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Twist and Shout
Twist and Shout
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
97.5K parola
Young & Beautiful
Young & Beautiful
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
227.4K parola
The Dragon Cub
The Dragon Cub
Jaime realizes who Jon is after a visit to Winterfell, remembering a promise made to Rhaegar, Jaime and Jon will enter the game of thrones together.
1.9M parola
Text Talk
Text Talk
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
141.2K parola
La gravità non ti può nulla
La gravità non ti può nulla
“Tre settimane,” dice Derek. “Non voglio ancora,” dice Stiles. “Ti pagherò,” dice Derek, e questo… questo interessa Stiles. Alf’s Antique’s potrebbe essere un ottimo lavoro, ma non è un lavoro ben pagato, e metà della retta universitaria di Stiles proviene da aiuti finanziari, quindi… “Quanto,” chiede Stiles, “stiamo parlando? Perché conosco la tua famiglia, amico. E sarà un po’ imbarazzante dopo.” “La mia famiglia ti considera una specie di fottuto dono per il mondo,” ringhia Derek, come se fosse geloso, “probabilmente si arrabbieranno con me quando ci lasceremo, quindi non preoccuparti di questo. Cinquecento dollari.” “Mille,” dice Stiles, perché chi se ne frega dell’etica. Inoltre, la famiglia Hale è ricca. Derek se la può permettere.
83.9K parola
The Student Prince
The Student Prince
A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love... This story was inspired by the thought of Prince William of Wales (and indeed the current Max von Hapsburg) studying at the University of St Andrews; it is also, as the title suggests, at least a little inspired by the operetta 'The Student Prince'. Grateful thanks to Lamardeuse and DarkEmeralds for Beta and cheerleading! ::2019 note: This story was written BEFORE the TV show introduced the character of Gwaine. It's not that I can't spell, or that I'm perversely writing him out of character - I incorporated other characters from Arthurian legend (Kay, Gawain etc) into my story, and lacking prophetic abilities, my versions naturally don't mesh with the versions subsequently introduced into the show.::
145.2K parola
The Days of Reckoning Are Upon Us
The Days of Reckoning Are Upon Us
Steve Rogers always does what he thinks is right. Unfortunately, believing he is right isn't the same as being right. Sometimes he's wrong. And sometimes he has to face the consequences of his actions. Or, what if Team Cap was actually called out on their poor decisions and had to deal with consequences instead of being rewarded? A series of unrelated drabbles of what might have been. And in case the tags aren't clear: this is not Steve or Team Cap friendly. If that's not your thing, just don't read it.
302.5K parola
 e prodotti
e prodotti
Derek ha un nuovo vicino che non smette di guardarlo. Estratto: “Sei cieco,” disse Derek seccamente, la rabbia che gli defluiva così improvvisamente da sentirsi quasi stordito. La sua vista si chiarì, i suoi artigli ritornarono a essere unghie smussate. “Grazie per la nota, genio,” disse il ragazzo acidamente. “Riesco ancora a difendermi, quindi non fare un altro dannato passo.” “Cazzo, io...mi dispiace,” balbettò Derek. “Cosa?!” Il ragazzo aggrottò le sopracciglia. “Voglio dire — cosa?! Ti dispiace?!” Le sue labbra si assottigliarono in una linea dura. “Cos’è, una specie di film strappalacrime dove scopri il tuo errore perché non vuoi derubare un cieco?! È fottutamente paternalistico, amico. Devi sapere che —” “Aspetta,” Derek interruppe quella che a quanto pareva essere l’inizio di un’argomentazione convincente sul perché avrebbe dovuto derubare il ragazzo dopo tutto, sentendo la testa iniziare a girare. “Questo è — è un malinteso. Io — io non ti sto derubando. Tu — sei al sicuro, okay? Faccio tre passi indietro. Solo — lasciami spiegare.” “Spiegami perché sei entrato a spintoni nel mio appartamento? Sì, vai avanti, amico, non vedo l’ora di sentire questa storia epica.”
83.2K parola
hope is the thing with feathers
hope is the thing with feathers
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely. "Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up.He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
28.9K parola
The Rising Son
The Rising Son
A secret hidden right under their noses. A young Jon Snow realises his worth in the world and vows to make something of himself. People always did wonder what unknowns existed west of Westeros....
313.8K parola
An Expected Journey
An Expected Journey
“I just wish…” “What do you wish?” “I wish I could have changed it all.” For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right? Of course, change is a fickle thing and not everything can be done again as Bilbo is about to find out. In the end, it may not only be salvation that he’s fighting for.
294.5K parola
A Wolf Amongst Lions
A Wolf Amongst Lions
Tywin Lannister discovers the true identity of his cup bearer at Harrenhal. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. To survive in a lion's den, a wolf has no choice but to adapt.
444.0K parola
A Breach of Trust
A Breach of Trust
This is a world in which Mob and Reigen’s paths have never crossed, in which 10-year-old Mob found psychic guidance in the form of the aging, retired tv personality Keiji Mogami, in which Reigen followed through on his plans to close the Spirits and Such Agency, in which a cruel twist of Mob’s powers forces him to confront how dangerous he really is. 10 year old Shigeo Kageyama has vanished, his trail instantly cold, and his case gathers dust in police archives as a kidnapping never solved. Four years pass before a chain of events causes his path to cross with that of the despondent, unfulfilled fake-psychic-turned-fake-investigator, Arataka Reigen. Reigen finds himself in over his head caring for an escaped victim of abuse who, for reasons unfathomable, has been taught to believe his very existence is a horrifically dangerous thing…
384.6K parola
If They Knew All About You
If They Knew All About You
Tony Stark had lost his son when he was only 2 years old, stolen away in broad daylight with nobody the wiser of what exactly happened. Years later, Tony has just made it through the disaster with Ultron. He is trying to keep himself and the team together but relationships are strained and tempers are running high.Then a random turn of events leads to his path crossing with that of a particular vigilante. They are strangers to each other, or so they think. Peter Parker is on top of the world. After a few shitty years, losing his parents and then losing his Uncle, things are finally looking up. Sure he lives in a crappy little apartment with his Aunt but he might have just found his mission in life. ------ This is an AU story obvious by some of the tags. I'm starting out a few weeks after Age of Ultron took place. Civil War will be a thing.
521.0K parola
History Repeats Itself
History Repeats Itself
Draco wakes up in his bed after the war to see he’s eleven years old with the knowledge of what the future holds. Wanting to set things right, he does things a little differently. And by different, it means becoming friends with the Golden Trio, and falling in love with the one and only Harry Potter apparently. (Not abandoned. Working on final chapters!) 역사는되풀이된다 (Korean Translation) by Repello 历史重演 (Chinese Translation) by silentolddriver История повторяется (Russian Translation) by pink_peach03 A história se repete (Portuguese Translation) by zGodWangXian
177.6K parola
Pulling the Wires
Pulling the Wires
Quirkless Izuku Midoriya was abducted by villains and pronounced dead at age seven. Eight years later, nine months before the new semester begins at Yuuei High, a young villain named Rabbit encounters Shouto Todoroki. (In which Izuku is being blackmailed into being a villain and Shouto is determined to save him)
228.2K parola
Sirius doesn't go after Peter Pettigrew on the night that Voldemort kills the Potters, but stays to look after Harry... This means that he is never wrongly accused and incarcerated for the murder of Lily and James, and instead he and Remus Lupin raise Harry as their own. When it finally becomes time for Harry to start his education at Hogwarts, he has no reason to tell the Sorting Hat not to place him in Slytherin, so he is Sorted into Slytherin and becomes best friends (and later on, more than friends) with Draco.
434.9K parola
Dress up in You
Dress up in You
Non-magical modern AU - Marauders/Wolfstar Sirius attends a charity rock gig organised by his best friend's girlfriend, and the tall, quiet bassist catches his eye... Basically just a thing I wrote after listening to Belle & Sebastian's 'Dress up in you' a million times. Quite sexy.
88.4K parola
Harry Potter and the Alpha-Omega Bond
Harry Potter and the Alpha-Omega Bond
Harry goes into heat unexpectedly. Malfoy stakes his claim. Includes bonding, knotting and Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics (and the shades of dub-con/non-con inherently implied).
20.2K parola
Saving Sherlock Holmes
Saving Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes, schoolboy. Yeah, that basically sums it up.
139.4K parola
Bendy and Boris in The Inky Mystery
Bendy and Boris in The Inky Mystery
Bendy and Boris are humble mechanics until the day came that their lives kinda blew up. Now the pair find themselves in the middle of danger and secrets. If they can't put the pieces together in time everyone will pay the price. With the help of new found friends and the question of who they can and can't trust hanging over their heads, the boys fight against the odds. What is the ink machine? And what roll does it play in the possible destruction or salvation of their world? Jump in the rabbit hole and find out! The Doll ArcBooks 1-2: Chapters 1-42 The Cog ArcBooks 3-5: Chapters 43-95 The Brush ArcBooks 6-7: Chapters 96-114 The Winter ArcBooks 8-11: Chapters 115-155 The Instrument ArcBooks 12-18: Chapters 156-232 The Recovery ArcBooks 19-27: Chapters 233-?
2.6M parola
The Changeling
The Changeling
Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
182.6K parola
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)
In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher. He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team. In another world he was quite hands off, merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his. In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. He suddenly realized what he had done, passing a team. Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team. In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher. This is the starting of a new Team seven.
40.0K parola
Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner
Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner
When Wymack, Kevin and Andrew came to recruit Neil Josten in Millport, Neil decided to say 'no' instead of 'yes' to joining the Foxes and does what he does best, which is run. Unfortunately, that brings him to the attention of the Moriyamas, who return him to his 'rightful' place. Now Neil has to learn how to survive at the Nest with his only ally another 'asset' long kept under Riko's heel.
644.1K parola
all the world's a stage
all the world's a stage
Everyone has a guilty pleasure. For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov. (And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.) spanish
112.2K parola
Mom Militia
Mom Militia
. Miss Militia had learned over time, how to expect the unexpected. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. And when Dragon revealed that the best, if not only way to save her, was adoption, well... She would just have to learn how to be a good mother, wouldn't she? In a very short period of time. To a traumatized, suicidal teenager that had accidentally eaten her own father just a week ago. She might have started panicking a little, at some point. .
347.7K parola
Cunning and Ambition - Book One
Cunning and Ambition - Book One
Harry Potter has found out he’s a wizard and is on his way Hogwarts. He is found by a boy on the train. Who knew one simple sentence and one simple gesture could change history? A Slytherin!Harry AU ABANDONED DURING BOOK SIX (I know the post said it was the whole series. The post was wrong. Sorry) Also: TRANS RIGHTS
50.0K parola
cause all that you are is all that i'll ever need
cause all that you are is all that i'll ever need
Strawberry milk layers their upper lips, and they giggle and lick it off of each other. They taste it in each others mouths when they kiss; it's on their tongues, and filling their tummies. There are seven cartoons in the fridge, with 1 out that they keep pouring into shot glasses. They give each other a ‘cheers!’ and tip it down their throats. Instead of burning their mouths, it wipes away the sting that is already inside of them. (Harry still has days when he needs to feel good on the inside. Louis can see it in his eyes, and on these days, Louis needs it too. Maybe just as much.) or the strawberry milk sequel; where harry still needs help, louis' trying to give it to him, liam rents a van, zayns a bit protective of his best mate, and nialls there to tie it all together.
128.5K parola
Secrets of the Force: Incest Planet
Secrets of the Force: Incest Planet
After the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker continues his search for Jedi lore that could help him rebuild the order. But when his quest leads him and Leia to a Force-strong planet in the Unknown Regions that have been deliberately purged from public databases, but unable to find out why, they will get a lot more than they bargained for!
58.2K parola
Beneath The Silver Moon
Beneath The Silver Moon
After being bitten in Afghanistan, John was invalided home. Being a werewolf was new to him, and he wasn't interested in any of the help or orientation that the Centre had to offer, but even his wolf knew better than to enter territory that had been marked. Until his first outside change, when he met a strange alpha wolf that wanted John to follow it home into pack territory. John's initial refusal became a challenge for the curious alpha... one Sherlock Holmes.
85.9K parola
alpha vs Alpha
alpha vs Alpha
Times are changing around the galaxy, but so many still view omegas as weak and lesser. Omega Obi-Wan has tried to hide what he is for most of his life, thanks to prejudice and trauma from his childhood. What Obi-Wan never expected was to find an army of clones, composed of alphas and betas, who view the dynamics in a completely different way than the majority of the galaxy. As time goes on, his relationship with the Vode Pack grows and develops to a point where Obi-Wan starts to find a confidence and pride in being an omega that he’d never thought he’d feel. He also learns that there’s a difference in what the galaxy thinks is alpha and what Alpha really means. This story comes in at a point where Obi-Wan is just starting to feel safe and comfortable with the Vode. We follow him as his relationship with the troopers starts to evolve, with possible flashbacks giving glimpses into the past, and all building to a future that is far different than Obi-Wan ever expected for himself as an omega.
593.4K parola
The Winter King and the Queen of Summer.
The Winter King and the Queen of Summer.
A Jonerys set right at the beginning of canon. A raven flaps his wings and instead of swearing his oath, Jon Snow learns the truth of who he is. How this the game change when Jon instead of wearing black, seeks to wear Black and Red and goes seeking his crown.
341.6K parola
The Breath Of All Things
The Breath Of All Things
Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralysed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It's only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.
65.4K parola
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
ATLOP: Lessons in Water
Percy survived his first year at Camp Half-Blood, and made many friends along the way, though one tried to kill him at the end of the summer. Now he needs to brave the realities of undersea politics, handle a custody dispute, and deal with land school all at the same time. Camp's barriers weakening after the winter solstice and a new activities director being pulled in did not make his summer session any calmer. Why can't he just have one normal year on land? Makes him wish for Kym's storm-making lessons. SEQUEL TO: ATLOP: Trial by Fire (must read that first to have any idea what's going on)
205.5K parola