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In the Heat of the Moment
In the Heat of the Moment
“Then…” Enid steels herself. “Then can I touch myself, or not?” Wednesday exhales, uncrossing her arms. “You may.” This fucking girl. “Fine,” Enid says in a small voice, scooting back on the bed. She feels cowed and decidedly not turned on, shoved as far away from her as possible against the unforgiving headboard. This was not how she saw her Thursday afternoon going when she escaped to find some privacy.
Four Letter Word For Intercourse
Four Letter Word For Intercourse
As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties. What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right? (It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.)
We Wear Chains on the Weekend
We Wear Chains on the Weekend
Well, in a day of revelations, it turns out that Izuku isn't as vanilla as Katsuki previously thought. Unfortunately, that fascinating discovery is overshadowed by Izuku's dumbassery, because he has zero concept of aftercare. "Don't go to anyone else," Katsuki says, because screw it. He can do a better job anyways. Or; Katsuki finds Izuku on a bad drop.
As Luck Would Have It (I'm already smitten)
As Luck Would Have It (I'm already smitten)
When Stiles meets his Dom for the first time, it’s nothing like the cutesy, lovey-dovey Subflicks he used to drag Scott to when they were thirteen. There’s no burst of sunshine when they collide, no sudden swell of violins when their eyes meet; only a really big dent in the front of his Jeep and a seriously pissed off Alpha glaring at him from the sidewalk.
洗完澡后,Atsumu 走进卧室,发现樱草在看起来像某种塑料板的东西上铺了一块滴布。塑料的微弱皱纹让人想起 Atsumu 在玩游戏时设置温度的方式;那是有道理的,因为在所有的水、冰和热蜡之间,事情变得非常混乱。 今天的事情到底会变得多混乱?
Happy Orgasming
Happy Orgasming
“I can’t…” Jeongguk tries again then exhales sharply, takes a deep breath and, “I can’t come.” “Come where?” Namjoon asks. “To the interviews tomorrow? That’s okay. We’ll figure something out. Reschedule-“ “No,” Jeongguk cuts him off, blushing and looking down into his lap. He can’t believe he has to say it again. “Come, like… Like, I can’t… orgasm. I can’t orgasm.” Translations: Russian here and here, French, Spanish, and Italian <3
The Flick of a Switch
The Flick of a Switch
Communication is the most important element in any relationship. When a miscommunication between Namjoon and Yoongi gets blown out of proportion and Jungkook gets caught in the middle, it has unforeseen and far reaching consequences. Secrets that Jungkook didn't even know he was keeping are thrown in a bright spotlight as their lives change in the flick of a switch. AKA that one time I wanted to write a 1000 word story about Jungkook helping out a sub Yoongi, only to get snuggled to death by the rest of BTS later, and looked up 10000 words later. Send help.
魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | módào zǔshī - mòxiāng tóngxiù 陈情令 | 野性人(电视) 兰欢 | 蓝希晨 聂明玦 魏婴 | 魏无羡 蓝湛 | 蓝忘机 聂怀桑 蓝涣 | 蓝曦臣/魏婴 | 魏无羡 聂明玦/魏婴 | 魏无羡 蓝涣 | 蓝曦臣/聂明玦/魏婴 | 魏无羡 lan huan | lan xichen/lan zhan | lan wangji/wei ying | wei wuxian 蓝湛 | 蓝忘机/魏婴 |魏无羡 聂怀桑/聂明玦 蓝湛 | 蓝忘机/聂怀桑/魏婴 | 魏无羡 蓝涣 | 蓝曦臣/聂明玦 暗香环 | 蓝曦臣 黑暗聂明玦 失去处女 肛交 双渗透 双孔双重贯穿 旋转烤肉 水上运动 过度刺激 crying 荡妇羞辱 脏话 受害者指责 死鸽勿食 肛塞 物体插入 操纵 暗示勒索 言语侮辱 女性化 跨性别 一个孔双重穿透 子空间 后期护理 勒索 只是为了超级清晰起见 这篇同人作品并未刻画健康的恋爱关系 BDSM 或其他 浴室性爱 淋浴性爱 餐桌性爱 墙壁性 楼梯性爱 办公室性 说真的,到处都是色情内容 肛门手指 subdrop punishment 又湿又脏 一只悲伤的愤怒的小猫 以及两个非常困惑的顶部 别担心,他们会解决的 关系揭示 来吃饭 乱伦 面部坐姿 嗜睡症 魏无羡 | 蓝忘机 不算很暗吧,聂怀桑? 我猜如果他皮肤没那么黑,他就不会在这里了 但是他基本上就是个普通人,在国民保健服务体系工作。 谁有点黑 the inherent eroticism of your best friend convincing you to fuck your little brother 不切实际的不应期 幸福结局 有点儿? - 自由格式 就像这篇同人小说里的其他一切一样,它有点儿乱七八糟的 但是从角色的角度来看,这基本上是快乐的 平行宇宙 - 现代背景
蓝希晨和聂明觉的弟弟最好的朋友是个放荡的小鸡巴。他们计划让魏英单独待一会,不管他愿不愿意,都要把他这几个月来一直要求的东西都给他。(这是他们的鸡巴。) 或者 一部由六部分组成的黑暗性幻想。
As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin is a registered Dominant. It's on his driver's licence. It's on his National Insurance card. Hell, it's even on his bloomin' GCSE certificates. And the fact that it's all a load of bollocks is a secret Eggsy had intended to take to his grave. Course, he hadn't been expectin' a bloody sub-drop to sweep in and knock him on his arse in the wake of the Valentine Massacre. Turns out grief and adrenaline ain't a good combination.
You're Divine
You're Divine
‘Blood?’ Eddie says again. Eyes black but for the slice of iridescent white in the centre. His teeth are sharp, his hands are weapons and Steve thinks maybe he’s made a mistake doing this without telling Eddie first. Eddie’s focus lowers, it moves to his left hand which is… Oh fuck. It’s dripping blood onto the floor. ‘Shit,’ Steve says, takes a single step back, swallows. ‘Eddie, I’m so sorry, fuck.’ Eddie can’t seem to look away, can’t bring his ethereal gaze back up where it belongs. Steve thinks he should run, he should flee. A tiny part of him knows Eddie will chase him. Eddie will catch him, outrun him easily. It's more than a little fucked up how that thrills him.
CLOSED AGAIN! SORRY Have you ever wanted to read about a pairing doing whatever you wanted? Well this is the story for you! I'll write whatever you want, with any pairing! (See rules) If you are looking for a specific pairing, try clicking “Entire Work” and then use your web browser’s “Find on Page” tool and search the desired character’s name. I didn’t initially think I would have this many chapters (and these chapters are targeted towards the person who requests them), so I apologize for not making it easier to navigate!
From You I Cannot Hide
From You I Cannot Hide
Being a sub isn’t the worst thing in the world. Being a sub who doesn’t like pain, well. That’s just weird. A sub’s sole responsibility in life is to be anything and everything a dom wants, an open canvas for a dom’s brush, malleable and sweet. Obie taught him that, and that fear ultimately tears him and Pepper apart. So Tony hides his dirty secret and doesn’t sub for anyone now. But that doesn’t stop him from wanting.
For a long time, George has known he loved the bite of rope against his skin, and the feeling of brightly stinging pain, but he's never had someone to help him feel it. That is, of course, until he meets Dream: tall, handsome, domineering, and all too good at making him fall to absolute pieces. And so begins an arrangement: George goes over to his flat, he's fucked within an inch of his life, spends the night, and then goes along his merry way come morning. There aren't any strings attached, and it's glorious. As the weeks come and go, though, George begins to realize that he's starting to feel a little more than lust when it comes to his thoughts about Dream. He knows better, he really does, and he knows there's no way in hell the other feels the same, but since when does anyone really have control over their heart?
Watch It All Burn
Watch It All Burn
“Hi, Bunny.” The alpha kisses the tip of his nose sweetly. “My name is Eddie, but you can call me Daddy since yours doesn’t want you anymore. And me? Well, babygirl, I’d kill for you.” :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: If your parents sell you off to the mob to pay their debt, is it weird if you let the mafia boss turn you into his personal plaything?
little brave, breathe
little brave, breathe
Soulmates. Designated by tattoos that swirled into existence on a human’s sixteenth birthday. Matched in size, color and location on their soulmate—or soulmates. Romantic or platonic. A trio of sisters sharing a spiral on their right ankles, a quartet of two boys and two girls with paw prints padding up their spines, a boy and a girl with a tiny matching heart behind their left ears, twin boys manifesting their parents' ankle bands on their sixteenth birthdays. The possibilities were endless. No human was ever alone again. Unless they were Unmarked. As an Unmarked, Jeon Jungkook was destined to live life alone. He accepted it, mostly. Until six boys came into his life and changed everything he had ever known. For the better.
Begin Again
Begin Again
M held out the file in her hand and Q automatically took it.“It needs the new Quartermaster’s signature”.The reminder of the Major’s death, the kindly old beta who saw him for him, brought tears to his eyes, and he desperately hoped that the smoke would hide it.“... Okay. Who do I give it to?”“It’s quite a few years ahead of schedule, and quite frankly I’m not even sure if it’s going to work, but Boothroyd always spoke highly of you and you are one of the very few TSS workers still remaining. I’ve spoken to R, the only survivor with seniority over you, and she is quite adamant to remain in her current position with your approval... Which leaves you”.M held out a pen.“Quartermaster”. Or, “I don’t just have one alpha”. Q grinned, bloody and feral. “I have nine. They’re called the double-0 program; perhaps you’ve heard of them?”
Collar Full of Chemistry
Collar Full of Chemistry
Steve is very rich and desperate to feel in control of his life again after a recent divorce has left him feeling bitter and lonely. When he keeps crossing paths with a disaster twenty-something, an unconventional solution presents itself. Steve's always been one for following his instincts. Bucky is very broke and can't seem to catch a break, especially after some asshole fires him for one fucking mistake. So of course, it follows that he should sign a contract agreeing to do everything and anything that same asshole wants for a whole year in exchange for a payout that could finally change his life for the better. — AKA a fantasy BDSM romance featuring heavy mutual pining, feelings denial, and enough kink to blackout a bingo card. We know what we're about, son. We encourage everyone to read tags and notes. We want everyone to have a safe and happy reading experience! :)
As your shadow crosses mine
As your shadow crosses mine
We had a deal. No more dates. You promised. “This isn’t a date,” Eddie says. “It’s a work thing. Dinner with a person I’ve never met before.” Venom stays silent, but Eddie has the distinct feeling he’s unimpressed. Admittedly, Eddie’s made better arguments.
In The Lowest Deep, A Lower Deep
In The Lowest Deep, A Lower Deep
Jungkook accompanies his brother home on the train after dance practice every day. And every day, someone on the train is waiting for him.
Are You Still Nervous
Are You Still Nervous
Over a year’s worth of sexual frustration boils over into an awkward friends with benefits situation between Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki, where the two rivals explore their complicated feelings for each other - and several newly discovered kinks - over the course of their third year at U.A. This is an imported roleplay log. That means the point of view character changes, alternating with each paragraph, some events may be described twice (once from each character’s perspective), and some wording and details may occasionally be repetitive or inconsistent (though we try our best to avoid it!). If that’s not for you, this warning is here so you can keep scrolling.
Muted Melancholy
Muted Melancholy
Felix was a male omega living in an alpha's world, surviving off of the last of his savings and hoping to make ends meet. Bang Entertainment was hiring janitors, and the pack who owns said entertainment company may have found their missing piece in a certain male omega.
the Kept Boy
the Kept Boy
Here is James Barnes, the most dangerous Alpha in New York. Rich, powerful, cocky and short-tempered, his only skill greater than his persuasion or intimidation is his marksmanship. Head of the Seyrbakov crime family, inherited over the heads of the late Aleksei Seyrbakov’s own sons, who he had deported when they attempted to murder him. Top of Interpol and the FBI and the CIA and probably the NSA’s most wanted lists, but there’s never enough evidence to bring even a parking ticket against him, as it has been for New York’s Bratva since the late 1910s. His company smuggles weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, exotic animals, you name it, but you’ll never find a shred of proof. If land barons still existed, then Barnes – owning property in all the five boroughs, the state, the country, even on other continents – would easily be one. When you think of the Russian mafia, you think of Barnes. Here is James Barnes, gracing the scum and lowlifes of Brooklyn with his presence, and here is Steve Rogers, not-so-cheap yet consistently broke hooker, sitting on his lap like he belongs there. Very rapidly, that makes him the most dangerous Omega in New York.
Bound by Aizawa
Bound by Aizawa
After a disastrous introduction to 1A homeroom teacher Aizawa, you find yourself in an ever tightening entanglement. Each interaction leaves your senses reeling and your body aching with unspent passion. How much can you take before it breaks you?
Werewolf AU 'cause there aren't enough already :) “No, Liam! How many times do I have to… before you finally… NO WAY … a rogue in our pack?… cannot trust him … don’t care to know him … have enough members to worry about.” He hears more indistinct shouts before he hears pretty clearly: “His own pack didn’t want him!” Sitting here, his precious bag between his feet and everyone in the room looking at him, some with pity, some with disdain, some with curiosity, Louis feels like someone squeezed his heart in their hands and isn’t letting it go. He wills his head to stay up high and his posture to stay confident. He will not flee the room. He will not let that stupid lump in his throat get the better of him. He will stay here until Liam returns. He will take the rejection in stride and move on. Like he’s been doing all his life." -- Louis is a rogue Omega who's suffered through rejection and abuse for the biggest part of his life. He stumbles onto the Styles pack, quite possibly the kindest one he's ever met.
Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime
Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime
Wei Wuxian stabs somebody with his flute. Nie Mingjue tries to fix things with his dick. Lan Wangji pines in a non-communicative fashion. Or: in the fourth month of the Sunshot Campaign, Nie Mingjue notices that Wei Wuxian is showing symptoms of imminent qi deviation. He takes steps to try to mitigate the fallout—and the course of the war changes, first slowly, then much less slowly...
I Wanna Get Outside (Of Me)
I Wanna Get Outside (Of Me)
Dean is a novice in the dom/sub world asked by his employer as a desperate last resort to be a sub for his recluse of a brother, Castiel. Castiel is a diagnosed OCD suffering from PTSD and agoraphobia, mysophobia, and dystychiphobia. Needless to say—he’s a mess who hasn’t stepped out of his home in literally seven years. The only times Gabriel can see traces of the way his brother used to be is when he feels in control—specifically when he has control over a sub. However, due to his idiosyncrasies and paranoia, keeping a sub around has been impossible. Enter Dean, who’s not a very traditional submissive, to try his hand at subbing for the hermit.
Yuri!!! on Ice Smut Drabbles
Share And Share Alike
Share And Share Alike
Kaer Morhen had not been what Jaskier had expected. From what words he could pull from the Witcher’s lips, he’d expected cold stone, high walls, scattered straw, and terse company. Not...a well kept keep, warm from large fires, with abundant good food and rich wines. There had been a strange tension, an undercurrent between all of them when Jaskier had trailed in behind Geralt. Geralt’s shoulders were tense, his jaw tight, and he met every molten gaze with his head high. He looked ready for a fight at any moment. Which was strange, because Geralt’s fellow Witchers were… Well, welcoming wasn’t the right word, exactly.
Thrust Issues
Thrust Issues
A battle gone wrong leads Tony to the unexpected and pleasant discovery that Steve is much more well-endowed than he could ever have imagined. But when Tony learns that Steve has never actually been able to sleep with anyone because of his size, Tony does what any good friend would do: he offers to relieve Steve of his virginity. Personally. Tony's determined, Tony's methodical, and Tony has a plan. He's going to get Steve laid. Tony just needs to make sure Steve never finds out that Tony's in love with him.
As Ordered
As Ordered
During the year in which they turn eighteen, all American citizens are tested to find where they fall on the Dom-sub scale and are assigned to a Dom - either to mentor them as they learn how to be a Dom themselves, or to look after them and make sure their needs as a submissive are met. When Stiles tests as a sub, he’s assigned to Derek Hale, and the two of them gradually learn to rely on and love each other. Derek is written by seekeronthepath; Stiles by kattseyedemon; and all other characters as suited the scene. Updates weekly. WARNINGS: As is canon, Derek was in a relationship with Kate Argent at a young age. It was abusive, and Derek is dealing with the aftermath of that abuse throughout this fic. Specific warnings will be on the relevant chapters.
How to Love a Billionaire
How to Love a Billionaire
Tony Stark isn’t one to hate Doms. No, he would just much rather prefer to live his life happily without someone constantly hovering over him. But of course, things never work out for him, because the next thing he knows, the law is forcing him to go to a stupid Matchmaking ceremony. And to make things even worse, he gets paired with two Doms. As if one wasn’t enough.
Falling Falling Stars
Falling Falling Stars
"Imagine me deciding to feel bad about everything I’ve ever done, and then imagine what kind of life I’ll have. Because I’m not brave enough to live in some fucked up eighteen-hundreds-style purgatory. I’d rather die. There’s no one who wants me, and there’s no one who will. Which is exactly what someone like me deserves, isn’t it?" A story about a broken boy, who is learning how not to break everything else around him.
Pavlov was a Jerk
Pavlov was a Jerk
Clint Barton: World's Greatest Marksman, submissive, high-functioning disaster. When Clint comes in to SHIELD he's been on his own for almost four years, and he's been keeping himself level using conditioning techniques he's learned from a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Phil Coulson is the first to notice the imbalance – Clint's system seems to be all punishment, no rewards - but Phil's tastes aren't exactly average and it's none of his business anyway. Certain that what he wants is not at all congruent with what Clint deserves Phil keeps his distance, until a mission gone wrong sends the archer tumbling into an nasty case of subdrop and neither of them have any other choice but to take a chance on the other.