

237 관련 내용
즐겨찾기 태그
배운 교훈
배운 교훈
나의 히어로 아카데미아 | 보쿠노 히어로 아카데미아 | 나의 히어로 아카데미아 바쿠고 카츠키 하카마타 츠나구 | 베스트 청바지 아이자와 쇼타 | 이레이저 헤드 사카마타 쿠우고 | 갱 오르카 스나이프 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 매 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 1-A 반 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 미도리야 이즈쿠 프로 히어로 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 야마다 히자시 | 프레젠트 마이크 kirishima eijirou Todoroki Shouto 바쿠고 미츠키 바쿠고 마사루 바쿠고 카츠키 & 하카마타 츠나구 | 베스트 지니스트 바쿠고 카츠키 & 클래스 1-a 바쿠고 카츠키 & 미도리야 이즈쿠 아이자와 쇼타 | 이레이저 헤드 & 바쿠고 카츠키 바쿠고 카츠키 & 야기 토시노리 | 올 나이트 바쿠고 카츠키 & 키리시마 에이지로 바쿠고 카츠키 & 토도로키 쇼토 보풀 공황 발작 양자 선택한 가족 정신 건강 문제 언어폭력 히어로 아카데미아] 은거처습격 이후 아크 폭력적인 바쿠고 미츠키의 잘못된 양육 방식 폭력적인 바쿠고 마사루의 끔찍한 양육 방식 체육대회가 엉망이었어요 폭주 카츠키는 욕을 많이 한다 폭주 카츠키는 감정 표현에 서툴러요 바쿠고 카츠키는 포옹이 필요해 폭주 카츠키는 도움이 필요합니다 베스트 지니스트는 좋은 롤 모델로 활용되지 않았습니다 부모 아이자와 쇼타 | 이레이저헤드 부드러운 바쿠고 카츠키 (결국에는) - 자유 형식 바쿠고 카츠키를 다치게 하다 정서적/심리적 학대 #putkatsukibakugouintherapy2k19 챗 소설 중간 에피소드 호크스는 기능적인 성인이 아닙니다 아빠 베스트 진 신소 히토시가 미네타 미노루를 대체합니다 그건 아주 오랫동안 나오지도 않아요 저한테는 그게 중요해요, 알잖아요 바쿠고 카츠키는 좋은 친구다 정신 건강을 진지하게 받아들입니다 보호적인 미도리야 이즈쿠 i've taken canon into consideration and i've elected to ignore it 자해 토도로키 엔지 | 엔데버의 나쁜 부모 자식 관계 crushes 행복한 결말이 있는 고뇌 궁극적인 해피 엔딩 1-A 반, 가족 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 지원반 1-A (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 보호구 등급 1-A (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 카츠키 하카마타 AU 특이점 부작용 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 텍스트 채팅 및 메시징 1-A 반 단체 채팅 (나의 히어로 아카데미아) 챗 소설이 아닙니다 그냥 단체 채팅 막간 장면입니다 프로 히어로 그룹 채팅 (나의 히어로 아카데미아)
카츠키의 친구들은 경찰서 대신 악당들로부터 그를 구출한 후 그를 병원으로 데려갑니다.그의 상처는 경미했지만, 그렇다고 해서 상처를 치료하는 것이 덜 중요한 것은 아니었습니다.그러고 보니 베스트 지니스트도 공격 후에 이 병원으로 옮겨졌어요. 때로는 작은 선택이 이야기의 전개에 큰 영향을 미치기도 합니다. ---------------Aka: 베스트 지니스트가 아들을 얻다.특징: 학대와 마음의 상처에 대한 진지한 대화, 마침내 한 성인이 나서서 카츠키를 도우려는 모습, 내가 아직 끝나지 않았기 때문에 스포츠 축제에 나서는 나, 프로 영웅들이 그룹 채팅을 하고, 마침내 좋은 사람이 되는 법을 배울 기회를 얻은 카츠키.
119.4K 단어
"Hold my son for a moment," says the Viktor Nikiforov, live in the flesh, sweaty and panting. "Wha—" Yuuri can't even begin to comprehend what's going on before Viktor is gone, and there's a child in his arms. (in which yuuri is a barista-turned-babysitter, viktor is a famous movie star, and yuri is an 8 year old kid stuck in the middle of it.) russian translation
58.9K 단어
- From the outside Castiel Novak looks like a regular guy: a good job, two teenage kids, a nice house and a crappy car he’s way too attached to. But there’s one thing no one knows about him: that, over twenty years ago, he used to live next to none other than Dean Winchester – back then a brash and loud-mouthed boy and nowadays a huge movie star and Hollywood’s sweetheart. Castiel never bothered to tell anyone about his childhood friend because frankly, who would believe him? Probably even Dean himself already forgot about his former awkward and weird neighbor, so Castiel seriously doesn’t see any point in mentioning the whole thing ever. But then an interview on national TV happens where Dean reveals way more about his past than ever before … and Castiel - as well as the rest of the world - suddenly realizes that he left a much bigger impact on Dean’s life than he originally thought. -
203.5K 단어
A Far Flung Affair
A Far Flung Affair
He just wanted to reach home and cuddle with his girlfriend, but he never expected to witness his best friend shagging his fiance on top of the kitchen table. AU. No voldemort!
4.1K 단어
Like Magic
Like Magic
“Don’t you get it?” Dream said to him in an excited whisper, eyes alight with joyous realization. “You—you’re magical, George!” “What does that mean?” “It means you’re like me!” When George first met the tall, freckled child who called himself Dream, he thought the other boy was bonkers. Strange clothes, a foreign accent, a closely-guarded secret — what was George supposed to make of his new next-door neighbor? Despite the newcomer’s strangeness, the two boys quickly forge a friendship. George soon realizes that he and Dream have a lot more in common than he first thought. //Dreamnotfound Hogwarts AU//
254.6K 단어
it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in
it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in
The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story.
22.6K 단어
When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon. Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind. (Eventual romance and mature content for later chapters).
101.9K 단어
She Would Be Queen
She Would Be Queen
It was common knowledge that you had a relationship with all of the brothers. Not that all of them were happy about it, but that was just how it was. You weren't secretive about it, and each of them was slightly different from the others, but that little fact was always present. Always hanging in the air around you when you were with any of them. If any of them didn't like it, they would never tell you. After all, it was kind of their fault that you had this strange shared relationship.
192.2K 단어
♡SiNfUl CoLleCtIoN♡ Haikyuu Smutshots
♡SiNfUl CoLleCtIoN♡ Haikyuu Smutshots
Ive decided to make a book complied of random smut shots I've thought of. Every oneshot is NSFW themed so be warned. The characters involved in sexual activity are 18+, ifSometimes you really love a Timeskip!HQ boy but theres never enough content for them. I present to you, my book of smutshots. Each smutshot is a potential book that i shoved into 10,000+ words because then Id have far too many books to write :p So enjoy!
287.4K 단어
penny for your thoughts
penny for your thoughts
For the next few years, that’s how it went. Izuku and Katsuki would give each other the penny at random times, and the receiver always had to say whatever they were thinking out loud. No matter the thought, no matter the time or place, the boys staunchly refused to lie about their thoughts. It was always the truth. Because that’s the way it went.
7.6K 단어
Friendly Slaps
Friendly Slaps
Merlin figures out why Arthur manhandles him so much. Arthur himself is a little slower on the uptake.
4.0K 단어
one to ten
one to ten
Kirishima attempts to climb the ladder of success and weasel his way into Bakugou Katsuki's explosive little heart. Step one? He has to get to level ten.
7.4K 단어
Daddy Do's
Daddy Do's
“Hi Mr. Stilinski!” Lydia said pertly. “My name’s Lydia, and this is my daddy. His name is Derek Andrew Hale and he watches all of your videos on YouTube a lot, but he still can’t braid.” [Stiles is a celebrity YouTube hairstylist. Derek may or may not have a crush. Lydia just wants a French braid for school picture day.]
8.0K 단어
The Sexual Education of Steve Rogers
The Sexual Education of Steve Rogers
In which Steve actually knows rather a lot about sex, but almost nothing about the lengths his friends are willing to go for him. (Almost nothing but sex. Did I mention there’s sex? There's sort of a lot of sex in this story. Sorry about that.) // Most Recent: Thor/Jane and Darcy team up for the win! //// Up Next: Wanda, Viz, Natasha and Bruce... Oh the smutty plans I have. //// I take requests!// ++ Each chapter has a summary! ++ There's something like an ongoing plot, but each character arc stands alone, so you can pick and choose the characters you like, or read straight through, whatever floats your boat. If you're skipping around, read the interludes related to the chapters you do read, because plot. ~*~*~The kink is perhaps vanilla-plus; risqué perhaps, but nothing you shouldn't try at home. Everything is consensual, usually enthusiastically so, though sometimes they're figuring it out as they go, and it takes a little work. Lots of dirty talk, vaguely naughty moments of teasing and playfulness, lots of caught-up-in-the-moment-roughness. Everyone's out to make each other happy, but now and again there's a miscommunication, folks have issues, and feels.
65.4K 단어
miracle romance
miracle romance
Awkward and not good at making friends, you spend a lot more time up in your room by yourself. Meanwhile, Bakugou finds himself drawn to the quiet girl in his class.
200.3K 단어
Pulling on the Strings of Destiny: Act 2
Pulling on the Strings of Destiny: Act 2
Four days pass for Japan, and everyone is on edge. They wonder, and wait. What will happen next for them? Will Midoriya keep rising? What sort of things would she face. They all turned towards the screens, wondering. None more so then the future class 1-A, more so as they get a glimpse into their first sports festival, first internship and their final exams. Watch as Midoriya's future continues to unfold, as she learns more about her family, society and herself.
177.0K 단어
Home Run
Home Run
Being the only omega in the university baseball team, despite his slimmer body and shorter legs as the other teammates, Taeyong defended his position as the Pitcher as best as he could, proving that he wasn't just an ordinary omega. Not something to follow orders, to submit or to be cute 24/7. But with a new exchange alpha coach from overseas, his whole world is cursed to make a huge turn into the opposite direction.
390.7K 단어
바버샵 로맨스
바버샵 로맨스
지민의 즉흥적인 방문으로 인해, ‘슈가’라는 이름의 미용실은 그가 예상했던 것보다 훨씬 더 흥미로운 곳이 됩니다. 훨씬 더 흥미롭죠. (27페이지 분량의 설탕과자처럼 달콤한 이야기, 뻔한 플러팅, 그리고 숨 막히는 긴장감으로 가득 차 있습니다.)
13.1K 단어
Bullies, Interns, and Secret Things
Bullies, Interns, and Secret Things
Two and half years have passed since Peter Parker donned the Spider-man suit and made a name for himself. A lot has happened to him and the other Avengers in that time and as the middle of Peter's senior school year arrives, Midtown High School gets a surprise invitation for their senior students to take a tour of Stark Industries. Yes, this is the classic "field trip to S.I." trope that everyone has already done. I just want to hop on the bandwagon because why not. Sue me. Please don't actually do that.
65.3K 단어
Sirius’ hands fell to the floor again, and he lolled his head to the side to stare despairingly at James. “His skin is so soft and he smelled liked strawberry jam,” Sirius said quietly, deploying his saddest puppy dog eyes.James snorted loudly as he stood up, broom in one hand. He looked down at Sirius. “What you need, mate, is to get a life.” --- Remus and Sirius find themselves in a predicament. Both are hopelessly pining after each other, and after James dares them to pretend to be dating, they find that time is running out and they'll have to admit their feelings sooner rather than later. Centers around Wolfstar but focuses on lots of other characters as well :) spotify playlist for this fic: --- HEAVILY EDITED: 5.29.21 - 8.31.21
67.2K 단어
As We Roll Down This Unfamiliar Road
As We Roll Down This Unfamiliar Road
“…Hawkeye and Antman…” Peter says under his breath. Peter clears his throat a little and speaks a little louder, “you’re Hawkeye and Antman”. Scott’s face changes from being slightly confused to being excited, “you know who I am!” Clint squints at Peter, looking the boy up and down, “who are you?” “Uh…” Peter nervously looks over at Tony. Tony sighs and motions for Peter to come and stand next to him. He throws his arm around Peter’s shoulders, a move to comfort both of them, and also give himself a boost of confidence. “This is Peter”. Peter gives a shy wave and Clint raises an eyebrow, “and Peter is?” “Peter is the main reason why I care about you getting to see your kids…” Tony takes in a breath to relax himself. While he doesn’t trust Barton…he does trust that the man wouldn’t tell anyone about Peter being his son. Barton knows what it’s like to keep your kids a secret to keep them safe. “I wouldn’t want to be kept away from my kid either”. ---This is the follow up of my first story 'Hold On, To Me As We Go'. I suggest reading that one first.
47.9K 단어
Lalatina and the Normality Earrings
Lalatina and the Normality Earrings
Originally posted here: When a set of reality bending earrings gifted to her by a demon, Lalatina Dustiness Ford is thrust into a world where her desires can become truth, where her imagination can run wild, and where the people around her could become mere tools for sex... if only that wasn't what she wanted for herself. Will Darkness be able to resist temptations? Will she be lost to the lusts that surround her? Or will she just become another cog in a demon's plan? Either way, plenty of sex to be had. Yay!
479.5K 단어
all in(to you)
all in(to you)
Jisung needs to get laid, plain and simple. Except it isn't that simple―not when he lets his ego drag him into a bet that requires him to get in his classmate's pants before the end of the semester, not when said classmate with his round glasses and perpetual sweater paws is so easy to fall for, and certainly not when he turns out to be a huge fucking tease.
44.8K 단어
The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude
The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude
Teru offers to fake date Mob in order to gain Tsubomi's attention. His own crush on Mob makes this plan somewhat problematic.
24.7K 단어
if you need, come build your home in me
if you need, come build your home in me
Even though the world keeps falling down around him, Will Solace can't seem to help but keep growing up. (A series rewrite starting with the events of Titan's Curse)
326.4K 단어
The Red Envelope
The Red Envelope
When Will needs to get his thoughts out of his head, he writes a letter he never intends to send. He addresses it to Mike, and tells him everything. Feeling lighter than he has in weeks and buoyed by the adrenaline of writing it all out, Will acts on an impulse and ends the letter with, "If you’d be willing to give me a chance, I’d be really happy to date you. If you’re open to trying it, please meet me in Castle Byers this Saturday at 2:00pm. I’m not asking for any promises, I’m not asking for forever or anything like that; all I’m asking is that you give me a chance. Come if you want; if not, I completely understand, no hard feelings, and I’ll never, ever mention this again." He forgets all about the letter, and the distinctive red envelope he stowed it in, until he turns around to find it missing. Now, Will has to think of some way to stop Mike from reading that letter - or should he wait at Castle Byers on Saturday at 2:00pm and pray for a miracle?
45.8K 단어
George isn't particularly used to the fluttery feeling of butterflies in his stomach.He certainly isn't used to the swarm that seems to come alive whenever there's the slightest mention of a certain Ferrari 488 driver. “You’d have great fun in the passenger seat of my car.”“I don’t take rides from strangers.” his tone is subtle, voice low, loving the way Dream seems to hang onto his every word. Dream leans a little closer, his hands reaching for one of the necklaces hanging around his neck. “What makes us strangers, George?”The sound of his own name rolling off of Dream’s tongue leaves a flurry of butterflies in George’s stomach, but he tries his best to appear unaffected. “Perhaps it’s the fact that I don’t know who you are, Dream.”
46.4K 단어
Our Darling D
Our Darling D
It all started with a letter.
125.4K 단어
Stranger Things Minus
Stranger Things Minus
Will Byers has gone missing. His mother Joyce has tried to find him but no one will listen. Will's friends, Mike, Dustin, & Lucas haven't seen him either. But in the process of trying to find their friend the group of boys find a stranger girl in the woods under a cloak of rain instead. Eleven. They soon find out that she isn't just an ordinary girl. And it's possible she holds the key that can lead to them finding Will but they have to help her as she informs Mike that "bad men" are after her & will kill them without hesitation. But Mike isn't afraid & even allows Eleven to live in his basement, a secret to his parents & older sister Nancy. While Eleven is living in his basement Mike eventually discovers something he never could had guessed, the girl he and his friends rescued is fairly verse in sexual activities. And it sparks a series of events for the whole group that turn a bit... strange.
205.3K 단어
Weak Spot
Weak Spot
A love story of villainous proportions. Though it hadn't come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
690.8K 단어
To Love a Stark
To Love a Stark
“So you can see why we are all gathered here, right?” Gendry nodded his head. “I think.” “We all have big boners for Starks.” Ygritte crackled and Theon threw her a venomous look. “So Margaery made a club.” “Oh gods.” Theon muttered in distain. “It’s not a fucking club.”
98.9K 단어
Hongjoong kind of maybe has a crush on his favorite ASMR YouTuber. It’s nothing really, for Hongjoong it kind of feels like having a crush on a celebrity or something of the like. Mars ASMR is like, really good at ASMR. An actual sentence that had come out of Hongjoong’s actual mouth when he had told San about ASMR, back when he first stumbled upon it. (Russian translation now kindly provided: here)
65.1K 단어
Never have I ever
Never have I ever
“What was the question again?” “Never have I ever had an orgasm.” Alex rolls her eyes a bit. “Just drink up Kara, it’s not that hard.” “Uhm.” Kara picks up her shot glass. It’s cool against her hand, and glistening with condensation. “Well, uh… I… I can’t do that.” She winces slightly as she says it, but what’s the point of the game if she lies? She puts the shot glass down. “You know. Because I never—” OR A/B/O College AU in which Kara is an alpha with a complicated relationship with her status and sex, and Lena offers to enter a friends with benefits relationship with her to help her self-exploration. Because there's absolutely no chance they'll fall in love in the process.
48.5K 단어
daisies bunches and heather branches
daisies bunches and heather branches
izuku falls in love with the foul-mouthed tattoo artist next door.
5.8K 단어