nedzu is a little shit (my hero academia)

nedzu is a little shit (my hero academia)

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What it Means to Be a Hero
What it Means to Be a Hero
My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Midoriya Izuku yagi toshinori | all might bakugou katsuki Midoriya Inko Nedzu (My Hero Academia) aizawa shouta | eraserhead class 1-a (my hero academia) toga himiko melissa shield Hatsume Mei shinsou hitoshi Tokoyami Fumikage dark shadow (my hero academia) original characters yaoyorozu momo jirou kyouka tsutsumi kaina | lady nagant cathleen bate | star and stripe midoriya izuku & yagi toshinori | all might Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku class 1-a (my hero academia) & original character(s) other relationship tags to be added midoriya izuku & toga himiko Midoriya Inko & Himiko Toga Tsuyu Asui/Ochaco Uraraka Tsuyu Asui/Izuku Midoriya Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako Tsuyu Asui/Izuku Midoriya/Ochaco Uraraka quirkless midoriya izuku supportive class 1-a (my hero academia) shinsou hitoshi replaces mineta minoru original character replaces mineta minoru actually they replace someone else but that's not a searchable tag analyst midoriya izuku good parent midoriya inko protective yagi toshinori | all might mentor Nedzu (My Hero Academia) Nedzu training Midoriya Izuku nedzu is a little shit (my hero academia) author is a nedzu stan and that is a threat bakugou katsuki faces consequences alternate universe - canon divergence tags may change other additional tags to be added midoriya izuku does not have one for all quirk toga himiko is not a villain adopted toga himiko aldera middle school faces consequences (my hero academia) Midoriya Izuku and Toga Himiko are siblings toga himiko goes to u.a. high school minor character death background fukukado emi | ms. joke/kayama nemuri | midnight Uraraka Ochako has One For All quirk melissa shield goes to u.a. high school Midoriya Inko adopts Himiko Toga
Staring at a trembling boy before him, All Might knows what he would've wanted someone to tell him if he'd asked the Number One Hero if he could've been a Quirkless hero. And if that notebook he signed was anything to go by, a little help from Nedzu and the boy might even surpass him. When Midoriya Izuku asks All Might if he can be a hero without a Quirk, the Symbol of Peace says 'Yes.' This fic has a TV Tropes page!
278.0K words
He Who is No Fanged Fool
He Who is No Fanged Fool
My Hero Academia | boku no hero academia | my hero academia (anime & manga) Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead yamada hizashi | present mic class 1-a boys (my hero academia) class 1-a (my hero academia) class 1-a girls (my hero academia) pro heroes (my hero academia) u.a. students (my hero academia) yagi toshinori | all might ingaraki tomura | shimura tanko tsukauchi naomasa Nedzu (My Hero Academia) Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku aizawa shouta | eraserhead/yamada hizashi | present mic aizawa shouta | eraserhead & class 1-a Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku midoriya izuku needs a hug midoriya izuku does not have one for all quirk vigilante midoriya izuku midoriya izuku is a ray of sunshine Hurt Midoriya Izuku Midoriya Izuku is a dork dead Midoriya Izuku blood and gore angst with a happy ending vampire Midoriya Izuku vampires midoriya izuku is a little shit midoriya izuku is a problem child Midoriya Izuku has PTSD midoriya izuku is a mess class 1-a shenanigans (my hero academia) crack crack treated seriously how do i tag i wrote this instead of sleeping parental aizawa shouta | eraserhead | dadzawa parental yamada hizashi | present mic creepy midoriya izuku nedzu is a little shit (my hero academia) author is sleep deprived the author regrets nothing fluff and crack fluff and angst gore graphic description monster midoriya izuku quirk theory (my hero academia) quirk shenanigans (my hero academia) protective class 1-a (my hero academia) class 1-a dorms (my hero academia) shinsou hitoshi replaces mineta minoru mineta minoru is expelled from u.a. high school Mineta Minoru bashing swearing bakugou katsuki swears a lot kaminari denki is a dork kaminari denki is a good friend kirishima eijirou is a ray of sunshine other additional tags to be added
Waking up a few thousand years after your death to find a hero school built on your grave isn't the most fun experience. That, Izuku Midoriya can definitely say with confidence. He knew he died. He had to have, after all, his head was still severed from his neck. But the fact that scared him the most now was how he was back. And it took all of his strength not to constantly be seeing himself as a monster.
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