

88 관련 내용
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How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing
How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing
Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realize at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that. It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman. A woman with cotton candy pink hair. It only devolves from there.
27.6K 단어
Illuminate Me
Illuminate Me
Tony isn't a healthy man. He's fine with that, really. It makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, he has a job to do that kind of has his health as a major requirement. So he unmakes himself, remakes the Accords, protects every single child super that enters his field of view, and hopes ferociously that the Avengers never come back to the US. He doesn't spend any time at all rebuilding Bucky Barnes' life. Not a single second. Anything he does that contributes to him is simply an accident. Bucky is a patient man. It's ok if Tony wants to ignore him for now. He won't be able to forever. (Somewhere in the world, a sense of dread crawls up the back of Tony's spine)
130.1K 단어
As N Approaches Infinity
As N Approaches Infinity
Despairing as yet another timeline goes horribly wrong, Homura wanders into Karakura. There she discovers that while the spiritually-aware people of Karakura were distracted by Ichigo Kurosaki and Xcution, Kyubey had managed to contract the Kurosaki sisters as magical girls. Drawing the attention of the shinigami could be just the advantage Homura needs. Prologue through chapter 80 replaced by edit 11/1/19Most changes to neaten 1st timeline; no plot changesHopefully more screenreader friendly
481.8K 단어
New Page, Same Old Book
New Page, Same Old Book
He thought he’d hidden these feelings from himself, stowed them away in some dark corner and learned not to think about it. But the second Eddie peeked in from around the corner at the Jade and looked at Richie with those big, limpid pools of Christmas Orphan meets Bambi, and started rambling about gluten and cashews, it all came flooding back into focus. Richie has loved Eddie so long that it’s become an ache that goes beyond reason.
16.5K 단어
A Ghost in Gotham
A Ghost in Gotham
Danny hated Vlad with a passion but he also held some sort of respect from him. Their relationship was impossibly complicated, bordering between being mortal enemies and best of allies. There have been times where Vlad was the only person in the entire world that he could relate to, both being half-dead science experiments gone wrong and all that. There have also been times where Danny wanted nothing more than to pummel Vlad’s face in and curse him to high hell. So when Vlad came to him for a favor, Danny squinted his eyes with high distrust. He had to be civil, since he was Fenton at the moment and his parents were around, but he sure as hell wouldn’t be dropping his guard anytime soon. “Let me get this straight, you want me to join you in your rich people party as your honorary son and plus one?” Danny deadpanned. “Yes, that’s about it.” Or... In which Danny Fenton has to go to Gotham to stop ghost shenanigans from ensuing.Vlad gets a redemption arch because I genuinely think that (at first) if he only got his head out of his ass then he'd be a cool psuedo dad. No idea if I'll actually continue this, I just wanted to post what I had written so far haha...
35.7K 단어
In the woods somewhere
In the woods somewhere
When Harry receives a letter from William 'Billy' Black asking the Lord of the Black House to help on a grave matter regarding a human and a vampire, Harry wastes no time, packs his bags, and investigates in the little town called Forks. With his friends dead and almost nothing to keep him in England, he sets off to discover the truth about these 'Cold Ones' and how the poor muggle girl got involved with them. (Irregular updates, still ongoing, not abandoned. Will tag it as such if I don't finish it but I'm planning on finishing it. Estimated total count to final chapter 150/200k) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0VCkbwfemD0pXJ5gQ5g7QQ?si=rSNovUu-Qfie9RQ7HS9uLQ&pi=e-VhoJBORkQ6eq
128.7K 단어
Vigilantes Aren't So Bad
Vigilantes Aren't So Bad
Okay, so maybe vigilantes were illegal heroes, but were they really so bad? Tommy didn't think so, but maybe that's because he, himself, was one. Even so, seemed like the top hero agency didn't quite agree with him. Great. As if life wasn't hard enough. Or TommyInnit is a vigilante while Wilbur, Technoblade, and Philza are the heroes supposed to take him down. Things don't go quite as planned. (DISCONTINUED - CH15 IS AN AUTHOR'S NOTE)
50.6K 단어
The Last Resort
The Last Resort
“Mommy? Where are we going?” Shinsou asks as he was strapped into his car seat. He looked up quizzically at his mom as she gave him a backpack stuffed with clothes and his favorite plush cat.“We are just going to a trip to see some of mommy’s friends okay?” She replied, giving him a small sad smileOrShinsou gets sold off to villains when hes a kid. They rent him his quirk out to other villains for a profit.
196.6K 단어
You're coming with me
You're coming with me
He can’t pinpoint when he wakes up, just that he is gradually coming to. He hears a distant rhythmic tapping, and it almost succeeds in pulling him back into unconsciousness. But he knows, knows that he must wake up.orAizawa gets kidnapped by a group of villains. While he is there, his nurse/caretaker is a young child. What is he doing living with a group of villains? Why is he muzzled? What the hell is going on?
79.7K 단어
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition
The Newlywed Game: Johnlock Edition
What it says on the tin: John and Sherlock pretend to be married in order to be contestants in a Newlywed Game.Of course it's for a case.Of course it doesn't stay that way.
9.0K 단어
Sleeping With The Enemy
Weak Spot
Weak Spot
A love story of villainous proportions. Though it hadn't come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
690.8K 단어
One Billion Stars in this Universe (And None are Mine)
One Billion Stars in this Universe (And None are Mine)
Loverboy Lance; Not the fastest, or the best fighter, or the smartest, or the strongest, or the princess, the seventh wheel... And all alone. With only his Lion, his gun, a sword and determination, Lance finds himself blasted across the universe, in the middle of nowhere, without communication, proper food, and half an idea in Hell what to do. Except he knows he needs to get back to the others. Because the team might live without him, but at the very least, they need Red. Voltron can't form without Red.
69.6K 단어
Alexander's Legacy (Or, Just Another "Characters Watch The Musical" Fic)- CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN!
Alexander's Legacy (Or, Just Another "Characters Watch The Musical" Fic)- CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN!
The Hamilton Crew are forced to watch a musical about one of their own. Chaos ensues. (Takes place in my Week they Never Speak Of series, in which Washington invited Alex and Thomas to spend a week with him at Mount Vernon after the publication of the Reynolds Pamphlet and Phillip's death. Features an Alex and Thomas friendship, as well as Washingdad being a dad! Reading the other one shots is not required, but highly recommended.) REINCARNATION AU HAS BEEN POSTED!
50.3K 단어
Echoes Across Time
Echoes Across Time
*** Some of you may notice that I have been going through and cleaning up the chapters, so the flow and tense is more consistent. Enjoy the changes. ***"There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good Pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad Pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance." -John C. Maxwell Thirty-two-year-old artist, Breeyanna Grant finds herself thrust into a game she barely remembers, except for one thing - she remembers that Solas is Fen'Harel, and that he wasn't here to help.Finding herself suddenly stuck in this strange world by an unknown, she must now find a way to live through Thedas' 'boot camp' and save everyone from the Dread Wolf. Credits for where I found the elven language. Project Elvhen: An Elvhen Lexicon - FenxShiralProject Elvhen: Expanding the Elvhen Language - FenxShiralProject Elvhen: Book of Names - FenxShiralElvhen translations are from Elven DAI Translator at lingojam.com/ElvenDAI andElven DAI spreadsheets at docs.google.com/spreadsheetsBioware for all cannon dialog, characters, and the general world we all know, and love called Thedas.
715.8K 단어
Love, not LOVE can fix a broken soul.
Love, not LOVE can fix a broken soul.
You find yourself sleeping in your car in winter. Being strong enough to get out of an abusive cheating relationship, you opt to sleep in your car rather than be stuck in a bad relationship. While you are wracking your brain to find a solution to your situation, you run into an old school friend and her pack of skeletal boyfriends. Your own situation not being the best, you want to avoid stepping into the situation, however one skelly just can’t let you freeze in the cold. What comes next is a story of betrayal, healing, and helping those that haven’t yet learned to help themselves. Mutt didn’t like the human that the rest of his house has as a datemate, what he didn’t count on was ending up falling for the one person that might be able to help everyone in the skeleton household.
552.6K 단어
The Grand King and Queen
The Grand King and Queen
Book 1 Just a couple of Oikawa sibling antics as they both work towards their dreams. Ups and downs and maybe even some love in between. The life of Oikawa Y/N, the first Oikawa to go to Shiratorizawa. !! Manga spoilers !!
330.1K 단어
You and Me
You and Me
Cale, a son of a wealthy family, who has recently claimed to let go of his position as the heir to give it to his step-brother Basen, has a student scholarship at a very high-profile university, called the Westside Academy. Wanting to live independently he searches for an apartment that was near the school campus, only to find out that the owner where he was staying was the 'Crown Prince' and the Student Council President of the university. Let's find out how Cale would ultimately ruin his chances of ever having his Slacker Life. Slowburn romances and maybe a few action-packed plots added into the mix in which I eventually get them to live together. Update chapter 1 (Rewritten) Go check the beginning all over again! Current chapter: ‘Adin, you fucking bastard, if I ever meet you out on the streets I’m going to smack you at the back of your head.’ Cale pretended to be cool on the outside while harboring underlying rage to the person who keeps fucking up his peace. Semi-Hiatus will be back soon!- Maxi
135.2K 단어
Patterns on the Wall
Patterns on the Wall
Scrutiny raises some questions about Wanda's power set. Specialists are called and they have some grim thoughts on the matter. The aftermath of not only Leipzig... Nigerian and Sokovians also suffered consequences beyond what shows at first. ~*~Civil War Team Iron ManModerated because of trolls.
6.7K 단어
Just Like You
Just Like You
When John shows up at their door in the middle of the night, the Winchesters and Cas start looking into who or what could have brought him back. Meanwhile, Dean struggles to keep his relationship with Cas a secret from his father, with some help from Sam. The tension rises between the Winchesters as Dean shows John that he is no longer the obedient little soldier he once was, and tries to establish himself as an equal with his dad.
35.7K 단어
Something So Dear
Something So Dear
Dabi and Hawks' lives are upended after a tragic event occurs outside of their control. Thrust onto new paths and utterly lost, both seek new meaning in ways they never thought possible. Dabi starts helping out at a flower shop next to the tattoo parlor Hawks is apprenticing at. When the two meet by chance, instead of acting on old instincts, they simply exist and try to take things one day at a time. OR: The one in which Endeavor dies, Dabi tries to find a new reason to keep living, and Hawks tells the Commission to fuck off. COMPLETED
170.7K 단어
A Call to Arms
A Call to Arms
Harry has been on the hunt for horcrux with Hermione for years. Ron abandoned them and never came back. Remus and Tonks die leaving Harry to raise Teddy while on the run. Hermione is taken from him as well. What is an eighteen-year-old to do when his godson is used to bait him by Voldemort? He fights. Who will come to his call? Back to writing but it will be slow posting chapters so bear with me.
104.3K 단어
우리 아직 가족이야?
우리 아직 가족이야?
처참한 저녁 식사를 마친 에이곤과 레니라는 절실히 필요한 대화를 나눈다. 편집: 저는 단순히 재미로 이 소설을 쓰고 있습니다.댓글에서 팀 블랙과 팀 그린 사이의 논쟁은 이 문제를 망치고 있어서 삭제될 거예요!
52.7K 단어
Burning Matches
Burning Matches
Ch. 3 - "In an idle sort of way, none of them had expected for Noir’s blood to be black. None of them had expected that their sudden appearance would be just the distraction that the Lizard had needed. None of them had expected for that very black and very unexpected blood to be painting the wall behind him as Lizard’s claws dug into his flesh, and sent his body flying limply to hit the wall with a wet-sounding smack." - A story based on recovery, color, and the knowledge that you're not alone.
344.7K 단어
Never Had I Ever
Never Had I Ever
Nie Mingjue is almost certain that Jin Guangyao has an ulterior motive for dating his best friend, Lan Xichen. However despite voicing his concerns, his best friend seems unconvinced and Lan Xichen continues to date the said man. Unable to give up just yet, Nie Mingjue tries a different tactic--convincing his best friend the man is not the right person for him by setting him up. Fortunately for him, Wei Wuxian's youngest brother is very much single and seems to be just the kind of person his best friend needs. Can Jiang Cheng truly change Lan Xichen's mind, or will Nie Mingjue's plan is a disaster from the beginning? Russian translation available HERE by Liass!
56.2K 단어
Dreaming that im wide awake
Dreaming that im wide awake
A vilgilante. most would describe it as a small town hero, doing all the dirty work actual heros refused to do. small muggings, helping old ladies cross the streets, busting drug deals, that sort of thing. this was true, vigilantes did do that! at least morpheus did most of the time or the author has seen so many tommy vigilante aus that they decided to hop on the trend without any writing experience, and here they are. this fic is gonna be a complete mess LOL
59.8K 단어
to the heavens may you fly
to the heavens may you fly
“have you seen Venti in your bar?” He resists a scowl. “No, why do you ask?” “Do you not hear the winds howl?” Jean shakes nervously. “For a crime so foul?” That night he is blessed with another bard, one who shares the face of Mondstadt’s beloved, but with tense mannerisms of old. His hair is tousled and messy like that of war, but the twin braids that frame his young face are tied with the strings of victory. “Sir Ragnvindr, have you seen my little friend Barbatos?” -=[O]=- Alternatively Venti's friend wakes up to a foreign world with only a reincarnated friend to go and find the little shit Barbatos.
27.2K 단어
Out of Commission
Out of Commission
After Ash is shot, Eiji nurses him back to health. The two of them realize there’s more to their relationship than friendship, which only makes it more painful when Ash forces Eiji to return to Japan. Thankfully, Ash isn’t far behind him. Fate takes them to Japan. Hard work and genuine love and affection, both from Eiji and his family, begin to heal Ash. Fifteen-year-old Ash could never have imagined his heart capable of love. Now, he can’t imagine a life without love, a life without the Okumuras.
334.7K 단어
Knowing the Devil
Knowing the Devil
After being imprisoned by Pierce alongside the Detective, Lucifer left to rearrange Hell's government and keep Earth safe. Now he's coming home, with heavy promises to complete between them, and the new dangerous waters of Dating to navigate.
143.8K 단어
Paper Rings
Paper Rings
“Maybe,” Dazai purrs, fingers brushing softly against the little blue ribbon that keeps Chuuya’s hair in place. “Maybe Chuuya is my something blue. What do you think, chibi? Now I just need something borrowed—” “Shut the fuck up,” Chuuya hisses. Ane-San was so right. “Do you want something borrowed, Dazai? Then it’s your fucking lucky day because we are on borrowed time. And unless you do something about it, it’s gonna end very soon.” [Dazai is about to marry a girl Mori has picked for him - a girl Dazai might even like if he tries hard enough.Problem is, he never imagined he could fall for his wedding planner.] Russian translation by Orliade here.Russian translation by @chixaemvmeste here.
67.0K 단어
Where Wolves Run
Where Wolves Run
Clarke Griffin was the chosen Alpha for The Skikru Wolf Pack, even though she was an omega, but that was three years ago. Now she's being dragged back home to Lexa Woods, the Alpha for The Trikru Wolf Pack, and her once possible mate. Somethings happening and everyone needs Clarke to come home. Especially Lexa.
56.4K 단어
Hydra's Queen
Hydra's Queen
At the age of 4, Ayumi's world was turned upside down when she learned of her inability to manifest a quirk. That one fact changed her position in the world faster than she could blink. From there, it only got worse. At the age of 5, Ayumi was all by herself, but not alone. She was never alone. The bullies were never too far behind. Even her best friend had turned her back on Ayumi. At the age 6, Ayumi saw her one chance to prove she wasn't so useless. If only her clouded mind could see the evil behind the friendly smile. They hurt her in indescribable ways as they continued to beat her harder than the ones she used to call friends.This experience didn't last long, thankfully. For when the first drop of blood hit the floor, something that was 2 years overdue awakens. At the age of 6, Ayumi has a body count.
147.4K 단어
Where their story begins underground and not separated by bars. Or Levi and Eren met and fell in love years before the attack on Wall Maria. The same story, another beginning.
144.1K 단어
When Green meets Pink Chaos ensues
When Green meets Pink Chaos ensues
After being diagnosed as quirkless Izuku makes up his mind. If he can't be a hero then he might be useful to heroes instead. How would he do that? Well, he's got one hell of a brain under that thick layer of unruly curls and uses it to the fullest. It just takes one fateful encounter and chaos is bound to ensue. In this AU, Izuku is being tossed left and right, he is the main pillar of what happens to everybody. Everything depends on the decisions and actions he takes. He is the butterfly in the butterfly theory. He flaps his wings once and on the other side of the world a tsunami builds up. PLEASE READ THE TAGS
104.4K 단어
Belladonna: Atropa belladonna, commonly known as belladonna or deadly nightshade, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae. In Italian Belladonna means "beautiful woman" and Atropa is Greek for "without a way forward". It causes hallucinations and delirium when ingested, though the effects often vary. Nagisa's favorite flower is the belladonna flower and one look into his past makes it obvious as to why. Or:The Avengers are not prepared to deal with this whole situation and that is becoming increasingly clear. Nagisa is not at all helpful. ---This used to be called The Avengers Assassin but I decided to overhaul both the title and description, that's all.
61.8K 단어