Yume: Hero Analysis for You
The screen starts out black. Instead of the usual bunny intro, it immediately cuts to a boy.
His smile seems forced.
"Hi, it's Yume. Usually I'm more upbeat during my videos, but honestly..." His smile fades, a grimace in place of it, "I don't think I have the energy nor any f**ks right now. Let's talk about the Sludge Villain Incident."
#6 ON TRENDINGThe Sludge Villain Incident: Why the Heroes Almost Failed68M views | Posted XX June 2XX1 | 32M↟ 57K↡this video is different from my usual ones, this one was made impulsively, but i need to talk about this...Show more
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Pinned by Yume ✓Yume ✓im sorry for the odd video, new episode of hero highlight in a few days↟ 6.8k ↡ Reply▼ Show 746 replies
Or, Midoriya Izuku is an up-and-coming youtuber who analyzes quirks of heroes. His video about the Sludge Incident goes viral, earning him an immediate boost in subscribers. Somehow he remains oblivious to the multiple heroes that comment on his videos, his fans' apparent thirst for him and his blatant crush on Editor-kun and Angry-kun.