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218 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
لدى ديريك جار جديد لن يتوقف عن البحث. مقتطفات: قال ديريك بشكل قاطع: «أنت أعمى»، واستنزف الغضب منه فجأة شعر بالدوار تقريبًا. اختفت بصره، وانزلقت مخالبه مرة أخرى إلى أظافره الحادة. قال الطفل بحموضة: «شكرًا على المذكرة، أيها العبقري». «لا يزال بإمكاني الدفاع عن نفسي، لذلك لا تتخذ خطوة أخرى.» «اللعنة، أنا... أنا آسف»، تلعثم ديريك. «ماذا؟!» تجعد جبين الطفل. «أعني - ماذا؟! أنت آسف جدًا!؟» خففت شفتيه إلى خط قاسي. «ماذا، هل هذا فيلم هولمارك نوعًا ما حيث تكتشف خطأ طرقك لأنك لا تريد سرقة شخص أعمى؟! هذا تنازل سخيف، يا رجل. سأجعلك تعرف ذلك -» «فقط، انتظر.» قاطع ديريك ما كان على ما يبدو بداية جدال مقنع حول سبب قيامه بسرقة الطفل بعد كل شيء، وشعر أن رأسه بدأ في الدوران. «هذا - إنه سوء فهم. أنا... أنا لا أسرقك. أنت... أنت بأمان، حسنًا؟ سأعود بثلاث خطوات إلى الوراء. فقط - فقط اسمحوا لي أن أشرح.» «اشرح لماذا دخلت إلى شقتي؟ نعم، تفضل يا رجل، لا أطيق الانتظار لسماع هذه القصة الملحمية.»
83.2K حرف
فرصة ثانية (في السعادة)
فرصة ثانية (في السعادة)
المنتقمون (أفلام مارفل) عالم مارفل السينمائي توني ستارك توني ستارك MCU توني ستارك فانون ستيف روجرز جيمس «بوكي» بارنز ناتاشا رومانوف كلينت بارتون ثور (أعجوبة) أواني الفلفل جيمس «رودي» رودس توني ستارك/توني ستارك ستيف روجرز/توني ستارك جيمس «بوكي» بارنز/ستيف روجرز جيمس «بوكي» بارنز/توني ستارك جيمس «بوكي» بارنز/ستيف روجرز/توني ستارك جيمس «بوكي» بارنز/توني ستارك/ستيف روجرز/توني ستارك ما بعد كابتن أمريكا: الحرب الأهلية (فيلم) إصلاح الحرب الأهلية أصلحه توني ستارك لديه قلب توني ستارك يحتاج إلى عناق توني ستارك يحصل على عناق حياة كولسون يعيش جارفيس التواصل علاقة صحية كون بديل - ألفا/بيتا/أوميغا ديناميكا ألفا/بيتا/أوميغا ألفا بوكي بارنز بيتا توني ستارك أوميغا توني ستارك ألفا ستيف روجرز أوميغا كلينت بارتون رابطة التزاوج أنا سئمت من MCU، سآخذ توني بعيدًا he is going to live in a world where he's loved so help me god Angst القلق مع المشاعر توني أنغست شخصية لاجنسية باكي بارنز اللاجنسي ثنائي الجنس توني ستارك القلق والزغب القلق مع نهاية سعيدة نهاية سعيدة سيكون توني سعيدًا إذا قتلني crying ليست صديقة لكانون ستيف فانون ستيف فريندلي ليس فريقًا رسميًا ودودًا للقبعة قبعة فريق فانون ودية cuddling حرمان من اللمس توني ستارك المحروم من اللمس توني ستارك الواقي ستيف روجرز الواقي باكي بارنز الواقية احزم الحضن أكوام الجرو مفاوضات تعدد الزوجات رباعية - رجل/رجل/رجل/رجل باكي بارنز يشعر يحتاج بوكي بارنز إلى عناق يعانق بوكي بارنز نوبات الهلع سفر الكون البديل عوالم متوازية سفر الكون الموازي المنتقمون المحليون فريق كعائلة
عرف توني أفضل من اللعب بالألعاب الغريبة. لقد فعل ذلك حقًا. ولكن كان هناك شيء مغري للغاية بشأن الأشياء الدنيوية الأخرى. اتضح أنه لم يكن توني ستارك الوحيد الذي شعر بهذه الطريقة. بعد انفجار واحد، هناك توني جديد في المدينة. ولكن هناك شيء غير صحيح تمامًا في هذا توني وكيفية تفاعله مع الفريق، والطريقة التي يبتعد بها عن بوكي أو يهتز عندما يلتقط ستيف الدرع أو لن يدير ظهره إلى كلينت وناتاشا. اتضح أنه ليس كل توني ستارك محظوظًا مثل توني، لكنه ملعون إذا لم يقم توني وستيف وبوكي بإصلاح ذلك. (أو تلك التي يتم فيها طرح Canon MCU Tony في عالم المعجبين والحصول على كل الحب من نسخة fanon من الفريق)
84.2K حرف
beneath six layers of silk
beneath six layers of silk
While exorcising a haunting, Lan Wangji gets cursed with a brand of honesty, and is forced to speak his every thought out loud.
12.5K حرف
doomed to repeat (or are we?)
doomed to repeat (or are we?)
after dying in space, Tony wakes up - still dying - in Siberia. bitter, tired, determined and six years younger, he sets out to make some noise. (or: Tony schmoozes, gains allies, adopts all the kids, kicks ass, falls in love, and saves the world. again.)
33.6K حرف
What's love got to do with it?
What's love got to do with it?
"Hear me out," Buck said. "Clearly, both of us are sick of dating other people. And we're a good fit, in pretty much every way that matters. So what if we're not in love? We don't need to be in love to be happy together." Eddie frowned. "So basically, we'd be boyfriends, without benefits?" "Yes!" Buck snapped his fingers. "Like platonic boyfriends! We'd get all the benefits of a relationship and none of the heartbreak." And maybe Eddie had finally lost his mind, or maybe it was from all the alcohol clouding his judgment, but the idea of it didn't sound half as crazy as it should have. ***After Buck’s and Eddie’s dates both end with disasters – proving once again that maybe dating just wasn’t meant for them – they decide to simply settle for each other. If there was one person in the world they'd ever trust with their hearts, it was each other. And who was a better person to date other than your very own best friend?
134.0K حرف
That Strategist in Support
That Strategist in Support
When Izuku jumps, a hero-to-be is there to save him. Focusing on his analytical skills, Izuku joins the support course and sets out to prove he doesn't need a quirk to make a difference. Or Izuku becoming a support hero and falling in love along the way. Shouto just wants to give him all the love he deserves.
173.1K حرف
Like Leaves In The Wind, We Fall - Volume 1
Like Leaves In The Wind, We Fall - Volume 1
Episode 6 Alternative Events. [Covers: March 1 to April 18, 2022] What if their fall into the ravine had been more serious? A study of actions, life-changing consequences and a journey of growth to become better men and family. "There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." - P. J. O'Rourke * "Frayed was a good way to describe how he was feeling. As though someone had grabbed him and held him ten meters underwater in the Chao Phraya river. He was drowning, the dark murky water filling his lungs, and his oxygen lay four feet across the room. Unreachable." *"I feel like at this point if you would have stabbed me in the heart, it would’ve hurt less." - @Little_Panda * Volume 2 now available.
246.3K حرف
hope dangling by a string
hope dangling by a string
Lan Wangji had never had call to perform the spell of silent communication before he and Wei Wuxian joined together to fight Xuanwu. He figured it was temporary. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. Or: the AU in which Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian psychically bond in the cave, Wei Wuxian overhears Lan Wangji thinking about the fact that he actually likes him, and after several minutes of confusion, is fully on board with this.
70.1K حرف
on growing;
on growing;
Yuri Plisetsky glares at him with all the righteousness five year olds possess, and says in heavily accented and clumsy English. “Be more gooder, stupid!” And then he storms out in a sweep of blond hair and blue and red lights from his Sketchers. (Or: in which Yuri Plisetsky is Victor Nikiforov's bratty five-year-old and nothing is the same.)
139.2K حرف
You Can Never Trust Paperwork
You Can Never Trust Paperwork
*complete* Dear Hermione J Granger, Thank you for your participation in the Wizarding Marriage Initiative. We are happy to inform you that your match has been selected. Please present yourself at the WMI office tomorrow, December 10, 2003 at 2:30 pm precisely to begin the first steps. Thank you and may your marriage be long and fruitful. Sincerely, Joanna Toadsworth,Secretary to Lorraine FiddletonWizarding Marriage Initiative Office Mandatory I do not own anything message! I'm also not making money off of this
89.1K حرف
You're My Type
You're My Type
Midoriya has a definite type even if he refuses to admit it. With the new edition of 'Top Sexiest Heros', said type becomes painfully clear to the ladies of class 3A. The teasing session that results leaves tensions high... But what would happen if his ultimate type is thrown back from the future. Fun and Chaos all for Izuku to enjoy. --- (This idea came from a merging of two concepts. Y'all ever notice just how many blondes are in this fucking series? I find it hilarious. And like... Adult Katsuki is gonna be BANGIN'. You'll see what I mean. It's also gonna be filled with filthy smut in later chapters, I'm a slut for that LMAO. I also like my fics to have bits and pieces of humor and fluff, so that's sprinkled in. Enjoy!) Completed Update: Thank you to everyone who read and liked this deranged fic! I added more tags but I know I probs missed a bunch of stuff. I remember writing this on the fly each month so anything kinky or fucky I added was loosely based on what I was obsessed on at the time. Anyways, be mindful of the tags and I love you all bunches <3
109.7K حرف
Trial and Error
Trial and Error
The world ends. The Krang win. Leo failed. It was supposed to be on Casey's shoulders (and his shoulders alone) to go back and make sure the invasion never happened in the first place, but apparently his student had a little more inherited stubbornness than he'd thought. (Leo ends up in the past. This changes some things.)
104.1K حرف
Nine years ago, Scott kicked Stiles out of the pack. Stiles left and never returned. But now his dad has been hurt, so Stiles returns to take care of him. No one knows the truth of what happened back then, not even Scott or Stiles. But that's about to change.
221.2K حرف
Pro Hero Dynamight is Dating WHO Now?
Pro Hero Dynamight is Dating WHO Now?
Midoriya Izuku, known in the hero world as the leading quirk analyst of the modern times, was a typical young Japanese man. He’s a mumbling self-taught researcher, bonafide hero nerd, and self-proclaimed number one fan of retired hero but greatest-of-all-time, former Symbol of Peace All Might. His boyfriend, on the other hand, was a very famous young Japanese man. Real name Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku’s beloved ‘Kacchan’ was also more known as Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, currently number four in the Pro Hero Rankings, childhood friend, occasional model, universally acknowledged as the ‘explosive, bad boy’ hero, and second-most handsome celebrity bachelor in online polls (just after Pro Hero Shouto, a dear friend of Izuku’s, and Kacchan’s bitter rival-frenemy in all aspects of life). Too bad his friends didn’t believe him.
9.1K حرف
the threads of daydreams
the threads of daydreams
Lazy mornings, late nights, hands, hearts, and the water-color wash of imagination ; a collection of reader ficlets
115.8K حرف
i'm in pieces (it's tearing me up)
i'm in pieces (it's tearing me up)
"Lix, what's going on?" Felix hates that voice. It's too safe. Chan knows exactly what tone to use to make Felix feel comfortable and usually Felix appreciates it. Right now? He needs it to not be happening. "Just—" "I'm not leaving until you talk to me." God, sometimes it is so frustrating how well Chan knows him. That he knows when Felix is going to argue so he stops it before the words even leave Felix's mouth. That he knows the difference between when Felix is refusing to talk and when he simply can't. OR, the one where Felix pushes his regression down for far too long, and eventually something has to give.
364.6K حرف
Baby's First Bloom
Baby's First Bloom
Izuku blooms for Katsuki one warm day in their third year of middle school. What follows is both boys learning about themselves, their bond, and the society they live in.
44.9K حرف
What's It Gonna Be?
What's It Gonna Be?
Nick is struggling with being bisexual in a world that seems to assume that straight or gay are the only two legitimate options. Call him a romantic, but he's not interested in hook ups and one night stands. He wants a relationship, with someone he can be his whole self with. And his true self is bi, and proud! Charlie is struggling with trust and control after an abusive relationship in high school shatters his self esteem. His therapist has suggested he needs to find a hobby that pushes at his limits of being in control. Charlie thinks Geoff probably meant joining a band, or maybe rock climbing, and not seducing fit guys, who are way out of his league, for one night stands. Same results though, so what's the harm? An aged up AU. Our two favourite boys are at the same Uni, but don't know each other yet. Until a chance encounter on a night out that ends up changing everything. TW for mentions of self harm, ED, past SA/NonCon - nothing too extreme I hope, but they're definitely mention as part of Charlie's story. It's mainly fluff?
166.3K حرف
I play Russian roulette 'cause I look oh so good in red
I play Russian roulette 'cause I look oh so good in red
“Not like I dislike getting up to date, but I think we should get you checked over by Shoko. Complications and all that.” Suguru squinted at Satoru. “Who’s Shoko?” Or: Gojo said that his soul could tell Kenjaku wasn't Getou, but Getou's soul always knew who Gojo was. Even when he forgot everyone else. (Updates every five(5) days)
248.9K حرف
call me home and I'll build you a throne
call me home and I'll build you a throne
“I’ll help,” Lan Wangji says. “Hey, Lan Zhan...” Wei Wuxian unfolds his leg and gives his foot a playful kick. “I told you to think about it! This means I’d be here for a long time, taking up your time, your space, your peace. And I can’t pay you! I have nothing of worth to give. It isn’t as simple as-” “I’ll do it,” he says again, more forcefully this time. “You don’t have to give me anything.” Wei Wuxian looks away, hiding a small smile. Doesn’t he know Lan Wangji would do anything for him, by now? Doesn’t he understand that he holds Lan Wangji’s life in his hands? - POST-CQL Wei Wuxian comes back to the Cloud Recesses to ask for Lan Wangji's help with his new golden core.Together, they learn how to communicate, how to ask for things, and how to touch each other. Their relationship develops in between quiet dinners in the Jingshi, meditation sessions, core training and a lot of Lan Juniors speculation on whether or not they're actually together yet.
51.8K حرف
The Red Means I Love You
The Red Means I Love You
“A place where we all go can’t be bad, can it girl?” Her life ended with a desolate bang, leaving behind a hopeless existence that pushed her to pieces far too soon in her young life. She'd expected eternal darkness on the other side, but instead found a chance at new beginnings disguised as an afterlife of torment. With new prospects before her and a chance given by a certain charitable hotel in hell, she decides to throw herself headfirst into her new life-after-death. Curiosity killed the cat, but she wasn't a cat now, was she? And making friends with someone like the Radio Demon was just too entertaining for her to give up, despite his dark reputation. Besides, what else did she have to lose? Or, I love Alastor, fight me. ♤This story js currently being edited to include more Canon locations and character traits, as well as to match the authors growth, but not in any way that will impact reading it as is! No major dialog, plot points or information will be altered! Chapters 20-25 are next to be adjusted! Enjoy!♡
345.3K حرف
the secret i have learned
the secret i have learned
It takes some new additions to the party for the gang to realize that something has been off with Steve for quite a while now. They help him together and, in doing so, strengthen themselves as a family. Steve lets himself be cared for, remembers important people from his past, and finally allows himself to move on in some of the ways he never thought he could.
108.5K حرف
Words and Choices
Words and Choices
Stiles has spent a lot of this relationship convinced that he's just a handful of words away from being unceremoniously dumped.
8.6K حرف
Let Loose Your Glow
Let Loose Your Glow
“Seems like my liege was caught in a situation where he’d rather the ground swallow him whole.” Pez nods towards a spot to the side, and Alex follows his gaze. He spots Henry easily – a tall lighthouse of tousled blond hair – talking to a girl who is clearly into him. His expression looks perfectly polite, but he’s subtly leaning away, and he looks tense. So, Alex makes an impulsive decision. Whatever happens, this is going to be fun. *** Or: Alex is so very definitely straight, so pretending to be Henry’s boyfriend to get him out of an awkward situation should just be a fun little pastime - except that he doesn't really want to stop, and he has no idea why. But maybe it's okay to not think too hard and let himself go with the flow, for once.
45K حرف
Ruin Me
Ruin Me
"This is a very simple experiment, bard." Cold blue eyes met Jaskier's. "The Witcher over there? He's dying. There's only one thing that can save him at this point." Jaskier glanced towards Geralt apprehensively; his head lolled back. If he was conscious, he gave no sign of it. "I want you to bond him." Jaskier jerked, staring at the man in horror. "No." Soul-bonding was intimate, a moment reserved in private between two people who had decided to share every joy and every sorrow. They would feel each other's pain, know if the other was on the brink of death. It was a bond that could only be forged with good intention, with the purest motive. There was no way to undo it. Bonding Geralt would mean surrendering half his soul to the Witcher, to experiencing every pain, and every woe. But worse than that. Witchers didn't have souls. Jaskier would be throwing away the greatest connection he could ever experience, for a man who would never be able to return it. Jaskier was romantic enough to admit that he wanted a romance of the ages, and a bond of certainty. Not this. "Let me make this easier for you: bond him, or I'll kill you."
108.3K حرف
So Dear A Loss
So Dear A Loss
Jiang Fengmian convinces Yu Ziyuan to look for Wei Ying as soon as he hears about Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren dying. This changes everything--and the Jiangs are all the better for it. The Wens might have some other ideas. OR It was time for me to write a Jiang Fengmian fix-it.
89.1K حرف
Harry Potter and the Power of Proper Communication
Harry Potter and the Power of Proper Communication
After the Christmas argument about Harry's Firebolt, Hermione decides that she's not putting up with the boys' sulking anymore, and she's going to do something about it. What happens next is a testament to the strong bonds forged through people actually talking to each other, the desperation involved in keeping your best friend alive and in one piece, and the desire to build a better, safer world for him to live in, no matter what the objections from the adults. In other words, the risk in manipulating things to create child-soldiers is that they will decide that you, too, are also something to protect themselves against. Revised, Edited, and Rewritten: After a lot of feedback about how the writing got better as this fic went on, I've been taking a break, not just to have the burn-out breakdown from IRL work, but also to rewrite some of the earlier chapters (mostly 1-5) hoping to improve on what was already there, and add things I wish I'd thought of the first time.Updated So Far: Chapters 1, 2, and 3 - an additional chapter inserted after Chapter 3 - and 4 (which is now Chapter 5, I guess)
89.6K حرف
Unfamiliar Familiar
Unfamiliar Familiar
What the hell is Michelangelo supposed to do? Having woken up in a strange world with new brothers? Why is everyone here so nice? Why won’t they let him leave? The Rise brothers stumble upon a traumatized Mikey, and when they learn the reason behind all that trauma, there is no way they’ll let him experience that again. TLDR: Rise brothers adopt 2012 Mikey Discord - Playlist - ArtLux - Luxillianite (All Platforms)
62.3K حرف
***BoO Spoilers*** Proceed with Caution! Shortly after his stay in the infirmary, Nico agrees to accompany Will Solace and his friend Lou Ellen on a quest for Apollo. It's a trip full of new experiences, old dangers, and revisiting past wounds. Along the way, they discover the secret to healing and learn to move forward.
71.5K حرف
manage me (I'm a mess)
manage me (I'm a mess)
The thing about Eddie, right, is that he's kinda an enormous fuckup. And it's starting to catch up to him a bit. For real, the BEST thing to happen in those six months after he and Anne broke up was getting an alien parasite, and that was accounting for the whole 'it was eating his organs' thing.
131.6K حرف
The Heart and All its Chambers
The Heart and All its Chambers
"Really, Xie Lian, you don't even jerk it??" Shi Qingxuan insists. "I mean it's none of my business and you can tell me to fuck off, but holy shit, lady." Xie Lian laughs, feeling her cheeks color, and shrugs again. "I don't know, something about the mechanics of it just never made sense to me," she admits. "And anyway that's time I should be spending studying." -- It comes out that Xie Lian's never had an orgasm. She goes to Hua Cheng for help. • theyre lesbians
18.9K حرف
Jove's Own Page
Jove's Own Page
Peter is young, homeless, penniless, half starved, virginal. Why does that turn Tony on? Alternate summary since I keep hearing from people that the one above one isn’t attracting the kind of people who’d most enjoy reading it: After Peter faints in the lab, Tony discovers his resource-insecure situation and decides to take care of him, no matter how bad of an idea that is. Or: A look into boundaries, growth, and change in a relationship defined by differences in power. Or: all the trashiest of 2006-2010 era fanfic tropes I grew up enjoying, but with an adult perspective on love and somewhat better writing than the average twelve year old.
102.5K حرف