, as well as his feelings towards a certain psychiatrist. A.K.A. Will Graham used to be a model back in college. Hannibal Lecter cannot deal with the pretty.
21.8K parola
Valzer di Baghdad
Valzer di Baghdad
Il tenente Steve Rogers ha fatto tutto nel modo giusto. Si è laureato a West Point come migliore della sua classe. Si è guadagnato un ambito posto come ufficiale di fanteria. Ha trovato la donna dei suoi sogni. Tutto sta andando esattamente come previsto. Questo è, fino a quando non accetta un incarico come capo plotone per un'unità che si sta schierando in Iraq, dove si riunisce con l'ex fidanzato che preferirebbe dimenticare ma che non ha mai potuto. ——— Il sergente capo Barnes pensa di conoscere la guerra. Vive in un ciclo selvaggio di addestramento militare, missioni, sesso, alcol e rimpianto per il suo ex migliore amico ed ex fidanzato, Steve Rogers. Ma quando il tenente Rogers gli viene assegnato come capo plotone durante l'Operazione Iraqi Freedom, il sergente Barnes si rende conto di non sapere assolutamente nulla di cosa significhi davvero lottare per qualcosa. ——— Una storia d'amore ambientata nella guerra in Iraq in tre movimenti. Oppure: La storia di due uomini che vanno in guerra e non tornano del tutto a casa. ——— Si prega di leggere i tag e gli avvisi.
680.7K parola
“We’re his last hope,” he admitted. “If we can’t take care of him, they’ll classify him as unplaceable.” “That’s bad though,” San cried out. “Like really bad! He’d— why would they abandon him like that? Hasn’t he suffered enough?” “That’s why he’s coming here,” Seonghwa soothed, his voice sounding further away from the phone as he tugged his fellow omega into a tight embrace. “We’ll take care of him,” he said. “Mingi will learn what a pack is supposed to be with us.” “There’s one other thing that you should know,” he said, pulling off of the highway and into a quaint residential area. “The chemical burns— they destroyed his sense of smell. Permanently.” OR In the beginning, Mingi didn’t understand why he had been taken from his pack. He'd thought his pack had been normal. Thought that he deserved it. That no one cared. He was quickly learning that everything he thought he had known had been a lie.
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All the King's Men
All the King's Men
Castle servants Jimin and Taehyung find themselves involved in a game with the Crown Prince.
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Their sidekick
Their sidekick
You thought you had been lucky to become a sidekick at Dynamight's and Red Riot's agency, but you had been far too naïve. The signs were there, yet you fell into their trap anyways. An emotional roller-coaster of a story that takes yandere into the depths of dark fics.If either super psychological/emotional stuff or dark fics aren't your thing, this is the time to turn away. The tags really say it all, so heed the warnings!
74.9K parola
Bitter, had the Heart
Bitter, had the Heart
Tim is the only one consistently watching. Thus he’s the first and only one to notice one more body following the streets like the bats do. A kid with all black hair and white motifs and an attitude problem that reminds him a tad too much of Jason. It was a shame Jason was adamant that he “didn’t know anything”, what a liar right? But the streets of Gotham listened and the name on everyone’s lips playing like a discordant harmony was one word: Distortion. Not that Tim knew what it meant yet, but Danny would make sure he would. If Danny lived long enough for Tim to find out.
182.5K parola
Of course he knows he’s a pawn. He’s far too intelligent to not have figured that one out. But, still, he complies. He follows along because who else does he have? He’s abandoned, Quirkless, functionally useless to civilian society. At least this way he can be as close as possible to his childhood dreams of heroism. -- Loyal asset of the Hero Public Safety Commission, Izuku Midoriya is ready for his next assignment. He was expecting to be up against powerful quirks, he was expecting to walk a fine line between the Commission and UA. Hell, he was even expecting the beady-eyed attention of Principal Nezu. The only thing no one was expecting - not the HPSC, not Nezu, and certainly not Izuku - was the wild and welcoming chaos of Hero Course Class 1A. Will they be enough to break Izuku out of his compliance?
189.6K parola
Into The Gardens
Into The Gardens
Rey of Jakku is one of twenty concubines who live in Emperor Kylo Ren's harem. Rey had spent 4 years avoiding Kylo at all costs, but unfortunately he finds her in the courtyard and he has plans for her.
108.9K parola
Reacting to Hazbin
Reacting to Hazbin
Look it may update reallly slowly but I’ll try, promise Otherwise it’s literally the title [Includes: Episodes 1 - 4Addict Music Video]
74.8K parola