To the Victors
Grindewald fell in 1950: the five years in which he still held sway changed the course of history. Wizarding Britain, terrified at threats to the Statute of Secrecy, decided in the late 50s to pass the Muggleborn Wizarding Appropriation Act, which took muggleborn children from their parents at the first incidence of accidental magic. Children could be fostered or adopted by wizarding families, or would live in Wizarding Institutional Houses. Some Pureblood families took things a step further and decided to foster children in case they only had one heir to act as a sibling, companion, and stand-in for punishments deemed too harsh for their own children. If the muggleborn did well, they reasoned, it meant they had earned their place in the wizarding world.
Hermione Granger is such a child, chosen at a young age to be Draco Malfoy's companion. She's an ideal muggleborn: polite, intelligent, and capable. It's not until she attends Hogwarts that someone sees her potential. She becomes the favorite of a certain professor, who sees her power for what it is.
Meanwhile, Lucius Malfoy is embroiled in Wizarding politics, influenced by his sister-in-law's mad manipulations.
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