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Liked, Commented and Subscribed
" 'Hey, Bokuto?' Kuroo interrupted his friend. They were both sitting on his couch, Bokuto telling some silly story that happened the previous weekend and Kuroo reading the comments on his latest video. He was quite happy with how it turned out – a lot of people seemed to enjoy it and he even saw a few memes on tumblr titled ‘The actual signs as Kuroo’s signs’. There was only one thing bothering him.'Yeah, bro?' Bokuto answered, a little annoyed for having his great story be interrupted.'Do you know who Kozume Kenma is?' "--Everyone is a youtuber and tumblr ships KuroKen. A lot.
45.7K kelime
Hooked On Your Love
Hooked On Your Love
Yuri is whining, rutting against the mattress, nose buried in Victor’s shirt. His lithe body is naked, every beautiful inch on display for Victor to feast his eyes on. Which is… not what he should be doing, fuck. OR The one where Omega!Yuri gets his heat in Russia and alpha!Victor discovers exactly how much his mate likes it when he praises him. Basically, me indulging myself with some smut and fluff.
5.3K kelime
Guys please, its 3am
Guys please, its 3am
Minuwu has changed KingExplosiowo to BakubitchMinuwu has changed Eijirowo name to Hard;)Minuwu has changed Serowo name to SpooderMonMinuwu has changed Denkiwi name to ElectricAvenueMinuwu has changed Jirowo name to PunkLesbianMinuwu has changed Minuwu name to BubbleGumBitchThePrincessButAlsoTheFrog: I want to know but also I really really don’tHard;) : Trust me you don’tSpooderMon: shit goes doooowwwnnn in the bakusquad chatBubbleGumBitch: Ignore them im greatPunkLesbian: Shes a menaceBubbleGumBitch: RUDEToru <3:It ok ily MinaBubbleGumBitch:<3 uwuToru <3:nvm
87.7K kelime
Go on now, go! Walk out that Door
Go on now, go! Walk out that Door
Literally what the title implies: Obi-Wan finally has had enough. He packs his things, convinces a baffled but no less enthusiastic Anakin to come with him, and never looks back. (Or the one where Obi-wan and Anakin leave the Order of their own volition and fuck things up in a... decidedly new way.)
106.2K kelime
TommyInnit: Disappointment, Traumatized Youth, and Local Vigilante
TommyInnit: Disappointment, Traumatized Youth, and Local Vigilante
Tommy knew what he was getting into when he became a vigilante. He signed up for the robbers, the drunks, the abusers, and the cats in trees. What he didn't sign up for, however, was three increasingly annoying superheroes following him around. OR Vigilante Tommy AU + SBI content because I can't get enough of these
126.2K kelime
(Not) Sorry
(Not) Sorry
Vision didn’t look much better. “Today, the once fugitive team of former Avengers returns to the country, in order to sign the renewed Accords.” Shit.
8.8K kelime
Ready or Knot
Ready or Knot
When Hermione Granger picks up an older man at a club, she isn't expecting the choice to have lasting consequences. An AU, Wizarding World, Erotic Love Story.
74.8K kelime
It's even worse than it looks
all mouth, no trousers
all mouth, no trousers
James shoved him back, just slightly, and gritted his teeth, keeping his fists clenched at his side. “Regulus, I said shut the fuck up!” Regulus just kept taunting him, teasing a smile onto his lips. James raked his eyes over his white teeth and pouty pink lips and his stomach flipped. The thought crossed his mind that Regulus would be nice to kiss, what with his girly lips and all, at the same time he thought about purpling the pale skin around his eyes. “What, are you going to make me?” Suddenly, James’ mind was made up.If Regulus wanted to play, he’d play. *PLEASE READ THE TAGS*
4.6K kelime
Snips and Snails And Puppy Dogs' Tails (EDITING)
Snips and Snails And Puppy Dogs' Tails (EDITING)
Related to my other story, Biting Habit Ever since Chan gave Jisung that pacifier, Jisung had been looking for an explanation as to why he liked the damned thing so much. And then he comes across the term 'ageplay'. OR Jisung has been trying to hide from the others the fact that he's a Little. (This is not an age-play story, it is an age regression (mentally regressing to a younger age to de-stress among others) story. It is tagged as ageplay just so that people who don't know the difference between ageplay and age regression can find it)
101.0K kelime
The Set Up
The Set Up
Kate's an Oscar winning actress with no time to date. But when her new friend, HRH Prince Colin, insists on setting her up on a blind date, she reluctantly says yes. The last person she's expecting to see at dinner is his brother, King Anthony of England.
164.6K kelime
Taeyong's Dirt-Diary
Taeyong's Dirt-Diary
Taeyong and his vivid, kinky sex life! Featuring Baekhyun, Mark, Donghyuck, Lucas and Doyoung And more kinks than you can count ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
87.1K kelime
I'm Glad You Came (Because Otherwise It'd Have Cost You Your Ugly Mug)
I'm Glad You Came (Because Otherwise It'd Have Cost You Your Ugly Mug)
“I only came here to know when the new bed’s arriving. Just couldn't remember the gosh darn date.” Harry and Karkaroff stare. Draco merely looks back, an expression of polite expectation on his face. “You mean you’re not here to… you’re not here to rescue me?” Harry asks, shock written in every feature. An exaggerated expression of surprise takes over Draco’s face, “Not at all! I know you can take care of yourself, darling.” Harry groans. OR The one where Harry is a precious baby who doesn't thinks he needs protection (SPOILER ALERT: he does) and Karkaroff and his disgusting teeth kidnap him. But BAMF!Draco will mow down the person who dares to touch his fiance. Not without throwing a melodramatic bitchfit, though.
3.4K kelime
The Special
The Special
Harry is an unknown interior designer growing a tiny YouTube vlog following. He can’t believe he somehow gets recruited to a holiday special renovation contest on live TV and judged by the ultra-famous Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle seems impossible to impress when the cameras are on. When they’re turned off is a different story. ADVENT FIC! Posting daily until December 24.
54.0K kelime
Invoking Groundhog's Day
Invoking Groundhog's Day
The only thing separating him and all the power in the world is a few inches of metal. Stephen's already explained that there was no way to bring someone back to life with them. Bringing back half the universe was easy, as they hadn't been dead, merely... hidden away for a while. He would die, he thinks, if he tried. (He thinks someone should. Try, that is. Thor, or Carol, or Bruce, once he's better. It's selfish, he knows, but he can't help but think it. He wonders if Pepper thinks it too.) AKA: the story where Peter uses the Time Stone to go back in time to try and save Tony. Unfortunately, Peter finds out it's harder than it seems. Spoiler: Happy Ending included I promise
60.4K kelime
Star Crossed
Star Crossed
In an alternate universe in which the Force is a little bit kinder, events on Mandalore have shifted a bit further into the future. Arla lives and is adopted alongside Jango by Jaster Mereel, the Mand'alor. Only a few differences and circumstances are tweaked, but it changes so much. Not only is Jango's father a Journeyman Protector, but his mother was an Armorer blessed by the kara. A Jedi would call her and her son Force Sensitive. But there are no Jedi on Mandalore... yet. Jango's life still remains relatively normal until he is on his first solo hunt. He runs into Death Watch, only barely making an escape. Of course, the long range comms on his ship are destroyed along with his hyperdrive and sublight engines. He manages to crash his ship onto the nearest habitable planet in hopes that he can get it repaired, only to end up stranded. On Melida/Daan. (Featuring baby's first crush, war trauma, Qui-Gon bashing, oblivious Obi-Wan, miserably pining Jango, horrible Mando'a grammar, and the author having an existential crisis in the notes about trying their hardest to resist the call of becoming a super mando fan.)
130.6K kelime
Because We're Family
Because We're Family
CURRENT ARC: The Warriors' POV and Kenny's Plan to Explore Beyond the Walls. PLEASE READ THE TAGS. The story of Attack on Titan, rewritten from the start. A universe where Kenny regretted abandoning Levi and decides to step up as a parent, eventually adopting him as his own. Here, our protagonists are Kenny, Levi, and Erwin, the latter whom is introduced as a small child who had his life crushed. The early chapters focus on character development, until Erwin mistakenly comes across Kenny, the one ghost of his past, and blackmails him and Levi into joining the Survey Corps. From that point forward, it’ll be Kenny and Levi in the regiment (critical subplots occur), along with the Warriors' POV, until the 104th is introduced and all the arcs will be re-written. Kenny is the key in changing everything. Erwin and Levi clash as hated enemies, but something will change, and after much grief they'll find their way towards each other. Everyone who deserved better, from Mike, Isabel and Furlan, to Marcel and Bertolt, will not be squandered, but fully exploited.
517.4K kelime
Look What You've Got
Look What You've Got
“So, basically,” he starts, typing another thing into the device. “Bascially, you want me to hire a guy who you and the other boys can fuck whenever you like,” he ends, eyebrows raised. Harry grins, leaning a bit forward. “That is exactly what I'm asking”, he says, his cock already twitching in his pants.
17.4K kelime
in front of you, the mirror remains (fully intact)
in front of you, the mirror remains (fully intact)
“Daniel,” Vlad interrupts, “Do you know what year it is?”The question leaves him stumped. “It’s 2004.”No response. Danny pulls the phone away from his ear and says to Stan, “It is still 2004, right?”The man stares at him like he’d lost his mind. (or)Danny Fenton, stuck as Danny Phantom, winds up in Gravity Falls, Oregon- very confused, to say the least.
60.1K kelime
Gök Gürültüsü Uyluklar Hayatı Kurtarır
Gök Gürültüsü Uyluklar Hayatı Kurtarır
Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace'in oturduğu arabaya kaydığında, düzgün bir sohbet, belki de soğuk, ıssız arabalarda biraz uyumaktan kurtulmayı beklemişti. Kaslı bacaklara yeni bir hayranlık duymak ya da yazın tanıştığı günden beri beslediği aşkı yüzleşmek kesinlikle beklemediği şeylerdi, ama işte buradayız. Kim bunun karşılıklı olacağını düşünürdü ki? Bir evli çift gibi tartışıyorlar ama... Büyük Kehanet başlarının üzerinde ve omuzlarında bu kadar baskı varken, bazen başka biriyle biraz olsun bırakmanın rahatlığını bulmak gerekiyor. Hayat çok kısa. (şimdilik tek bölümlük, insanların bunu yeterince beğenmesi durumunda. O zaman Olympus Kahramanları'nın ikinci bölümünü yapabilirim.)
8.3K kelime
Lance isn't the best or brightest. He isn't the funniest or most likeable. Lance doesn't command attention, he has to fight for it.Lance's friends are geniuses. Top of the class, prodigies.Despite this, Lance knows he is loved. Lance loves his friends. And he knows they love him just as much as he loves them.He is needed. Basically a rewrite of the episodes from when Keith and Allura sneaky sneak away, from Lance's (angsty) perspectiveEnjoy!
19.3K kelime
the sweetest submission, drinking it in
the sweetest submission, drinking it in
From the age of 8, Zayn is visited in his room once a year by Louis, asking for a place to hide. But while Zayn gets older, he notices that Louis doesn't.
4.8K kelime
Her Pussy likes chaos.
Thunderstorms and Lighting
Thunderstorms and Lighting
Victor is afraid of thunderstorms but coincidentally, there's an on-going storm in Russia forcing him and his dark-haired lover to stay indoors.
1.1K kelime
I Liked It Better When My Car Had Sound
I Liked It Better When My Car Had Sound
Just look at the tags rlyI COULDN'T GET THIS SCENARIO OUT OF MY HEADAlso plz tell me if any random spaces or stuff appears. I went back to check but you never know!
772 kelime