토니 중심

토니 중심

110 관련 내용
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치아를 갈아주세요
어벤져스 (마블 영화) 마블 시네마틱 유니버스 토르 (영화) 아이언맨 (영화) 로키 (마블) 토니 스타크 스티브 로저스 토르 (마블) 금요일 (마블) 페퍼 포츠 제임스 "로디" 로즈 브루스 배너 팬드럴 (마블) 오딘 (마블) 헬라 (마블) 기타 마블 캐릭터 로키/토니 스타크 동맹 복수심에 불타는 토니 스타크 토니 스타크에게는 문제가 있다 토니 스타크는 하고 싶은 대로 해요 로키는 하고 싶은 대로 한다 토니 스타크는 포옹이 필요해 느낀다 긴장된 우정 동성애 혐오증 큰 편견과 편견 loki는 즐겁지 않아요 토니 스타크는 좋은 형이야 로키는 포옹이 필요해 토니 스타크는 마음이 따뜻해요 로키와 토니 스타크 프렌드십 로키 라인 포옹을 받는 로키 수락 토니 빙토니 제임스 "로디" 로즈 & 토니 스타크 우정 선물 주기 함께 사는 것 가짜/척하는 관계 질투 비꼬는 말 healing 애정 표현 소소한 원작 캐릭터(들) 브루스 배너와 토니 스타크 프렌드십 배신 브루스 배너는 좋은 형이야 토니 중심 프로텍티브 토니 스타크 보호 로키 장난 슬로우 번 계약 불쌍한 로키 암시적/간접적 자살 시도 과거 페퍼 포츠/토니 스타크 아스가르드 (마블) 계략을 꾸미다 보풀 껴안고 껴안기 오딘의 A+ 육아 속임수꾼 외교 따뜻하고 푹신한 느낌 꼬인 듯 부드러운 감정 페이셜 쉐이빙 곧은 면도날 신뢰할 수 있는 친구들과의 관계 사랑에 빠지다 단어 수: 20만 개 이상 캐논 디버전스 - 어벤져스: 에이지 오브 울트론 (영화) 적에서 친구, 연인으로
배신당한 토니 스타크가 어벤져스를 떠난다.그는 화가 나고 비통하지만 영웅이 되는 것을 멈추지 않을 거예요.문제는 모든 사람이 그의 결정에 만족하지 않는다는 것입니다.
369.4K 단어
In death, there was no glory, no redemption, no salvation. Only darkness and ice—or that was what Tony thought. He closed his eyes in a Siberian bunker and opened them again on his 41st birthday, with War Machine flying into the distance.
130.2K 단어
If They Knew All About You
If They Knew All About You
Tony Stark had lost his son when he was only 2 years old, stolen away in broad daylight with nobody the wiser of what exactly happened. Years later, Tony has just made it through the disaster with Ultron. He is trying to keep himself and the team together but relationships are strained and tempers are running high.Then a random turn of events leads to his path crossing with that of a particular vigilante. They are strangers to each other, or so they think. Peter Parker is on top of the world. After a few shitty years, losing his parents and then losing his Uncle, things are finally looking up. Sure he lives in a crappy little apartment with his Aunt but he might have just found his mission in life. ------ This is an AU story obvious by some of the tags. I'm starting out a few weeks after Age of Ultron took place. Civil War will be a thing.
521.0K 단어
Point of No Return
Point of No Return
The bridges are burning, the heat's on my faceMaking the past an unreachable placePouring the fuel, fanning the flamesI know, this is the point of no return Bruce was right... they were just a chemical mixture. A bomb set to explode. Tony sat in the wake of it all... No he still had a promise to fulfill... his life wouldn’t be put to waste. Watch out world Tony ‘Fucking’ Stark is back... Iron Man Lives Again Note: On a Hiatus.
198.7K 단어
Darkness, My Old Friend... and Silence
Darkness, My Old Friend... and Silence
Tony is getting tired of cleaning up the messes the other Avengers keep dumping in his lap, expecting him to deal with it all. They say change is healthy, but Tony wants to vehemently disagree when he finds himself alone and gravely injured in an abandoned bunker in one of the coldest places on Earth. My first MCU story 😏*Chapter 1 posted Dec. 6/18 *Comments moderated.
220.6K 단어
And The World Moves On... It Has To
And The World Moves On... It Has To
This fic is set Five Years after the events of Civil War.--------- The New Avengers, headed by Tony Stark, have finally established themselves in the world, working closely alongside the UN to maintain public trust. The team has managed to create a close-knit bond, working together to forget the past. However, when Thanos comes to threaten the earth, the Avengers will be forced to face some old ghosts when Steve Rogers and his team of renegades are called in to work with Tony's team. The two teams will be forced to face their pasts to work together to save Earth.
157.0K 단어
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives. Tony and Stephen spent the past four years preparing for the arrival of the Mad Titan. They both knew what it was like to have nothing. Now they had a team, a mentee, and each other. But the more they had, the more they had to lose.
109.7K 단어
My Name Was Not Friend
My Name Was Not Friend
"Tony you shouldn't be working yourself up right now, this isn't the best time-" Sam says, trying to soothe but Tony isn't having it, he feels the snarl conquer his face. "No? No this is the best time!" Tony screams out, voice already hoarse, vocal cords already straining, "No more explanations or 'But Tony you don't understand'." He twists violently to glare at Steve, a fist by his side and a finger pointing dangerously close to the super soldier's chest, "You, oh you arrogant piece of shit, you were going to sign the Accords!" At that Sam pulls back, his gaze traveling to Steve and his brows furrowing, Bucky's as well. "I told you amendments were more than possible, and, and I delivered! I told you Bucky would be transferred to an American psych ward for therapy, to get help! I offered to legalize everything you did to get Bucky, both you and Sam!" Sam takes a step back, a gruff noise escaping his throat. Steve won't look at him, he can't rip his gaze away from Tony.
63.6K 단어
The Solubility of Stardust
The Solubility of Stardust
“Never thought I’d come after another mouthy Terran,” Yondu grins, crooked teeth unabashedly bared and seemingly unconcerned, “but my boy … well he deserves the best. Figured I’d make up for threatenin’ to eat him all those years. Might stop him from being so pissy all the time.” “That’s real sweet and all,” Toni cuts in sharply as understanding dawns on her, “but I doubt he’s my type. And it’s not the blue thing either, because that could be hot. It’s more along the lines of the whole I’m not leaving with you thing.” “Well see, that’s where you’re wrong,” Yondu smirks and abruptly whistles. Toni’s startled for a split second by the arrow that darts towards her from where it had been sheathed at his waist. The fin on his head glows a threatening red.
45.2K 단어
Five Times Peter Said "Sorry" to Tony Stark
Will You Be There (When the Sun Goes Down)
Will You Be There (When the Sun Goes Down)
Tony Stark could never have imagined fatherhood would be this stressful—oh right, he had, which is why he never had kids—but then along came a spider. Peter Parker is your average dorky kid; he attends high school, plays video games with his friend, tries to get his homework in on time, and—oh right—swings through the city, dodging bullets and roping up bad guys in his spare time. Life can get pretty complicated while trying to live two separate lives, especially when one draws a lot of attention, and not always the good kind.
240.2K 단어
How to Repair a Broken Heart
How to Repair a Broken Heart
The Mechanic has a lot on his plate; Thanos is coming, the Guardians of the Galaxy are marooned, Thaddeus Ross is reaching right down his throat, and a budding super hero deserves his full attention. He's also dying. No big deal. He can fix it. He can fix anything. And he can do it all without even opening that stupid phone. Now, where did those notes on Extremis go...? (03/30/21: I'm working on completing this fic. I apologize for my extended departure, but I will be finishing this, cross my heart. I love you all 3000)
227.8K 단어
Warden (Old Version)
Warden (Old Version)
Tony was left alone in a bunker in Siberia, and it was only a matter of hours before Death came for him. Just... not in the way he expected. When offered a chance to become a part of something bigger and better than the Avengers could have ever been, he jumps at the chance. With the backing of his new family, new teammates, and old friends, Tony will rise to face the threat that drew the Master of Death's attention to his home world to begin with. And if they get into hijinks along the way... Even better.
330.2K 단어
I'm Your New Family
I'm Your New Family
When Steve brings down the shield, and it looks like it’s coming towards his exposed throat, Tony hates the fact that he’s grateful.
3.1K 단어
When Tony tried to urge the homeless guy sleeping on the steps of the Tower’s loading dock to move, he never expected that he'd found Hydra’s pet assassin—James "Bucky" Barnes. Now, after months of keeping his presence a secret from the Avengers and helping Barnes learn to cope with both his returning memories and the modern world, Hydra is back for their favorite toy and Tony must call in old friends to save the life of the man he just might have come to care for a little too much.
26.2K 단어
Seize Yesterday
Seize Yesterday
In 2017 the Earth is about to end. In 1987 Howard Stark might have the answer. The solution seems simple, except Tony has the worst of luck, and he might just be stuck. In which Tony hates magic, time travel, babysitting amnesiac assassins and being seventeen.
86.8K 단어
they say boys don't cry (but your dad has shed a lot of tears)
they say boys don't cry (but your dad has shed a lot of tears)
IRON MAN HAS A SON The words were printed everywhere on every newspaper. Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, had a son. A child. A real life human being that he’d kept from the media for eight years but had slipped up and shown to the whole world. OR Peter Parker is Tony Stark's son, and Tony is determined to raise him right.
11.4K 단어
sometimes i wish (we never built this palace)
sometimes i wish (we never built this palace)
5 times the Ex-vengers were confronted by Tony's new life, plus 1 time they understood what it meant.
13.4K 단어
Closing The Door
Closing The Door
After the Civil War someone asks Tony for his help in bringing back Steve and crew, 'america's heroes'. Tony is having absolutely none of that nonsense.
1.6K 단어
Soul on Fire
Soul on Fire
Initially, Tony is wary of having the team around more or less twenty-four-seven despite the half dozen floors between his penthouse and the guest levels. As it turns out, however, even the Avengers only see what they want to see. Or they see but they don’t observe. Whatever. The important bit is that Tony’s secret is safe.
2.0K 단어
The Hawk's View
The Hawk's View
Clint knows several facts to be true:1. He will always look out for those who are his.2. Steve loves Tony.3. Tony loves Steve.4. Tony is a civilian.5. Iron Man is a villain. But just because something is true does not mean it is the whole truth, the complete truth and nothing but the truth.He doesn't know that yet.
194.9K 단어
A Chance Meeting
A Chance Meeting
When Tony goes to the bar one lonely Christmas Eve Night, he did so to avoid his empty apartment. A week later, he went back for the same reason. There, a handsome stranger tucked away in the corner draws his attention, and the attraction between the two is undeniable. As new possibilities arise, Tony will be faced with some difficult decisions. Jack has just been transferred to DC permanently, and he’s not too thrilled with his new situation he’s found himself in. When he catches the handsome younger man eyeing him at the bar, he finds something that might make his new local a bit less tedious. And, well, he’d never been good at denying himself something he wanted. If the brass wants him in DC, they’ll get him in DC. *Cover art by Red_Pink_Dots*
43.9K 단어
The Sky's The Limit
The Sky's The Limit
Tony's held a great secret since Afghanistan and he intends to keep it till the day he dies but it gets increasingly harder when your forced to live with spies and super soldiers. Especially with Natasha popping out of practically no where asking dozens of questions about his Three YEARS in the Ten Rings clutches.
88.5K 단어
숨기는 것은 너무 쉽습니다 - 그러다가 그렇지 않을 때까지
숨기는 것은 너무 쉽습니다 - 그러다가 그렇지 않을 때까지
토니는 버키가 스타크 타워에 온 이후로 예전 같지 않다. 그건 너무나 분명하다. 하지만 스티브는 그의 절친이 돌아온 것에 기뻐하며 토니가 자신에게서 멀어지고 있다는 사실을 다소 눈치채지 못하고 있다. 분명 토니는 평소처럼 과로하고 있을 것이다. 잠을 못 자서 조용하고 긴장하고 있는 것일 것이다. 그리고 물론 그는 피부에 보이는 부분에 몇몇 상처와 멍이 있다 - 그는 생계를 위해 어벤져스를 위해 싸우고 일한다. 그것은 직무 설명서의 일부다. 그렇지 않을 때까지는. 스티브는 너무 늦기 전에 토니가 겪고 있는 신체적, 정신적 외상을 발견할 수 있을까?
100.4K 단어
Never number one (and that's okay)
Never number one (and that's okay)
Tony is no one's number one. And he is okay with that.He and Steve are dating and everything is going great. Until Bucky returns... Will Steve have to choose between his two loves? Or will Tony make the choice for him?
4.9K 단어
You Deserve Love, And You'll Get It
You Deserve Love, And You'll Get It
After the Civil War, Tony is trapped in his abusive relationship with Steve and is desperate to find escape. His team hates him, and is blind to Steve's abuse. So when he finds refuge in Gotham with an old friend, he learns that he is very much worth loving, and the Waynes will fight to prove it.
25.5K 단어
Tony Stark is a mutant who can control and feel emotion. Tony Stark will not let anyone except Charles know - until now. COMPLETE.
22.8K 단어
Fostering Hope
Fostering Hope
Another foster home. That's all Tony saw this as. He didn't think kids got to go to back into fostering after group homes. But here he was, walking up the steps to another weird family with three other weird kids. So, no, he doesn't see anything coming out of this. They'll ship him off in four to five months just like all the others. They'll get annoyed and find him too wound-up even if he tries really hard not to be, just like all the others. They'll call him stupid, too, just like all the others. He's sure if it. And then these people do the craziest thing and... don't. Now complete!!!
97.1K 단어
퀸즈 그레이스
퀸즈 그레이스
뉴욕 공격 이후, 오딘은 로키의 마법을 빼앗고 그를 필멸자로 만들어 감옥에 가두었습니다. 하지만 이런 상황에서 아스가르드는 트릭스터에게 안전한 곳이 아닙니다. 최근 사건들로 인해 오딘은 그의 둘째 아들인 로키에게서 또 하나를 빼앗기로 결정합니다. 지난 4년간의 기억을 말이죠. 이 결정과 그로 이어지는 사건들로 인해 프리가는 아스가르드가 기억을 잃은 로키에게 안전하지 않다고 판단합니다. 토르가 들려준 이야기들을 통해 그녀는 토니 스타크의 타워가 기억상실증에 걸린 로키를 가택 연금할 수 있는 완벽한 안전한 장소라고 결정합니다. COMPLETE 속편 Anthony of Asgard 참고로, 최종 속편인 Stark InterGalactic이 현재 게시 중입니다. Stark InterGalactic 링크
219.1K 단어
And Together We Stand
And Together We Stand
Steve is looming over him, using the shield to crush into his chest, into the arc reactor, into him. Tony coughs up blood, the syrupy thick texture of it making him gag behind the suit. His vision is beginning to black out at the edges, and he curls his body protectively over his stomach, already knowing it's too late.
15.5K 단어
I Don't Wanna be in Love
I Don't Wanna be in Love
There's a reason why Tony Stark is hidden in his labs, and it isn't because there's a former brainwashed, ex-assassin upstairs, though he's okay with everyone thinking that. He's okay with everyone thinking that he hates James Barnes, though that's furthest thing from the truth. It isn't because he's a teenager girl, whose in love with both Barnes and Rogers. Because he isn't!! He's a grown ass man, and he can control himself. He knows he can. It won’t work anyhow. He doesn’t want to be a second choice. Can’t be, and he doesn’t want to be second—well, that’s given in any field as he’s a Stark, but he doesn’t want that in a relationship. He doesn’t want someone to ‘settle’ for him. He wants to be the one and only, and he can’t be that with Rogers or Barnes. They will always pick the other, and Tony isn’t a fool. He isn’t going to lie to himself and say it’s any different. Or So he thinks.
10.0K 단어
Curiosity killed the cat Tony ... Ask Loki, they know.
Curiosity killed the cat Tony ... Ask Loki, they know.
Tony Stark has been known for many things, but stupid is not one of them.He's honestly unsure if he should feel insulted, and not just for himself. Seriously? How did he even get into this situation?... Not that he's complaining. There is a real-life MYTH standing in front of him! How can he not sate his curiosity?
525.9K 단어
The Flowers Tell a Story
The Flowers Tell a Story
Tony Stark knew who his soulmates were since he was 4, the Red Silver and Blue Shield cruelly marked on him. It was one of the few things that Howard Stark couldn’t touch or change, so Howard made his marks in other ways. It wasn’t like Steve or Bucky would ever know, they were dead. Tony had been dealt the worst hand fate could think up, someone somewhere obviously hated him. He had two soulmates who’d been dead for 25 years before his birth. A father who was in the running for worst parent of the century. The names of two men he couldn't help but love, but Howard made sure he was reminded at every turn that he was worthless, Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes would've never spared him a 2nd glance. By the time he was 12 Tony was glad Steve and Bucky were dead, they were better off having never known him, he'd have only disappointed them. He'd given up the fantasy of having a true or real romantic relationship long ago, hidden behind the mask he played into the media, they were going to say what they wanted about him, he'd learned to not care. Until Captain Rogers showed up, he didn't care; he couldn't. So why did it hurt so much "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off what are you?"
267.8K 단어
(That Would Be) Enough
(That Would Be) Enough
One phone call from Pepper Potts to Phil Coulson, and one seemingly misguided act of magical penance on Loki's part alters the course of events in Iron Man 3. Already in the midst of a breakdown after the Battle of New York, Tony is de-aged, and the Avengers are faced with a choice: assemble themselves into a makeshift family, or risk losing Iron Man (and Tony).
164.4K 단어
i try to make the world seem better
i try to make the world seem better
Tony Stark is tired of everyone's bullshit.
1.4K 단어