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Supercorp Mile Lisesi Kulübü
Supercorp Mile Lisesi Kulübü
Lena, şirketini iyilik için bir güç haline getirmeye odaklanmış bir Fortune 500 CEO'sudur. Kara ise Dünya Kupası'na hazırlanan yükselen bir futbol yıldızıdır. Bir uçakta tanıştıklarında aralarındaki çekim anidir, ancak kötü bir ilişki nedeniyle Kara'nın "alfa erkeklerle asla" çıkma politikası vardır. Arkadaş olmaya çalışırlar, ancak aralarındaki çekim çok güçlüdür ve sorunlarıyla başa çıkarken birçok sakıncalı ve açık grafikli cinsel karşılaşmaya yol açar. Kara, Lena'nın çok farklı bir alfa tipi olduğunu fark eder, ancak geçmişinin üstesinden gelebilecek mi? Lena ailesinin kötü planlarını alt edebilecek mi? Sonunda birlikte çalıştıklarında hiçbir şeyin onları ayıramayacağını öğrenirler.
398.9K kelime
Naive Harry and the Weasley Twins
Naive Harry and the Weasley Twins
“The only thing you have to do, is take this potion.” They said in unison. NOW WITH A SECOND CHAPTER! :-)
3.2K kelime
Take Your Medicine
Take Your Medicine
Dean inspects his son and discovers a "problem" that can only be solved by fucking him back to health. It's a good thing Uncle Sammy is in town because Cas is going to need all he medicine he can get. (Porn with so little plot that it hardly exists except as a framing device. Enjoy ;)
20.5K kelime
CLOSED AGAIN! SORRY Have you ever wanted to read about a pairing doing whatever you wanted? Well this is the story for you! I'll write whatever you want, with any pairing! (See rules) If you are looking for a specific pairing, try clicking “Entire Work” and then use your web browser’s “Find on Page” tool and search the desired character’s name. I didn’t initially think I would have this many chapters (and these chapters are targeted towards the person who requests them), so I apologize for not making it easier to navigate!
77.9K kelime
Naive Harry and Albus Dumbledore
Naive Harry and Albus Dumbledore
“I promise I will behave myself and be completely obedient to you professor. I’ll listen to your every word.” The boy said solemnly. Without knowing it, the combination of his promise and the hand shake, made his words an unbreakable wizarding vow.
3.3K kelime
The Possessive Nature of a Dragon
The Possessive Nature of a Dragon
Childe didn't dream much before coming to Liyue, if he did, it was memories of blood, not fantasies. But then there was the Geo Archon. An Archon of War. Childe had heard the storytellers' proud tales of their God, Rex Lapis, read the lengthy novels, and seen the lands that told tales of their own of the Lord of Geo. And Childe couldn't help smiling at the stories of stone spears piercing the earth and sea. A nearly seven thousand year old warrior who had lived through an era of nothing but battles and who had won. To say Childe was eager to fight the archaic God was to make the greatest understatement in all of Teyvat's history. Then the Rite of Receiving. The War God assassinated. Childe went back to dark dreamless nights, his dream of fighting that unparalleled power suddenly gone. Then betrayal yet odd relief came when he found Zhongli and Rex Lapis were in fact the same being. It stung, but in a way Childe felt was karma. The omissions he could excuse, but Childe couldn’t forgive himself for what followed. Dreams rushed back to him and now Rex Lapis held a new more attractive form, Zhongli.
329.6K kelime
Hyacinth House
Hyacinth House
It all starts with an injury Will sustains while sleepwalking.
80.3K kelime
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds.
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds.
Stiles always knew finding a mate would be hard for him. He's not bright and beautiful like Lydia, or stong like Danny or adorable like Scott. He was just Stiles, fox kid with ADHD who loved to draw. Derek Hale was everything, popular, strong, smart and gorgeous. They get put together on an English assignment and it doesn't go at all like Stiles expects. MY TUMBLR IS;
21.0K kelime
Midnight Ocean
Midnight Ocean
"Please consider what I’m about to say. Think of it as you return to your mother. You must put as much thought into it as you can. Will you? Please, promise me you will.” “Yes! Whatever it is, I’ll consider it.” “Eventually Lord Hades will have mercy upon you. He will. I know that must sound strange—the most severe of the gods showing mercy where his kindred won’t—but it’s the truth. The Olympians are more… unreliable. The only way I can see to protect the Underworld and in turn you and your mother is this: Bind yourself to me.” His hands tremble. He brushes his thumb along the crook of Zag’s throat, so very sweet, even when he’s rigid with tension. “Wed me.” Raised by his mother far away from both Olympus and the Underworld, a strange series of events leads Zagreus to meeting a faceless, nameless Chthonic god.
668.3K kelime
The Chase
The Chase
Derek's fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn't catch an omega this time. He's starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
10.4K kelime
Zıpla Sonra Düşün
Zıpla Sonra Düşün
“Eee, benim adım Stiles. Sen Derek Hale misin?” “Evet,” ve şimdi sesi tamamen sinirliydi. “Niye arıyorsun?” “Ben, eee, internet siteni gördüm,” dedi Stiles, nedenini bilmemesine rağmen dizüstü bilgisayara işaret ederek. “Biliyorsun, seks olayıyla ilgili olanı. Ve sen bir Dom’sun vesaire… ve beni domine etmeni istiyorum, lütfen.” Bu hikaye eksiktir ve asla güncellenmeyecektir. Kendi sorumluluğunuzda okuyun.
83.6K kelime
the way i fuck him (you'd think i love this --)
Forest of Twilight
Forest of Twilight
Viridian wings flapped a few times in preparation, silently praying that he was faster than whatever was about to chase him through the perilous forest. The haunting red eyes edged closer, swaying in the foliage as they shifted towards him. That was the cue to flee. Eren spread his wings wide, poised to jump, but his body froze when an eerie whisper came from among the leaves. “Aren’t you just the prettiest thing…"
245.0K kelime
Kink Prompts
Kink Prompts
This is a multi-ship chaptered collection where I will be posting all the short fics I write for my list of Kinktober/Kinkvember prompts! Each chapter will be a separate oneshot, will be labeled, and I'll update the tags as I go. [NOW COMPLETE!] Chapter 32: ot7 + "orgy"What he can do, though, is plan something to bring them together as a group, sort of like the trip he planned a couple years ago that was just the kind of healing they all desperately needed at the time.
136.0K kelime
Cardinal Sin
Cardinal Sin
What most people don't know about Hawks, is that he isn't a hawk at all, He's a cardinal. And cardinals court a mate in a very... particular way. And now, he's courting YOU. Welcome to Spring ;) Completed with sequel on the way
126.0K kelime
Don’t Make It A Habit
Don’t Make It A Habit
When Kara goes into unexpected and unpleasant rut, Lena offers a helping hand. Because what else are friends for, right?
25.4K kelime
Stare at the Sun
Stare at the Sun
What if Kara grew up on Daxam? What if on her twentieth birthday her mother decided to buy her an Omega as a present? And that Omega just happened to be Lena Luthor. Revelations along the way and future ruts and heats to overcome, Kara and Lena slowly grow closer together.
91.1K kelime
The First of His Kind
The First of His Kind
"Jack tells me you attacked one of the first responders," Hannibal says. Will growls, and Hannibal watches as one corner of his mouth twitches upwards. "You tried to rip his throat out." Will makes another low sound. This time, he's definitely smiling, in the same way a wolf does right before it lunges. Hannibal smiles back.
79.9K kelime
Be My Omega
Be My Omega
It all started when the alpha laid eyes on the short curvy omega and he knew at that moment that his life would never be the same, in a good way of course.
138.3K kelime
We're Meant To Be
We're Meant To Be
I suck at summaries!! You've been warned! Clarke and her mate Finn need some vacation time. Lexa's been pining after Clarke for a while and decides it's time to make her move. Clarke has to navigate through a new relationship with this strange new alpha as they vacation together instead. Clarke never thought she'd feel anything but hatred towards this alpha but maybe there's more to the brunette than she thought.
111.8K kelime
Lady Flowers
Lady Flowers
Otto Hightower brings his bastard daughter to King’s Landing in the hopes that she might become close to the new Heir to the realm.
241.1K kelime
Drabblewatch (Readershots)
Drabblewatch (Readershots)
A collection of Overwatch readershot ficlets either written of my own prerogative or requested through my tumblr (darthsuki). The series also has an official Tumblr (Drabblewatch), where I also post headcanons!
50.5K kelime
There's No Way That I Could Share You
There's No Way That I Could Share You
Harry had always been possessive of Louis, even before they soulbonded. This is pretty much just a bunch of incidents where Harry, as Louis's alpha, gets jealous when other people get too involved with his omega. And then there's part two, dealing with Harry and Louis' experiences during Louis' pregnancy.(Natural birth rather than C-Section because I do what I want.)
37.9K kelime
au where omegas who go neglected by their alpha for a long time often go into breakthrough heats when being around a different, compatible alpha who displays one (1) caretaking trait around them "You– you brought me supper?" Malfoy eyed her warily. "Don't look so stricken. Do you think I haven't noticed you've been starving yourself for days? You were at your desk when I arrived this morning and haven't moved since." He opened the box of fruit and plucked out a single grape with his sinfully long fingers. Still seated in her desk chair, Malfoy loomed over her entirely so she couldn't look anywhere else. Sometimes it was easier to forget how large he really was. "Now eat."
40.7K kelime
Bend to Break
Bend to Break
If Kosmo's human smells like a fertile mate, then he is a fertile mate. [non-con filth fic, read the tags!]
48.4K kelime
A True Heir
A True Heir
When Rhaenyra Targaryen presents as an alpha, it sets in motion a chain of events that could change both her relationship with Alicent Hightower and the future of the Seven Kingdoms forever. (Or at least make a great deal of trouble for everyone involved)
65.0K kelime
Dream seems to suddenly become sick while in the prison, revealing he has a volatile mating cycle, so the server decides to let him out for a bit until he gets better. As Dream's health fluctuates, the server learns so much about their admin that they didn't know before and things in the server start to attempt to heal. Non-sexual Non-traditional A/B/O! Some sexual humor but otherwise all platonic and exploring the concept and how bodies are weird when we don't want them to be. INDEFINITE HIATUS as of 2/27/2024
360.7K kelime
Murphy's Law
Murphy's Law
Murphy's Law[ˌmərfēz ˈlô]NOUNa supposed law of nature, expressed in various humorous popular sayings, to the effect that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Y/N’s brush with the Pro Hero Hawks, one fateful day just off a hiking trail leads to some true bad luck. (Surprise bitch, Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me: welcome to the maternity leave fic babe)
224.7K kelime
Problem child Eren Jaeger meets his match when Levi moves in next door. The two youngsters find friendship quickly and go through the ups and downs in a world of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. An Alpha and Omega set of best friends includes its own plethora of struggles and misunderstandings. Tested with the trials of growing up, they find joy in the darkness and learn that there is no better sanctuary than in one another. View artwork: here & here & here & here & here & here
205.8K kelime
Heated Encounters
Heated Encounters
A story in which Adrien discovers that being an Alpha is both a terrible curse and the best thing ever. Especially when Marinette is around. How will he feel when his "just a friend" is possibly something more?
117.5K kelime
Shell Cottage
Shell Cottage
Harry stays with Bill and Fleur for a few days. During that time, Bill and Fleur have a fight and so Bill turns to Harry for comfort.Set during DH
8.6K kelime