lilith clawthorne

lilith clawthorne

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saw the devil walking in the daylight (but he didn’t see me)
saw the devil walking in the daylight (but he didn’t see me)
the owl house (cartoon) hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) darius deamonne raine whispers flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) eda clawthorne Luz Noceda lilith clawthorne steve (the owl house) king clawthorne (the owl house) willow park gus porter amity blight stringbean | snake shifter palisman (the owl house) kikimora (the owl house) emerald entrails members (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & philip wittebane | emperor belos flapjack | cardinal palisman & hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & raine whispers eda clawthorne & hunter | the golden guard hunter | the golden guard & steve (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & luz noceda emerald entrails members & hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & willow park lilith clawthorne & hunter | the golden guard darius deamonne & hunter | the golden guard hunter | the golden guard gets therapy (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard needs a hug (the owl house) alternate universe Angst cults religious imagery & symbolism non-linear narrative lilith clawthorne needs a hug everyone needs a hug philip wittebane | emperor belos's a+ parenting loser Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos idk how else to describe him that's literally it cult recovery hunter | the golden guard has ptsd (the owl house) lilith clawthorne has ptsd grimwalker biology (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard is a little shit blood and violence bad but sad boy hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) it gets worse before it gets better therapist raine whispers partially blind hunter | the golden guard dark unhealthy coping mechanisms flapjack | cardinal palisman is an emotional support animal (the owl house) identity issues unreliable narrator late night conversations curses religious trauma minor eda clawthorne/raine whispers bamf hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) good brother steve (the owl house) the emerald entrails (the owl house) character death palismen (the owl house) Horror she/her pronouns for flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) they/them pronouns for flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) witch biology (the owl house) king clawthorne is a titan (the owl house) king clawthorne and hunter | the golden guard are siblings (the owl house) king clawthorne and luz noceda are siblings (the owl house) minor amity blight/luz noceda asexuality spectrum minor skara/viney (the owl house) pov jesus is eating cake batter out of the bowl in your foster mom’s kitchen trans hunter | the golden guard (the owl house)
The Golden Guard has been raised in the Titan's image all his life. He has always striven to fulfill His will, as told by His Mouthpiece, his uncle. Life has not been easy, but he's never expected it to be when following the righteous path. And then he and his uncle are captured. Separated from Belos, the Golden Guard will do whatever it takes to free him so they can return to fulfilling the Titan's will—even if it means playing along with a "therapist" and giving himself a "name" and attempting to make "friends;" he'll do whatever it takes to get their guards down. The only problem with this plan is that he wasn't expecting to like going along with his captors. [Or, another Hunter-is-raised-in-a-cult-and-then-gets-rescued-while-Belos-goes-behind-bars AU, except this time the cult is in the Demon Realm.]
63.5K words
The World’s Not Perfect (But It’s Not That Bad)
The World’s Not Perfect (But It’s Not That Bad)
the owl house (cartoon) Luz Noceda vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) Camila Noceda amity blight gus porter willow park Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos caleb wittebane evelyn (the owl house) mattholomule (the owl house) masha (the owl house) edric blight emira blight darius deamonne eda clawthorne raine whispers alador blight king clawthorne (the owl house) jerbo (the owl house) lilith clawthorne gwendolyn clawthorne dell clawthorne hunter | the golden guard & camila noceda & luz noceda & vee hunter | the golden guard & luz noceda Luz Noceda & Vee hunter | the golden guard & vee (the owl house) amity blight/luz noceda masha/vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard/willow park mattholomule/gus porter Camila Noceda/Manny Noceda evelyn/caleb wittebane eda clawthorne/raine whispers human au hunter | the golden guard and luz noceda and vee are siblings good parent camila noceda bad parent philip wittebane | emperor belos caleb and evelyn are hunter’s parents Luz Noceda has ADHD vee has adhd (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard has ptsd (the owl house) autistc hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard needs a hug (the owl house) luz noceda needs a hug vee needs a hug (the owl house) trans hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) Genderqueer Light Noceda trans willow park trans mattholomule (the owl house) paganism religious imagery & symbolism alcohol abuse/alcoholism marijuana addiction disabled characters implied/referenced suicide implied/referenced character death grief/mourning depression panic attacks Self-harm dissociation unsafe binding author is a theater kid musical references implied/referenced sexual assault implied/referenced grooming implied sexual content
The Noceda family has been followed by tragedy for years. After too many death anniversaries clumped together in a singular month, Luz and Vee are anxious to finally leave August behind them. Hunter Wittebane hasn’t felt fully happy since he was 7. Plagued by loss, abuse, and an unstable living situation throughout the Bible Belt, he feels weird being back in his hometown after nearly a decade. One fateful bus ride brings the trio together. ~Noceda Siblings Human AU~ Fic title from If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin. Please check tags and chapter notes for content warnings.
91.2K words