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A Body of Water and Bones
A Body of Water and Bones
"It was a good distinction to make. I wasn't Bella, but for the time being, I could be Isabella." Because time marches on and waking up as Bella Swan is unfortunate, but it's not the end of the world. Only the end of her's. Links for music playlists and story translations available in the series notes.
211.8K parola
Wolf and cub (Or how small children became the new must have missing nin accessory)
Wolf and cub (Or how small children became the new must have missing nin accessory)
A slightly unhinged Kakashi finds two year old Naruto being beaten up, and decides the best course of action is to kidnap him and go on the run. Hilarity ensues. Other ninjas follow Kakashi's example. Zabuza has no idea how he ended up giving all these Konoha ninja parenting classes.
58.1K parola
The Mediator
The Mediator
"An adventure?" Billa Baggins, a respectable genteel hobbit of the Shire, shivered and tried to convince herself it was a shudder. In which a perfectly proper not-so-young lady whistles her reputation down the wind and finds she really is her mother's daughter.
90.4K parola
Did You Miss Me?
Did You Miss Me?
Though the new boy at Hogwarts University, James Potter, appears to be an adorable himbo with deep pockets, Remus Lupin and his friends instead find a horrifically dark past on Google. Did he really attack that boy and leave him for dead? Why won't he talk about his mysterious childhood best friend, "Pups"? Would it kill him to stop messing with his hair? At least Remus got his phone back after losing it, but now he can't stop texting the mysterious number of the man who had sent it back. Padfoot is funny and charming, and Remus is NOT going to fall in love with him. This story is COMPLETE. Please see Chapter 1 for a more detailed explanation.
641.1K parola
To Brew A Scandal
To Brew A Scandal
In the summers between school, a young Hermione Granger finds companionship in a mysterious young wizard near her family’s country home in Wiltshire. They share their troubles under the comfort of their respective anonymity until one fateful encounter destroys their fragile refuge from the real world. Years later, after a war that devastated Wizarding Europe, Hermione’s one wish is to pursue higher education for her Potions Mastery. Only, one clause leftover from deeply entrenched Muggle-born prejudice sends Hermione into the grueling social season with one goal in mind; to marry the least terrible eligible wizard. To her misfortune, a scandalous case of mistaken identity binds her future to a man who is certain to be the worst of all. Draco Malfoy; the new Duke of Wiltshire, a war hero, and the boy who broke her heart.
81.3K parola
This Barefoot Estate
This Barefoot Estate
The palace staff can't say they're exactly pleased with the attitudes of the royal family, to say the least. Now, after a few wild fights, the old banished Prince is sitting on the throne and leading their nation. What are they supposed to make of it all? OR The five times the palace staff weren't sure what to think about the new Fire Lord + the one time they were.
13.9K parola
miracle romance
miracle romance
Awkward and not good at making friends, you spend a lot more time up in your room by yourself. Meanwhile, Bakugou finds himself drawn to the quiet girl in his class.
200.3K parola
the cute guy next door (might be a villain)
the cute guy next door (might be a villain)
Quirkless, young adult Midoriya Izuku has a problem. Namely, he has a crush on his purple haired, tired-looking neighbor. They keep running into each other and the guy is actually pretty nice under that deadpan facade, has a sense of humor, doesn't seem to judge anyone for their quirk status, and is constantly spoiling any cat in the building that finds him. (He's also a shameless flirt.) But Izuku has concerns. About the strange bruises and bloodied knuckles. About the weapons he's seen when stopping by for a cup of sugar. About the shady-looking figures he's accidentally spotted his neighbor meeting with. About the fact that right after the news reported a big crime bust, his neighbor came home beat all to hell and looking haunted. Izuku has a problem. Namely, he has a crush on his neighbor, who he's pretty sure is secretly a villain. And he has no idea what to do with that. (or: Adult!ShinZuku AU where Shinsou is an underground, undercover pro hero trying to find a lead on a case that may or may not involve the socially awkward guy living next door. Misunderstandings abound.)
89.7K parola
***BoO Spoilers*** Proceed with Caution! Shortly after his stay in the infirmary, Nico agrees to accompany Will Solace and his friend Lou Ellen on a quest for Apollo. It's a trip full of new experiences, old dangers, and revisiting past wounds. Along the way, they discover the secret to healing and learn to move forward.
71.5K parola
The Lovegen App
The Lovegen App
Part I & Part II included ♡ Welcome to the lovegen app! Press your fingertip on the screen to collect the data of your genotype! ♡ Download the lovegen app and find your soulmate! Come meet your DNA matches! Taehyung, a male omega, lives in a world where genotypes are everything and where people let their relationships get controlled by the lovegen app. But soon he learns how deep a soulmate bond can be when he meets Jeongguk, an alpha, who matches his DNA in the app. Yet, he doesn't know that a broken heart can be deadly for an alpha.
203.7K parola
Obsidian's Desire
Obsidian's Desire
Marcus Flint doesn’t really know what to do with his life after his father dies; his father always told him what to do. So he consults a piece of obsidian, and it directs him to Harry Potter. And, well, Potter has friends, but he doesn’t have a husband…
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Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words
Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words
A blurry photo of Peter Parker kissing Deadpool is printed in the Bugle under the headline "Spiderman Kisses Unknown Associate." The more people speculate on just who Spiderman is dating, the more annoyed Peter becomes.
1.3K parola
Makes Me Stronger
Makes Me Stronger
Rita Skeeter’s Harry James Potter: An Unnatural History is a best-seller, mostly due to the fact that Skeeter’s collaborated with a photographer who’s infused the pictures in the book with Harry’s actual memories. As Harry struggles to survive the storm consuming his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy becomes an unexpected ally.
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there is nothing lost (but may be found, if sought)
there is nothing lost (but may be found, if sought)
One night shortly after his arrival in King's Landing Oberyn is approached in the gardens by a stranger, hooded and cloaked. When she asks him to help her die, he takes her back to Dorne instead. Taking her to safety is easy enough; keeping her safe is a different matter.
64.7K parola
Carefully Orchestrated Plans (no strings attached)
Carefully Orchestrated Plans (no strings attached)
Jin Zixuan: Need I remind you that this group is for orchestra purposes and not for you to have a spat in?Nie Huaisang: Technically it IS orchestra purposes. If Jiang Cheng murders Wei Wuxian we have to find a new flute
101.0K parola
The Hot Topic of James Potter's Virginity
The Hot Topic of James Potter's Virginity
After a Gryffindor Party, everyone knows James is still a virgin. He himself doesn't have a problem with that - it's just that now everyone wants to take the virginity of the hot and popular Quidditch player.Regulus Black isn't interested in his virginity per se - he is very much interested in James, he has had a crush on him for years. He is convinced this situation will be his only opportunity to ever get close to him. Smut in every chapter because I am nice sometimes.*** “I liked you better as shy virgin,” Regulus lies.If James’ face wasn’t red already, he’d probably blush deeply at his words. He looks at him nervously. “Technically, I’m still a virgin.”Regulus smirks, “Well, then let’s get that technicality out of the way, shall we?
19.6K parola
Miguel can't stop thinking about that moment Miles held him down. Miguel's never felt such strength, and can't stop fantasising about Miles holding him down like that again. Sure makes becoming friends with Miles a lot more awkward. ((Trans!Miguel, semi-slow burn with some spicy Miguel solo action, including a Sex Toy version of the Go Home Machine)) This is 30% smut, 30% emotional slowburn romance with healthy communication and fluff, and 50% shenanigans and my deep cut knowledge of Marvel comics canon. Miguel helps Miles practice his Spanish and Miles helps Miguel stop hating himself so much. (Miles is 18 when stuff starts happening) EDIT: this fic has gotten so long that we're now in the "Miguel gets therapy and realises he wants to have a kid again" part of the story so... Enjoy ✌🏾
69K parola
Hermione didn't know how to get over the war. She thought returning to Hogwarts would help but after a break down the most unlikely person helped her up and taught her that it was ok to not be ok.
53.7K parola
Every Other Freckle
Every Other Freckle
"Midoriya, I like you. As in, I like you in a romantic way. I mean, I like you as a friend, too! Not just as a romantic interest, because you're a really sweet person, which isn't to say that you're not good looking, because-" His pillow, despite being faceless, manages to look so underwhelmed that he stops short. "I just want to kiss him," he groans, shoving his head into the pillow to stop it looking at him. Todoroki likes a boy, and over the course of an evening manages to confess and land himself an offer to join a threesome. Cue the laugh track.
13.7K parola
Attraverso gli occhi di Čechov
Attraverso gli occhi di Čechov
In cui Spock odia Chekov e terrorizza l'equipaggio, il Capitano Kirk ha l'espressione più impassibile della nave, Chekov non ha mai intenzione di origliare, Uhura acquista delle curve, Kirk viene "bloccato", Spock si libera, McCoy fa valere il suo grado, Spock tira le trecce a Kirk, e l'amore fa schifo.
13.9K parola
Who Kissed Dupain-Cheng?
Who Kissed Dupain-Cheng?
TheLadyBlogger: u guys better know what ur doing. Mylie <3: We don’t because you haven’t told us anything. THE CHIEN: we’re going to find out who marinette kissed. Alix: are you saying it wasn’t one of u bozos Ivan: that’s the thing!! It really isn’t one of us. adrienagresteofficial: For the record, I think this is a bad idea.
30.2K parola
notbarryallen changed steel’s name to gayforray
notbarryallen changed steel’s name to gayforray
monalisa: and you just ruined the mooddarhkling: mooddarhkling: but there was no mood to begin withmonalisa: feelings moodLancelot: Stop saying mood Or, in other words, Ray creates a Legends group chat and it gets out of his hands a bit (and mine too). Or, in other other words, a year with the Legends and their shenanigans.
223.0K parola
sunshinegirl changed the group’s name to the bikings
sunshinegirl changed the group’s name to the bikings
bibillionaire: do you need some moneysunshinegirl: I already have a sugar mommy but thankshotwing: big mood Or, in other words, Sara Lance creates a group chat that she definitely won't call justice league because that's stupid, Bruce, thank you very much, and shit only goes down from there. Sometimes literally when Lucifer is involved. Or, in other other words, the entirety of the DCU in a chatfic. With the MCU. And Good Omens.
179.1K parola
Procedures of Intervention
Procedures of Intervention
The slide from “the LT and the Iceman” towards “Nate and Brad” is slow. Their identities are blurred by a hundred different small interactions that mean very little on their own, outside of a larger context. One thing is clear; some of it was Ray’s fault. We are assured of this.
9.7K parola
"Want the "D" or not?"
"Want the "D" or not?"
An AU where Noctis' gang has a special interest in the prince. They find him as a place for their hearts, and fight for his love. They compete over him, as the raven has no clue, and is too oblivious to anything surrounding him. They'll do anything.
15.1K parola
Karma is a Bitch
Karma is a Bitch
After Chad found out his secret, Jared was scared that the whole department would harass him. It was only a matter of time before Chad would blab it out to the whole world. Or not?
1.5K parola
Julia hasn't properly seen her former best friend since Beth announced her intentions to marry Daryl Dixon straight out of high school, roughly eight months ago. You don't marry a man like Daryl Dixon, you just don't. Not if you want to live a happy life.
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Meanwhile, Back in the Shire...
Meanwhile, Back in the Shire...
Gossip is Serious Business in the Shire and everyone has something to say about Bilbo's insanity.
1.2K parola
Talk of the Town
Talk of the Town
On his way to talk to Ezra about the possibility of his condition becoming the subject of base gossip, Kanan discovers a rumor about himself currently is circulating.
3.0K parola
Between his ascent to mega-stardom and her globe-trotting as one of Hollywood’s most sought after stylists, Tom Hiddleston and Liv Ames are a couple who are living a lifestyle that most could only dream of. But when their long-distance relationship of three years crumbles, their once picturesque romance quickly becomes tabloid fodder. Under the blinding glare of the media, true colors and a long-kept secret are revealed, casting doubt on the love they once knew and the intentions of people they trust most dearly. Kristin Kreuk stars as the OFC, Liv Ames. Reuploaded. I accidentally deleted the original while working from my phone... -_____-"
29.9K parola
Finalizer Weekly
Finalizer Weekly
Few people outside of the Finalizer's crew know that the ship has a weekly gossip magazine called "Finalizer Weekly." The reporting may not be the best and the stories may not be all that accurate, but reading it is a favorite pastime for many of the lower-ranking crew members aboard the ship. Here are some excerpts & don't forget to take the weekly poll. (A Kylux story told exclusively through the Finalizer's gossip magazine. 100% Crack.)
3.9K parola
When Storms Arrive
When Storms Arrive
Let's swing our focus over to the b-listers, shall we? Moonracer takes a break from racing and finds herself embroiled in shadowy goings-on. After shopping, of course.
16.2K parola
Cocaine Blues (Reimagined)
Cocaine Blues (Reimagined)
After years away from Australia, Molly Hooper returns to make sure the man who kidnapped and killed her sister never sees the light of day again. But on her first day back in Melbourne, she gets wrapped up in the death of a friend’s husband, which is not quite as simple as it initially appears.
2.8K parola
my boyfriend
my boyfriend
It's not good if each of us thinks her boyfriend is sleeping with Akutagawa Ryunosuke.
1.3K parola