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Segreti e maschere
Segreti e maschere
9 anni dopo la battaglia di Hogwarts, la guerra infuria ancora e tutti sono molto cambiati rispetto ai loro giorni a Hogwarts. Hermione è la soldatessa più letale dell'Ordine, passando le sue giornate in missioni di salvataggio per liberare schiavi nati Babbani e combattendo in prima linea. Per anni, si è incontrata in segreto con una spia tra le fila di Voldemort per scambiare informazioni. Ma quando viene catturata e fatta prigioniera a Malfoy Manor, di tutti i modi oscuri e malvagi in cui aveva immaginato che Malfoy l'avrebbe torturata, non aveva mai immaginato niente di così orribile. Volevo solo chiarire abbondantemente che sono stata originariamente ispirata a scrivere questa fanfiction dopo aver letto il capolavoro che è Manacled, quindi vorrei ringraziare SenLinYu per il suo lavoro straordinario! L'aspetto della ricerca di ricordi di Manacled è ciò che mi ha ispirata, e sebbene io abbia adattato questo, (e ho anche reso Draco un Mangiamorte di alto rango, perché... beh... a tutti piace quando è il braccio destro di Voldemort 😅😉), Secrets and Masks sarà una fanfiction molto molto diversa.
454.4K parola
Butterfly Reign
Butterfly Reign
The royal family of Antarctic empire isn’t exactly close. Emperor Philza is always occupied; Tommy hasn’t seen Techno in months, and even if Wilbur is here, their relationship can be described to be strained at best. The royal family doesn’t need to be close, however, it only needs to be balanced, like the pillars holding the country above their heads – as long as they are strong and steady, the Empire will be too. It’s the principle that held Tommy’s back straight and his shoulders broad through the years of hardships and trials of errors; through yet another formal meeting where his father’s gaze would look past him and where his brother’s words would be filled with poison that makes the deepest parts of his soul ache. At that time, Tommy couldn't know that his family would find a replacement for him in the face of a commoner boy named Ranboo. ~🦋~ Tommy's family has replaced him. It's only fair that he gets to do the same.
345.1K parola
Harry Potter Smut One-shots
Huntress' Favorite Thorn
Huntress' Favorite Thorn
A series of one-shots about Ruby having a dick with various girls, chapters may share alot to no continuity to each other, dood.
428.6K parola
Can't return to who I was before
Can't return to who I was before
After dying on the Death Star, Obi-Wan Kenobi expects to; well, die. Instead, he wakes up in the initiate dorms at the Coruscant Temple. The Force has sent him back in time, given him a second chance, and he knows what he needs to do. At twelve years old, his life is at a crossroads. Does he apprentice to Qui-Gon Jinn or does he join the AgriCorps. He knows the fate of the galaxy if he chooses the former and so he dedicates himself to the latter. Only, the Force works in mysterious ways. When a third option is presented, becoming Yan Dooku's Padawan, Obi-Wan has to make a decision. With a new master and a new chance, Obi-Wan is determined to save the galaxy from Sidious's plans for it.
82.3K parola
“You’re the Prince?” Merlin says, eyeing him. He hesitates, then adds, defiant, “The Mad Prince of Camelot.”Arthur doesn’t move. There’s quiet for a long time, then he says it. “I am.”“You don’t seem mad,” he says.The smile wells up from somewhere deep, and very sad. “Well, Merlin,” he says, “give me time.”
76.8K parola
Shen Yuan's School for Unrepentant Assholes
Shen Yuan's School for Unrepentant Assholes
Shen Yuan has been dealt a rough hand at the beginning of his life. Then he gets sort of adopted by Shen Qingqiu, who desperately needs someone to help smooth out his interpersonal relationships. Thankfully, Shen Yuan is awesome at understanding people and what they want! Shen Qingqiu can't decide if he regrets claiming this chaos gremlin as his own or not, but now that Shen Yuan is here, he's never letting him go. He'll have to be pried out of Shen Qingqiu's cold, dead fingers first. Meanwhile, Luo Binghe is just caught up in the wake of both of them and trying not to be dragged under. (Or, a drama of errors with comedic moments, exploring the growing relationship between an unforgiving misanthrope with serious issues and a traumatized kid that just wants to teach him what family means (and maybe learn it, himself))
271.2K parola
Poetic Justice
Poetic Justice
When the time comes to pass sentence on Loki after the events in The Avengers, Odin decides to go for the poetic justice angle. For his attempt to enslave humanity, Loki has his magic and powers bound, and is sent back to Midgard and given over to Tony Stark to be his slave. This was not a turn of events Tony had ever seen coming. Eventually Tony/Loki.
311.4K parola
Seven Moons
Seven Moons
“This is happiness?” John asks, utterly heartsick, holding up his wrists and rattling the chains. “You’ve sold me for six gold mines and protection along the northern border.”
66.2K parola
Don't Savage The Messenger
Don't Savage The Messenger
There is an uneasy truce between the werewolves in the woods and the humans who live in Beacon Hills, protected by a magical boundary that gives warning any time a werewolf crosses it. Then the sheriff is taken by the werewolves and his son offers himself in exchange. Stiles promises to serve the werewolf pack, not knowing what horrible use they might have for him. But it turns out his most useful skill is the ability to cross the boundary line between humans and werewolves. Life with the werewolves is nothing like he feared and the werewolves themselves are nothing like the hunters' stories would have him believe.
172.3K parola
It Runs In Our Blood
It Runs In Our Blood
In the brutal court of Zunad, Prince Min Yoongi is the second born son to the Cruel King. Though considered a disappointment of an alpha by his father, Yoongi is gifted an omega pleasure slave named Jimin even though Yoongi has no want for him. The thought of what he's expected to do, and how he's supposed to use Jimin, makes Yoongi ill and he tries to avoid it at all costs. But Jimin has a secret that he keeps from everyone, as a way of surviving. He is the thought-to-be-dead Crown Prince of Elera and is the true heir to the throne. Ousted in a coup, Jimin has been captured from his home, his identity protected and obscured, and now is at the mercy of the Zunad court as a pleasure slave to the son of the Cruel King. Yoongi, unaware of Jimin's true identity, can't refuse the gift and Jimin, not knowing who he can trust nor that Yoongi has the softest heart at court, can't escape so they have to learn to live with one another, and how to protect each other to survive. And, perhaps, they'll eventually grow to like each other, and even maybe fall in love, and figure out a way to restore Jimin to his rightful place.
586.8K parola
And If You Cannot Bring Yourself to Kill
And If You Cannot Bring Yourself to Kill
Xiao is the name he was given upon his new contract with the great dragon Rex Lapis, but before that, he was Alatus, a weak adeptus twisted to the whim of the God of Dreams. The blood on his hands and karmic debt on his shoulders corrupt his Heart and drive him toward death, until he happens across an otherworldly light stumbling through a lonely valley. Aether has visited and fled more worlds than he can count, careful never to get attached, but this is the first time he's truly been trapped on any one of them, stripped of his power and split from his sister. He is certain he will starve and fade, chained by his immortality to a life of unending agony, unable to even put himself to rest— until he meets a lost and achingly gentle adeptus who brings him new hope. It will be a long time before either of them learn how to receive the love they are given.
261.0K parola
Fido's owner takes him for a thorough examination, including nipple, cock and prostate sensitivity as well as having his virgin asshole checked for tightness
4.6K parola
Of Dwobbits, Dragons and Dwarves
Of Dwobbits, Dragons and Dwarves
Bilba has been a slave her entire life. All she knows of the outside world is what she sees from time to time outside the gates of Moria and the stories her mother used to tell her. Stories of a place called the Shire where her mother once lived and a placed called Erebor where, as far as she knows, her father still lives. Stories of dragons a thousand times larger, and more intelligent, than the beasts the orcs rode and of a strange concept called freedom where one was allowed to live as they wished with no one to tell them what they could, or could not do. The stories meant little to Bilba. The only future she had was to live, and die, as a slave as countless number had before her. And then the orcs dragged an injured female firedrake through the gates, her rider screaming obscenities behind her as he fought to reach her side...and everything changed.
322.6K parola
Fire And Blood
Fire And Blood
Ridden with guilt because of the murders of Princess Elia and her son, Ned Stark spends his years learning the whereabouts of the remaining Targaryen children to spare them from a similar fate. Now, as he sends Jon to Pentos in the hopes of rescuing his aunt from being sold off to a Dothraki Khal, Ned, unwittingly, lit the spark that would bring about a new age of Fire and Blood.
310.5K parola
Various Sexual Intercourse
Various Sexual Intercourse
In a patriarchal and dystopian future world full of hedonism and extravagant aristocracy, Percival Hart, a member of high society, has just divorced his wife and is now finally able to purchase his first pleasure slaves. Ancient Roman revivalism is prevalent and has interwoven itself into the culture, which influences everything from fashion, to architecture, to the very government itself. Slavery has been legal for over fifteen years now, and anything is fair game. As such an affluent man, Hart had been snickered at for his wife refusing to let him own any slaves for his personal use. Which has left him with a lot to prove.
40.9K parola
Bought and Paid For
Bought and Paid For
COMPLETE - An American girl backpacking through Europe is kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery.
209.0K parola
WARNING! Extremely graphic, underaged, and disturbing! Read with caution! Look at the tags. This is a work of fiction, I do not condone any of these actions done in real life. A father witnesses his daughter's births and can't control his sex drive...Or a world where females are property waiting to be bred, even underaged.
14.8K parola
Short stories
Short stories
Practice of smut stores.No logic here. Please kudo if you like. You can also comment about what you want me to write. I have opened a part 2. Please read it also. Thank you.
95.2K parola
To Be Reinstated
To Be Reinstated
Crosshair wanted to be part of something bigger, he wanted to be part of the Empire, to be the good soldier that he was created to be, to have a purpose in this galaxy. … But apparently the Empire didn’t want him and his brothers had made it clear how much they trusted him now. So where else could he go?
1.4M parola
One two shots
One two shots
MHA one or maybe two shots. Mostly will be smutty I will try and put appropriate TW on the chapters
278.0K parola
Sigh No More
Sigh No More
Anakin makes slightly better choices, Obi-Wan is a Mess™ and Padmé deserves none of this. AU from Mustafar onward with liberal manipulation of canon to culminate in some angsty, fluffy, domestic fix-it because we all deserve better. I'm going to fix everything Lucas broke if it kills me.
292.2K parola
Star to Star
Star to Star
Jango and Obi-Wan hijack a freighter and go on a galactic road trip to kill a man. or; Montross is a little cleverer on Korda VI. Jango ends up tossed into the cargo hold of 'The Stryker', a slaver freighter taking him to parts unknown and well out of Montross's way. Melida/Daan, weakened by its infighting and the Young suffering catastrophic losses, are raided by opportunistic slavers, resulting in Obi-Wan captured as a prize to be sold to a 'special' client - Force sensitive slaves are, after all, valuable cargo (and there is a dark shadow in the galaxy always on the look out for forgotten, powerful Force sensitives). By sheer luck - or maybe the Force - they're locked in cages beside each other. They plan, they escape... and the future shifts.
142.2K parola
Solus Gaanada
Solus Gaanada
More things are possible through the Force than either the Jedi or the Sith ever suspected. Sometimes a single choice is all it takes to send a life and all those connected with it spiraling along a different path. When that choice is in the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi there is every chance that history will be changed, for better or worse. *Please make sure you have the Creator's Style turned on for this work otherwise the Mando'a won't come through properly
290.0K parola
Memoirs of a Suicidal Pirate
Memoirs of a Suicidal Pirate
Getting murdered while trying to kill yourself is bad luck. Getting reincarnated after that is just a bad joke. But Toonami reruns and cheap commissions info have taught her this world has plenty of chances to get yourself killed. It can't be that hard. "So you're actually trying to die?" "Yes." "You know you're his nakama now, right?" "So?" "...Good luck with that."
341.8K parola
The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
Tsuna and his guardians died in a blaze of glory. Then they woke up, slowly, one at a time, in a different world that was the same in all the ways that really mattered.Or the one where Tsuna and his guardians are reincarnated into the class below the Konoha rookie nine.
37.8K parola
The Inevitability of Oversight
The Inevitability of Oversight
Anakin has been at the temple for a while now and his life seems to have stabilized, mostly. No small feat for a time-traveling former Sith. But, even with support from those in the know, this tentative balance can't last. It's only a matter of time before something gives, and with Sidious directly involved, he can only prepare and hope; not something he's exactly good at. Sequel to Dangers of Foresight
215.8K parola
Some Assembly Required
Some Assembly Required
After a year on Melida/Daan, Obi-Wan is sure the Force - and the Jedi - is done with him. The Force has other ideas. Or, A bewildered, Force-sensitive Mandalorian and a traumatized child soldier embark on a quest to save the Galaxy, righting some wrongs along the way.
146.7K parola
The Summer Chateau
The Summer Chateau
Summer Rose loved her master, adored her master, would do anything for her master. So when her master sets his sights on her eldest daughter as payment for a favor, she was only too happy to oblige.
95.7K parola
Fenrir Greyback's Bitch
Fenrir Greyback's Bitch
When Harry lost against Voldemort in the final battle, everyone thought he would die. But Voldemort had another idea. Voldemort gave him to………….Fenrir Greyback to do as he wished. Kill, turn, eat, whatever he wished. So what did he do?
6.4K parola
Bonds of Servitude
Bonds of Servitude
The Boy-Who-Lived, enslaved by the Malfoy Heiress? Dumbledore's worst nightmare is realized. Harry and Darcia Malfoy must grow together, navigating their bond as they try to survive Hogwarts, a Dark Lord, and a horde of horny women. Fem!Draco. smut. underage.
152.9K parola
Owned by Dean
Owned by Dean
The reader is a first time slave and is bought by Dean. Things started out okay, but they soon take a turn for the worse. Just and idea, let me know what you think
110.4K parola
Commander Fox is Completely Fine
Commander Fox is Completely Fine
Cody was still staring at him. Fox wasn't sure what made him keep talking. "It's always the shinies who think they're invincible," he muttered, "who think they're above the rules." Cody nodded slowly. "Yeah," he said, voice a little hoarse, "that's usually how I lose them too." Fox watched as his little brother finished the rest of his drink and stared down into his empty cup. It wasn't the same, he wanted to say. That's a battlefield, this is the centre of the Republic, it's different. The truth is that it's not as different as it should be.
275.0K parola
The Demon's Pet
The Demon's Pet
Dr. David Kutterfield is an anthropologist, on the hunt for uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. Instead, he finds a portal that leads him to another dimension, where giant demons run the world. He's found by Cadeon, a four-armed demon who decides that Dave would make a great sex pet. Join Dave as he grows accustomed to the wonders of his new life, where everything in his old life doesn't matter anymore, and he's greeted with the sight of all kinds of creatures he never thought existed. Smutt/Fluff with plot, tags always being added, if you don't like it, don't read it.
25.6K parola
Change Podentes: Invoke
Change Podentes: Invoke
A new prophecy comes to light, one that promises death for Harry Potter and enslavement for the wizarding world, unless Harry himself consents to being sexually enslaved--irrevocably and for life--to Severus Snape. Translation into Korean available here:https://rabbit.postype.com/category/cambiare-podentes-invocare Translation into German available here:https://www.fanfiktion.de/s/59b6b42900047ad538925d4f/1/Cambiare-Podentes-Invocareand here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/12060321/chapters/27312474
303.0K parola