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Nowhere else to turn (Nusquam aliud est vertere)
Nowhere else to turn (Nusquam aliud est vertere)
February 2003: Draco Malfoy is living as a virtual recluse in Muggle London. Finding a drugged and helpless Hermione Granger on the doorstep of his townhouse in the middle of the night fundamentally changes his existence… and hers. A story of redemption, reconnections, sexual awakening, mystery, and Dramione romance. HEA guaranteed.Primarily an erotic love story, with some elements of mystery (though the roofie subplot is not the principal feature of the narrative).Bonus content: Hansy (Harry x Pansy), Blussie (Blaise x Gussie - OC), and minor Vinny (Viktor x Ginny). 'Draco stills and tips down his head; her dusky eyelashes are fluttering open like frantic butterflies. His own heartbeat inexplicably races as he breathes, “Granger?” Her variegated brown eyes widen in first recognition, then panic, as Hermione whispers, “Malfoy... didn't know where else to go... he drugged me – he roofied me-” Granger struggles feebly against his hold; her extraordinary utterance shocks Draco badly enough that he almost drops her. Drugged her? Roofied her? What in the name of Salazar is going on here tonight?’
547.1K kata
In a world of Alphas and Omegas, Harry is surprised to discover that he is a rare male Omega. He assumes his pull towards Draco Malfoy is because the Slytherin is an Alpha, but there is more at play here than even Harry knows.
181.6K kata
Home Again, Home Again
Home Again, Home Again
Tommy Innit may not be the most well-behaved kid or even the best person at times, but he certainly deserves better than to be abducted by aliens. Luckily for him, the aliens didn't seem to expect him to be able to break out of the stupid cage they stuffed him in and destroy their ship from the inside out. Now he just has to figure out where to go from here. __________ Philza just wants to fly his cargo ship with his two sons, he's left behind all the excitement of his old life, so when he hears rumors of a human crash landing on the trading post where they are docked, he gathers up what he had managed to get and takes off again. This time with a stowaway.
33.2K kata
Every Flight (Begins With A Fall)
Every Flight (Begins With A Fall)
The crows continue to surround him. Maybe they know he isn't a real crow, sense the impostor. Tommy would have laughed if it wasn't for the hundred fucking crows watching him like a walking bag of food. He is about to get ejected. He is about to fucking die. OR Tommy dies in the prison and respawns in the body of a crow. Phil and Techno are clueless that this angry injured fledgling is actually Tommy.
57.4K kata
Engraved in your Mind
Engraved in your Mind
Bakugou Katsuki lost his ability to recognize faces, so he didn’t know any of the people who stared at him, but he knew what dread looks like when he sees it, and as he looked around the crowd, every single person had exactly that written all over their face. He looked down at the guy who was still on the ground, part of his uniform’s shirt burnt, his wounded face covered by his hands and his hair smoking slightly. Katsuki glanced at his hands and finally realized something. or Kacchan is still a stubborn prick while suffering from face blindness. Also, quirk discrimination is a thing. alternatively- New quirk, who dis
412.4K kata
Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Chick Magnet (No, not that kind of chick)
Claude attracts a very specific kind of crowd. Claude wouldn't call himself an animal lover. He likes animals, sure. Only a monster could look at a kitten or puppy and not feel something. He's human, just like everyone else. Animals, on the other hand, seem to unanimously love him. They sense his carefully hidden soft heart, he's sure of it. It's the only explanation. They capitalize on his weakness and extort him for all he's worth. He folds like a house of cards every time a kitten so much as looks at him. Behind closed doors, he doesn't mind too much. Maybe he even goes so far as to enjoy the companionship. But he's aware no one will take him seriously if his little weakness comes to light. It's his greatest (mundane) secret. Unfortunately, he doesn't have enough blackmail material to silence the entirety of the Golden Deer when they find out. Aka Disney Princess!Claude
757.2K kata
After the end of the War, Hogwarts established a new tradition: weekly vigils to foster unity and honor the fallen.The student body... did not share the same reverence.The teachers called them Remembrance Vigils.The students called them Revels. Swathed in candlelight and surrounded by their drunken classmates, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, both haunted by the war and struggling to find connection, find themselves isolated from everyone else... except each other. -- NOW COMPLETE -- cover art: jaxxinaboxbetas: LiloLilyAnn & ribbonofsunshine
228.2K kata
the dead don't dream
the dead don't dream
There’s something wrong with Tommy. Dream will help him figure out what. Or: Dream starts testing the revive book on Tommy in exile. Apparently Apollo has cursed me.
226.1K kata
There Is No Fire Lord
There Is No Fire Lord
This is an AU for MuffinLance's "zuko botches his escape attempt and spends the rest of the war in prison then has to be Fire Lord having never gotten his redemption arc" Towards the Sun. This is more of a "zuko botches his escape attempt and spends the rest of the war in prison, and then when he becomes Fire Lord they leave him in prison" kind of thing. After committing treason, Zuko spends months in prison, and even after both his father and Azula go missing, the guards can't coax him out of his cell. And then the Avatar shows up. How's the Gaang supposed to talk to a Fire Lord who doesn't even believe he's the Fire Lord?
107.2K kata
Cracked Foundation
Cracked Foundation
The last thing Damian expected to happen when he ran away from home was to spend a day crammed into a small space with Jason Todd. His father's second son was a black sheep. An outcast. An angry, insanity driven criminal who enjoyed screwing with the batfamily in every way he could. At least, that's what Damian thought. Maybe he was wrong about Todd.
20.9K kata
Finding a North Star (with clipped wings)
Finding a North Star (with clipped wings)
Tommy had officially gone too far and he was beyond apologies. Dream needed to make him pay and show L'Manberg once and for all who was the true one in charge. However, exiling a winged creature proves to be difficult, so how do you ground a bird? You clip their wings. In clipping their wings, you strip them of all pride and Tommy is left a simple husk of who he once was. He just wanted to go home, but was there a home left for him?
244.9K kata
where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely
where the lonely make the lonely feel less lonely
How Vanya Hargreeves saves the world by accidentally becoming a superhero. She'd also like to know when her family decided her apartment is a halfway house.
45.9K kata
Katsuki Drop
Katsuki Drop
It was only meant to be another job: wait under cover in the night for a trade by the ports, bust down some illegal Quirk enhancer operation, and take into custody a dangerous, illusive drug lord. It wasn't anything new for Aizawa, nor was it anything overwhelming. However, the same thing couldn't be said about finding yourself taking care of a young and very ill-mannered child. Or the one where Aizawa finds a 4-year-old Katsuki in the aftermaths of a drug bust and idiotically decides to take him in.
111.3K kata
waiting on the sunrise
waiting on the sunrise
When Buck left home, it was a rushed decision. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was going to do, but he had a high school diploma and enough street smarts to make it as far from his father as possible. It's been nearly ten years since then, and now his father is in town. Buck quickly learns that some things haven't changed. But other things have, and his family will help him realize that.
28.3K kata
Graves in the Rain
Graves in the Rain
Midoriya Izuku was cold. Shivering, in fact, against the cold coffin he was trapped in six feet under the ground. Armed with a mockingly green glow stick, a tape recorder, and two bottles of water, Midoriya waits for someone to rescue him before he drowns in his own thoughts. Will anyone find him? Will anyone hear him? Will anyone save him? ~ Aizawa sat at the conference table. It took every bone in his body to keep his emotions in tack. It didn't help that his student was screaming his name so loudly, the audio cracked through the projection screen, or that All Might was six seconds from breaking down next to him. Aizawa envied the man's ability to openly show his emotions. He could easily do the same, but not here. Not with All Might secretly thanking him for not breaking composure. Not with his student dying on camera in front of them. Not when Midoriya Izuku was so close, yet so far.
52.7K kata
the lies you tell yourself
the lies you tell yourself
Izuku has always had a strange relationship with fear. He realized, after his quirks began to manifest in their entirety, that the daring he'd known in his youth wasn’t bravery, but an ignorance that masked itself as certainty. He was afraid. All the time. But so was everyone, and that was where things really started to get interesting, wasn’t it? Or, when an incident at home leaves Midoriya Izuku motherless and homeless, disillusioned with hero society and just wanting an escape from it all, he falls into the hands of All for One. Things only get worse from there.
154.2K kata
whispers of the damned
whispers of the damned
Soap makes a choked off noise of pure, unadulterated panic, and then he’s floating, drifting far away as his ears ring from the sound of multiple bombs going off. When he comes to, he only gets to be happy that he’s somehow still alive for a moment, because everything hits him all at once. Pain explodes from every single part of him he can feel, and he wants to scream. He doesn’t, instead trying to take a deep breath to ground himself, but there’s rubble on top of him that’s unyielding, restricting his every breath. His breath catches in his throat; focus, MacTavish. Assess your situation before you start panicking. or, Soap gets trapped under the rubble of a collapsed building, and makes the (stupid) executive decision to omit that piece of information to the rest of 141. No one is happy about this when they find out.
8.6K kata
I Didn't Volunteer For This
I Didn't Volunteer For This
Tommy didn’t know if he was lucky or cursed. He survived the crash landing on this supposedly “safe” planet, but he’s too far away from the other survivors and their messages are coming through garbled. The only people close enough for him to get a clear message from ended in screams. At least he’s in the shallows. This wasn’t the planned landing sight. All the other survivors were too far away and busy, y’know surviving, to help him. He was on his own. He would survive, he had his escape pod, base building tool, and a somewhat damaged PDA with information on this planet's wildlife. Now if only the leviathans circling near where his shallows drop off into deeper ocean could stop singing like whales and fuck off that would be great.
44.1K kata
Only You, Only Yours
Only You, Only Yours
Takes place starting near the middle of Relevés (season 1, episode 12) Despite some inclusion of it, this is not a Will Graham torture heavy fic. Tags may be added or changed, but not too drastically. Will stumbles on the entrance to Hannibal's basement and realizes just who it is he has been dining with. Hannibal catches him and instead of killing him outright, decides to try and keep him. Unable to resign himself to death, Will decides to allow himself to be drawn into an existence of imprisonment at Hannibal's whims, thought likely dead by everyone who has known him and looking for his chance to escape.
91.6K kata
A series of short fics that I ramble out about these poor, unfortunate VLD souls.Final Fic: (80) Follow You Home: Voltron is heading home. Except, for Keith, the destination of Earth isn’t his home. There’s no one waiting for him there. And, he tries to tell himself, that it’s not like the space family he'd made up here with Voltron would abandon him as they go seek out their own loved ones on Earth. But he’s so used to being left behind so why should this time be any different? Fortunately, Pidge is right there to remind Keith just how much he belongs with all of them. Some Author Favorites: (11) Crimson Promises: There's blood everywhere except where it should be, which is inside Lance. All Hunk can do is hold him as he shivers, respond to his confused, pained breathless words and pray that help arrives soon.(26) Cave-In: Shiro and Lance are trapped in a cave-in. It’s really nothing bad, no one was hurt and help is already on the way, even if they’ll be in this dark, cramped space for a few hours more. Something though is wrong with Lance. And Shiro thinks he knows what might be the cause.
105.7K kata
Hiding Things Is All Too Easy - Until It Isn't
Hiding Things Is All Too Easy - Until It Isn't
Tony hasn't been the same since Bucky arrived at Stark Tower. That much is obvious. But Steve is overjoyed to have his best friend back and is somewhat oblivious to how Tony is withdrawing away from him. Because surely Tony is just overworked as usual. He must be quiet and jumpy because he is sleep deprived. And of course he has a few cuts and bruises on the visible parts of his skin - he fights and works for the Avengers as a living. It's part of the job description. Until it isn't. Will Steve discover the physical and mental trauma that Tony is going through before it is too late?
100.4K kata
ALERT TO SUBSCRIBERS: THIS FIC IS BEING RELISTED FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE STRIKE FOR PALESTINE. ALL CONTENT REMAINS THE SAME. "'Oil and water'...and what? She's the oil?" Ekko laughed. "Bullshit. She's salt. Stir her up and she'll melt right into you." [Immediately following the end of Arcane Ep 9. As the cities descend into war, Caitlyn and Vi seek refuge, grappling with the aftermath.]--Chapters 6+ are intended for mature audiences. Reader discretion is advised.Note: Mentions of SA are non-explicit and are not ongoing themes. Each mention is called out at chapter level with in-line markers ([#] to stop reading, [##] to resume) so readers can avoid this content if they so choose. Canon characters are plot-armored against SA despite my treating SA as extant in the universe.Readers should be prepared to encounter all other Mature Content w/out additional warning.--If you notice a typo (spelling error, grammatical issue, or formatting issue) please use this Google form to log it for correction.
85.0K kata
Perfect Freedom
Perfect Freedom
Trust is not something that can come automatically; it has to be learned. Before Eren can expect to be trusted by his teammates, he has to learn to trust himself - and Levi is determined to help him.
13.0K kata
Five Times Ushijima Wakatoshi Absolutely Lost His Shit
Five Times Ushijima Wakatoshi Absolutely Lost His Shit
And then that one time he didn't, when he really should have, because Tendou Satori absolutely was.
8.2K kata
A Real Bodice Ripper
A Real Bodice Ripper
Oneshots set in Thunder County, USA, where the residents are accustomed to the place's horror movie-esque inhabitants. Featuring unlucky characters who get fucked by parodied horror villains. Includes: 1. slasher villain in the woods2. demons & found footage3. clowns in mirror mazes4. home invasion5. haunted hotel6. aliens7. animatronics8. creepy dolls9. museum tomb10. "death" trap games11. road trip stalker12. backrooms chase-Latest:“That’s the point of it all, really. With the triggers I placed, your pretty brain is primed to forget, and with my little solution I injected you with, it’s also ready to be overwritten.” Zaim sways. “What are you talking about?” Xe whispers. “I’m going to stop you from overthinking ever again,” the voice says smoothly. “Or thinking of much at all, really. In fact, every time I flood your pretty brain with dopamine and serotonin—every time you orgasm—you’ll get just a little more stupid, like you were always meant to be. Isn’t that generous of me?”
40.9K kata
Broken Glass
Broken Glass
Wilbur Soot has fallen off the deep end taking his two brothers and Dream with him. Will the citizens of Manberg be able to save them? Or are they broken beyond repair? CANCELLED
85.9K kata
Second Chances
Second Chances
Shuichi woke up in a hospital room confused and dazed, only to find out that all his friends had survived the killing game, thanks to Team Danganronpa's futuristic technology. He's ready to go back home to piece together who he was before he lost his memories, but when he returns home he finds that his past self had an unlikely roommate. Or: Everybody lives and when Shuichi goes back home he is met with none other than Kokichi Ouma. Falling in love ensues.
144.6K kata
Give Me Hell
Boku No Hero Academia Oneshots
Boku No Hero Academia Oneshots
Oneshots for BNHA. These aren't set in the same universe so some might contradict another. NOTICE: This, as well as all of my other oneshot works, are undergoing a formatting change. Instead of a single book format like this, they will all be individual (found in series, like my Rowenverse oneshots). If this book shows up as missing, you can find the series completed and uploaded onto my account!
65.1K kata
When Tommy dies, he expects to see Wilbur. Or Schlatt. Hell, even Mexican Dream. After all, that'd mean that there was at least an afterlife in the DreamSMP. What he doesn't expect is to wake up to another world, one that his communicator tells him isn't exactly a server. He can't seem to find any other servers, this one doesn't have a whitelist, and... there's no admin. No Dream. Instead, there are heroes. Heroes, villains, vigilantes, and civilians. There are powers called quirks, and they don't come from hybrid traits; they're natural. There's an entirely different society, one that doesn't have records of discs, mistakes, and the Blood God in its history for its base. There are schools that teach hero-wannabes who can soar to the top, and there are villains capable of flipping the world over its very roots. There were no heroes in his past life. Tommy himself is far from one. Yet maybe, in this life, he can at least try to be there for those who need it. or; in which Tommy Innit "Theseus" Craft becomes a vigilante, a cafe barista, and then a somewhat-hero, wrecking BnHA canon in the process or, a dsmp x bnha crossover because i'm in love with the idea
223.9K kata
Constantinople Falls
Constantinople Falls
There was only one certainty in Mycroft Holmes' life: That being alone was inevitable, safe and the only option. Spending time with Greg Lestrade was the stupidest decision he ever made. It was a decision he'd never regret. The companion piece to Human Remains.
471.6K kata
Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight
When their leader Namjoon gave him the responsibility of looking after the newest addition of their coven, Jimin had been nervous because he knew it was no easy task. Still, he never imagined things would end up as they did.
28.8K kata