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Hermione's Furry Little Problem
Hermione's Furry Little Problem
Hermione has a problem after the disastrous outcome of her ingestion of the polyjuice potion during second year. The results of the potion are irreversible. How will her two best friends react when they find out that she is likely to remain half-cat for the rest of her life? ------------------------------- Seeing as HPfanficarchive is shutting down due to the death of the owner, I'm going to maintain my bragging rights by mentioning that this story has been one of the only two Number One Blue Ribbon stories at HPfanfacarchive for well over five years. (The other one being The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood by Marvolo666)
412.8K parola
Capitolo 15: Alec sospirò e si rilassò all'indietro, sentendosi incredibilmente sazio. Il grosso pene raggiunse le parti più intime del suo corpo. Traduzione cinese disponibile!
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My lesbian life with Monster Girls: Monster Yurisume
My lesbian life with Monster Girls: Monster Yurisume
Yuisu didn't really have a plan in mind when she applied to be an Interspecies Exchange Host. A letter arrived asking for participants and she filled out the form on a whim. She definitely wasn't thinking of beautiful monster girls when she decided to apply. Okay, perhaps she was thinking of them a little bit.
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The Big Cat and his Kitty
The Big Cat and his Kitty
Harrymort Prompt Friday 02 February – You know all these fics where either Harry or Voldemort get turned into a cat and the human takes care of the cat and they fall in love? Let's try something like that, but a little bit more different. Harry and Voldemort both get turned into cats almost at the same time, in different circumstances. They run away in order not to be found by the others, and they end up meeting. They go on talking about their problems and helping each other, without knowing who the other cat is, and finally find a solution. They both re-transform at the same time. How will they react to the fact that the most helpful, understanding person the world is actually your mortal enemy? Please write more than 2000 words, if possible. Thank you! Cover by RiddleSnape(AO3)/@S1L6Moon9(WP)
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Little Neko Training
Little Neko Training
James heads to the neko auction to find his very own little toy to train. He is a trainer by trade and is known best for training nekos into toys, pets, and littles. After doing this for 10 years he wants to get a little toy of his own. Read Lucas' adventure of being trained into the perfect toy!
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Kitty Love
Kitty Love
Five years after the fall of Wall Maria, a new problem has risen. Tension between the two remaining walls was inevitable, but now it was an all out war between walls Rose and Sina. Commander Erwin, one of the leading commanders on the side of wall Rose, has humanity's strongest, Levi Ackerman, as his right hand man. But when Captain Levi goes on a scouting mission and finds a young neko boy named Eren in the destruction caused by the war, his life will undoubtedly change forever.
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Purrfect timing, Dean.
Purrfect timing, Dean.
Dean and Castiel do this every Saturday,The sleep over Dean means.The heat sex is new. (Cas's first heat ;o)
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