Link defeats that pesky Lynel that has been plaguing the Zora people. Though he doesn't come out unscathed, far from it actually.
Luckily there's a handsome Zora price to keep him company while he recovers.
Ever since Link woke up from his 100 year slumber he did not have a moment's rest, let alone a friendly face comforting in the face of the task at hand. Until Prince Sidon of the Zora came along.
When everything goes wrong after a nightmare, Link snaps at Sidon, immediately regretting it. Trying to make it up to him results in a bond Link does not yet understand.
From another prompt: Thirsting for some hurt/comfort.Link is badly injured in a shrine by one of the Guardians. Thankfully Sidon is there to take care of him, giving him something he never expected to have. Words.