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Il modo in cui eravate soliti fare
Il modo in cui eravate soliti fare
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku katsuki bakugou classe 1-A (My Hero Academia) yagi toshinori | all might aizawa shouta | eraserhead Inko Midoriya bakugou masaru bakugou mitsuki Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Bakugou Katsuki e Midoriya Izuku ashido mina & bakugou katsuki & jirou kyouka & kaminari denki & kirishima eijirou & sero hanta legame d'anima nemici agli amici agli amanti combustione lenta desiderio reciproco struggendo trepidazione angoscia con un lieto fine lanugine frusta sangue e lesioni disturbo da stress post-traumatico - PTSD recupero sviluppo del personaggio relazione in via di sviluppo primo bacio terapia linguaggio dei segni ipoacusico bakugou katsuki sordo Bakugou Katsuki bakugou katsuki giura molto Bakugou Katsuki è pessimo a livello di sentimenti katsuki bakugou protettivo Katsuki bakugou che si arrampica katsuki bakugou ignaro ferito bakugou katsuki bakugou katsuki bamf bakugou katsuki whump katsuki bakugou affamato di tocco Katsuki Bakugo geloso Izuku Midoriya geloso midoriya izuku ignaro ferire midoriya izuku pining midoriya izuku Bamf Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku protettivo midoriya izuku whump Dekusquad (My Hero Academia) bakusquad (My Hero Academia) condividere un letto coccole e abbracci coccole accidentali problemi di comunicazione esperienze di prossimità alla morte Bakugou Katsuki ha il quirk One For All Midoriya Izuku ha il quirk One For All bakugou katsuki ha la ptsd - disturbo da stress post-traumatico bakugou katsuki prova dei sentimenti bakugou katsuki preoccupato fantasma Midoriya Izuku personaggio trasformato in un fantasma studio del personaggio bakugou katsuki redenption bakugou katsuki è un idiota tensione emotiva irrisolta
"Ci dispiace molto," dice suo padre, con gli occhi lucidi e la voce tremante. "Ma il tuo amico, Izuku, lui è... Se n'è andato, figliolo." Katsuki non può fare altro che guardarli negli occhi per attimi che sembrano un'eternità, lo sguardo che va di continuo da un genitore all'altro in una chiara confusione, incredulità e, più di ogni altra cosa, indignazione. "Che cazzo state dicendo? Lo sfigato è proprio lì, accanto a voi!" Durante una battaglia, Midoriya viene colpito da un villain il cui quirk stacca la sua anima dal corpo. Bloccato in uno stato spettrale, il ragazzo si trova in una corsa contro il tempo per salvarsi da una morte permanente. Con sua fortuna - o sfortuna -, l'unica persona che può vederlo e parlargli in questo stato è nientemeno che Kacchan. In alternativa: Deku e Kacchan sono legati dall'anima.
670.1K parola
Il suo Kidilante
Il suo Kidilante
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead tsukauchi naomasa shinsou hitoshi todoroki shōto classe 1-A (My Hero Academia) tanti altri Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead e Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku/shinsou hitoshi/todoroki shōto midoriya izuku e todoroki shōto Midoriya Izuku e Shinsou Hitoshi midoriya izuku e tsukauchi naomasa classe 1-a & Midoriya Izuku l'arma di cattura di izuku & aizawa midoriya izuku & yamada hizashi | microfono regalo kayama nemuri | mezzanotte & midoriya izuku dadzawa aizawa è il miglior papà Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead genitore protezione aizawa shouta | eraserhead aizawa shouta | eraserhead adotta midoriya izuku Bamf Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku eccentrico midoriya izuku è così fatta aizawa shouta | Eraserhead ne ha proprio finito vigilante midoriya izuku midoriya izuku è un piccolo stronzo midoriya inko morta midoriya izuku ha la sindrome da stress post-traumatico - disturbo da stress post-traumatico midoriya izuku è un raggio di sole classe 1-A combinaguai (My Hero Academia) dormitori degli Stati Uniti (my hero academia) midoriya izuku pansessuale Midoriya Izuku traumatizzato midoriya izuku non ne ha una per tutte le stranezze midoriya izuku intelligente shinsou hitoshi è in classe 1-a shinsou hitoshi protettivo todoroki shouto protettivo midoriya izuku è pessima con i sentimenti perché ne ha troppi e non può occuparsi shinsou hitoshi sostituisce mineta minoru poliamore parentale tsukauchi naomasa ha adottato shinsou hitoshi disattiva selettivamente midoriya izuku impertinente midoriya izuku sassy aizawa shouta | eraserhead anche tsuka è uno zio impertinente, combatti contro di me caotico midoriya izuku tortura sangue e lesioni lo sappiamo tutti, questo arco è sanguinoso recupero ho trovato lanugine di famiglia dolce eri (my hero academia) Midoriya Izuku abusato honestly this fic is found family and hurt/comfort to its very core midoriya izuku ha un coltello Izuku ha anche un'arma da cattura ricevono tutti la terapia di cui hanno bisogno a un certo punto lanugine domestica trepidazione lieto fine famiglie a scelta
Izuku è un vigilante, e francamente è l'unica cosa buona nella sua vita. O almeno, è ciò che ha portato tutte le cose buone. Non ama niente più che pattugliare sotto le stelle con Eraserhead al suo fianco e Tsukauchi a una telefonata di distanza. Quindi, anche se la sua vita civile potrebbe finalmente dare i suoi frutti, ora che sta entrando a UA con la possibilità di diventare un eroe realmente autorizzato, non può abbandonare il suo vigilantismo. Allo stesso modo, Aizawa non rinuncia al suo Kidilante. Il ragazzo è suo da tre anni ormai, non c'è modo che quei documenti di adozione incompleti nel cassetto della sua scrivania vadano sprecati. Se solo avesse il tempo di respirare oltre a tenere al sicuro il suo Kidilante, insieme alla sua nuova classe che a quanto pare è una calamita per i villain. Sarà un anno lungo. (Scritto per soddisfare ogni parte della mia patetica piccola anima che doveva solo scrivere l'idea di ''Izuku angosciato! ma gentile! piccolo stronzo! un vigilante senza Quirk insonne che Aizawa adotterà al 100% se solo riuscisse a scoprire la sua vera identità, ma si rifiuta di costringerlo a rivelarla ora perché ci sono voluti anni per guadagnarsi quella fiducia, accidenti, e aspetterà più a lungo se questo è ciò che serve'', ma mia.)
504.5K parola
The Long Road Begins at Home
The Long Road Begins at Home
Oh sure, reunion results in happiness, kittens, and rainbows, because that's definitely how life goes when you've just spent 70 years as a tool of villainy. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
144.8K parola
Way Down We Go
Way Down We Go
The war was over. Or at least that’s what the papers said. They’d been saying it, for months, as if people needed reminding. Maybe they did. *** In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town. It's super.
109.7K parola
How Like Home
How Like Home
During the battle at the department of mysteries, Harry follows Sirius through the veil. He arrives at a strange, alternate version of his world where there is no Voldemort, his parents are still alive, and there is already a Harry Potter in existence. With every face a familiar stranger and his real friends out of reach, Harry must now navigate building all of his relationships from scratch— all while recovering from the scars that his own war-torn world has left behind.
183.3K parola
Izuku Midoriya has endured a decade of abuse, ridicule, and social ostracization due to his status as 'Quirkless'. Even his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugou, has tossed him aside and made it a mission to drill his uselessness home. But despite his obstacles and the derision of his peers, Izuku will never give up on his dream of being a hero, and will never feel shame for being called Quirkless. Because it's easier than acknowledging that he has a Quirk at all.
425.1K parola
Jason and the Three Terrors
Jason and the Three Terrors
One moment, Jason was peacefully sleeping, perfectly content with his life with the League of Assassins. Okay, so maybe not content content, but he wasn't unhappy, either. Then Talia woke him up at 2 am, threw three children at him, and told him to get them to America and far away from Ra's al Ghul. What the fuck. The last thing he wanted was to see Bruce. But with three brats relying on him and no Talia, there weren't many options for sanctuary. He just didn't expect the kids to grow on him so much in two short weeks.
252.6K parola
What I Used To Be
What I Used To Be
When the police uncover a hidden sub-basement in the home of criminal Alexander Pierce and find a tortured omega and his three pups, they bring them to the Stark Omega Clinic, a non-profit dedicated to rehabilitating traumatized omegas. After dark in September 2005, fourteen year old Bucky Barnes vanished. Eleven years and three pups later, he is far from the boy that went missing from a suburban neighborhood outside of Denver. Steve Rogers is an alpha of some means. When he came into money, he decided to use what he had for good and sign up as a candidate to be a support alpha for his close friend Tony's charitable clinic. When he takes on the task of helping reintegrate Bucky and his pups into the world, he doesn't expect to fall so hard.
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the beginning of a new and brighter birth
the beginning of a new and brighter birth
“I’m so proud of you, my nephew.” Uncle cups Zuko’s face in his lined hand. The gesture is so tender, his palm so warm, that Zuko has to take a fortifying breath against the sudden swell of emotion in his chest. “I want to be a good leader, Uncle,” Zuko says. “I want to look after my people.” “You will,” Uncle says. “You are, nephew.” In a new era of peace, Zuko works to be a very different Fire Lord than his forefathers. Based on this tumblr post.
15.6K parola
In the Home
In the Home
The Avengers have been infected, turned violent and aggressive against their will. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates. “Natasha,” Peter says cautiously, “what happened here? Steve attacked me, and if there was ever a sign that something was wrong, it’s having the embodiment of Truth, Justice, and the American Way throw you across the room—” Natasha comes closer, her stride controlled. Nothing necessarily out of the ordinary, but there’s something in her face, in her eyes— Natasha lunges across the space, and slams into Peter, hard.
68.5K parola
Third Time's the Charm
Third Time's the Charm
Izuku was born with a rare type of soulmate: parental. After being diagnosed quirkless, his father leaves and his mother becomes distant, leading Izuku to believe his third parent would do the same. Desperate to retain a positive relationship with his soul-parent, he keeps them at arm's length for fear of them rejecting him too. Shouta is worried about his soul-child. Over the last few years they've become withdrawn. Shouta isn't naïve, he knows why children get parental soul bonds. He just wants to make sure they're okay (and maybe meet them and maybe adopt them). Maybe he is just as much of a dad as his friends say. This fic has a Discord now!
89.2K parola
running with lightning feet
running with lightning feet
Feral gets kidnapped by a Jedi Master. It's the best thing that's ever happened to him. Aka how Plo Koon’s foray into Sith-napping saved the galaxy, featuring galactic road-trips, daring expeditions into Sith strongholds, plenty of soul-searching, pirates, the Death Watch, senators with big blasters, more pirates, and three brothers who weren’t prepared for any of it. [Currently on hold]
360.8K parola
lonely houses off the road
lonely houses off the road
Barnes is now glaring at him for some reason. It's somewhat terrifying but also, oddly, a little reassuring— because that's emotion right there, which means there's still somebody behind those eyes. Somebody who seems to think Sam is being a bit slow on the uptake. "Time parameters exceeded. Mission failed." "Wait." Sam narrows his eyes. "Is this some kind of... report? Debriefing?" "Mission report," confirms Barnes, looking pleased. Well, looking slightly less murderous than before. In which various people deal with things they never signed up for, but at the end of the day no one's particularly surprised.
17.4K parola
Rumor has it that a figure in Yokohama’s underground scene is holding a contest. The top-voted street racer wins a free enrollment into the next Formula 3 season, all the way in California. They might as well be handing out a one-way ticket to the F1 roster, and all the fame, glory, and money that comes with it. The entire city’s confident that the best driver that the circuit’s known in decades, Dazai Osamu—street name: McQueen, will win the opportunity. That is, until a redheaded rookie known by the name of Prince shows up on his streets. Translations available here.
262.0K parola
Project Starshine
Project Starshine
Felix was stuck in an endless cycle, the only thing keeping him here was his abusers and a gut feeling. Only being a toy for others' uses ever since he could remember.Until an unknown vigilante group plans their attack on a gang, to their shock, they find a new mission.
447.5K parola
The Health and Wellbeing of Hybrid Entities
The Health and Wellbeing of Hybrid Entities
Adrift in an unknown space, his transportation lost, his body a wreck, and only half-conscious, Danny has to find himself somewhere safe to recover. Now, if only he can convince the locals to leave him alone while he does... 💚👻👽👻💚 [Archived from tumblr. I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt used for the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
51.6K parola
When Stiles reads the posts, he’s more confused. They’re older posts, back from his undergrad freshman year, but it was during a supernatural attack that a bunch of people got caught in. Stiles practically ran himself into the ground offering support, advice, and gathering information for Scott and Derek so they could do damage control. “This tells me nothing,” Stiles says. “Except that you can use Google and know how to take screenshots.” “I consider it your resume,” Fury tells him. Stiles freezes, because what. Fury doesn’t say anything else, doesn’t explain, even after Stiles gestures for more. “What the hell do you mean it’s my resume? If you haven’t realized it, I’m still in college.” He doesn’t look impressed. “You’ve been in college. You have two degrees, four separate certifications, and you’re on the fast-track for a PhD.” “I like learning,” Stiles deadpans. “You like helping, and it just so happens that I have someone you can help.”
101.0K parola
and a place to rest my head
and a place to rest my head
When Geralt stops at an inn to get out of the rain, he doesn't expect to leave with a young, mistreated omega whore in tow. But fate is a funny thing, isn't it? Or, Jaskier is an omega forced to prostitute himself at an inn. Geralt is an alpha who rescues him.
158.9K parola
Social Media: 101
Social Media: 101
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up [Solely Bakugou’s point of view] Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late. Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder [Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates] When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou. [Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam] Part 3: Aizawa's Made Up Guide to Untraumatizing Kids With a High Profile Trial being launched, a media disaster at hand, and the League back in the game Aizawa decides mandatory therapy sessions for all his kids are going down and Katsuki Bakugou isn't allowed to leave UA without him by his side until he's eighteen god damn it.
213.9K parola
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
Percy survived his first year at Camp Half-Blood, and made many friends along the way, though one tried to kill him at the end of the summer. Now he needs to brave the realities of undersea politics, handle a custody dispute, and deal with land school all at the same time. Camp's barriers weakening after the winter solstice and a new activities director being pulled in did not make his summer session any calmer. Why can't he just have one normal year on land? Makes him wish for Kym's storm-making lessons. SEQUEL TO: ATLOP: Trial by Fire (must read that first to have any idea what's going on)
205.5K parola
Peter and the Jailbirds
Peter and the Jailbirds
“If you did play chess," Ross said, "you’d remember that a pawn can become a queen. The most powerful piece on the board, Parker, remember that? But—” Ross smiled— “only if it obeys.” He adjusted his tie, stood, and looked down at Peter. “I’ll ask you again,” he said. “Eventually. You may feel differently after you’ve been living in a six-by-six cube without sunlight or fresh air for a few years.” “What pawns do,” Peter said, voice shaking slightly, “is sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I have no regrets.” He had a lot of regrets. Like, a lot. A crapton. A shitload. An overloaded dumpsterful. “When I visit you on the Raft,” Ross said, “you’ll be old enough to grow a beard.” The cell door clicked shut behind him. [Rated mature for graphic violence.]
86.4K parola
November 2005.Seven and a half years since the Battle at Hogwarts.For the last six and half years, Severus Snape has been living an unremarkable life as the DADA teacher and Deputy Headmaster at Hogwarts.That all changed when Hermione Granger-Weasley gave an interview to Witch Weekly that she was seeking a divorce, and then showed up two days later at Hogwarts because Minerva offered her the position of Muggle Studies Professor.What stuck out to Severus was that Granger looked and behaved drastically different from what he remembered.Suddenly, he felt himself getting drawn in and wrapped up in the affairs of a woman he had desperately avoided for six years.He knew there was more to this divorce than met the eye, and he was determined to uncover why the woman he remembered when he woke up from death's door had changed so much.What he would uncover would change his view of her, and he would be forced to admit a secret he long since buried and given up on.In the process, they would discover not everything that happened seven years ago was as it seemed.But first, Severus had to determine why she was being so peculiar.
590.9K parola
Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide.
12.8K parola
Kintsugi - repairing broken pottery with gold
Kintsugi - repairing broken pottery with gold
Tony Stark is not at all bitter about being a submissive. Not at all. Why should he be? Sure, his whole life has been one shit show after another, because he is a sub, but why would he be bitter about it? No. Reason. At All. Then he meets "The Avengers" a group of people helping abused subs. They are good people. Even the two Doms working there. Not that Tony notices them or anything. They might look like they fell right out of his dreams, but it's not like he is interested, you know. And who would ever want someone as broken as him? (This is not an original set up. But I really wanted to write it. So: hurt, comfort, boys in love, lots of sarcasm and people being protective of Tony. There will be no magical healing because he got boyfriends. But he will get better, he will have help!)
404.3K parola
Call Your Bluff
Call Your Bluff
Val may be a fucking monster, but he’s a monster that Angel knows. He’s a monster that Angel understands. Angel isn’t stupid; he made the choice to sign with Valentino because he was the only overlord that made sense for Angel’s lifestyle — for what Angel wanted out of Hell. But now you’re tellin’ him that his soul is owed to some random fucking jackass who swindled Val in a game of cards? How can that be fair? How can that be something that’s just allowed to happen? (In which, Angel's contract is acquired by a new overlord — Hell's very own Gambling Demon, and they both get more from the relationship than either of them bargained for.)
169.5K parola
Eat Your Heart Out
Eat Your Heart Out
After the war, Harry just wants to live his life peacefully for once. Of course, fate throws him back in the path of Tom Riddle, who takes a liking to the gorgeous Chef Harry and basically kidnaps him. Translation in Russian by Starry_Princess <3https://ficbook.net/readfic/018ed6e2-a70a-7373-ba95-5889a75d91d3 Translation in Spanish by Anyeless01 <3https://www.wattpad.com/story/373630516-eat-your-heart-out***********************************************************"I'm afraid I may monopolize your Chef's time tonight, actually. You wouldn't mind, would you?" The owner hastened to reassure his VIP that he could have Harry for the rest of the night (thanks boss, I'm not actually a prostitute) while Amadeus scowled. All he could think was that his luck had finally run out, as the beautiful man reached a hand towards him and said,"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry. My name is Tom Riddle." Harry extended his hand, which the man turned and brought to his plush lips, kissing his knuckles. He swallowed thickly, hoping his voice would not waver."The pleasure is mine, Mr. Riddle."
229.0K parola
unlikely events
unlikely events
Something is brewing. A great storm that could shatter life as its known. More and more often, androids are breaking free of their original programming. More and more often, androids are turning against their owners in increasingly violent ways. And the only ones that can stop it are Wilbur Soot—the youngest lieutenant in police history and now a drunk, washed out detective—and an android of the 1NN1T model named Tommy, an advanced prototype created to solve crimes and catch rogue androids. But first they actually have to get along. Or, Two idiots, a robot and a depressed detective, walk into a bar. One comes out experiencing emotions he shouldn't be able to, and the other comes out with a reason to live. Spoilers for Detroit: Become Human, but knowledge of the game isn't necessary to enjoy.
368.2K parola
Alpha's Forfeit
Alpha's Forfeit
It's been three years since Asami and Korra have last seen each other. Asami has devoted herself to her young daughter and rebuilding Republic City, while Korra has struggled to recover from her injuries and forget the woman she wishes she didn't love. Their lives are very different, but when circumstances bring them together again, they are forced to deal with their open-ended relationship and answer to their feelings.
87.5K parola
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.) "When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center." Boyfriends, compromises and learning to like oneself.
67.0K parola
Derek stops short the moment his eyes fall on the huddled mass in the corner. The beta lying crumpled there is trying desperately to make himself seem as small as possible and cover his most vulnerable areas. It takes Derek almost a full minute to realize who it is and another to realize that he’s wearing tattered, blood-stained remains of the clothes he disappeared in over four months ago. The acrid stench clinging to him tells such a vivid story of the atrocities he must have endured while he’s been missing that Derek thinks he might be sick. “Stiles?” he asks in disbelief.
130.4K parola
Following the storyline of 'Forgiveness', Mono and Six now find themselves in the modern world, where they're homeless for a while, until they're found by one Officer William Allen.Follow the kids as they navigate this new world, try to adjust to its rules, and leave the darkness of their world behind, finding family and happiness as they go. It's never easy, but they're nothing if not determined.
159.1K parola
a symbol of subjugation
a symbol of subjugation
“Consider how this looks. The Senju proposes peace at the height of their power. The Uchiha, already losing, don’t have the resources to match the Senju. If the Senju provides us with food and armour, the Uchiha must become subordinate. Is that what you think of as peace, Senju? Over at the Uchiha compound, we call that subjugation by the most powerful.” “It seems that there is only one possible solution: the Senju must choose a symbol to subjugate itself to the Uchiha to balance out the scales. For that role, I volunteer myself.” The wise ones know: fires can warm and not burn; and rivers, if given strength and permission, will carve the land. (Or, the one in which Tobirama becomes Madara’s concubine, and peace is won and held through neither power nor love, but food, water, clothes, and medicine.) Complete.
324.8K parola
The thing that drives the wolves away
The thing that drives the wolves away
The thing about Bucky these days is that, while he might be a semi-mythical assassin, he's also vulnerable—the kind of vulnerable that makes total strangers want to drape a blanket over his shoulders and take him to safety. The problem is, of course, that Bucky is already safe. The first time it happens, Bucky has no idea how to react. He and Steve are walking down the street, when a slight woman takes in Bucky’s terrified eyes, the dark circles so bad they almost look like bruises, and Steve’s protective hand resting on his lower back, guiding him down the busy sidewalk (but it must look possessive, to someone looking for a sign), and comes to the wrong conclusion.
7.8K parola
Sky's the Limit
Sky's the Limit
When All Might tells Izuku that he can't be a hero without a Quirk, that's the last straw. Izuku indeed takes a swan dive off of the roof, hoping for a swift death. Except— He doesn't hit the ground. He flies.
54.2K parola