In which Alastor realizes he committed a bit too hard to the whole found-family gag, gets fucked up by the First Douchebag, and tries to pretend everything is fine. Shockingly, Charlie is not oblivious. Even more shockingly, the person she goes to for help is Vox.
This turns out to be a case of using the wrong equation but still getting the correct answer.
When Daemon Targaryen found himself crowned King, his first real decision was to make sure his niece was safe. If it meant putting her in a tower - then so be it. Little did he know back then how much he would enjoy keeping their life a secret - even when it no longer involved just her.
The Golden Guard has been raised in the Titan's image all his life. He has always striven to fulfill His will, as told by His Mouthpiece, his uncle. Life has not been easy, but he's never expected it to be when following the righteous path.
And then he and his uncle are captured. Separated from Belos, the Golden Guard will do whatever it takes to free him so they can return to fulfilling the Titan's will—even if it means playing along with a "therapist" and giving himself a "name" and attempting to make "friends;" he'll do whatever it takes to get their guards down.
The only problem with this plan is that he wasn't expecting to like going along with his captors.
[Or, another Hunter-is-raised-in-a-cult-and-then-gets-rescued-while-Belos-goes-behind-bars AU, except this time the cult is in the Demon Realm.]
The grounds around the gates of Watford are burnt. The dining hall stinks of magick. It's three months since the tumultuous end of seventh year—one lonely summer, and six more weeks in a lonelier room—and Baz is finally back. And Simon needs to know why.
Blade and Dan Heng were reincarnated at the same time.
It was supposed to be a new beginning for the two of them. A fresh start. And yet, Blade remembered everything. His past. His old friends. Dan Feng, who had died next to him long ago. The sound of his laughter and the crystal shade of green of his eyes. Every single thing was etched into his memory like a curse.
Blade also remembered how ridiculously in love he was with him.
And that still hadn’t changed.