The Gods had faded and it was up to Percy to fix their problems. Again. To say she was tired would be an understatement, but when Khaos came knowing on your door with the Fates, you can't really refuse them entrance.Apparently, Hera had upset more than a few primordials by her actions who had sped up the Titans and Giants Wars, creating some sort of Nexus event that would swallow the whole Universe if they didn't do something about it: the Olympians were already gone, and soon enough, the minor gods would follow until nothing but dust remained.Being reincarnated as Poseidon's twin sister was not what she had been expecting, especially not when she discovered there was no Hera whatsoever born. The worst thing? She was apparently Kronos' favourite but he hadn't hesitated before gobbling her alongside her brothers and sisters. She took great pleasure in ending him again this time around.Percy had thought she would be safe for at least a few centuries since she had made sure Kronos wouldn't rise again and had negotiated with Khaos and his daughters about lifting the Ancient Laws when she was concerned, but they had apparently trapped her into sharing her former life with her family and their children.