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71 相关内容
Not Like Bond & Moneypenny
Not Like Bond & Moneypenny
(AKA, the Ugly Betty AU where Stiles is totally Betty) Stiles thinks he’s finally getting a break when a job at the sleek, sophisticated, Alpha Magazine opens up - but soon realises he’s not going to be writing anything and instead is playing tutor-slash-babysitter to their new Editor-in-Chief. Derek’s spoiled, grumpy, in way over his head...and so painfully attractive it makes Stiles want to lick his face. So there’s very little choice in the matter. “Totally not like that,” he maintains, “It’s not like we’re Bond and Moneypenny.” Scott gives him an excited grin, chuckling. “Dude, you’re totally his Miss Moneypenny!” he says, eyes wide like the world just finally started to make sense. “You’re the only one who won’t sleep with him even though you’re dying to.”
See You In The Morning
See You In The Morning
Aizawa Shouta has a neighbour who owns an apartment directly across from his and Hizashi’s. Shouta has never seen anyone else, but has accidentally gotten to know his young Green haired neighbour through panes of glass separating their apartment kitchens. Or There is more going on behind the scenes, but both Izuku and Shouta are curious about their late night coffee buddies. Hizashi is curious about a new little listener.
Thunderstorms & Polish Lullabies
Thunderstorms & Polish Lullabies
Boyd is there, hovering over his claws, Isaac looks devastated, Jennifer looks bewildered and concerned and horrified, Kali looks smug, the twins are carefully keeping their faces blank but they're playing along, and- Gods, he's really going to be forced to do this, isn't he? Pack, his Pack, the make-shift family he'd all but accidentally gathered is going to die by his hand, and even if it's forced, it'll still be his fault, for wanting them, for needing them, for biting them. Loving them. He wants to close his eyes but he owes Boyd more than that. And then, abruptly, in this saturated technicolor still-picture moment of chaos and violence- the eye of the storm- the door to the loft crashes open. With the water and the metal and the force of it, the sound is almost guttural, and far too loud- even Kali seems startled. [Or, the one where Stiles time-travels just in time to save Boyd and Derek from the Alphas, and manages to heal everyone, including himself, just a little in the process.]
Coffee Cans and Energy Drinks
Coffee Cans and Energy Drinks
Shinsou can never sleep, and Bakugou is always up early to run. Neither of them really expected... whatever they had to come out of Shinsou wanting to preserve the blissful silence that filled the campus at the crack of dawn by buying Bakugou an energy drink.
Hurt!SpencerReid Stories
Hurt!SpencerReid Stories
Welcome to a very long series of one-shots and multipart chapters that follows Spencer Reid's journey in the BAU.I go episode by episode, looking for any potential angst or hurt/comfort moments with him and then write where I feel the cm writers might've left something out.There are tags to episodes, extras, 'what if's', and more! Some chapters are stand alone and some have multiple parts but, just like in the show, the chapters are linked to some degree with reoccurring themes.If you need an excuse to watch the series over again, or if you're watching for the very first time, I label each chapter with the season and episode number so that you can avoid spoilers (if you want)!!!I am still working on this fic (though it looks like it is complete, I did this because you could read most chapters as stand alone) and more new chapters are coming as frequently as I can put them out.Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy!:)
Of Blizzards, Coffee, and Jackets
Of Blizzards, Coffee, and Jackets
Peter didn't expect agreeing to borrow Deadpool's jacket would lead to his secret identity being found out. Although maybe he should've considered the repercussions before he wore it outside. In civilian clothes.
(Meet Me In) The Afterglow
(Meet Me In) The Afterglow
"Dennis hums some song under his breath as he readies the food for the bagel, and Peter turns his attention from the counter to the muted TV in the corner of the café. He almost has a heart attack when he sees who’s on the screen. Because talking to a reporter from some local news station is Tony freaking Stark. In the flesh. Very, very alive." --- Peter has been struggling since the end of No Way Home. The unexpected arrival of a familiar face brings hope.
Spidey Meets World (More Importantly, The Avengers)
Spidey Meets World (More Importantly, The Avengers)
The Avengers have faced many villainous foes. Each one more difficult than the last. Each one leaving them with the question of whether or not they’ll be able to survive the next hit. But they pull through. They have to. They are Earths’ mightiest hero’s. And nothing can- holy shit is that a Spider?! ... Where Peter “Cinnamon Roll” Parker proves to be the hardest challenge yet. And where everyone’s asking: “where the fuck are the adoption papers?!” (Also, if it wasn’t clear, Peter and the Avenger fam are trying domestic fluff on for size) (That didn’t explain anything either. It's one of those "Peter meets Avengers for the first time" fics. It’s good, I swear!)
Coaches Cupcake Coffee House
Coaches Cupcake Coffee House
Danny looked at him as if he were crazy, ‘It means he wants to ride the dick Stiles.’ He said slowly, as if talking to the mentally insane. ‘Ride the dick, my dick?’ Stiles asked weakly. ‘Figuratively speaking of course, Derek looks more like a topper to me. And you, my friend, are a twink of the most twinkiest standards, but I’m not one to judge.’ ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Stiles admitted, finding himself in a weird crouch-like stance that he apparently now adopts when he’s overwhelmed about finding out Derek Hotcakes wants to bone him three ways to Sunday.
Cup of Depresso
Cup of Depresso
A series of conversations with Emiya over some fresh coffee. Status: The overarching story that I wanted to tell is complete! That said, I'm still writing new chapters now and again, but just for fun as ideas hit me. Spoilers for any significant story beats will be forewarned at the beginning of each chapter. Comments always appreciated! Posted out of order, but placed chronologically; the new position and name of the latest chapter will always be updated here: Newest chapter -- 36. Vac Pot
Shouta Regrets Everything and Now He Has a Son
Shouta Regrets Everything and Now He Has a Son
Looking back years later, Shouta would see the very first day of Midoriya Izuku’s school year as both the day of one of his biggest regret and the start of something almost bittersweet. If only someone had told him the situation surrounding Midoriya's Quirk beforehand. Then they could've had a much better starting point.
Bucky Barnes discovers sugar, demands coffee, makes a variety of involuntary noises, cuddles up to Steve Rogers, regrows a limb, and fakes it 'til he makes it at being a person.
28 Days of Dates
28 Days of Dates
For every day in February, I will post a drabble from a date prompt. The pairings for each day were picked with a random name wheel from a few different fandoms in advance, from that I wrote half as SFW and the other half NSFW! I've never done something like this before, so I hope you enjoy and I do a good job! Please see chapter 1 for the line up! Written for the Yato's House ~A Valentine's Mini Event~ A date a day keeps the sad away? Please make sure you read the TW/CW before you read each chapter as the contents will vary from chapter to chapter **Completed**
The Mistakes We Made
The Mistakes We Made
"Shizuo doesn’t have to think of his past, doesn’t have anyone he would recognize on the unfamiliar streets; he can walk through the crowd without listening for his name, without scanning the faces for a familiar smile or a friendly wave. And it’s then that he thinks of Izaya." It's been years since their last fight when Shizuo sees a familiar face in a foreign city.
After dying in her original world, a girl goes to the Fairy Tail universe, hoping to change things for the better. But does her appearance there make it better, or worse? Fix-it fic. OC/Laxus, Nalu, Gale, Gruvia, Jerza, Elfever, etc. Spoilers for everything. Warning for Violence and Swearing. NOW WITH DRAGON SLAYERS INCLUDED.
Joker returns to his hometown to complete third year at a new high school and adjust to normal life. That includes reconnecting with a girl who was left behind.
When We Kiss, Fire
When We Kiss, Fire
“If I log one more complaint from you, your account will be suspended and put under official review and I will be fired.” Well, a little drastic. “And with my qualifications the only job I’ll be able to get is doing phone sex. Is that what you want, Derek?” Stiles questioned idly. If silence could be angry, this would be angry silence. “Would you still call?” Stiles finished, grinning, because now he was so far over the line and it felt so good. ”Still request for me by name?”
The Tragic Ballad of an Under-Caffeinated Hawkeye
The Tragic Ballad of an Under-Caffeinated Hawkeye
Steve and Tony are idiots, Pepper and Phil are 110% done with everyone and Clint just wants a cup of damn coffee. And maybe someone to appreciate how awesome he clearly is. Also known as: you know you’re in trouble when Clint Barton is the one sane person left in the tower and Bucky Barnes is the only one who realizes this.
hazelnut, strawberry, and mint
hazelnut, strawberry, and mint
In which Stiles is cheeky, Derek likes dogs, and coffee is gourmet as hell.
A Normal Life
A Normal Life
After a traumatic mission, Logan finds himself unable to recover his mental balance. Nothing helps - not drinking, not taking a weekend to run like an animal, not teaching. Unable to sleep and irritable, he finds himself following the lure of cinnamon and coffee across town at stupid o'clock. Amelie has busted her ass in Manhattan bakeries and kitchens for ten years, but it was all worth it to open her own coffee shop in Westchester County. Opening 'Ginger's Snacks' is the fulfillment of she and her best friend's dream. If only Ginger had lived to see it. The shop is ready, all she needs is the clock to strike 6am. **This is largely fluff, with slow burning smut to follow. It will use many elements of canon, but it is distinctly NOT canon. So try to forgive me if I have characters make decisions or behave in ways they never would in the comics, cartoons, or movies. Try to enjoy them for who they are in the moment, because I've tried very hard to make them compelling and nuanced - even if they aren't perfect. Comments always welcome!**
An interview worth watching
An interview worth watching
Izuku felt a little daring today, he wore a little eyeliner and some glittery eyeshadow - courtesy of his mum - and a red lip. He smiled sharply as the manager yelled "In 3 -" (A/B/O Future fic)
Be my Guest
Be my Guest
Maura sleeps over a lot. Jane doesn't mind. A large percent of fluff with a little bit of murder. --- A year later, it's now a bit of an epic journey of discovery, murder, serial killers, holidays, family, kidnapping, human trafficking, zombies, geese, art, museums and romance.
What does a quirkless boy who has lost everything possibly have to lose by becoming a vigilante? The answer is absolutely nothing! Especially when he is a ghost to the law. What does a quirkless boy who has lost everything possibly have to gain by becoming a vigilante? Everything. A purpose, a way to help people the heroes forget or miss, and maybe even…a new family, and his dream. Join Midoriya Izuku as he makes his way into Yuuei’s hero course and builds his family along the way. Oh, and he kicks some villain ass, but that was kind of a given.
Count To Four
The Way I Behaved
The Way I Behaved
Aizawa is a tired barista by day, and an equally tired hero by night. Life is exhausting, but he's managed to get by on copious amounts of coffee and five hours of sleep, until now... Hizashi has an urban legend to uphold: he's never been to the same coffeeshop twice! Well, that was true until he met the abrasive barista at the Extroverted Hermit. Even so, he can't let anything get in the way of his grand debut as the Voice Villain: Present Mic! His first order of business? Get rid of the hero Eraserhead! When Hizashi realises the barista he's taken a shine to is the selfsame hero he's promised to destroy, will he be forced to turn a new leaf or will he use the situation to his own twisted advantage?
Down the Rabbit Hole
Down the Rabbit Hole
He looks up, green eyes sparking with glee as a smile splits his face. “Miss Uravity.” He greets, “I hope you didn’t mind me paying for your coffee, I know pulling a stakeout on someone like me can be exhausting.” Or She knows she's in trouble when the villain she's staking out buys her coffee and has it waiting for her when she walks in.
托尼·斯塔克消失了,仅仅在他与佩珀最终分手后的几个小时。 没有人知道他在哪里——除了纽约上流社会阴暗的一面。他被当作奴隶囚禁、羞辱和折磨,他开始失去自尊以及活下去的意志。 他半饿着肚子,靠着仅剩的一点理智苟活,然后被一个陌生人买下。一个他从未见过的陌生人……但似乎认识他,并且可能是唯一能让他恢复自我的人。小问题:这个陌生人打算把他当宠物养,让他坐在他脚下,每天给他梳毛,从他手里吃东西。 而托尼发现自己越来越喜欢这种态度…… 这篇文章不包含非自愿性行为或洛基把托尼当奴隶对待的内容。这是一个受伤/治愈的故事。当然,其中也包含一些洛基式的行为。
Pas de deux
Pas de deux
Hermione Granger is a ballet dancer, working hard in a coffee and music lounge to make ends meet. When the Madame of her dance school invites famed dancer and choreographer Bellatrix Black to teach at her studio for a week, Hermione is immediately drawn to her. Even better; Bellatrix is in town to cast her new show and is looking for talent in Madame's studio. Will Hermione be her leading lady on and off stage?
every version of me dead and buried
every version of me dead and buried
Rey is a barista who never forgets a face.One day, a man walks into her café refusing to show his. ----- [The scar] crept up from under his collar along his neck, and her eyes traced the length of it. The part that disappeared under the thick, dark waves covering his right eye was still stitched closed with fresh black sutures twisting deep into his skin. He must have been split open to the bone. Whatever happened had hurt, in more ways than one, and that hurt was reflected now in the way his lovely mouth dropped open in fear and how horror darkened the one eye fixated on Rey’s face. ----- A Reylo coffeehouse AU where a very sweet, very shy, but very physically and emotionally broken artist Ben meets a sunshiny but lonely barista/college student Rey - and they help heal one another.
the pumpkin spice must flow
the pumpkin spice must flow
Bucky takes baby steps out into the world. Sam's pretty proud of him.
She Can’t Head the Family Business if She’s Not Family
She Can’t Head the Family Business if She’s Not Family
Gabriel Agreste decides to meddle when he notices that Marinette Dupain-Cheng's affections have transferred from Adrien to Luka Couffaine. Naturally, the bulk of his plan falls during the week before Fashion Week. Adrien is significantly more interested in stealing Nathalie's Coffee of Death than in engaging in a romantic relationship.
The Connie Maheswaran Fanclub (Or: How Connie Became the Most Popular Topic in School After She Pulled a Sword Out of Lion in Front of Literally Everyone)
The Connie Maheswaran Fanclub (Or: How Connie Became the Most Popular Topic in School After She Pulled a Sword Out of Lion in Front of Literally Everyone)
Connie finds out that pulling swords out of magical animals in a school hallway with everyone watching can cause people to treat you differently ... A Spinoff/Sequel to the Lion chapter of Xenopology by CompletelyDifferent. A series about Connie dealing with her newfound fame and how it affects her other school friends, Jeff and Peedee, as well as everyone else around her. (Canon divergent as of Are You My Dad?/I Am My Mom).
Fighting And Helplessness
Fighting And Helplessness
Peter hummed audibly at the pleasant memory of his Dad, and ouch, he missed him already. How long had he been here now? Where was here? How long would he be alone, without his Dad, without the feeling of home and safe and warm.Peter needed to think, needed to take note of anything and everything he could. He was a Stark and he could get out of this if he just used his head. Or... Peter is kidnapped and Tony just wants, no, needs, to find his kid.