Link defeats that pesky Lynel that has been plaguing the Zora people. Though he doesn't come out unscathed, far from it actually.
Luckily there's a handsome Zora price to keep him company while he recovers.
Ever since Link woke up from his 100 year slumber he did not have a moment's rest, let alone a friendly face comforting in the face of the task at hand. Until Prince Sidon of the Zora came along.
When everything goes wrong after a nightmare, Link snaps at Sidon, immediately regretting it. Trying to make it up to him results in a bond Link does not yet understand.
From another prompt: Thirsting for some hurt/comfort.Link is badly injured in a shrine by one of the Guardians. Thankfully Sidon is there to take care of him, giving him something he never expected to have. Words.
From a prompt: Taking place after calming Vah Ruta - Before Sidon drops him off and leaves, Link is still in an adrenaline rush and grabs Sidon for a kiss (almost forgetting he still has a job to do, LOL).
In which Link spends a lot of time with Sidon, and a lot of things cause him to form a crush:
Trying to catch a mysterious killer monster together? Perhaps.Being a gorgeous handsome kind enthusiastic Zora prince? A BIG probably.
Link's made it to the Zora Domain and has been starting to get an idea about the monster that is attacking its people.
Sidon and Link share a few moments reminiscing.
The Hero of Legend was supposed to be a hero without rival. Looking at the boy in front of Sheik, he thinks perhaps the Goddesses went wrong somewhere. Link doesn't know anything about the land he's supposed to save or the Hero he's supposed to be.
That's where Sheik comes in.