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662 관련 내용
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Little Acts of Kindness
Little Acts of Kindness
In which Izuku is traumatized, but pretending everything is fine. Aizawa immediately spots the red flags and starts looking into the kids past so he can figure out how to help his student. Along the way he makes several interesting discoveries. One) Midoriya Izuku was quirkless until the day of the entrance exam.Two) Midoriya was bullied due to his status of being quirkless.Three) Midoriya Inko was a walking corpse of a woman.Four) Midoriya's quirk wasn't super-strength.
280.2K 단어
얀 겐신 임팩트 x 리더
얀 겐신 임팩트 x 리더
겐신 임팩트 (비디오 게임) 차일드 (원신) 딜루크 (겐신 임팩트) 스카라무슈 (원신) 종려 (원신) 닝광 (겐신 임팩트) 샤오 (겐신 임팩트) 알베도 (원신) 카에야 (겐신 임팩트) 레이저 (원신) 모나 (원신) 케칭 (원신) 호두 (원신) 로사리아 (겐신 임팩트) 벤티 (원신) eula (원신) 카즈하 (원신) 바알 (원신) kamisato ayato 야에 미코 (원신) 사이노 (원신) 신학 (원신) 차일드 (원신)/독자 딜루크 (원신)/독자 스카라무슈 (원신)/독자 종려 (원신)/독자 닝광 (원신)/독자 샤오 (원신)/독자 알베도 (원신)/독자 카에야 (원신)/독자 모나 (겐신 임팩트) /리더 케칭 (원신)/독자 호두 (원신)/독자 로자리아 (원신)/독자 벤티 (원신)/독자 종려 (원신)/독자 카즈하 (원신)/독자 바알 (원신)/독자 라이덴 헤이 | 바알/리더 카미사토 아야토/독자 야에 미코 (원신)/독자 싸이노 (원신)/독자 신학 (원신)/독자 yandere 갈취 강제 관계 강제적 유대감 스토킹 감정 조작 모호한 도덕성 미묘하게 의심스러운 동의 증오 성 짝사랑 더러운 말 언어적 굴욕 적에서 연인으로 강제 결혼 정략결혼 짝사랑 망하거나 죽거나 어두운 불안 독자는 여행자가 아닙니다 (원신) 친구들과의 관계 의심스러운 동의 동의 없는 신체 접촉 리더 인서트 리더는 비전 사용자입니다 (원신) 건강에 해로운 관계
겐신 임팩트 얀데레 스토리, 시간이 지남에 따라 계속 확장될 예정입니다! (원래는 제 텀블러에 올라왔어요, 다커드림스). 제 허락 없이 다른 웹사이트에 재업로드/번역하지 마세요!
205.5K 단어
CoD 드래블
CoD 드래블
원샷 (일부는 여러 장으로 바뀌었고, 대부분은 야동) CoD 앙상블에 대해 글을 씁니다. 미성년자는 상호작용하지 않아요!!!
182.0K 단어
Crash Landers
Crash Landers
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)
31.1K 단어
Try to Erase Myself
Try to Erase Myself
Jungkook is a new teacher assigned to work in the Health & Sex Education department of a high school. He expects to be working with students, leading his own classroom... What he doesn't expect is to be turned into part of the curriculum instead—namely, as a sex education doll. Now translated into Spanish (Español), Arabic (عربى), Arabic (عربى) (Ao3), Russian (русский), and French (Français)!
556.7K 단어
Afternoon train
Afternoon train
He doesn´t really notice the person moving behind him, more than used to the occasional touch on unfortunate places after years using public transportations. So although the brush against his ass springs him back from his distraction, it´s not alarming by itself. He simply shifts a bit forward, imagining it´s someone adjusting in the cramped space. The touch goes away and he turns his attention back to the window. Then— again.
21.8K 단어
Q. A. B.
Q. A. B.
One month after @hawks_unofficial's initial viral post, the blog titled "Quirk Analysis Blog for the Future", otherwise known as "Q. A. B.", has gone from an average of 10 views per post to an average of 20,000 views per post. Midoriya Izuku does not know how to view the impressions analysis for his suddenly popular blog, and only notices that sometimes, people actually comment on his posts now. He does not google himself or his moniker and thus does not see the rise in online articles and speculation. He is unaware that the "kyuu-ei-bee" he begins to hear about in passing refers to his own blog. He does not have a Twitter account. At the time, Midoriya Izuku is 15 years old. Izuku (accidentally) starts a cult.
21.0K 단어
All Eyes on Me
All Eyes on Me
Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria. Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
157.1K 단어
Bough Breaks
Bough Breaks
In life, nothing is certain. Pro-heroes aren’t always the good guys. Children are not spared from the darkest realms of humanity. Izuku isn't acting like his normal self at school lately, and his homeroom teacher has taken notice. After learning about the mother’s new, unwelcomed boyfriend, Aizawa’s concern shifts into dread. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep his student away from harm. * Please, do not repost on any other site *
408.9K 단어
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!” Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her. “What?! What was that sound?!” “You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder. “Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!” “Mike,” she argued. “Who’s Mike?” Scott asked. “Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
196.1K 단어
Tainting the Wonderland
The Limitations of Wax
The Limitations of Wax
So Jarvis is the one who pulls her up onto her feet, presses a tool into one hand and a book into the other and tells her to create. Tells her that if the numbers and the shapes and images in her mind hurt so bad then she should build them, should give them form so that they can finally leave her alone. Jarvis is the one who finally teaches her how to breathe. Or Toni Stark grows up with the tale of Icarus swirling in the back of her mind. Instead of taking it as a precautionary tale about hubris and overreaching she decides it's more about the limitations of wax. Years later when she builds herself wings of her own she makes sure to build them out of better material.
222.4K 단어
Finding the Line
Finding the Line
“Jason has just calmed down from the spike of anger when Tim comes back into the main room after changing out of his school uniform. Jason looks up and freezes. There’s a purpling bruise on Tim’s neck. The shape of the bruise is undeniably that of a hand, a large one. The bruise looks a few days old, but it is more than dark enough for Jason to know Tim must have been covering it with makeup. But now the makeup is wiped away to reveal angry purple and blue with a halo of red around the edges. On his neck, his delicate, fragile neck, someone put their hands on his baby brother’s neck—" # Almost a year after Hood attacked Robin at Titans Tower and four months since he agreed to stop killing, Jason struggles to cope with the horrific violence he inflicted on Tim now that he has the Pit under control. Well. Mostly under control. Featuring Robin!Tim as a touch-starved bean with no self-worth and Nightwing!Dick as the only Bat with an emotional braincell.
130.2K 단어
cold affections
cold affections
“My dearest little darling,” the demon cooed as he toys with your unkempt hair, making you cringe internally to his touch. “your mask is breaking, you know. How long will you think you could resist me?” You ignored the question and you slapped his hand away. Shooting up from where you sat, you charged at the collar of his top and intimidatingly hauled him closer to your angry expression. He finds it adoring, you see it, his eyes almost sparkled at the mere distance you initiated. Well, screw him. “I’m not that easy to break, you psychopath.” You spat with venom. “You're an insufferable, intolerable prick. Take the hint: I’m not interested. Find some other creature who is sick as you and leave me be.” He gives you a knowing look. “How can I do that when you’re the only one who can make my heart beat?”
244.7K 단어
The Borderland State
The Borderland State
Three years after Hannibal's arrest, Will Graham stands on the front porch of his Georgian seaside home and watches twin headlights navigate the winding stretch of his lane. There is only one reason Jack Crawford would travel all this way, in the rain: Hannibal Lecter has escaped from prison, and no one knows where he is. Written for the Hannibal Kink Meme prompt: Will figured out Hannibal was the Chesapeake ripper, resulting Hannibal's imprisonment and a complete breakdown for Will. A few years later, Hannibal escapes from prison. Despite the risk, the first thing he does is go after his Mongoose. Give me obsessive, possessive, creepy as hell Hannibal who still wants Will for his own.
42.7K 단어
The Perfect Woman
The Perfect Woman
What you don’t know: he’s been looking for you for years, ever since you were a pre-teen who saved a hunted and bloody stranger in a moment of kindness and courage. He’s the heir of a long line of bad, dangerous men who know what they want and know how to get it. The only way to catch an angel is to trap her when she isn't looking. The only way to keep an angel is to clip her wings.
33.7K 단어
Social Media: 101
Social Media: 101
Part 1: Survival Guide to Fucking Up [Solely Bakugou’s point of view] Katsuki Bakugou doesn’t have a gentle bone in his body. He’s aggressive in everything he does and does everything with 100% of his heart in it. After the Sport’s Festival, Katsuki starts to get harassed by strangers for his unheroic demeanor. It starts with letters but it doesn’t end there. The moment Katsuki realizes the harassment has entered dangerous territory and he needs to tell someone, it’s already too late. Part 2: Post Traumatic Life Disorder [Point of View opens up to Bakugou, teachers and classmates] When the Dorms are finally built, everyone is settling in well, but things become tense as people begin to realize something isn’t right with the recently rescued Bakugou. [Cannon compliant right up to after the License Exam] Part 3: Aizawa's Made Up Guide to Untraumatizing Kids With a High Profile Trial being launched, a media disaster at hand, and the League back in the game Aizawa decides mandatory therapy sessions for all his kids are going down and Katsuki Bakugou isn't allowed to leave UA without him by his side until he's eighteen god damn it.
213.9K 단어
If I Can't Have You
If I Can't Have You
My fingers came up and gently trailed along the black marker marring my skin. My eyes lowered. It wasn’t the large, black, boldly displayed letters that spelled out the word WHORE across my chest that had me truly crippled with fear in that moment, but the letters printed beneath them, below my belly, across my lower abdomen… large, menacing... a word with more far reaching implications than the simple derogatory insult someone who would drug and rape a woman might throw at them. No, this was far more unsettling, far more frightening. Drawn across my lower bellow, just above the neatly groomed curls nestled between my legs, written in black maker, in capital letters, was the word MINE.
375.9K 단어
Reader's Smutty Extras
Reader's Smutty Extras
A bunch of one-shots I wrote when horny and bored, all reader inserts because I'm used to that. Like my other works, it's absolute degeneracy.---Edit: I've reposted these one-shots as standalone works so they can be sorted through more easily. I decided to leave this collection up for convenience.
10.7K 단어
이 문제를 해결해야 한다는 것을 알고 계실 것입니다. 누군가에게는 획기적인 것이어야 합니다.누군가가 아무리 아파도 당신에게 이렇게 집착했으면 좋겠어요.네 스토커가 술집에서 온 천박하고 팔이 약한 남자였다면 경찰에 갔을 거라는 거 알잖아스토커가 작고 못생기고 약했다면 이미 집을 옮기고, 이름을 바꾸고, 소셜 미디어 계정을 폐쇄했을 것입니다. 하지만 이제 그가 비교적 잘 생겼고, 위험한 짓을 하고, 돈도 많고, 혼자서 도시의 절반을 망치고 싸울 수 있을 것 같다는 걸 알았으니 서둘러 당국에 갈 필요는 없습니다.
93.3K 단어
“Y-Yeah,” the slightly stuttered answer is beyond charming. Shōta’s already imagining a thousand and one ways he can hear that stutter again in more private settings. “Y-You’re my favorite hero.” See, that dark voice whispers delightedly in Shōta’s ear again, he’s already yours. “Hmm,” Shōta hums, all of Nedzu’s training scurrying to the forefront of his mind. Careful, careful, his old sensei’s voice hums in his ear, you don’t want to startle your prey. “Not many people know Underground Heroes, especially not me.” “I-I,” that stutter is back in full force along with a fresh wave of red across those cheeks, “I’m a-an analyst so I-I read a lot of your case files.”
41.3K 단어
Dark Fic's
Boy Toy
Boy Toy
[ UPDATE ] - Chapter 24 (wiiiiiiiiiii) Jimin just wants to have a peaceful life in college. Party, fuck and forget about his problems, yet the hot predator in his class is making Jimin regret every choice that lead him to this university. or Jimin is stuck in Jungkook's game and no one can help the omega from falling into his abyss.
436.4K 단어
Midoriya Izuku. Quirk: Cuteness
Midoriya Izuku. Quirk: Cuteness
At the age of 4, Midoriya Izuku was diagnosed quirkless. The doctor couldn't be more wrong, though. After all, that amount of cuteness in only one person can't be usual. Russian translation
50.2K 단어
Michael accidentally discovers his dick while he's trying to kill you, and then he comes back for more. Or: you awaken something animalistic and sexual in Michael Myers, and he cannot resist you in any way. You just hope you survive it.
139.2K 단어
Jungkook has been watching a special little person on the train for god knows how long. All his attempts to get close enough to cop a feel are futile. Until one rainy afternoon.
15.5K 단어
The Intruder
The Intruder
Melinda had just got out of the bathroom when a leather-gloved hand cupped her mouth. She had given up men for two years, but that night she found a stranger in her bedroom. Against all odds, things were going to change for both of them.
171.8K 단어
Scratching The Surface
Scratching The Surface
Lexa was the star quarterback on the football team, who got a scholarship to play and couldn't afford to lose it. Football and studying was her life until she met Clarke Griffin. Clarke needed to get sponsors to become a professional surfer and a big competition was coming up to get them. Her only focus was on surfing and didn't have time for a relationship. That was until she met a football player who was nothing like she expected.-----They both agreed to keep it casual. Friends with benefits was easier than the heartache of a relationship- until it wasn't.
309.4K 단어
Modern Warfare 2 Collection
Modern Warfare 2 Collection
A collection of all my MW2 fanfics, headcanons, etc. cross-posted from Tumblr and kept in an easy-to-find place :-)
112.1K 단어
공포와 굶주림
공포와 굶주림
윌이 시를 써서 보내는 비밀스러운 애인과, 잔혹하지만 예술적인 방식으로 사람들을 죽이는 애인을 동시에 갖게 되는 AU. 데이트가 이렇게나 피비린내 나고 매력적일 줄이야 - 아니, 피비린내 나는 매력이라고 해야 할까? 그는 파트타임 바텐더로서 쉬는 날이 없지만, 적어도 자신이 만든 술을 마시기 위해 식당에서 바, 그리고 다시 식당으로 옮겨 다니는 단골손님 한 명은 있습니다. 하지만 상관관계는 없을 겁니다. 렉터 박사는 술을 특정한 방식으로 마시는 것을 좋아하는 훌륭한 정신과 의사이고, 체서피크 리퍼는 언젠가 윌을 먹어치우겠다는 희망을 담아 러브레터를 보내고 있습니다. 하나는 솔직히, 아첨하는 것이고, 다른 하나는… 윌은 그것 또한 똑같이 아첨하는 것이지만 동시에 끔찍하다는 것을 아무에게도 말할 만큼 바보가 아닙니다. 해석하기 나름입니다. 그렇죠? 느리지만(약간) 강렬한 로맨스, 집착, 가스라이팅, 나이가 많은(10살 차이) 한니발, 대학생 윌
71.7K 단어
We're Meant To Be
We're Meant To Be
I suck at summaries!! You've been warned! Clarke and her mate Finn need some vacation time. Lexa's been pining after Clarke for a while and decides it's time to make her move. Clarke has to navigate through a new relationship with this strange new alpha as they vacation together instead. Clarke never thought she'd feel anything but hatred towards this alpha but maybe there's more to the brunette than she thought.
111.8K 단어
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry In which Ben Solo isn’t the wishing type and his only goal is her.
248.7K 단어
Runs in the Family
Runs in the Family
Let's talk about the Starks. Take a moment to be overwhelmed by the utter, inescapable perfection of this family. Catelyn and Ned Stark are madly in love. They have five beautiful and talented children. Their eldest son, Robb, is a student at one of the top universities in the world. He plans on taking over the family business and making his parents proud. Their oldest daughter, Sansa, is destined to follow in his footsteps, and is considered the most eligible bachelorettes in the UK. Their youngest daughter, Arya, is headed toward a professional dance career. Their second son, Bran, has every teacher in the district cooing over his precocious intellect and their youngest, Rickon, is already displaying profound leadership skills. And this summer, they come together for tears, laughter, and the occasional dead body. Robb is in love with his cousin and has dated half the women in England. Sansa's boyfriend has literal skeletons in his closet. Arya will do anything and anyone to get ahead. Bran is being stalked by a delusional drug addict. Rickon is a bully and a creeper. Jon, of course, has to deal with all of them.
364.1K 단어