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Harry Potter and the Veela Sisters
Harry Potter and the Veela Sisters
Harry Potter goes on a beach vacation with his fiancée Fleur Delacour. Fleur's younger sister Gabrielle wheedles her way into coming along.
48.5K words
Her Alphas, Her Mates
Her Alphas, Her Mates
To save Clarke from being floated, her mother sends her down to earth. She finds a home with Lexa and Anya.
159.7K words
An Elegant Solution
An Elegant Solution
When Jiang Yanli joins Jiang Cheng in visiting Wei Wuxian at the Burial Grounds, the two brothers are on the verge of cutting ties forever — until Jiang Yanli has a better idea. Wei Wuxian doesn't need to leave the sect. He needs to get married, and she has the perfect Sect Leader in mind. When Lan Wangji is invited to come along on Wei Wuxian's visit to the Unclean Realm to spend time with his new betrothed, Nie Mingjue, he agrees — even though his heart is breaking. How else is he ever going to see Wei Wuxian again? When Nie Mingjue welcomes Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji into his home, he realizes two things very quickly: 1.) They clearly want each other so badly they can barely stand it, and 2.) Nie Mingjue is Into That. (In which arranged marriage to Nie Mingjue solves just about everyone's problems)
205.1K words
Midoriya Izuku grows up thoroughly believing that, just like a quirk, he doesn’t have a soulmate either. He’s right. He doesn't have one soulmate; he has two.
6.2K words
I'd Give My Soul
I'd Give My Soul
“Always the same. Shit, what is it with you Alpha’s and your egos,” Tony’s mouth ran off with words he didn’t even think about saying. “Tony. Don’t start,” Steve tried to calm down. His mind kept telling him not to let an omega to talk to him in such a way. He wanted to press Tony down, make him submit when only minutes ago he wanted to wrap himself around Tony. “Look, I get it. He’s your best friend. But you have to stop being a self-pretentious idiot who thinks he could punch his way out a situation.” “Like blasting your way out of a situation is much better?” “Yes it is, because I fucking use my head. This is a fucking conspiracy. They probably waited to tell you about all this bullshit when they had you enraptured deep enough to their ‘cause.’ Why do you think I privatized my suit, what do you think SHIELD would do if they got their hands on it? Everything they do is for their own gain.”
114.9K words
the name of the game
the name of the game
Once, Miyu thought shogi was the only thing she needed to master. And then she meets Uchiha Itachi, and she's thrown head-first into an entirely different game.
347.0K words
Here and Where You Are
Here and Where You Are
When lab monkey and definite not superhero Darcy Lewis does something incredibly brave and monumentally stupid, she saves the Avengers and the planet from all out destruction at the hands of Thanos. Picking up the pieces afterward is a lot less fun than she imagined. After an experiment to see the full extent of her new abilities, she finds her fate inexplicably tied to Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. Thrown in with the Avengers, she has to figure out where she fits in while navigating the stormy seas of being tied to two of the broodiest soldiers who have ever brooded. Stubborn Steve Rogers! Mopey and Angry Bucky Barnes! Badass Powered Darcy Lewis! Cool Older Brother Tony Stark! Multiple mentions of David Bowie! This one's got it all!
411.8K words
On the Count of Three
On the Count of Three
Tony whines. “Truth spell?” “Truth spell,” Bruce confirms, giving Tony’s arm a consoling pat.
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Nosy Friends and Seaweed Kisses
Nosy Friends and Seaweed Kisses
Tony and Steve are happy. Bucky’s return doesn’t change that. Or, at least, that’s how Tony sees it. His friends don’t seem convinced. Alternatively; five times people think Tony should be jealous plus the one time everyone realises why he isn’t.
2.6K words
Park Jimin is a rookie detective at the flashiest department in Seoul Metropolitan. When he's tasked to work with Min Yoongi - an apathetic, disgraced cop handling the ineffective cold case division - he doesn't expect the murder case they're working on to turn intensely personal. For both of them. (Superpowers AU with mysteries! Taegimin)(Turkish, Russian, Portuguese translations available.)
167.0K words
The Stars Through Her Soul
The Stars Through Her Soul
When Toni was seven, her soulmarks manifested: a red star edged in silver under her right collar bone, and a white star edged in blue under her left collar bone. Mama told her never to show them to anyone, because the Starks have enemies, and those enemies could use the soulmarks against her. She didn't see how. They were only stupid stars that didn't do anything but feel cold. By the time she's fifteen, she learns more about the marks, and the men they signify. Red Star wanders in and out of her life without seeming to remember her from one encounter to the next, and she's pretty sure White Star was lost decades ago. Soulmates, she decides, are useless flights of fantasy, because hers certainly aren't the supportive life partners all the stories say they're supposed to be. But she's a grown-ass woman now, and it doesn't really matter if she wants them or not. It really doesn't matter if she's a loose cannon, and one is with SHIELD and the other with HYDRA. They're hers and she's theirs. And she really doesn't like it when people take her stuff. (Beta'd by the ever-fabulous LunaMax1214, silvershadowkit, Medie and justanotherpipedream)
139.2K words
The New Big Three
The New Big Three
Katsumi Bakugo has suppressed her feelings for Izuku for years, but she can’t do it any longer.Shoko Todoroki is only beginning to learn what her feelings mean, and she might need some help.Izuku won’t choose between people he loves.As two women compete for the man they love, they find out that they don’t have to compete, after all.Some hearts are big enough for two.
95.2K words
The Importance of Aiming
The Importance of Aiming
With the Kyuubi’s help, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke have successfully landed in the past, armed with a completely fleshed-out plan to get rid of the bad guys and save the world. (Again.) The only problem? When it comes to the transmigration of souls and time-travel jutsus done under the influence, Kurama has absolutely, incredibly terrible aim.
3.4K words
Deep in the wilds, mysterious things wander through the lands on mysterious trails. Dracula isn't the only legend that walks their earth. In stumbling across an abandoned village that seems too good to be true, Trevor stumbles across himself, too. Lucky for him and the lives of the countrymen riding on his success, Alucard and Sypha are there to pick him up.
201.5K words
Aegon and Visenya brought fire and blood to Westeros, but afterward gave them peace, prosperity, and justice in spite of losing their sister and love. But they are mortals and not destined to live forever. Soon it would be up to their children and grandchildren to take up the mantle of the three-headed dragon - namely their son Maegor and granddaughter Rhaena, seen by many as the heirs to their greatness by both those that support them and those that would oppose them. But with said enemies abounding... the great kingdom that the Conquerors forged could quickly collapse. Can Maegor and Rhaena save their House from annihilation, or will the forces of the Faith and their other foes succeed in finishing what the Doom began? Alt-Maegor the Cruel AU
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Hitoshi is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Except the rock and the hard place are in love, and Hitoshi still can’t crawl his way out.
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Safe Is With Us
Safe Is With Us
A raid gone wrong results in a very peculiar situation with Tom Riddle and Abraxas Malfoy. OR: Harry accidently goes back in time and meets the loves of his life. ‼️ A REWRITE OF THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS ‼️
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Help a Bro Out?
Help a Bro Out?
Nino and Alya approach Adrien to solicit his assistance in enlivening their stale sex life. Surely Marinette wouldn't approve. Right? ... right? Adrien may need to revise his opinion on his friends, or, rather, his three girlfriends, before all of this is over. *No Gifs in Chapter I*
5.6K words
“To be honest, Miss Lewis, you don’t scare me much,” he snapped in his Captain’s tone. After the words were out, and her cheeks had paled and his had surely flushed, he realized those were his first words to her. They were on her skin. And they were such a lie.
33.7K words
That Damn Flight Suit
That Damn Flight Suit
James and Steve make a very interesting discovery about what really is under the Iron Man suit. Cue awkward boners, oblivious Tony, and slightly possessive super-soldiers who really don't want to share his...assets... with the world.
2.2K words
KILLERS LOOSE IN SEOUL; OMEGAS FEAR FOR LIVES Terror reigns in Seoul as two serial murderers make their presence known through conflicting motives— The Butcher has come from Busan to prey on random victims for sexual gratification and the Seoul Saint is silencing “promiscuous” and unruly omegas, much to the delight of bigoted alphas. It’s becoming riskier for omegas to choose their own life paths, and idol trainee Jimin has to hide his unusual and domineering nature just to survive. But while his heart betrays him with sweet Beta Kim Taehyung, his body decides it very much likes a young new alpha, Jeon Jungkook, and biology is proven difficult to ignore. When Jimin is made a mysterious offer to join an underground idol company, he’s unexpectedly thrown into a dark and sinister world filled with temptation, lust, perversion, and murder, but will his instincts be enough to survive these deadly predators or will he join the hunt as well? ABANDONED, SEE NOTE IN LAST CHAPTER
254.7K words
AKA the Greater New York PTSD Support Group
AKA the Greater New York PTSD Support Group
They've successfully completed what might be the most dangerous mission in history: the recovery of the Winter Soldier. Now comes the recovery of Bucky Barnes, which is turning out to be even more difficult. A story about Bucky coming back to the surface with the help of Steve, Sam, pancakes, video games, the city of New York, assorted Avengers, and beds that--really, let's be honest here--are too soft to sleep on.
12.7K words
Heroes by Choice
Heroes by Choice
What makes a hero? What makes a villain? Is it their quirk? Or is it a choice? How will Izuku and his friends move forward when it seems that there is so much against them? Note: I have retired from writing. What you see is what you get.
92.4K words
“I’ll fucking kill you, Deku!” Katsuki screamed as Shouto continued to hold him at bay. And that was really all he could say, because his mind was still reeling from the fact that his husband shared a soulmark with Izuku-fucking-Midoriya.
81.8K words
The Making Of
The Making Of
In the aftermath of Sherlock's death, John Watson and Greg Lestrade take comfort in each other. But of course, Sherlock isn't really dead, so this is all about to get complicated.
58.2K words
Deep Freeze
Deep Freeze
As atonement for his crimes against Midgard, Loki is sentenced to fight alongside the Avengers. In time he finds love with Steve Rogers, but then Steve’s first love, Bucky Barnes, returns from the dead. The solution is something he hadn’t dared to hope for.
198.8K words
Only If It's Chaste
Only If It's Chaste
Tony ravaged his repertoire for a witty comeback, but the two kisses had shut his brain down. So instead he whirled, pretended to organize his tools and threw his head back haughtily. “Seriously? Are you two five-year-olds or something?” “Says the man who is compared to a five-year-old on a weekly basis,” Bucky retorted. “That is because I am young and full of vitality, unlike you ninety-year olds.” Steve and Bucky chuckled. Bucky walked up behind Tony and gave him one last peck on the cheek. “Whenever you’re in the mood for a little spring-winter romance let us know. We’ll be happy to indulge.” Tony thought his brain had malfunctioned before, but that statement alone infected his brain like a deadly computer virus. So caught up in his disbelief and shock he missed Bucky and Steve’s departure. By the time he rebooted his brain, the two were gone and he was alone in the workshop. “FRIDAY, what just happened?” “I believe Sergeant Barnes, and by extension Captain Rogers, propositioned you, boss.”
7.2K words
As the new Archivist debates between life and death, the Eye ponders on what to offer him in order to avoid an encore of the unfortunate situation with his predecessor. ----- Gerard Keay opens his eyes at what feels like fuck-ass in the morning, inside a room with far too little space and far too much dust.
247.2K words
Bruises and Drunken Heart Tattoos
Bruises and Drunken Heart Tattoos
Bucky forced himself to roll over and nuzzled his nose in the crook of Steve’s shoulder. “Steve,” his voice came out a whispery moan. “Get me some aspirin or Advil.” Steve groaned and tried to shrug Bucky off of him. Bucky wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist, refusing to let his boyfriend ignore his plight. “Too much to drink last night.” “Me too,” Steve grumbled, twisting his head so his lips brushed Bucky’s forehead. Bucky smiled, a contented warmth spreading through him at the simple gesture of affection. His happiness was cut short by the sound of a glass being set on the nightstand. Bucky’s eyes flew open and he shot up, ignoring his headache. An older man in his thirties was standing over Bucky with a bottle of aspirin in one hand, and the fingers of his other hand still gripping the rim of the cup he’d set down on the nightstand. Amber eyes blinked at Bucky in mild surprise. The man’s lips curved into a teasing smirk. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
5.8K words
I Don't Wanna be in Love
I Don't Wanna be in Love
There's a reason why Tony Stark is hidden in his labs, and it isn't because there's a former brainwashed, ex-assassin upstairs, though he's okay with everyone thinking that. He's okay with everyone thinking that he hates James Barnes, though that's furthest thing from the truth. It isn't because he's a teenager girl, whose in love with both Barnes and Rogers. Because he isn't!! He's a grown ass man, and he can control himself. He knows he can. It won’t work anyhow. He doesn’t want to be a second choice. Can’t be, and he doesn’t want to be second—well, that’s given in any field as he’s a Stark, but he doesn’t want that in a relationship. He doesn’t want someone to ‘settle’ for him. He wants to be the one and only, and he can’t be that with Rogers or Barnes. They will always pick the other, and Tony isn’t a fool. He isn’t going to lie to himself and say it’s any different. Or So he thinks.
10.0K words
room of heartbeats
room of heartbeats
Rey is different from Finn; all sharp angles with kinetic energy beneath pale skin, eyes wide enough to take in the sky. A completely different kind of beauty from Finn, but beautiful all the same. Oh no, thinks Poe Dameron, with a sinking realisation.
6.6K words
Tony loves being in Asgard. He is healed and free from the physical scars left by years as Iron Man, and the emotional scars left by everything. And he loves being Thor's mate. So why is he drawn to Loki? Why does it seem like when he looks at the Trickster God, Loki is staring right back? Why is Tony intrigued when green eyes shift to red and pale skin flickers to blue?Loki doesn’t know what to do with Anthony Stark. The legends speak of the Thunder God and the Trickster God sharing a soul, a mate, a heartbeat– and there was a time when Loki believed in that. There was a time when the idea of sharing someone with Thor had thrilled some secret part in his heart. Before finding out about his true parentage. Before the wars and the deceptions and the anger.It seems happiness is out of Loki’s reach, especially happiness that includes Tony. So why is he unable to stay away? And when his glamour slips and Tony sees his Jotunn form, why doesn’t he run like everyone else?Loki doesnt believe that he deserves happiness, and is terrified he will scare Tony away.But thats fine. Because if he is alone, he can’t hurt anyone with the Frost that flows through his veins.
65.9K words
Codename: Cupcake
Codename: Cupcake
Darcy Lewis had always been given the choice by her parents as to how out in the open she wanted to be about where she came from, and what she was. So she opted to lie low, keep out of the spotlight, and pretend not to be more than human. It was the perfect plan. Nobody would suspect a thing, and her life would be smooth sailing. But her perfect plan comes to a screeching halt one day, when she runs smack into two super soldiers who have a few perfect plans of their own, and all those plans include her.
100.8K words
I Don't Want to Lose Your Love Tonight
I Don't Want to Lose Your Love Tonight
Howard Stark had taught his son a great many things, and love isn't one of them. He had taught Tony that Love is a weakness and that he should never allow himself to be loved or fall in love. By doing so, it allows someone to have control over you, allows someone to use you. So when he starts to feel something deep for his Brooklyn Boys, Tony isn't sure what to call it, and he doesn't voice it no matter how often he wants to. No matter how often they smile at him. As this feeling scares the shit out of him, he keeps it to himself, unsure what else to do. However, when something suddenly changes in his relationship with his Super Soldiers, he's glad that he didn't tell them. He's glad that he has kept those words to himself, so they can't use him, though that could just be his insecurities talking. It could just be him overthinking, driving himself insane, or he could be right. Right that this relationship with Rogers and Barnes is a mistake. Right that he would only be a third wheel to them no matter what they say or do. Right that he will always be the odd man out. Right that they will not side with him. Or so he thinks
21.1K words