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this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender and once was violent)
this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender and once was violent)
Clarke is only three days into being a runaway when she realizes that she did not fully think this through. When she walked away from Camp Jaha, she took only herself, a handgun with limited ammunition, and the gnawing guilt inside her. Three days without food, water, fresh clothing, or bedding of any kind, however, and she is painfully aware of how foolish that decision had been.
171.1K kelime
Grounded and Pounded
Grounded and Pounded
When Sabrina gets grounded, it means missing out on the family vacation to Hawaii, no matter how much she complains. What's worse, is that her parents asked the neighbor to 'keep an eye on her'. And he takes this job as permission to do what he's wanted to do since he moved in across the street.
3.5K kelime
Peace's Apprentice
Peace's Apprentice
Midoriya Izuku, one of the top students in 1-A. The Hero Deku. Inspiration for the class, their guiding light and warmth. That's the result of Izuku's ingenuity during the Quirk Apprehension Test impressing Aizawa, allowing him to keep his place in the class. But what if it didn't impress him? Midoriya Izuku has been deemed to have zero potential by Aizawa Shouta, Pro Hero Eraserhead, and his resulting expulsion will have ripple effects that will ruin and end the lives of countless people, and result in better outcomes for several others. ----‐---------------- We have a TvTropes page! Thank you to the commentor who pointed it out to me! Check it out here!
91.4K kelime
Weasley Sex Fest
Weasley Sex Fest
I've been sick for a few days and my muse has left me for all my decent stories, so I wrote some filthy, fucked up porn. Read the warnings. If you don't like it, don't read it. Also, I make no excuses for this. This story was heavily inspired by SSDSnape's An Alpha's Perogative. The story is marked as WIP because it doesn't go anywhere or finish, but is unlikely to be completed or worked on further.
98.8K kelime
Knoby, The Naughty House Elf
Knoby, The Naughty House Elf
Knoby is a perverted old house elf who wormed his way into Hogwarts for one reason and one reason only. All the innocent young witches to prey on. For Knoby, the school is an opportunity. A chance to satiate his twisted sexual fantasies. This is a very dark smut not for the easily offended, or even those who care for a story to have any kind of morals. On second thought, this story isn’t really for anyone, it is just some EXTREMELY FUCKED UP SMUT. Proceed with caution and mind the tags.
75.5K kelime
The Eyes Have It
The Eyes Have It
For the longest time, Bruno Madrigal thought he was cursed. Now that he was tied up, on the back of a soldier's horse, and his head was bleeding, Bruno thought this confirmed it.
81.4K kelime
DS: Bilinçsizliğe Kadar Zorla Yatırıldı
DS: Bilinçsizliğe Kadar Zorla Yatırıldı
Dizide yer almayan, silinmiş ve genişletilmiş bir sahne. Harry'nin yeni evlat edindiği babasıyla bakireliğini kaybettiği ve ardından gün boyunca herkes tarafından boğazından ve kıçından sert ve acımasızca sikildiği an. Bu sahne 'Bir Alfa'nın Hakkı'nın çok başlarında geçiyor.
1.1K kelime
it was the great escape, the prison break
it was the great escape, the prison break
“It is … with the consideration of the welfare of humanity, the protection of the United States Government and its people, that President Baker had signed an incarceration order for the stated below, Lena Kieran Luthor, on grounds of treason and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, it is the decision of the President of the United States that the Department of Extranormal Operations take into consideration the superhuman intelligence of Miss Luthor-“ “Superhuman?” Lena scathingly scoffed. “I’m human.” “The superhuman intelligence of Miss Luthor, and, as such, convict her of her crimes in line with their punishment for all extranormal persons found guilty of possessing abilities deemed inhuman by the DEO. As such, a life sentence will be served at a secret DEO facility, at the discretion of Director Hank Henshaw. Dated this morning.” The air was expelled from Lena’s lungs and she gripped the edge of the table, her eyes burning with the urge to cry as her heart hammered in her chest. “Please. You can’t do this; I didn’t hurt anyone. I’m- I’m innocent. You haven’t even given me a- a trial. I mean-“
273.5K kelime
When a Fallen Star Finds a Home on the Ground
When a Fallen Star Finds a Home on the Ground
5yrs ago Clarke found herself trying to escape the pain the Mountain’s fall had caused. But the search for solace was cut short when the forest itself proved to be a formidable foe patiently waiting for Clarke to become one with its ground. When Wanheda's title was not strong enough to ward off nature’s course, Clarke found herself in the proximity of someone she promised to kill. Torn between the hate Clarke felt for this betrayer and old feelings she wished could be forgotten, Clarke made a choice. And before she could live with the consequences of her actions, life pulled her down an unforeseen path. Leaving the grounders with only memories of Wanheda's sun kissed hair and the tale of how her fight ended too soon. Today the Skai princess’s story is nothing but a distant memory. One long replaced by curious whispers surrounding Azgeda’s mysterious new Heir, Klark. With a new enemy threatening the Coalition’s Western borders, the Commander had no choice but to summon the 13 clans together. As the clans begin to assemble for the upcoming war, many eagerly await the arrival of Azgeda. This will be their first chance to solve the mysteries surrounding Klark and to see if she truly is the Winter Wolf Azgeda claims her to be.
165.9K kelime
The Victor's Spoils
The Victor's Spoils
Written for the 2015 Harry Potter Kinkfest on Live Journal.The forces of Light had never stood a chance against Voldemort and his assembled forces of Dark. Dumbledore and all who followed him were defeated in no uncertain terms, with little hope of ever mounting even one attack ever again. Five years later and Lord Voldemort is still raking in the cruel spoils of his victory.
3.8K kelime
“Ever wondered where this door led, pup?” Peter asked Derek as they entered the basement, forgoing the main corridor for an older, narrower one. “Mom told me it’s a root cellar?” Derek said, sounding a bit unsure now, making Peter laugh as he pushed the door open. “Exactly! And what do we keep in a root cellar?” Derek’s eyebrows climbed his forehead. “Vegetables.”
2.8K kelime
Wisteria Tears and Smiles of Sunlight
Wisteria Tears and Smiles of Sunlight
What if Tanjiro had been the one who was not only turned into a demon, but taken by Muzan to be his puppet? And what if he met up with Nezuko again on his first real mission? How much would the story change? I would think it would be very, very different.
31.4K kelime
Üretim Festivali
Üretim Festivali
Arthur'ın ölümünün üzerinden bir yıl geçti. Ron herkese satılıyor. Draco yeni bir şey deniyor ve Ron tekrar hamile kalıyor. Weasley'lerle çok fazla üreme söz konusu.
2.6K kelime
Teatime Delight
Teatime Delight
Hagrid is harmless - a good friend - and always willing to listen, right? You couldn't be more wrong... What the Half-Giant didn't expect was for someone to know that he is far from it, (besides a certain Headmaster) and was willing to pursue him. This is NOT for the faint of heart to read. Rated Explicit, because it will have explicit content and may not be people's cup of tea - pun not intended
50.0K kelime
The Intruder: Wheels On The Bus (Little Girl Bus Bang)
The Intruder: Wheels On The Bus (Little Girl Bus Bang)
The Intruder gets a job as a bus driver taking a group of little rich girls to camp. Of course, The Intruder has other ideas and parks off somewhere, tying the little brats up and eager to teach them all about having giant toys stuffed up their virgin cunts and his cock filling them full of cum. Then, of course, a nice internal creampie before he strangles them to death and moves on to the next hymen covered hole.....
2.8K kelime
Broken Souls
Broken Souls
The reader is on her way home, and decides to stop for a drink. She runs into Dean Winchester not knowing that he's a demon or that she will ever see him again, or that walking into that bar may have been the biggest mistake of her life.
107.4K kelime
The Nature of Tradition
The Nature of Tradition
Slade takes possession of all that was Bruce Wayne's after the rival alpha goes missing and is presumed dead. That includes his three omega consorts. AU, No Batman/Robin here (gained some plot in chapter 2)
74.3K kelime
Beastly Possession
Beastly Possession
Something is murdering people in Magnolia. When Lucy is attacked, Natsu goes on a rampage, Gray won't leave her side, Loke is guilt-stricken, and all of Fairy Tail wants revenge. But could the attacker be someone they know? Warning: High octane nightmare fuel! Do not read while eating, and beware of the red eyes in the dark!
150.0K kelime
"Come Morning Light (you and i'll be safe and sound)"
"Come Morning Light (you and i'll be safe and sound)"
Her eyes wander over the brunette’s face and figure without rush – without thinking twice. She notices the large bruise on the charming cheekbone and how dirty her skin and clothes are, making Clarke purse her lips and chuckle throatily and quietly. As she settles her eyes on the green ones again, she crosses her arms on her chest and slips her tongue over her teeth. “So you are the one we’ve been trying to capture for more than a decade,” She says in a husky tone of voice, not once letting her gaze falter. Blue eyes contrast against pale skin and the princess finds herself temporarily lost in the color of them, staring like she is looking at something she is trying hard to analyze that remains just out of her grasp. They remind her of the sky, and each little white fleck in them is like a star. They are infinite looking and Lexa blinks a few times before she's finally able to start thinking clearly. Or; Lexa is a princess who has been sheltered through her life and Clarke is a part of the rebel movement to overthrow the corrupt monarchy.
101.4K kelime
So Good, Baby Boy.
So Good, Baby Boy.
16 year old Dean and 12 year old Sam get jumped on their way home from school. Unable to save his boys, John is forced to watch as Dean is brutalized and sacrifices himself for his brother to the human monsters at his back. Will Dean be able to cope with the aftermath of his assault? Will any one be able to stop the abuse before it's too late? How will Sam handle seeing his idol damaged so badly?
32.3K kelime
DS: Alfanın Eşi
DS: Alfanın Eşi
Dizide asla yer almayan başka bir sahne. Draco'nun aileye evlat edinilmesi, Weasley Varlığı statüsünü miras alması ve Ailenin Reisiyle bağ kurup söz konusu Alphanın eşi olması. Bu sahne, 'Bir Alphanın Hakkı'nda çok başlarda geçiyor.
1.2K kelime
A Silent Angel
A Silent Angel
“Castiel, DON’T SAY A WORD” his father called after him in his Alpha voice. Jimmy had never used his Alpha voice on Castiel, never had a need to. Betas were frightened and encouraged to obey with the deep tone, Omegas would submit fully and follow orders immediately. DON’T SAY A WORD
36.9K kelime
After her family dies of extraordinarily tragic causes, a young woman is sent to stay with a mysterious doctor and his companion until her uncle can arrive to collect her. Everything seems relatively normal until a severe snowstorm hits and delays her uncle's arrival. Now trapped with two strangers and an increasing feeling of doom, our heroine must try to make it through the storm alive, or suffer a fate far worse than death. Victorian AUFemale ReaderWill/Reader/Hannibal*HEAVY* EXPLICIT RATING. (Set in 1890, so if things are a little off, like mentions of things that didn't exist quite yet, I'm sorry. I did as much research as I could for this.) (In an attempt to use something other than 'y/n', the reader is nameless, but is referred to as The Heroine, or Miss Chilton.)
34.2K kelime
Cherry Picking
Cherry Picking
Trip and Virus 'rescue' a girl from a local shop. After they find her unconscious in their territory. She has forcefully ingested a new drug called 'static'. They decide to take her home and play with her. Whether she wants to or not.
4.4K kelime
Five Things That Aren't True About Tim Drake
Tokyo Tentacle
Tokyo Tentacle
AU. Ghouls are called Tentacles. This is Rated M, if you're under 18 don't read. Odd pairings, obsession, lustful desires, dark and twisted mind. Follow a darker path of Tokyo where Kaneki and the others live in.
170.5K kelime