vaggie needs a hug (hazbin hotel)

vaggie needs a hug (hazbin hotel)

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Fully Fallen
Fully Fallen
hazbin hotel (cartoon) charlie magne | morningstar vaggie (hazbin hotel) angel dust (hazbin hotel) husk (hazbin hotel) alastor (hazbin hotel) niffty (hazbin hotel) lucifer magne | morningstar Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel) Clara (Hazbin Hotel) Odette (Hazbin Hotel) zestial (hazbin hotel) sera (hazbin hotel) emily (hazbin hotel) sir pentious (hazbin hotel) lute (hazbin hotel) valentino (Hazbin Hotel) rosie (hazbin hotel) cherri bomb (hazbin hotel) zeezi (hazbin hotel) velvette (hazbin hotel) vox (hazbin hotel) charlie magne | morningstar/vaggie Carmilla Carmine & Vaggie vaggie & odette (hazbin hotel) vaggie & clara (hazbin hotel) carmilla carmine/zestial (hazbin hotel) angel dust & vaggie (hazbin hotel) husk & vaggie (hazbin hotel) zestial & vaggie (hazbin hotel) lucifer magne | morningstar & vaggie charlie magne | morningstar & rosie transformation found family mild hurt/comfort domestic fluff tooth-rotting fluff family fluff angel dust needs a hug (hazbin hotel) good parent lucifer magne protective vaggie (hazbin hotel) angel dust being angel dust (hazbin hotel) angel dust and vaggie are basically siblings (hazbin hotel) supportive charlie magne minor angst profanity moth demon vaggie (hazbin hotel) fallen angel vaggie (hazbin hotel) carmilla carmine is a mom (hazbin hotel) vaggie basically becomes a carmine (hazbin hotel) vaggie is a little shit (hazbin hotel) alastor being alastor (hazbin hotel) protective carmilla carmine (hazbin hotel) soft carmilla carmine (hazbin hotel) zestial is a great dad (hazbin hotel) soft zestial (hazbin hotel) soft lucifer magne | morningstar canon-typical violence vaggie needs a hug (hazbin hotel) rosie is everyone's auntie (hazbin hotel)
After the battle and the first ever failed Extermination, Vaggie begins going through... changes. She's not sure what is happening to her, so she turns to Lucifer for answers.
197.6K words
Charlie's Fallen Dream
Charlie's Fallen Dream
hazbin hotel (web series) charlie magne | morningstar vaggie (hazbin hotel) alastor (hazbin hotel) angel dust (hazbin hotel) sir pentious (hazbin hotel) niffty (hazbin hotel) husk (hazbin hotel) Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel) the egg bois razzle (hazbin hotel) dazzle (hazbin hotel) adam (hazbin hotel) lute (hazbin hotel) emily (hazbin hotel) vox (hazbin hotel) lucifer magne | morningstar cherri bomb (hazbin hotel) zestial (hazbin hotel) sera (hazbin hotel) rosie (hazbin hotel) Susan (Hazbin Hotel) valentino (Hazbin Hotel) charlie magne/vaggie Alastor & Charlie Magne angel dust & charlie magne Alastor & Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) angel dust & vaggie (hazbin hotel) alastor & vaggie (hazbin hotel) sir pentious & vaggie (hazbin hotel) charlie magne & sir pentious charlie magne & niffty husk & charlie magne husk & niffty (hazbin hotel) Alastor & Husk (Hazbin Hotel) alastor & niffty (hazbin hotel) husk & vaggie (hazbin hotel) Niffty & Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel) dazzle & charlie magne & razzle adam & lute (hazbin hotel) charlie magne & lucifer magne Lucifer Magne & Vaggie Alastor & Vox (Hazbin Hotel) angel dust & cherri bomb (hazbin hotel) cherri bomb & sir pentious (hazbin hotel) alastor & rosie (hazbin hotel) angel dust & valentino (hazbin hotel) cherri bomb/sir pentious (hazbin hotel) charlie magne | morningstar & vaggie fallen angel vaggie (hazbin hotel) cinnamon roll charlie magne established charlie magne/vaggie protective vaggie (hazbin hotel) alastor and vaggie do not get along (hazbin hotel) vaggie needs a hug (hazbin hotel) charlie magne tries angel dust being angel dust (hazbin hotel) angel dust-typical sexual content (hazbin hotel) husk has a heart (hazbin hotel) cute niffty (hazbin hotel) alastor has a heart (hazbin hotel) protective alastor (hazbin hotel) good parent lucifer magne protective lucifer magne drunk Charlie Magne chaotic gremlin niffty (hazbin hotel) worried charlie magne good significant other vaggie (hazbin hotel) divorced lucifer magne | morningstar soft vaggie (hazbin hotel) soft lucifer magne | morningstar alastor being alastor (hazbin hotel) depressed charlie magne protective charlie magne | morningstar
Following the events of Season 1, Episode 6, Charlie is distraught to find out that Vaggie lied about who she is to her. In the process, Charlie loses faith in her dream to rehabilitate sinners with only a month before Adam's attack on the hotel. Now it's up to the people of the Hazbin Hotel to try and protect Charlie's dream.
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A Neurodivergent Moth In Hell: Season 1
A Neurodivergent Moth In Hell: Season 1
hazbin hotel (cartoon) vaggie (hazbin hotel) charlie magne | morningstar alastor (hazbin hotel) angel dust (hazbin hotel) husk (hazbin hotel) niffty (hazbin hotel) sir pentious (hazbin hotel) vox (hazbin hotel) the egg bois (hazbin hotel) lucifer magne | morningstar mimzy (hazbin hotel) cherri bomb (hazbin hotel) sera (hazbin hotel) emily (hazbin hotel) adam (hazbin hotel) lute (hazbin hotel) Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel) charlie magne | morningstar/vaggie angel dust & charlie magne | morningstar & vaggie Alastor & Vox (Hazbin Hotel) charlie magne | morningstar & sir pentious the egg bois & sir pentious angel dust & husk & vaggie (hazbin hotel) angel dust/husk (Hazbin Hotel) alastor & lucifer magne | morningstar mimzy & vaggie (hazbin hotel) Alastor & Mimzy (Hazbin Hotel) charlie magne | morningstar & lucifer magne | morningstar cherri bomb & charlie magne | morningstar adam & lute & vaggie (hazbin hotel) cherri bomb/sir pentious (hazbin hotel) carmilla carmine & vaggie (hazbin hotel) autism autistic vaggie (hazbin hotel) fallen angel vaggie (hazbin hotel) established charlie magne/vaggie attempted sexual assault alastor is in hell for a reason (hazbin hotel) cannibal alastor (hazbin hotel) how to train your dragon references vaggie is so done (hazbin hotel) singer charlie magne angel dust-typical sexual content (hazbin hotel) Husk is so done (Hazbin Hotel) demon deals jealous alastor (hazbin hotel) Vox is a brat (Hazbin Hotel) trust trust issues worried charlie magne | morningstar vaggie needs a hug (hazbin hotel) angel dust needs a hug (hazbin hotel) developing friendships stimming soft angel dust (hazbin hotel) niffty being niffty (hazbin hotel) acceptance families of choice good parent alastor (hazbin hotel) alastor is vaggie's parent (hazbin hotel) alastor and lucifer magne | morningstar are rivals reconciliation vaggie has ptsd (hazbin hotel) angel dust & cherri bomb friendship (hazbin hotel) adam being adam (hazbin hotel) lute being a jerk (hazbin hotel) Angst carmilla carmine is so done (hazbin hotel)
Growing up with Autism wasn't easy for Vaggie, but she managed to deal with it when she was a human But now how is she going to deal with being a neurodivergent in hell?
29.0K words