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Sorcerer's Bane
Sorcerer's Bane
Arthur gave Merlin his cloak thinking only of the warmth it would offer in a snowstorm. He never thought his manservant may be mistaken for him and snatched by bandits. Nor did he expect his dashing rescue of Merlin to turn his world so utterly on his head. Because the bandits hadn't kidnapped a prince. They'd snatched a sorcerer, and now captivity is the least of anyone's problems. A golden age awaits, but can they claim it together, or are they doomed to fail?
Odds & Ends
Odds & Ends
A collection of prompt or muse driven fills that feature Dean or Jensen in a variety of kinky (or not so) situations. Each chapter is its own work and may have its own warnings as well. These are oneshots that for various reasons I have chosen not to post on their own. More to be added. Chapters with titles are more plot than porn. Primary kinks will be listed in chapter if you don't want plot harshing on your can skip those chapters, or come back to them later, if you so choose. ((COMPLETE!)) Farewell Supernatural Fandom!! After 12 years its time to move on. I believe I am done with hard-core kink and all things SPN related with the exception of Moments of Gold. And if I ever finish that final Powerless chapter I will return to drop that. Its been a great ride and I've met some really great people. Enjoy the final season of the show! We can only hope we'll get an ending worthy of our dedication! 11/21/20 Post Series Finale Reaction: Yes!!! I know some are torn but I absolutely LOVED the finale. It was poetic and true to the characters. I adored the slower version of Carry on My Wayward Son. May those handsome boys never, ever lay eyes on this filthy work!!
The Spider and the Sorcerer
The Spider and the Sorcerer
When Peter Parker is badly hurt, he knows he is going to die. He doesn't want to, but he knows. Until a mysterious man, weirdly named ''Doctor Strange'' comes to the rescue... At that moment, Peter doesn't know that this sorcerer will become a friend, and even more. His father. He doesn't know either that later on, his dear mentor, Tony Stark, will become quite interested in Stephen Strange, in every sense of the word... A collection of one-shot ficlets involving Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Iron-Man, featuring their friendship and their evolution as a family.
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another. Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right? (Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
there’s stardust running through your veins
there’s stardust running through your veins
When he was little, he’d dreamed of being an astronaut, of going to space, like every kid did. Space was fun, exploratory. Or it was supposed to be.
Bird by Bird
Bird by Bird
Bullets, knives, a three story fall, even a fucking crowbar hadn't managed to keep Jason down permanently, but Dick Grayson (and the rest of his "family") was going to kill him with kindness.
New Game+
New Game+
With only one, small city remaining as civilization in Japan, the last of the UA heroes come together to enact their last remaining plan for success. Deku is elected as the one to be sent back in time to save the future, to stop a world overrun with Noumu and an overpowered, vengeful Shigaraki. He is, however, sent back a bit too far - 6 years too far infact. OR The one where the world is fucked, Izuku becomes a 3 year old and everyone becomes a hero. (Sporadic and usually slow updates, NOT ABANDONED!)
Tony's voice echoed in the cavern, hollow against the walls. “Are you out of your mind? That thing's going to take your head off!” The snake, however, did not move- did not even seem to be watching his teammate approach. And almost as though in response to his own voice, the sound from before came again, long and trembling- midway between a moan and a sob. This time, when his eyes darted in search of the source, the darkness did not block his sight: the naked figure of a man lay stretched beneath the snake, bound to an outcropping of rock. He was all ribs and sharp ridges of bone, all too-thin pale limbs, all open sores on top from the places the venom had splattered and on the bottom where the rock had rubbed away the flesh. The man's face, directly below the snake's mouth, had gotten the worst of it; it was raw and red, glistening with blood and exposed muscle and the slick of poison. The man shouldn't have been alive, much less moving, and yet he was- was thrashing weakly in his bonds, turning his head as far as it would go to avoid the white liquid as it dribbled down. It was not far enough. Tony thought he was going to be sick again.
While running errands with Willow, Hunter is kidnapped. None of his friends know who took him, where or why but they are still determined to rescue him. It's a race against time to find him before the shadowy figures who have taken him put their plans for the former Golden Guard into motion. Yet despite all their skills, the connections they have made and the goodwill garnered from citizens after defeating both Belos and the Collector, the Hexsquad are about to discover that some wounds run deep and saving their friend means confronting some of the worst things he did while under the Emperor's thumb.
Things that Haunt Our Hallways
Things that Haunt Our Hallways
“It was a kid,” Yagi gasped out. He had his hand balled up into a fist and the fist pressed to his lips, as if to remind himself that he could not start screaming. “Or. Young person, maybe 20. Homeless, I think. Activated their Quirk on reflex and then ran. The kids—” Here, he pressed his fist harder to his mouth, sucked in a wheezing breath, as if the air itself was pushing down something with physical weight. “The kids—” “Scattered immediately,” Aizawa finished for him, and Yagi managed a nod. Yagi’s eyes were so dilated that the blue was almost invisible. He shook violently. He looked like a scarecrow in a windstorm. Someone activated a Fear-Inducer Quirk so powerful that it reduced All Might to this— of course Aizawa’s class had bolted. Or: A Fear Gas fic, BNHA style.
Five Times Aziraphale Saves Crowley (And One Time He Fails)
Five Times Aziraphale Saves Crowley (And One Time He Fails)
Basically what it says on the tin. 1. Holy Water2. Exorcised3. Thrown4. Stabbed5. Demon Hunter+1. Betrayed German translation by Yuna_McHill:
Pack Theory
Path into Darkness
Path into Darkness
Obi-Wan Kenobi, adopted son of the Mand’alor, was in the middle of securing alliances to strengthen Mandalore and make it a power in the galaxy once more. Then the Sith revealed themselves after a thousand years of plotting from the shadows and it became clear just how well they had the stage set for their bid for galactic domination. Darth Sidious made a mistake though. Obi-Wan had been trained by the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and was a Dark Lord of the Sith, but more than that he was a Mandalorian. And the one thing you do not do, was mess with a Mandalorian’s family.
Say it Sweet
Say it Sweet
"Wolfsbane." Derek grits his teeth. "Interrogation blend. Still in my system. It makes me talk."
too much at stake but too late to change
too much at stake but too late to change
After a sudden shift in weather turns a wilderness rescue test into a real emergency, Katsuki and Izuku take on a rainstorm, a mountain, and their own worse natures to make it out alive. --- Katsuki let out another unsteady breath, but it was a laugh rather than a sob. “You’re a piece of shit.” “A piece of shit that you carried down a mountain!” Izuku shot back cheerfully.
A Heavy Heart to Carry
A Heavy Heart to Carry
When Merlin is captured and injured, Arthur must face up to his own feelings for his manservant as well as the many secrets he discovers are being kept from him.
comatose, tell me lies
comatose, tell me lies
[Please read tags and warnings!] “Very well,” It said after a moment, sounding like it was smiling. Why did the sound send a shiver down George’s spine, the dread from before seeping slowly into the back of his mind? “You can stay for the night, no charge necessary.” All George needed was a place to shelter while travelling. He didn't suspect that the old ruined temple deep in the forest wasn't quite as abandoned as he first thought, nor that its inhabitant would take such a liking to him...
The Spy's Charge
The Spy's Charge
"There were many stories circulating about him, rumours that he was a Dark wizard." – Severus Snape [HBP] The year is 1990. Lucius decides to take a closer look at Harry Potter. Dumbledore must send his spy to the rescue. Eventual Severitus. No slash. Snape is not Harry's biological father. Covers Hogwarts years. Update: Complete!
"Mistletoe was often considered a pest that kills trees and devalues natural habitats, but was recently recognized as an ecological keystone species, an organism that has a disproportionately pervasive influence over its community. In Norse myth, an arrow made of mistletoe was the only thing that was able to kill the god Balder. The goddess Frigg had asked all other things to vow not to hurt Balder, but she had ignored the mistletoe because it seemed too small to be dangerous."
Another Path
Another Path
Astarion has spent two hundred years waiting for a hero to come. It isn't the foolish sort of idle dreaming that one reads about in adventure tales, no – he doesn't moon about in picturesque arched windows, pressing his hand to his chest and sighing. But he does hope sometimes, furtive and distantly yearning, in the same way he still prays to gods who never listen, every now and again.
Safe Place to Land
Safe Place to Land
The Hales have been tracking a group of hunters who've targeted small packs with the help of a magic user. When they finally attack the hunter compound, they aren't expecting to find Stiles, a Spark who's practically a slave, and his young werewolf son. Derek isn't expecting the Spark to be his mate, either.
Catch Your Own Happiness
Catch Your Own Happiness
When Tony finds a strange, spidery experiment locked underground in a Hydra facility, he takes it upon himself to try rehabilitating a teenager who knows nothing about the outside world.
if i could keep cool
if i could keep cool
A villain attacks Shouto Todoroki's apartment and kidnaps what he apparently believes to be Todoroki's secret lover. The bad news—for both you and the villain in question—is that you’re just there to clean the place. That’s how it starts.
Blood from a Stone
Blood from a Stone
Once you passed a certain point in the hierarchy, getting ordered to do shit like lead a gangbang on Captain America was a surprise but not a shock. Fill for a hydratrashmeme prompt requesting a Hydra/Steve gangbang where Steve has been dosed with aphrodisiacs to force him to get off. Or, a trash party dumpster travesty in two acts:Act 1: Steve Rogers: World's Most Defiant Hydra Party FavorAct 2: Post-Rescue Hurt/Comfort: Now With Bonus Steve/Sam Sex Pollen Dubcon
little are the things we learn
little are the things we learn
Almost half an hour has passed, and Kirishima and Bakugou still haven’t come back. Bakugou may be fine running on fumes, and could probably blast his way through the second part of the exam on pure willpower and stubbornness. But Kirishima should probably eat, and relax for at least a bit. Kaminari is such a good friend. He hopes Kirishima appreciates him properly. He gets to his feet and wanders out into the hall, looking for a glimpse of Bakugou or Kirishima. He sees— well. It’s more than a glimpse. And at first, Kaminari doesn’t quite believe it. Five people who are let in on Yuuei's worst-kept secret, and one person who always knew it.
Visions of Gold
Visions of Gold
When Evelyn dreams of a mysterious blond stranger fighting a beast coming straight out of a horror movie, she thinks that she's going mad. But, when said dream becomes a reoccurring event she learns that it may hold more reality than she initially thought. Soon, she finds herself thrust into a world of fiction and learns that not all is as it seems. The characters she thought she knew prove to be far darker than she imagined whilst her innocence and trust soon wear thin. As she uncovers secrets about herself she again meets the mysterious stranger of her dreams and, with him at her mercy, she must decide if she can learn to trust once more. No matter what, her presence in Middle Earth is certain to change the fate of all the races. I made a discord if anyone wants to say hi
Donnie collided with Leo in a tangle of limbs. There was an instinctive cling in return from his twin, before the realization sunk in. "No." Leo breathed in his ear, immediately shattered. "No, no, no, no, no!” Every muscle in Donnie's body was shaking like an earthquake from the amount of effort he'd just expended. The explosion caught up to them, sending the twins spiralling away into space and debris. For one singular moment, Donnie allowed himself a burst of victory. His heart was still thudding a thousand miles an hour in his chest, having been absolutely terrified he wasn't going to make it in time. But he did. And he held onto Leo, his prize. Then they hit the ground, the sudden tumble bursting them apart. Donnie felt the world spin, rapid and disorientating, before he slammed into something rock and cracking under his impact. or: donnie doesn’t let leo go to hell alone
too well tangled
too well tangled
Of all the things Chloe has been through—demons, angels, being married to the Devil himself—getting thrown back in time wasn't exactly on her list of supernatural shenanigans to endure. Now, years in the past, she's stuck watching Marcus attempt to trick a younger Chloe into loving him, while the actual love of their life is falling into a sleep-deprived spiral of self-destruction. Well, not if she has anything to say about it, timelines be damned. Chloe's about to step on some butterflies.
Young Forever
Young Forever
Min Yoongi is a vampire nearing the 8th Century of his existence. He is bored with life until he chances upon Park Jimin at a party, whom he rescues from a bad situation. They have an instant connection, sparks fly, and so begins their, intense, wild whirlwind romance. Also, there is a vampire serial killer on the loose. Imagine Vampire Diaries Meets True Blood Meets Game of Thrones Meets Every-KDrama ever.... that's what's going on here. Disclaimer: This story may ruin your life. It may cause dehydration due to all the tears of anguish you will shed. Italian Translation available thanks to Banisuta Russian Translation available thanks to Httl_007 Polish Translation available thanks to Tannie
the mountains are dancing
the mountains are dancing
“Hang on,” Obito whispers, pressing his hand against the back of Sakura's head so she won't have to watch the White Zetsu approach. “Close your eyes, Sakura, you’ll be fine.” Maybe he can bargain with them, or maybe he can stall them, useless as he is. Maybe there's a way she can survive this, even if Obito can't. And then there's a step, loud on the rocky bank. “I think,” a voice says, calm and perfectly even, “that you're trespassing on Senju lands.”
Incident, Coincidence, Pattern
Incident, Coincidence, Pattern
"If once is an incident, twice is coincidence, and three times is a pattern, what's four?" Tim asked. "A mistake," Jason said between clenched teeth. "A big mistake."
Show Me the Way Home
Show Me the Way Home
“Let me guess,” Eames says, no longer surprised when Arthur appears unannounced at his door. “You couldn't bear to stay away from my sofa for one more day.” In which Arthur develops a relationship with Eames' sofa and eventually with Eames himself.
Half the Size and Twice the Fun
Half the Size and Twice the Fun
Ra’s was a class A manipulator, but luckily Tim was suspicious of strange men in cosplay dictating his life’s purpose. He doubted anyone would make a clone out of their most “formidable opponent” for the sole purpose of being creepy. There had to be an ulterior motive… Although it was creepy. So creepy. AKA Tim is a clone, Young Justice has a new BFF, and Batman's adoption tendency has been sledgehammered with Post-Ethiopia grief, which means the JLA is now in charge of a miniature Batman despite almost none of them being parents. This can't end badly, can it?