God of War
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the world has changed: unrest, rebellion, and dark plans looming on the horizon. The non-magical world has begun to take up arms against their wizard counterparts, trying to use their superior knowledge of technology, and their war-ready firepower, to stop them.-Missing Persons Case:Hermione J. Granger, Secretary for International Muggle-Magical Cooperation, Ministry of MagicStatus: Unknown*Department of Magical Law Enforcement Person of Interest:Draco L. Malfoy, current President of Viper Security Group, suspected illicit activities done under the moniker ‘Ares’.Status: Not in custody-When Secretary Granger goes missing from her hotel room, the Aurors’ case quickly grows cold with no leads & no outward signs of foul play. Senior Auror Harry Potter is at a loss, wondering how he can expect to save his best friend, one of the most well-known people in the magical community. He’s down to his last option, a contact he prefers not to use. Draco Malfoy and the Viper Security Group are his last shot at saving Hermione.***MCD TAG IS NOT D/Hr