We are the colors in the dark
Taking a closer look, Jisung can see now that it’s a letter, handwritten, folded in a pretty envelope of a light shade of pink, decorated with flowers and hearts. As his eyes run along the lines, devouring the words with an excitement that only Stays’ letters can give him, though, he realises that something isn’t right. He can’t say what it is exactly, maybe the general vibe of the letter, maybe the “I’m the only one who truly loves you Jisungie” written again and again in it, or the fact that the author claims to know him as nobody else’s does, not even the other Stray Kids’ members. Something just feels too wrong to be brushed off like the usual stuff, and Jisung finishes reading the last lines realising he can’t catch his breath, his heartbeat going fast, too fast in his chest, pumping anxiety through his veins. It’s nothing and yet it’s too much, crossing a boundary that Jisung didn’t know he had, making him feel uncomfortable in his own skin.
Stray Kids are preparing for the next comeback when Jisung gets the attention of someone he really doesn't want to get closer to. It doesn't take too long to spiral into a loop of anxiety and danger, till it gets too much to handle...