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A Year Like None Other
A Year Like None Other
A letter from home? A letter from family? Well, Harry Potter knows he has neither, but all the same, it starts with a letter from Surrey. Whatever the Dursleys have to say, it can't be anything good, so Harry's determined to ignore it. But when the Potions Master forces him to read his letter, Harry gets sent down a path he'd never have walked on his own. It will be a year of big changes, a year of great pain, and a year of Harry confronting his worst fears.But from the most unexpected of sources, Harry Potter will finally get a chance to have that which he has never known: a family. A sixth year fic, this story follows Order of the Phoenix and disregards any canon events that occur after Book 5. Warning -- the comments can contain massive spoilers so proceed with caution!
789.5K kelime
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ve ürünler
Derek'in, sürekli bakan yeni bir komşusu var. Alıntı: “Kör müsün?” dedi Derek düz bir ses tonuyla, öfkesi o kadar ani bir şekilde kayboldu ki neredeyse başı dönecekti. Görüşü netleşti, pençeleri tekrar düz tırnaklara dönüştü. “Not için teşekkürler, dahi,” dedi çocuk ekşi bir şekilde. “Hala kendimi savunabiliyorum, o yüzden bir adım daha yaklaşma.” “Kahretsin, ben... özür dilerim,” kekeledi Derek. “Ne?!” Çocuğun kaşı çatıldı. “Yani — ne?! Özür dilerim?!?” Dudakları sert bir çizgi halini aldı. “Bu ne, yanlışlarını fark ettiğin ve kör birini soymak istemediğin için pişmanlık duyduğun bir Hallmark filmi mi?! Bu çok aşağılayıcı, dostum. Şunu bilmelisin ki—” “Sadece bekle.” Derek, görünüşe göre sonuçta çocuğu neden soyması gerektiğine dair ikna edici bir tartışmanın başlangıcını kesintiye uğrattı ve başının dönmeye başladığını hissetti. “Bu — bir yanlış anlaşılma. Ben — seni soymuyorum. Sen — güvendesin, tamam mı? Üç adım geriye gidiyorum. Sadece — sadece açıklayayım.” “Daireme dalıp girdiğini neden açıklayacaksın? Evet, devam et dostum, bu destansı öyküyü duymayı sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum.”
83.2K kelime
None So Blind
None So Blind
They say when you assume you make an ass of you and me. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. Not that the truth would make much difference. He's just going to have to grin and bear it. If he can.
29.4K kelime
If I Only Had a Heart
If I Only Had a Heart
Being born quirkless wasn't a curse, Midoriya Izuku refused to believe that, and he would show the world through astonishing intellect, bravery, and a heart that feels for all paths he crosses that this is true. Even when damaged, ridiculed, and put down, he will be strong, for all these things are a challenge. A challenge from the very universe to become something great and change the foundation of society as he knows it.
264.3K kelime
Walking Through a World Gone Blind
Walking Through a World Gone Blind
As a budding pre-law student, Jeon Jeongguk thought he had seen it all, until Park Jimin blindsides him in a bar and shows Jeongguk the world through his eyes.
68.7K kelime
Balance, Imperfect
Balance, Imperfect
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
91K kelime
Enough Rope
Enough Rope
Tony can't get himself back from Siberia, and it takes the night for him to be rescued. While waiting to see if he'll die of hypothermia, he realises something for the first time. It wasn't that he failed because he hadn't tried hard enough. He had failed because he had tried too hard. His so-called team-mates had formed the habit of blaming Tony for everything because he had let them. He had shouldered the blame, let them attack him without consequence, and cleaned up after their mess, all so they could continue to feel self-righteous in peace. But it wasn't just him they were attacking, and saving the world didn't give them a free pass to be the very bullies that Steve claimed to fight against. Tony woke up in hospital, still sustained by the relief of his realisation. Things sucked, but they would get better. He was Tony Stark, and no challenge was too much for him. It was odd how much easier it was to plot when he actually did intend ways to manipulate the ex-Avengers into falling in line. And since that was what they seemed convinced he was doing all along, they didn't deserve a warning that it would now be true.
89.1K kelime
take this compass, follow it home
take this compass, follow it home
Tommy's a fuck up, he can't pay attention, and never sits still. He taps his hands, pushes people away, and has never had a best friend. He's a screwed up, forgotten kid lost in the foster system. He's also just been placed with a new family. Tommy knows how this goes, he never ends up staying long. After all, no one wants a fuck up like him. Why would this house be any different? - Or: the obligatory sbi foster au, but with a focus on the neurodivergent kids that inevitably get lost in the system.
49.6K kelime
Hand in Hand
Hand in Hand
Namjoon, a sign language professor, and Yoongi, a songwriter, got certified to foster. But, they never expected that would open the door to love, heartache, pain, and most importantly, family. But, as they figure out this "dad-thing" hand-in-hand, they realize that family isn't made up of blood, it's the love that they have for each other. ~or~Namjoon's a deaf college professorYoongi is his husband and a songwriterSeokjin is their case managerHoseok, Jungkook, Tae and Jimin are kiddos with their own set of challenges and triumphs
223.4K kelime
The Breath Of All Things
The Breath Of All Things
Dean Winchester was twenty-six years old when a car accident killed his father and left him paralysed from the waist down. A year and a half later, Dean is in a wheelchair and lives in a care home in Kansas, where he spends his days waiting to die. It's only when Castiel Novak starts volunteering at the care home that Dean starts to wonder if a changed life always equals a ruined one.
65.4K kelime
Take All The Courage
Take All The Courage
When what should have been a straight forward mission in Hell's Kitchen goes pear shaped due to lack of communication, teaching his teammates sign language seems like a logical step to Clint. Communication when their comms are down - great plan! And including the local vigilante, who's been working closely with them on this, is a real no-brainer. Until it turns out said vigilante is an asshole that thinks sign language is beneath him, judging by the way he's stubbornly refusing to learn it. (Conversely - Matt's trying, he really is but damn it, those two signs are exactly the same... what do you mean they mean completely different things?!)
16.1K kelime
of pop greens and tangerines.
of pop greens and tangerines.
After the world went to hell, Usopp and Nami find themselves just a few years before they meet Luffy again. This time, they're not going to be the cowards of the crew. They're going to save themselves, and they might as well drive everyone absolutely insane while they do it. An expansively written time travel fanfic featuring a Blind Usopp, Metal Arm Nami, and two others. Current Arc: Enies Lobby.
626.5K kelime
Crown of Thorns [The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse] ’Verse
Crown of Thorns [The Walls, the Wainscot, and the Mouse] ’Verse
“D’you realize,” [Crowley] said, “that we never tire of things humans get bored with on the regular?” Aziraphale shrugged, lazily basking. “I’ve always assumed it’s that we don’t tire of each other.” [FINALLY COMPLETE! #75 added 14 February 2019; ran from 10/1/05 - 2/14/19. My love to GO fandom, always.]
275K kelime
As the Worm Moon Dies
As the Worm Moon Dies
In 1965, Voldemort became Minister for Magic. In 1968, the leadership of the Order of the Phoenix was destroyed, the remnants of the terrorist organisation driven underground. By 1970, all was well in Great Britain. The year is 1984. Sirius Black has just turned 25. He's rich, he's powerful, and most importantly--he's bored. But all of that is about to change. 8/24/23PLEASE DON'T POST MY FICS ON GOODREADS/STORYGRAPHS/ETC. PLEASE DON'T REPOST MY WORKS ON ANY OTHER SITES. PLEASE DON'T PRINT OR BIND MY WORKS USING THIRD PARTY SITES THAT MAKE A PROFIT - DO IT BY HAND OR NOT AT ALL. DO NOT SELL BOUND COPIES OF MY FICS.
181.3K kelime
Silent Compassion
Silent Compassion
When Harry Potter was 5, his whole world changed. For better and for worse. Watch as small and abused Harry turns into the strong, smart, and deadly Slytherin Hadrian Prince. And what's this about a mysterious Boy-Who-Lived, Donovan James Potter? * ON HIATUS UNTIL I CAN EDIT*
41.9K kelime
Korra's life was torn apart by the Red Lotus. She was a shell of her former self. Trapped in her own body and struggling to find a way out. Asami was simply trying to sort out her feelings. To understand the desperate need she had to take care of Korra. Post Book Three - If Korra said yes to Asami's request to follow her to the South Pole.
67.7K kelime
all your demons and desires and dark sides
all your demons and desires and dark sides
Recently discharged from the military after losing an arm during a training exercise, Erwin Smith returns to the BDSM club he once frequented, hoping to find someone willing to give him control. There, he is introduced to Levi, another former soldier, new to the scene and burdened with a past he's unwilling to speak of.
65.0K kelime
Tell Me Again
Tell Me Again
It’s a boy. A boy in a silk pajama set. A boy in a silk pajama set with a nametag too small to read who’s colorfully cursing in the thickest Daegu drawl Yoongi’s heard since he left home and it’s absolutely, without a doubt, the most beautiful sound Yoongi’s ever heard in his life. (Or: Yoongi falls in love with people’s voices and, in consequence, falls in love with Taehyung.)
88.3K kelime
Your World In Our Eyes
Your World In Our Eyes
Most people would say that the Traveller is a strange person and his companion even stranger. His friends would disagree with most people and would happily inform them where they can shove their opinions, not that they would actually say that in front of the Traveller of course.
172.3K kelime
Waiting is worth it
Waiting is worth it
DiscontinuedIzuku has an amazing quirk, and it was very strong, some may describe it as overpowered. Unfortunately, it has come with a price. The manifestation of his quirk has left him with a scar that will stay for a very long time.--Alternatively: Izuku has telekinesis and got paralysed when his quirk manifested.
119.5K kelime
Eyes? I no longer need.
Eyes? I no longer need.
They took her to get glasses when she was 4! They never got her new ones… And over time.She became blind… ———————Or, due to the madrigals neglecting Mirabel, the poor child has gone blind. They ignored her every cry of burning, blurry vision, and now Mirabel has to deal with their mistakes. She’s blind, and it’s their fault.———————
34.2K kelime
The Gifted Apprentice
The Gifted Apprentice
After running away in the summer after 1st year, Harry is rescued by Snape. His enrollment at Hogwarts has been revoked, and he can only stay and continue his magical training if he agrees to become Snape’s apprentice. Neither of them are thrilled with this arrangement, but Snape is determined to give Harry the stability and guidance he needs to work through his past and teach him everything he needs to learn to be a great wizard. Lots of angst, some occasional fluff. Mentor/guardian fic
212.6K kelime
Lives Lived and Lives Lost
Lives Lived and Lives Lost
A series of ficlets depicting some of Harry and Tom's many lives as part of their endless cycle of reincarnation in To Live is the Rarest Thing. Read that story first, or this won't make sense. Life #154: That time Tom and Harry were mob bosses Life # 50: That time Harry and Tom were sorcerers in Kamar Taj (with surprise guest stars!) Life # 90: That time Harry and Tom faced a zombie apocalypse. Life # 35: That time Harry and Tom were vampire slayers Life # 73: That time Tom and Harry died of the Black Death Life # 158: that time Harry and Tom ran a funeral home. Life # 184: That time Harry and Tom accidentally ended the British monarchy Life # 143 That time Tom and Harry were A-list actors Life # 54: That time Harry and Tom were theme park vloggers Life #101: That time Harry and Tom lived during the last ice age Life #96: That time Harry and Tom were homeless Life # 20: That time Harry and Tom were dog groomers Life # 21: That time Harry and Tom were Holmes and Watson
87.9K kelime
Words Cannot Describe
Words Cannot Describe
People had always said that Eren wasn’t right in the head. As a kid, it didn’t bother him. But hearing those words now stung in a way he could never have imagined. A canon-verse, sort of slice-of-life future fic in which Levi gets a well-deserved break, Eren deals with some haters, and they both prove that while communication is sometimes difficult, understanding can occur with just a little patience, effort, and care.
66.0K kelime
falling for the weirdo
falling for the weirdo
Basically, I felt that Stiles' ADHD was used as a source for jokes and I wanted a fanfic that was a more accurate representation of a neurodivergent person. (written by someone with ADHD as well as a few other disorders) Story: Derek stays with Stiles when the alpha pack is in town to protect the pack human, but also because he thinks Stiles is lying to them about something cause the teen acts super distant around them. Stiles is freaking out because he's going to be living with Derek and be around the man all the time and can't mask his 'weird' behaviors and many disorders that he's managed to keep secret from the pack.
44.5K kelime
Silent Echoes
Silent Echoes
After Maya lost her hearing in an explosion, she's been living in isolation.Can Carina get Maya to open up her heart again?
146.4K kelime
We Can Find Our Way Somehow
We Can Find Our Way Somehow
John and Paul meet at school. Paul has a deep, dark secret that impacts his life immensly. And so it also impacts John's life. In a world that's very hostile towards their relationship, they try to find their way somehow, both privately as well as professionally. And that isn't always easy......The (fictional) story of John and Paul through the years, in many, many chapters.
1.5M kelime
Good morning, Lieutenant - (Vol. 1) The Defective Deviant
Good morning, Lieutenant - (Vol. 1) The Defective Deviant
The free androids of Detroit start building their brand-new future, but peace is only relative in the troubled times that follow a revolution. One of the major figureheads of the revolution and finally a deviant, Connor now has to learn how to handle free will. The AI that both guided and punished him is gone, but at a price, and he struggles with his newfound freedom when guilt and fear are the crumbling foundations of his new life. They say they want him there with them, but Connor can't understand why. He's afraid of himself and what he's capable of, afraid that maybe these feelings don't have their place within him. Despite all the doubts he may have, Connor finds that he desperately wants to live, because whenever he feels himself slipping and falling, they're here to catch him. Please heed the tags. Look after yourself!
614.0K kelime
Between Deaths
Between Deaths
After his travels in "Sounders of Three", Will returned to the fall from the cliff and survived it, as did Hannibal.But time travel changes you and Will and Hannibal have to get to know each other again. A/N: This is not what you are expecting. :)
80.0K kelime
Inhaling sharply, Yoongi tried to think of a plan. There was a large, probable wolf on his porch, that was injured, and more than likely dying if he didn’t do something. Oh, there was also his partial blindness, the storm, and the fact it is in the middle of the night in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere. Excellent.
232.9K kelime
Count To Ten
Count To Ten
Something was wrong with Enid, and Wednesday could clearly tell it had something to do with what happened during the summer.
100.0K kelime
You need health insurance. Ghost is sick of sharing living quarters with the rest of the 141. Soap, your childhood friend, thinks the two of you can fix each other’s problems. Or, Ghost and you have to convince his command that you didn’t just meet each other and your marriage is totally, completely, 100% legit. Not for any, more practical reasons. And, of course, your married-couple accommodations only have one bed. (title from the song Heartless by The Weeknd)
61.4K kelime
Red Rabbit [OUTDATED]
Red Rabbit [OUTDATED]
“You accuse me of hurting Rabbit, like I would be the one to put him in danger or some shit.” Dabi snapped. Hitoshi couldn’t stop the incredulous look as he vividly remembered watching the videos of the mercenary throwing Izuku off the Hosu City bridge. Before he could bring up that little fact to counter he was interrupted again. “Yet here you are, fuckin’ ignorant, naive, and more than happy to waltz him right into the hands of the goddamn cops just so you can play Hero Support.” Dabi's voice grew darker and more gritty, his pupils sharpening and constricting with barely restrained alphan fury. Hitoshi glowered, refusing to back down, “I know how to protect Rabbit. We’re not playing. I’ve been doing this for months and we haven’t been caught yet. I don’t just make his gear– I patch him up when he gets hurt and keep an eye on him when he’s overworking himself too.” The younger alpha’s voice was surprisingly steady. He puffed out his chest, prideful and boasting in his attitude. “Yet,” Dabi hissed, leaning in a little and pushing his scent back down on Hitoshi with ferocity. “You haven’t been caught, yet.” He clarified. [RE-WRITE IN PROGRESS]
153.5K kelime
Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
Oh, Mama, Don't Fuss Over Me
“Sirius,” Remus said. That was the only warning. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casually– so casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didn’t taste as good as Gatorade. Instead, Remus’ knees were already buckling. His arm was sliding off of the granite corner of the countertop, and his shoulder was colliding with the barstool to his right, and his body was thudding against the hardwood, and the only warning Sirius got was his name. That was it. He was moving before he even realized what was happening.
18.0K kelime