Two Weeks
Set during the summer after Harry's Fifth Year. The fifteen-year-old is struggling to cope with his godfather's recent death, ridden with guilt, shame, remorse, and much internal conflict, depression looming on the horizon. The Dursleys aren't helping things either. Things take a sudden twist for the worse when the Blood Wards around Privet Drive fall, rendering Harry unsafe. What's the solution? Dumbledore arranges for Harry to stay with his most hated person after Voldemort and Umbridge: Severus Snape. In isolation. For two weeks. It goes without saying that neither wizard is pleased, and their feelings of mutual hatred are much reciprocated. And with a ticking sleep-deprived Gryffindor time-bomb, that right there is a recipe for a dangerous concoction.
Angst, hurt/comfort, emphasis on psychology and character developement. Super slice-of-life kind of story where every chapter is one day of the two weeks our two favorite characters have to spend in isolation. And the chapters are LONG. Panic attacks, stress, anxiety all based off of personal experiences. Written in third-person omniscient. Heavy emphasis on internal conflict, feelings, emotions, and learning to cope with life's shit.