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Ever since Link woke up from his 100 year slumber he did not have a moment's rest, let alone a friendly face comforting in the face of the task at hand. Until Prince Sidon of the Zora came along.
3.3K words
From another prompt: Thirsting for some hurt/comfort.Link is badly injured in a shrine by one of the Guardians. Thankfully Sidon is there to take care of him, giving him something he never expected to have. Words.
3.3K words
Dancing to Nothing at All
Dancing to Nothing at All
The girl didn’t move, only stared, until Ellie raised the talkie she stowed at her feet and made the call. She was switched to a different position the rest of that night. Later on, she would learn that the girl’s name was Dina. She was seventeen. And she was alone. its cute i swear, just give it a shot
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Is It A Deal
Is It A Deal
You are a Ravenclaw, and he is a Slytherin, that's never going to happen. When Draco dares you to be his boyfriend for a week, you couldn't say no, you are after all a proud Ravenclaw. But this bet is going to change everything.
13.6K words
BTS Little Space (Requests)
BTS Little Space (Requests)
I decided I would make a separate work for requests because this can be sexual or nonsexual. If you want more explicit writing, go to my original work 'BTS Little Space.' Requests are open! Please, send me anything, and I will try and write it to life <3
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Misery Business
Misery Business
Viktor screws up and him and Yuuri break up.Yuuri goes to Yurio for comfort, and the little russian finally gathers his courage to confess his feelings to his Katsudon. Seen from Yurio point of view, song fic based on Misery Business - Paramore.
6.2K words
I Hate It When You See Me Cry
I Hate It When You See Me Cry
"I'm here to save the world, but who will save super girl?What if I'm weak and I need you tonight?I hate it... I hate it when you see me cry" -Halestorm
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Five Stages
Five Stages
Mickey Milkovich is sick, and he's terrible at it.As his redheaded boyfriend takes care of him, Mickey goes through five stages of being sick.
1.0K words
Night Times...
Night Times...
Isaac has his own room, it was the McCall’s guest room, come office, come storage space till he had become the newest resident in the McCall household. He never spent the night there. Scott has a new friend, a new Beta and a new sleeping companion. He also has feelings for him. Melissa has gained another son, how could she not want to care for the boy who had turned up one night soaking wet with a drenched bag holding everything he had in his life. Who looked like a lost hurt puppy that needed someone to share their burden even if it was for a little while. Now she had two Werewolves under one roof, who may be growing to be more than just friends.
2.0K words
Yuletide Confusions
Yuletide Confusions
Year 4, Yuletide Ball, Hermione looks like a princess and is on the arm of world-famous celebrity. She should be having the time of her life... if not for stubborn, hurtful Ron. When Hermione exacts her sugary revenge on the clueless redhead, her aim is off. This leaves Ron's older bespectacled brother to pick up the pieces of (pastry) Hermione's wounded feelings. Percy/Hermione, kind of.
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Freshening Up
Freshening Up
With some time at Yavin 4 to catch their breath, Baze can't wait to wash off the grit of Jedha and Eadu. Chirrut is reluctant to see the last sand of their moon go down the drain. Baze wants to remind him that home can be more than just a place.
1.3K words
A Little More Time