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Dark Heritage
Dark Heritage
Harry is removed from the Dursley family when he is eight years old, and enters the wizarding world a few years younger and a lot wiser. He discovers a surprising dark heritage, and develops goals that do not involve vanquishing a certain Dark Lord or becoming the Chosen One. Adopted into the Black family, Harry will fight against the expectation that he is to defeat the Dark Lord and instead dedicates himself to protecting the dark legacy that has been left to him. Eventual Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort.
796.8K parola
ink and parchment | blood and bone
ink and parchment | blood and bone
Eliza Potter was abandoned in an orphanage by the Dursely's and so 11 years later she refuses to be the Light Golden girl everyone wants. Eliza Potter is more a force of nature than a girl and she refuses to let anything stand in her way to greatness, and that includes meddling old headmasters [starts in first year]
419.9K parola
The Master of Death
The Master of Death
"A second chance,“ Death said. Harry stopped in front of a bench and turned to look at the being. "A second chance at what?" "Life." Harry laughed bitterly. "Because that has worked out so great the first time?" Death tilted its head. "You've changed," it stated. "Life does that to you," Harry said and his mind felt clearer than ever, "Or should I say the last seven years. I never really left this place, have I? I lived a life feeling not quite dead and not alive either," he spat. "I know how you feel," Death said after a moment, grinning. "Oh, do you," Harry retorted and pierced Death with a look. The being's smirk widened as it leaned closer."Bored." Years after the war, Harry Potter lives an apathetic life. When Death offers him a second chance he takes it.Accompanied by the being, Harry travels back to the summer before Sirius dies. Inside his younger body and the memories of an older self, Harry realizes that being connected to Death may have twisted his morals a little more than expected.Seeking to make up for the boredom of past years, Harry isn't above carving his own space between two sides to even out the playing field.
233.7K parola
It's All Just Temporary with a Bit of Necromancy
It's All Just Temporary with a Bit of Necromancy
Harry gets his magical inheritance as a Necromancer on his 16th birthday, the first in centuries. Unsure of his future or even who to trust after the Light shuns him, Harry turns to the Dark, the only other side that can assist him in seeking his revenge. However, it's all just temporary. It's just an alliance until his goals are met and then that's it. Just temporary...right?Slight Dumbledore and some Order member bashing. Sane Voldemort but Horcruxes do exist. A Harry/Voldemort but incredibly slow-burn. Not really graphic in deaths at least not yet. If that changes the rating will change.
337.8K parola
Save Yourself
Save Yourself
This summer was the breaking point for Harry Potter. On top of the verbal and physical abuse he went through, he now has to compete in a competition he did not sign up for. Harry's 'friends' have abandoned him, his teachers not believing him and is left to fend for himself. Harry sneaks down to the Chamber of Secrets to release tension and panic in private but ends up discovering Slytherin's Personal Library.Armed with magic, shielded by a Horcrux he discovers inside himself, Harry vows to no longer become victim to manipulation. In doing so, Harry breaks the hold that was on his magic, discovers his creature inheritance and maybe ends up saving the world with his so thought enemy.
85.9K parola
Another Chance
Another Chance
Harry leaves the white limbo of King's Cross to find himself in his childhood cupboard once again. Luckily for him, it seems he's brought Ron and Hermione back with him, and with his best friends at his side he can do anything.The Golden Trio take Hogwarts by storm, a bit more jaded and ruthless than before and determined to undermine the war before it ever truly starts.
57.5K parola
Before the Storm
Before the Storm
“Go.” She said, not quite yelling but suddenly intense as she herded Harry back, away from the pillar and towards the tracks. “Go now, boy, or you’ll miss your train!” He looked behind his shoulder, there was a train....he hadn’t heard it approach. The doors were open and waiting, and for no good reason at all, he stepped inside. The strange little woman didn’t follow him on, she simply stood there watching him. that same incomprehensible smile on her face. “Which path will you choose?” She asked again, just before the doors closed, replacing his view of her with his own, pale reflection. =================== Sirius was gone, and Harry's world was crumbling through his fingers. All he wanted was a little peace, just a moment to himself. Maybe it was a wish come true. Maybe it was just the machinations of a strange little witch and her enchanted locket. When Harry found himself, now fifty years in the past, on his birthday he doesn't question it too much. He just take the opportunities set before him.
142.6K parola
The End Is The Beginning
The End Is The Beginning
Death was not what Harry thought it would be. An empty train and a being proclaiming himself to be the Death, telling him that, “sorry, no afterlife for you” certainly wasn't anywhere near his expectations. And having his soul and magic crammed back into his four year old body, being told that he can never die… That was another painful kick to the groin. But Harry is British, and the phrase “keep calm and carry on” is practically a part of him by now. He realises that this is a second chance at life. To actually live and do whatever the hell he wants without being someone else’s pawn. It is a new beginning, and things are going to be vastly different this time around. UPDATE: As of Novmber 2024 this story is in the process of being updated/rewritten.
161.3K parola
Through the Window
Through the Window
One summer day, he sees Voldemort on his neighbor's roof. And it all came crashing down. Armed with a stabbed diary that oddly brings him comfort and a ring that feels important, Harry is ill-equipped for the summer ahead. On his neighbour’s roof, staring directly at him, was Voldemort. It would be comical if it wasn’t for the struggling muggle teen in his grasp. Mockingly, Voldemort held up a scrap of parchment. ‘Surrender yourself, or the muggle perishes.’ Harry ducked away from the glass and got his writing supplies out. He held the parchment to the wall as he wrote, with a quill this time. ‘I don’t negotiate with terrorists. I’m going back to bed.’ He wiggled it into the corner and left the sight of the window. There was a strangled scream he tried to block out. In bed, he piled his blanket over his ears. Bottom of the line, he needed sleep. And who was he to intervene? Every damned time he did, the person ended up dead or injured. Cedric, Sirius, and countless other friends had suffered under his supervision. Harry was done playing saviour.
294.6K parola
good night, darling
good night, darling
"I can send you back. Not to your body, but to one many years ago. Harry, you must fix the natural order of Death, on my behalf." Harry's breath faltered. It was all so confusing... Harry had died. He had died and spoken to Death and suddenly he was standing in Hogwarts, in 1942, and the Sorting Hat had just pronounced him Slytherin. Death had chuckled at that.
161.8K parola
Yesterday is Tomorrow (everything is connected)
Yesterday is Tomorrow (everything is connected)
James Potter went five years at Hogwarts without realizing Lily had a little sister. Hermione would have preferred it if he never realized she existed. Now she's stuck, in Potter's circle of awareness, and maintaining the timeline. Not like he makes it easy, or something. Aug 2023 edit: I had a baby in late 2022. RL takes priority over writing fanfic. This story is NOT abandoned. I am still working on the final two chapters; I write in segments and jump from scene to scene instead of linearly, which means the final two chapters are being written concurrently. This story WILL be finished - please stop leaving comments saying it's abandoned because it is not. I have outgrown Harry Potter fandom (as seen by my more recent story updates), but I am committed to finishing this story because it has been a labour of love. It will just take a longer time, and I'm hoping that once my little one is in daycare and I'm back at work I will be able to write more.
250.1K parola
Sequel to The End Is The Beginning! After years of living and healing in his younger body, it is finally time for Harry to return to Hogwarts, the seat of Dumbledore's power. Like a caterpillar he has matured and is ready to break through his metaphorical cocoon and spread his wings. Plans are unfolding, plots are solidifying and the future will never be the same.
173.4K parola
Revenge is the misguided attempt to transform shame and pain into pride. Being forsaken and neglected, ignored and forgotten, revenge seems a fairly competent obligation at this point.Skylar is the boy who lived, that's why he's important. I'm not Skylar.Going to Hogwarts is part of the plan, waking the basilisk is part of the plan, taking potions, learning spells, being tortured, murdering others, watching people di- I’m going to tell you a story, although it’s a bit long. I’m going to make you listen, because I want you to understand how you made me a monster. I’ll call this story antithesis, and you’re going to learn every single moment where things went wrong. I want you to cry, and beg for me to kill you, and when I’m done with this, you’re going to want to do that to yourself. You’re going to listen, because in the end, you owe me that much. You owe me so much more, but here we are, and this is how it’s going to end. Who knows, maybe this useless battle between you and me and this bloody world, well, maybe we always were fated to kill each other. Do you know what it is like to be unmade?
417.1K parola
family and other wonders
family and other wonders
Harry was supposed to pick- move on and be with his parents, or go back to finish the battle with Voldemort. But even Dumbledore doesn't know everything, and Harry finds that there are actually a lot more options than those two. Harry wants more than what he got. He wants a home. He wants a family. He wants a chance to be happy. He isn't sure he deserves all that, but he's going to try anyway. If only to spite Dumbledore and Voldemort's plans both. OR: Harry Potter wakes up ten years old but with all of his memories from age seventeen. He immediately begins to make Mistakes.
124.3K parola
Harrison Potter and the Intervention of Fates
Harrison Potter and the Intervention of Fates
What if the prophecy kept at the Hall of Prophecies was manipulated to suit the needs of an old manipulator? What if the recent Dark Lord forgot his original goals in his quest to attain immortality and cheat Death? What if the Boy-Who-Lived accepted his death even before he knew he was the Boy-Who-Lived? And what if the Fates intervened to start a new game of 'chess'? ---------“Dumbledore seriously needs to check his morals! He wants a child to kill a grown-up wizard! Not to mention one of the most powerful dark wizards in Britain!” “The prophecy does say you’d be his equal," Atropos pointed out. “Only raw magical power won’t be able to do anything," Harry pointed out. “I can’t just fire off spells at him and hope for the best. Besides, he must have had at least three decades worth of experience over me.” “Five decades actually," Lord Death supplied. Harry slumped slightly. “You guys and Dumbledore both are insane!”, he proclaimed. “We didn’t say you will have to kill him really," Atropos pointed out.
356.2K parola
and I Looked Back on a Broken World
and I Looked Back on a Broken World
“This is the most stupid thing you’ve ever done!” Hermione yells after Harry. Then she blinks. They’re no longer at Grimmauld Place and, sitting huddled together on a familiar four-poster bed with red hangings, are four teenaged boys, staring avidly at them. Well, this is just brilliant, she thinks. “And you didn’t even get the year right!” Or: the one in which Harry is done with the war and thinks it’s time he got something he wanted for a change. He misses his godfather, goddammit.
183.6K parola
Second Chances
Second Chances
Harry, Hermione and George are struggling, their lives not what they envisioned post winning the war. The ministry hasn’t changed, it’s still as corrupt as ever, George never recovered from Fred’s death and both Harry and Hermione are facing divorce in each of their marriages. Hermione has a plan, it’s risky and could kill them: go back and do it all again, only better and saving certain lives along the way.
118.3K parola
The Little One with Green Eyes
The Little One with Green Eyes
In June of 1980, Voldemort successfully took control of the Magical Ministry. For eleven years, Magical Britain was finally at peace, only a few rebels fighting against the New Ministry. Voldemort stepped out of the limelight after the end of the war, choosing instead to focus on something important: His sonInferius. A four year old Inferius who goes by the name 'Little One' and is completely adored by everyone who meets him. But Little One holds a lot of mysteries. Who is he? How did he die? But most pressing, what is his relationship to the Dark Lord? Everything is fine, of course, until the Order decide to take Little One away from a very protective and possessive Dark Lord. And somehow, that is the least of the Dark Lord's problems. Add one clingy, annoying Death and one all-seeing, secretive Fate and you might just have a story! Follow Voldemort as he struggles through protecting his child, fighting off a very persistent Death, running an entire country, and for Merlin's saKE CAN HE PLEASE BEAT FATE AT ONE BLOODY GAME OF CHESS????? DO NOT REPOST/COPY/BIND THIS FANFICTION! IF THIS IS POSTED ANYWHERE THAT IS NOT AO3, I DID NOT ALLOW IT. 2/27/24
146.5K parola
Harry isn’t the Boy-Who-Lived, but his parents still died, and Albus Dumbledore, concerned that Death Eaters might seek the boy’s death, cast a powerful charm on him to make wizards ignore him before Harry was left with the Dursleys. Except, with the Elder Wand in play, the charm was far too powerful, and made others essentially forget Harry existed when not directly interacting with him. Sorted into Ravenclaw at Hogwarts, Harry lives a contented life with no one either loving or hating him…until the charm breaks on his seventeenth birthday, and he’s suddenly plunged directly into the middle of a living world at war.
50.7K parola
What Souls Are Made Of
What Souls Are Made Of
A mysterious object in Bellatrix's vault sends Harry, Ron and Hermione spinning into the past and to a Hogwarts like none they know.Posing as students, Harry catches the eye of the Head Boy, Tom Riddle, who is nothing like the Voldemort of the future. He's charming and sly and manipulative; both brillant and deadly. It isn’t long before they’re tangled in a game more intricate than anything before. A game of heightened stakes, of tension, and the odds are stacked against Harry. With the threads of the future unravelling, can Harry make it out intact? And what is the cost, of truly getting close to Tom?
277.7K parola
The Speaker and His Wraiths
The Speaker and His Wraiths
In a world where Harry Potter chooses to seek his own answers instead of waiting around for Dumbledore, everything is different. Harry and his friends at Hogwarts must prepare for the inevitable war, choosing sides and creating their own paths. Will they be able to manage it?
189.9K parola
Quando a Roma
Quando a Roma
COMPLETO. Quando Harry ed Hermione accidentalmente si ritrovano mezzo secolo nel passato, si trovano nello stesso anno del famigerato Prefetto, Tom Riddle. Sia il coraggio di Harry che quello di Hermione saranno messi alla prova quando si troveranno di fronte a possibilità di amore dai posti più inaspettati e nemici improbabili nascosti nell'erba alta. Persi nel passato, potrebbero benissimo dimenticare la strada di casa.Non conforme a Doni della Morte.
164.2K parola
for love is always with you
for love is always with you
In the Wizarding World soulmates exist, and you carry your soulmate's thoughts about you in ink on the inside of your wrist. Tom Riddle grows up alone in an orphanage with empty wrists. Tom Riddle dies thinking too late. Harri Potter grows up alone in Little Whinging with wrists that never change. Harri Potter lives and everything falls in place. Harri Potter lives, therefore Tom Riddle lives also. "My dear, this ink started with you, and it will end in you."
250K parola
Hera Potter is the girl who lived, preparing to die at the hands of Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. Dark love story.AU-Voldemort wins.No redemption. *** FINISHED STORY *** Last updated: 12.06.2024
155.6K parola
It Makes You Wonder
It Makes You Wonder
What if Harry knew all along? What if he staged everything, just by following Dumbledore's general plan?
89.6K parola
Chronological Displacement
Chronological Displacement
“Malfoy, we have to slow it down!” Harry yells over the growing racket of the time turner. Harry’s not sure how, exactly, they’re going to do that, but they have to try. Malfoy looks at him wildly, and hesitates for only a second before grabbing his arm. Harry looks uncomprehendingly at Malfoy’s hand on his arm. “We’ll be stronger together!” Malfoy shouts. Oh. Right. The spell. Harry points his wand at the time turner, along with Malfoy. “Finite Incantatum!” The time turner only seems to grow stronger. A bright light begins to glow out from the center of the device, reaching its edges over to Harry and Malfoy. The last thing Harry sees is Malfoy’s worried face, and then darkness. ——— In which Harry and Draco have a time-turner accident, and many things go wrong, but a lot of things also go right. Featuring: reptilian bonding night, canon-inaccurate animagus lessons, and a fuck-ton of pining. aka the fic where Harry finds his family, and fights to keep them.
89.1K parola
Inter Vivos
Inter Vivos
AU. The Parseltongue incident in second year caused a more violent explosion in Gryffindor House than anyone could have foreseen. Harry, trying to withdraw from everyone except his two best friends, finds himself helped by people he couldn’t have foreseen either, first Snape and then Draco Malfoy. Sometimes, all it takes is one sudden impulsive throwing of a stone for the ripples of change to spread through several lives.
255.2K parola
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus
Letters from his deceased cousin caused Draco to realize that he had choices, starting with the choice to be someone else, to be who he wanted to be. The road to self-discovery was difficult and navigating that path in the shadow of Harry Potter was its own challenge but maybe, just maybe, his friends would help him along the way. And he would owe it all to Regulus Black.
86.5K parola
The Beginning
The Beginning
The Potters have twins, Harry and Charles, Harry gets hit with the killing curse but everyone thinks Charles is the boy who lived. Dumbledore wants Harry, who is eldest and heir, out of the way so that he and Potters can focus all of their attention on Charles. They prepare to send Harry to the Dursleys after disowning him but Sirius, who is Harry’s godfather, objects and takes Harry in instead. Sirius quickly figures out that Harry is the real boy who lived but decides to raise him on the down low, unlike what James and Lily have started to do with Charles. This book will be right after Halloween of 1981 and is mostly Sirius and the other characters figuring out what life looks like after the war has been declared over.
78.2K parola
A Crowned Family
A Crowned Family
It was easier for Will to hide his magic. No muggle understood his ‘gift’ of empathy. Wizarding kind thought him even more of a freak. No person, magical or otherwise, liked their secrets exposed. While Will was self-taught in magic, it was easier to deal with people without magic, than with it.Hannibal Lecter had an important and rare creature inheritance that gifted him with understanding magic in a way that few could understand. Secret hidden from all, even Will, he slipped under the cover of the muggles, an elusive sort of prey, and killed without magic.Only, when Hannibal asks Will of his magic, that Will understands who Hannibal is: Chesapeake Ripper.So, they both leave. Will leaves Jack behind but brings his dogs, and Hannibal is looking forward to hunting in Italy again. On their layover in England, Hannibal confesses that he needs to go hunting. That is where they found Harry Potter, curled under the cupboard, malnourished and bleeding.The natural thing to do is take the boy in and raise him as their own.This is the story of how Harry grows with a father who is a Ravenstag, serial killer, a dad with too many dogs and an empathy disorder, cannibalism and the value that family has.
130.7K parola
Eat Your Heart Out
Eat Your Heart Out
After the war, Harry just wants to live his life peacefully for once. Of course, fate throws him back in the path of Tom Riddle, who takes a liking to the gorgeous Chef Harry and basically kidnaps him. Translation in Russian by Starry_Princess <3https://ficbook.net/readfic/018ed6e2-a70a-7373-ba95-5889a75d91d3 Translation in Spanish by Anyeless01 <3https://www.wattpad.com/story/373630516-eat-your-heart-out***********************************************************"I'm afraid I may monopolize your Chef's time tonight, actually. You wouldn't mind, would you?" The owner hastened to reassure his VIP that he could have Harry for the rest of the night (thanks boss, I'm not actually a prostitute) while Amadeus scowled. All he could think was that his luck had finally run out, as the beautiful man reached a hand towards him and said,"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry. My name is Tom Riddle." Harry extended his hand, which the man turned and brought to his plush lips, kissing his knuckles. He swallowed thickly, hoping his voice would not waver."The pleasure is mine, Mr. Riddle."
229.0K parola
Never Alone
Never Alone
Severus Snape is a complicated man, but when it comes to protecting Harry Potter's life, there is nothing more simple than succeeding. When Severus finds himself caring for the boy after an attack, how will their relationship change? Sevitus.
397.9K parola
A Hop, Skip, and a Jump
A Hop, Skip, and a Jump
The moment Voldemort fell in the final battle something extraordinary happened... Death made a deal, now the entire wizarding world has to live with that deal. May the gods have mercy on us all...
93.6K parola
Lord Thanatos
Lord Thanatos
Hadrian Potter is sick of playing the Golden Boy, the Boy-Who-Lived, Albus Dumbledore's little Light pawn. After an unexpected creature inheritance he comes back to Hogwarts for his seventh year ready to enact vengeance on the people who betrayed him. Bringing his followers, mate and little Seer with him, Hadrian is ready to take the world by storm.
72.8K parola
Blood Bound
Blood Bound
A botched ritual, an irate Potions Master, and a series of magical chain reactions bring a new twist to the middle of Harry's OWL year... what's next?
75.4K parola