

32 관련 내용
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The Sexual Education of Steve Rogers
The Sexual Education of Steve Rogers
In which Steve actually knows rather a lot about sex, but almost nothing about the lengths his friends are willing to go for him. (Almost nothing but sex. Did I mention there’s sex? There's sort of a lot of sex in this story. Sorry about that.) // Most Recent: Thor/Jane and Darcy team up for the win! //// Up Next: Wanda, Viz, Natasha and Bruce... Oh the smutty plans I have. //// I take requests!// ++ Each chapter has a summary! ++ There's something like an ongoing plot, but each character arc stands alone, so you can pick and choose the characters you like, or read straight through, whatever floats your boat. If you're skipping around, read the interludes related to the chapters you do read, because plot. ~*~*~The kink is perhaps vanilla-plus; risqué perhaps, but nothing you shouldn't try at home. Everything is consensual, usually enthusiastically so, though sometimes they're figuring it out as they go, and it takes a little work. Lots of dirty talk, vaguely naughty moments of teasing and playfulness, lots of caught-up-in-the-moment-roughness. Everyone's out to make each other happy, but now and again there's a miscommunication, folks have issues, and feels.
65.4K 단어
Felines and Canidae
Felines and Canidae
As a thief in the Underground, you’ve always managed to survive by pickpocketing merchants and robbing poorly skilled criminals. However, with your sister falling sick and desperately needing expensive treatment, you are now forced to change tactics. With no other options left, you decide to sabotage the heists of the most successful gang of thieves in the Underground. Your task is simple: let them do all the preparatory work, then steal their treasures right in front of their noses. However, it seems you completely underestimated their gang leader, Levi. Hungry for revenge, he relentlessly hunts you down with one goal in mind: to stop you. - Levi x female Reader slow burn -
233.5K 단어
The Way You Say My Name
The Way You Say My Name
“Oh God… Oh… Buck…” Steve says his name differently the moment Bucky gets his mouth on him. Breathless… Desperate… Bucky’s heard his name by moaned, be gasped, be screamed - in a number of different voices, by a number of different people. But none of them say his name the way Steve does. Steve whimpers. He’s always been that way. Maybe it’s due to the fear of getting caught, or maybe that’s just how he is in general... If they could truly be alone, if there was no one around to risk hearing them, or catching them, or outing them… If Steve had the freedom to be as loud or as quiet as he wanted to be; could choose it… How would he say Bucky’s name? Would it come out like a sob, or a prayer, or maybe still a secret? Would it awaken the Heavens with its volume, or be whispered just for Bucky’s ears? Would Steve look him in the eyes while his lips formed around the syllables? Or would they roll up into his head without control? Bucky wishes he knew. That he could know. But since it’s not an option, he’ll always just be grateful for being able to hear Steve say his name like this in general – and when Steve whimpers it, that’s the way Bucky likes best.
10.9K 단어
Snowflakes in Summer
Snowflakes in Summer
Jungkook doesn't remember anything after the accident. With help from his friends, he begins putting the puzzle of his life back together. But even with his amnesia, he knows there's something missing that his friends aren't telling him. One day, he meets a boy. But even then he knows, he's met him before.
74.2K 단어
28 Days of Dates
28 Days of Dates
For every day in February, I will post a drabble from a date prompt. The pairings for each day were picked with a random name wheel from a few different fandoms in advance, from that I wrote half as SFW and the other half NSFW! I've never done something like this before, so I hope you enjoy and I do a good job! Please see chapter 1 for the line up! Written for the Yato's House ~A Valentine's Mini Event~ A date a day keeps the sad away? Please make sure you read the TW/CW before you read each chapter as the contents will vary from chapter to chapter **Completed**
42.2K 단어
Like a Gentle Refrain
Like a Gentle Refrain
"It means that you should prepare yourself for what might happen," said Dr. García gently. "Señora, this man is barely remembered. Whoever still holds memories of him and stopped the Final Death… it may not be enough. Perhaps he will eventually recover his strength and wake up. That would be the ideal outcome. But his condition is not promising, Señora."
137.0K 단어
Evelyn Woodford, a 28-year-old business prodigy, finds it difficult to balance her work and home life. Her stress brings back an old problem which she and her girlfriend must work together to fix. This leads them to a new lifestyle, one of which they never thought existed nor that they would ever end up trying themselves. Long story short, they love it.
158.5K 단어
Apparently, it’s all very simple. Bruce offers him access to an apartment, a warm body, and privacy. Clark would love to say that he doesn’t understand what’s being offered but he does. He isn’t stupid, and Bruce does seem to fit a certain personality type, though until this moment Clark’s never believed him truly capable of acting on it. And then he wonders at the kind of man Bruce would keep.
15.9K 단어
Correctional Officer Arc
Correctional Officer Arc
Jaune Arc, 24, a member of the glorious police force of Vale City, out to ensure that there was peace, quiet and justice on the streets! With a bit of good cheer and a winning smile, surely all evildoers will be brought to justice! He wanted to help those in need, who needed an officer of the law. With a sporty girl asking for him to deal with some punks in the park, the journey begins... This was commissioned work.
125.0K 단어
요약: "난 아직 론을 사랑해." 그의 입술이 그녀의 귀에 스치며 속삭였다. "그럼 그만두라고 해 봐." 전쟁 후 헤르미온느는 자신의 삶이 정상 궤도에 오른 줄 알았다. 마침내 학업을 마치고 인생의 사랑과 함께할 수 있게 된 것이다. 하지만 운명은 다른 무언가를 준비하고 있었다는 것을 그녀는 알지 못했다. 드레이코는 여름 내내 자신의 삶을 이 지경으로 몰아넣은 모든 행동들을 되짚어 보냈다. 그 결과 그는 떨쳐낼 수 없는 혐오감과 죄책감에 시달렸다. 그러다 그는 상상도 못 했던 한 사람에게서 위안을 찾게 된다. 유대감은 시험받고, 우정은 싹트고, 사랑은 피어나지만, 그 와중에 어둠의 군주가 남긴 임무를 수행하려는 어두운 위협이 그림자 속에서 솟아오른다.
173.3K 단어
After That?
After That?
Zoro had changed. The crew noticed it too. Everyone could see the shift in his eyes, none certain of what the change truly was. Sanji hated it the most. He hated missing the easy laugh. He hated missing the scalding hot temper. He hated Zoro acting the way he was acting. What exactly changed? What part of this new personality pissed Sanji off so much? It was easy to spew out a list of unfavorable things. But when he took the time to think about it, what he hated most, was that Zoro seemed miles away, even while sitting in the same room.
103.9K 단어
Feds, Felons, and Pie
Feds, Felons, and Pie
It was just another case, until Spencer got cursed. Now he looks four years old and they have no idea who cursed him. Thankfully Spencer knows people. Who you gonna call? Winchesters!
79.3K 단어
작은 공간
작은 공간
말포이는 평범한 날에도 해리의 마음속 가시 같은 존재입니다. 엘리베이터에 갇히면 더욱 끔찍하지요.
3.3K 단어
Ghost needs to get an injury taken care of, the only problem is, he meets a headstrong (and incredibly exhausted) nurse who might just be a match for him. Their short argument leads to him having to apologize if he wants to avoid getting his ass kicked by Price.He really did want to just apologize, but sometimes a plan failing is the better outcome.
167.2K 단어
Animus, Anima: English version
Animus, Anima: English version
In limbo, Harry doesn't choose to go back to the Forbidden Forest to face Voldemort. He makes another decision and finds himself in a baby's body: little Tom Riddle. Years pass and intimately bind the orphan and his imaginary friend, in a hopeless and incestuous relationship. Indeed, all the odd events of Tom Riddle's life happen in spite of Harry's presence: could he be the one who provokes them? This is Tom Riddle's entire life, as close to canon as possible, if he shared his body with Harry Potter (and fell in love with him).
144.6K 단어
스파이크의 '감사하는 것들'
스파이크의 '감사하는 것들'
스파이크가 컴퓨터 문제로 또 골치를 썩이고 있고, 추수감사절이라 드루실라가 그들 집에서 저녁 식사를 하기로 했습니다.
1.5K 단어
사랑해, 조용히
넌 죽어가고 있어, 브랫
넌 죽어가고 있어, 브랫
주술회전 | jujutsu kaisen (만화) 주술회전 | jujutsu kaisen (애니메이션) 숙나 | 료멘 숙나 이타도리 유우지 고죠 사토루 후시구로 메구미 그것은 단어이다 이타도리 유우지 & 스쿠나 | 료멘 스쿠나 이타도리 유우지/숙나 | 료멘 숙나 사소하거나 배경 관계 이타도리 유우지는 햇살의 광선입니다 이타도리 유우지는 포옹이 필요해 그는 포옹을 받는다 망각의 이타도리 유우지 이타도리 유우지는 숙나 | 료멘 숙나의 그릇 이타도리 유우지가 바보인 것 이타도리 유우지는 좀 짜증나. 숙나 | 료멘 숙나가 바로 그의 경고다 포시브 브레드 | 료멘 브레드 보호적인 스쿠나 | 료멘 스쿠나 소프트 스쿠나 | 류멘 스쿠나 눈을 가늘게 뜨면 - 자유 형식 숙나 | 료멘 숙나는 감정 표현을 잘 못한다 숙나 | 료멘 숙나는 좀 짜증나는 녀석이야 숙나 | 료멘 숙나가 숙나임 | 료멘 숙나 보호적인 고죠 사토루 부모가 된 고죠 사토루 의사 이에이리 쇼코 숙나 중심 질병 말기 질환 죽음 직전 체험 일시적 캐릭터 사망 구토 blood 침략 슬픔/애도 슬픔의 다섯 단계 하지만 정말 빠르고 모호하게 만드세요 불건강한 대처 메커니즘 기미 의료 문제 숨기기 yandere 그냥 분위기가 좋았어요 감정 crying 포옹 좌절 플라토닉 수키타 다시 곁눈질하면 불안 행복한 결말이 있는 고뇌 앙스트와 힐링/위로
처음에 스쿠나는 선박의 몸에 무슨 문제가 있는지 알 수 없었습니다.하지만 뭔가 기분이 안 좋았어요.그러고 나서 그는 두 번째로 통제권을 잡았고, 오.그 브랫은 어떤 질병으로 죽어가고 있었어요.역방향 저주 기술을 사용해도 완전히 고쳐지지는 못했어요.뭐, 스쿠나의 문제는 아니었죠?그래서 스쿠나는 다시 한 번 반복해야 했어요.왜 브랫은 그걸 가지고 아무 일도 안 한 거지?그가 바보였나요?그는 죽게 될 것 같았어요! 아니면: 만약 유우지가 심하게 아팠는데 스쿠나가 그 사실을 아는 유일한 사람이라면 어떨까요?
4.0K 단어
(It Feels Better) Biting Down
(It Feels Better) Biting Down
The entire compound knows Bucky is a terrible liar; the entire compound minus you, it seems. Because, you believe him when he says he doesn’t love you back. Will Bucky Barnes get a chance to come clean?
3.8K 단어
A young woman meets a handsome stranger in her village. Little does she know it is Smaug in human form. He transforms into his true form and abducts her, taking her back to his mountain to eat her against her will. (Cross-listed on FF.net)
5.5K 단어
Thank God For Small Miracles
Thank God For Small Miracles
Danny's in Jersey while Steve and the rest of Five-O are dealing with a sex trafficking ring, and Steve misses his partner. Danny comes back early because Steve needs him, and really cute fluff ensues.
3.8K 단어
Off Menu
Off Menu
Years of being a feeder on the Black Market. Years of bouncing between renting vampires who ranged from physical abuse to false niceties only to be returned again and again so the cycle could repeat. It was a life Blue despised, but shamefully had given up hope of escaping. It was routine. Everything was routine. Even the terror that came with each new vampire he was rented out to had somehow become normal, and in truth, Blue counted on the same song and dance to learn how he was supposed to act with each new client for however long the renting period lasted. So, when a dark tentacled skeleton vampire and his companion break the mold, goes against the standard behavior Blue expects and actually offers the first kernels of true kindness the small mortal has received since he had been kidnapped all those years ago? When he meets the mortals this so-called 'Nightmare' and his vampire housemates live with, only to find they are not afraid of their supposed predators? When he's told he's been rescued?Maybe… maybe he can hope again. Maybe he can believe he wasn't going back to that empty cell of a display. Maybe… He can be a person again.
49.0K 단어
Hermann's physical limitations frustrate him to tears.
1.2K 단어
Lose The Name of Action
Lose The Name of Action
The jungle is deep, damp, and blissfully cool in the sweltering sun. A clear stream runs past Steve’s feet, babbling merrily; the air is filled with an understated symphony of chirrups, caws, and rustlings, scented by the perfume of exotic flowers and grounded by the distinctive aroma of wet vegetation. A moment of peace in a perfect landscape. Or it would be, if Steve wasn’t feeling so much and so little all at once.
3.8K 단어
Feel The Burn
Feel The Burn
Prompt 85: Indifference. Our ever patient Sammy actually manages to lose his temper - and with that many Tops in the house, who wants to guess what happens next?
1.3K 단어
Of random ideas
Of random ideas
Basically a bunch of drabbles that stand alone about everyone's favorite pairings, and those unusual ones as well!
5.2K 단어
None of the luck
None of the luck
Your name is Dave Strider, and you have been trying to propose to your boyfriend for the past six months to no avail. Quite honestly, you have had it up to your eyeballs with this shit.
3.6K 단어
Poised to Remember
Poised to Remember
Daniel's lost memory is a source of frustration for both of them.
861 단어
Darkness... It's everywhere. Around me, above me, beneath me, ready to swallow me whole the second I lose my balance. The waves roll over, pounding like thunder, crashing like lightning, shouting I'm coming for you, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's inevitable.That is my mind. My own worst enemy. Why am I like this?
3.4K 단어
The Incident Which No One Likes
The Incident Which No One Likes
John doesn't know identities of superheroes. He doesn't care. All he wants to know is about the man who comes and gets eights cups a coffee a day. At least he tips well.
1.6K 단어
The Choices of Others
The Choices of Others
She looks at her stifled life, wanting more.
1.3K 단어
Lose your temper, lose your fight.
542 단어