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Lord Mortis The Accident
Lord Mortis The Accident
Harry Potter has never been good at lying under pressure, and his latest misstep lands him in deep trouble. Now he's the Lord of an extremely ancient, extremely Dark, previously extinct house of Necromancers. Lucky for him he has friends who can keep up and enemies that are determined to draw the wrong conclusions. Coming of age story about found family, terrifying your enemies, telling the man to shove it, and evil little abominations that just want ear scritches. --- Harry blinked. He had to stop himself from doing something very stupid, like screaming in a public place or trying to run and plowing into a wall. Waiting a small distance from the exit to the elevator were the absolute last people he’d wanted to see. There stood Lucius Malfoy, looking about as composed as ever, though the sheen of sweat on the edges of his brow and the way his faint smile looked like it could shatter at any moment somewhat soured the image of perfect pureblood Lord. Next to him was Fudge, whose trembling hands squeezed each other white. There was a woman beside them, he didn’t know her but her stern and monocled form reminded him of a particularly cross McGonagall. “Lord Mortis?” The Minister inquired
104.9K words
Petey and Wade are obviously an item, so why is Spiderman trying to be a Homewrecker?
Petey and Wade are obviously an item, so why is Spiderman trying to be a Homewrecker?
So, Peter and Wade are dating. Wait, scratch that, they are totally engaged (Peter will show you the ring). Fiances for life, amiright? Everything from here on out should be totally happy-go-lucky, right? Right? If your answer was, "Of course not, Peter's life will never be easy," than you're on the right track. Peter's life is difficult, and as far as anyone (himself included) knows, it's never going to be easy. ...But why do the Avengers have to hurt him like this?
38.5K words
I Think Clint Was Right
I Think Clint Was Right
Or that time Clint eavesdropped on a few conversations, came up with a conspiracy theory, and convinced the other Avengers to go along with it; and Tony and Peter are left wondering how this kind of misunderstanding could have even happened.
7.0K words
Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too)
Petey and Wade discuss the proper way to go about vigilantism (and maybe they fall in love too)
Deadpool totally crashes Peter's lunch date with some left-overs Aunt May had inundated him with, and Peter is like "Woah, isn't that that murder guy?" and then it kind of spirals from there. And maybe when Peter first saw Deadpool, decked out with fuzzy panda gloves and enough guns to take down a small monarchy, he should have high-tailed it the other way, but where's the fun in that, right? Right???
33.3K words
One two shots
One two shots
MHA one or maybe two shots. Mostly will be smutty I will try and put appropriate TW on the chapters
278.0K words
Release Your Inhibitions
Release Your Inhibitions
When a burst of toxin hits Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman the JLA rushes them to the Watchtower medbay. As Wonder Woman and Superman wake up it becomes clear that this gas makes its victims lose their inhibitions, and the team shudders to think what the Dark Knight will do with no reservations and a missing no-kill policy. However, once the Bat does rouse, he just might give them the shock of their lives The 'Star Trek:The Naked Time' AU no one asked for a.k.a. Bruce loses all filters and won't shut up about his kids Part 4 of my Justice League discovers the Batfam series!
5.2K words
Petey and Wade secret dating service (as in they are secretly dating, and that serves to protect the world, in the loosest definition possible)
Petey and Wade secret dating service (as in they are secretly dating, and that serves to protect the world, in the loosest definition possible)
Ok, so maybe Peter took the job (internship, whatever) to be around Wade, and yeah, maybe that wasn't exactly professional of him, but sue him, he wants to spend more time with his boyfriend! Ok, no, don't sue him, Peter is poor. But now he has a job, so maybe he won't be poor for much longer. Of course, that all depends on whether or not his new boss likes him, and whether Peter is able to keep said boss from discovering that Peter is everyone's favorite neighborhood Spiderman. And when that Boss is Tony Stark... Well, Peter's confidence has hit an all-time low.
28.2K words
Accident Prone: Becoming Human
Accident Prone: Becoming Human
As Connor struggles to comprehend his newly found emotions he learns what it means to be human as Hank guides him along his journey of self-discovery as his deviancy evolves him into something more than a machine. Connor is far from indestructible and his impulsive, selfless nature to accomplish his mission will be the death of him... or Hank! How many different ways can one android injure himself, get sick or worry his partner into an early grave as he learns what it means to be a deviant, to be free and to be alive.
1.9M words
I'm not a villain, I swear!
I'm not a villain, I swear!
Tim wakes up in a world in which Batman doesn't exist. And by consequence, the Robins never became heroes. Dick is a Talon, Jason is Red Hood (a villain), and Damian is a League of Assassins assassin. And Tim apparently is a hero called Draken, who, frankly, sucks at being a hero. And in this weird alternate reality, something big is brewing and Batman isn't here to keep the Justice League from tearing itself apart. Tim is really really done with everything. Dick, Jason, and Damian aren't helping. Tim really really hates magic as well.
64.2K words
yes sir, mister president
yes sir, mister president
peter gets a call from the president during class
1.0K words
Reintroducing Hope
Reintroducing Hope
Mute, and living on the streets after his aunt has a heart attack, Peter isn't sure life could get much worse. He desperately waits for his 18 birthday when he can finally have a life again. Until a seeming to be normal friend, Sam Wilson helps turn his life back around. With the help of the rest of the Avengers of course.In the middle of sorting all this out, Hydra causes even more trouble for our heroes. And Peter once again is left in the middle of the chaos.
173.9K words
Another Trip Around the Sun
Another Trip Around the Sun
Peter likes Wade. A lot. Like-likes him. But this is a problem, see? Because Wade has no idea who is behind the Spiderman mask. And then they go to a New Years Eve Party hosted by Tony Stark, get completely wasted, and suddenly this does not seem to be nearly as much of a problem as Peter originally thought. Because Peter always makes the best decisions while drunk, don't you know? Especially when his decision involves getting into Deadpool's pants.
31.9K words
Confusion Is Mine, Saith the Lord
Confusion Is Mine, Saith the Lord
Someone—and Harry might murder them if he ever finds out who—digs something up in old records proclaiming that Harry is not only the Heir of Slytherin as all Parselmouths are, but Lord Slytherin by Right of Conquest after killing the basilisk. Students start coming to Harry for protection and other gifts he can grant them as Lord Slytherin. Harry thinks this Lord business is the stupidest thing he’s ever heard, but all he needs to do is offer them protection and so on without becoming too full of himself. So it’s doable. Hopefully
26.7K words
Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise
Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise
Dumbledore’s train when he dies brings him to an alternate universe with Tom Riddle asking for the defense post. There, he rights his wrongs and hires Tom Riddle as a Defense Professor to keep him from becoming Voldemort. It works. (Mostly.) Canon!Harry does the same unintentionally when he is a Firm Adult and stumbles into this AU Hogwarts hoping to teach defense. He cannot bc Tom. There is only teaching one spot available: Muggle Studies. Chaos ensues as Muggle Studies becomes everyone’s favorite class and gains a reputation as the most difficult course at Hogwarts. Tom Riddle is enraged, concerned, and… turned on?
11.8K words
little interlude
little interlude
A home welcoming from dad.
1.2K words
I'm starting to think that maybe you need me
I'm starting to think that maybe you need me
Taehyung and Jeongguk were forced to mate by their parents when they were younger. Taehyung’s parents needed money for their farm so Taehyung’s father made a deal with Jeongguk’s rich father. They were both furious when they found out and even though they were occasionally hooking up, they never fell for each other. They’ve thought about rebelling and breaking their bond but it is a painful process, so they were basically just coexisting together. Few years into their weird relationship, Taehyung is still acting like an irresponsible teenager most of the time, making the alpha’s life harder. Jeongguk is drinking a lot, trying to deal with the whole mess. They are dragging each other down but lifting each other up at the same time. Most of the time it feels like they are two strangers living together but there are moments when suddenly all bad is gone. On their long and bumpy journey, they start realizing that they need each other and that maybe there are some real feelings buried deep inside. A/N: Partly based on a song Need me by Eminem and Pink. Go listen to it, the lyrics are beautiful but painful at the same time. IMPORTANT – read notes at the beginning before starting the fic.
111.4K words
please answer my texts!
please answer my texts!
i've always wanted to write a chatfic lol; in which aether just wants the guys in his class to answer his texts.
50.4K words
I Hate It Here.
I Hate It Here.
Zoros mind quickly clears. The dark jungle around him again coming into view. The heat from Sanji's skin under his palms burns. He looks down. Sanji's eyes are still dark, pupils blown wide. His breath is calming but his body continues to convulse and spasm with his come-down. Zoro wipes the sweat from his brow as he quickly backs away to put distance between their bodies. “Cook-“ He shifts closer to Sanji's face, grabbing his jaw and forcing their eyes to meet. “Oi, cook.” He snaps his fingers near Sanji's ear a few times. Sanji's eyes drag to focus on Zoro's face “What? You shitty moss brain-“-------A strange island rainforest has a very unique effect on Sanji and Zoro as they work their way back to the Going Merry. How can things ever return to the way they once were?
214.0K words
Someone has deleted half the numbers in Stiles's phone.
2.0K words
The Chances of Survival: 14 million and the time that never happened
The Chances of Survival: 14 million and the time that never happened
Stephen had looked through all possible outcomes of the battle against Thanos. 14,000,605. With one chance to win. There was, however, another chance to win he never saw. A chance so unlikely to happen, that it never occurred to him. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible. But it happened. The glowing green gem turned time backward. Who remembers it happened?
316.8K words
A New Adventure
A New Adventure
In which Obi-Wan travels back in time and neglects to tell anyone, until an uneventful Council meeting.
6.7K words
Petey and Wade and their miscellaneous adventures (in which everything that could have happened, did happen)
Petey and Wade and their miscellaneous adventures (in which everything that could have happened, did happen)
Peter and Wade have done a lot of stuff. This is normal. For humans, and for them. Humans do stuff, Petey and Wade do stuff, it's a thing. Here's all the stuff we missed seeing them do through the years. And all the stuff that did not happen, but we kind of wished had. (a series of only slightly related one-shots in my Petey and Wade and other being punched in the face things Universe)
158.8K words
The One Where the Justice League Almost Didn’t Figure it Out
The One Where the Justice League Almost Didn’t Figure it Out
“I can vouch for him,” Cyborg said, sitting up straighter. “We’ve worked together before. I can’t promise he’d want the job though. He works out of Bludhaven, last I checked.” Dinah perked up from where she was slumped against the table next to Oliver. “That’s next to Gotham. Batman, what do you know?” All eyes immediately turned to where Batman sat with his arms crossed, looking impassive as always. There was a long moment of silence and the corners of Batman’s mouth turned ever so slightly downward. Finally, in a flat tone of voice that gave no more away than his face ever did, he said, “He’s… well trained. Fast. Could be useful.” ... Also known as, the League eventually figured out that Nightwing is Batman's son, but it takes a while. Based on this post that I initally wrote on my Tumblr:
16.2K words
When they heard the fateful words "Recognized: Robin - B01," nothing could have prepared them for the web of secrets which would unravel as Daniel Fenton and Richard Grayson search for answers. Rated K-plus for action, themes, and occasional language. Definitely not your typical DP/YJ crossover.
125.4K words
Never number one (and that's okay)
Never number one (and that's okay)
Tony is no one's number one. And he is okay with that.He and Steve are dating and everything is going great. Until Bucky returns... Will Steve have to choose between his two loves? Or will Tony make the choice for him?
4.9K words
I Have Been a Brother to O.W.L.S
I Have Been a Brother to O.W.L.S
The second half of his fifth year means that Harry has to take his OWLS, which are a matter of great concern to him. But the world, with its magical creatures and Muggleborns who need help, corrupt Ministry, and stupid Voldemort, still spins on.
52.8K words
hungry for strays
hungry for strays
Tim knows something is wrong with Batman and Nightwing, and somehow it all has to do with the new crime lord on the rise in crime alley. So of course he’s not going to stay at the manor while they’re out risking their lives.Tim leaves a note and sets out for intel on the Red Hood. Aka. Everyone is straight up not having a good time
17.1K words
What To Do When An Unfamiliar Batman Falls On You. (Don't get between him and his Robin.)
What To Do When An Unfamiliar Batman Falls On You. (Don't get between him and his Robin.)
Instead of the pretty manageable cookies explosion he was bracing himself for, Robin barged in the common room to get tackled to the ground by Batman. Okay, so he was used to that, even if Bruce avoided doing that where Robin's teammates could see it because it was just a little humiliating, and Dick liked to be seen as a strong independent young hero, and not as a sidekick that got tackled around by his mentor. But then again, having Batman's nice Kevlar cape between himself and the explosion was always appreciable. Plus, Batman had also protected Zatanna, so it all wasn't quite as bad as it could have been. It was after, when Batman cursed and knelled up, that Dick started suspecting something was really, whelmingly wrong.
38.4K words
A Succubussy's Toy
A Succubussy's Toy
"M-Master… Master—ngh—Childe…!" A finger enters his sopping hole, twisting and turning inside. The long calloused finger reaches his second entrance, poking around to see if it'll let him enter. "Oho? Where did your confidence go, slut?" a husky voice asks, orange hair tickling the back of his head. Zhongli mewls, shaking his head adamantly. With the confidence reaching the heavens, new succubus Zhongli targets an innocent-looking college student named Ajax. Tartaglia, or Childe, was supposed to be his toy but apparently, it’s vice versa?
22.3K words
Thou Shalt Have No Tournaments Before Me
Thou Shalt Have No Tournaments Before Me
Sequel to “Confusion Is Mine, Saith the Lord.” Harry has a great summer, but it seems fourth year is going to be more complicated, what with more people trying to be his minions, the Ministry intent on using him, Quidditch canceled, and revelations coming out about his personal life that Harry doesn’t care for. Oh, and the Ministry wants him to grant permission as Lord Slytherin to hold a death tournament at Hogwarts. Harry doesn’t see why he should do that.
34.5K words
flash thompson gets an internship.
flash thompson gets an internship.
To Eugene Thompson: We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Stark Industries internship program. Please arrive at Avengers Tower on Monday, February 1st, and use the enclosed access card to enter the employee elevator. [...] We look forward to our partnership. Stark Industries. ---or, flash gets an internship at SI and learns about the cryptid of the tower.ft: redeemed flash thompson, tony stark being a troll, and lots of hello kitty offerings.disclaimer: i do not own the mcu, nor the characters that i use in this fic, aside from my minor ocs (the interns)
4.7K words
To Turn Back Time
To Turn Back Time
It was unfair. The other him got a nice Shizun, a kind and gentle one that smiled when he called out his name. His features were soft and there was no ill intention in his eyes. It was like the heavens had sent him one last gift, but he was robbed of his gift by the other him. Why couldn’t fate give him a nice Shizun? Why couldn’t it give him what he deserved? He didn’t want it to end like this. No, it couldn’t end like this. If only he could find the power to turn back time. His head snapped up. He had the power. He just never realized it “Wait for me Shizun. We will finally be together.” Shen Qingqiu woke up with a start… did the other Peak Lords. It seems he had miscalculated.
50.2K words
What's a fan doing in Star Wars?
What's a fan doing in Star Wars?
Obi-Wan and Anakin are in the middle of the Clone Wars, and while trying to escape from a Separatist ship, they end up "landing" on Earth. They had never seen a planet like this before, but what they never expected, was to meet you; a person who knows too much about them and the secrets they hide, so you are not only a danger to them, but to the entire Jedi Order and the Sith. The best plan? Escape from those who will start looking you because of your limitless knowledge. __________________ (a reader-centric fic, which is set around the plot of The Clone Wars with an eventual, slow-building romance; really, super slow burn compared to what everyone is probably used to, I'm so sorry) fem!reader x obi-wan / anakin.
257.4K words
Opened My Door For Death (and asked him to stay)
Opened My Door For Death (and asked him to stay)
In which Yoongi is the Grim Reaper who has just been fired from his job after calling his boss a “moody piece of shit,” and Jimin is a college student who happens to find him unconscious after the Cerberus chased him out of Hell.
11.4K words
only following orders
only following orders
Cody's communicator has been broken for weeks and he's been too stubborn to fix it; in other, related news, Order 66 isn't set off, Order 6 is, and the clones justify their overprotectiveness with military regulations in the aftermath.
3.1K words