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85 المحتوى المعني
العلامة المفضلة
他并不重 (他是我们的忙内)
他并不重 (他是我们的忙内)
A series of short, stand-alone stories detailing the lives of bad-at-selfcare Jungkook and his overprotective hyungs.(See inside for full story index.) Chapter 15: Stay Woke ---- Jungkook hasn't slept properly in four days, and he's about to reach breaking point.Chapter 16: Sweet Like Chocolate ---- Sometimes misery is self-inflicted (but oh, so tasty). Chapter 17: Sleep Tight ---- A recurring nightmare is plaguing Jungkook’s dreams and he doesn't know how to make it stop. Chapter 18: A Step Too Far ---- Jungkook falls down the stairs, and decides to avoid embarrassment by keeping news of the accident to himself. Chapter 19: As The Proverbial Kite ---- After a trip to hospital, Jungkook's left feeling pretty high. Chapter 20: A Late Night Stroll (Part 1) ---- Jungkook’s nocturnal activities have the rest of BTS feeling a little on edge. (NEW!)Chapter 21: Sunny-Side Up ---- After falling asleep by the pool during their Hawaii vacation, Jungkook learns the hard way that even factor-50 sunscreen has its limits.
78.5K حرف
Far Too Young To Die
Far Too Young To Die
Hawks takes baby steps backwards, getting closer and closer to the door, as everyone continues to get loud and look at eachother for answers. Well, almost everybody; Dabi is watching him limp away with an unimpressed expression. “Those are torture wounds,” Shigaraki points out, crossing his arms and leveling Hawks with a dead-eyed stare. “How do you even know what torture wounds look like?” Hawks throws back as he continues to plan his escape. Shigaraki looks at him with raised eyebrows until Hawks looks away again, feeling like an idiot. These people are villains, he knows that (but its so easy to forget-). “Right, fuck.” Hawks flicks him a two fingered salute before turning tail like the coward he feels like and making for the door. He doesn't get more than four feet before Dabi grabs him by one of his wings and yanks him back.
6.5K حرف
The most dangerous thing is to love
The most dangerous thing is to love
After returning from the burial mounds and while being hugged by Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian suddenly collapses. Instead of having a tense confrontation with Lan Wangji, the direction of this meeting now goes down a very different route. -- In which Wei Wuxian gets the love and care he deserves and the war goes differently because of it. Canon divergence after Wen Zhuliu's death. Canon-typical violence, implied severe bodily harm / torture. Found Family and Yunmeng Sibling shenanigans. Of course there's also Wangxian.-(Portuguese translation in the A/N)
113.2K حرف
peter's stars
peter's stars
Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter. So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
175.5K حرف
Everything's Prettier Underwater
Everything's Prettier Underwater
Kim Seungmin was a bright and handsome young man. He worked as a marine biologist for a big company in his coastal city, and he loved the freedom that his job gave him, being able to take his small motorboat out to sea every day to do research on the field. Never would he have thought that his biggest discovery would come in the form of 7 handsome merboys (is that a thing now?) that seem to follow him everywhere he goes. And is accidental courting even something that could happen? Life was going to be way harder, but oh so much more exciting from now on! OR Marine biologist Kim Seungmin helps out one injured merman and ends up with 7 of them trailing behind him like baby ducklings.
102.4K حرف
Blueberry Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
Contains a bonus ending not included in the House of AU Fic Fest version. Park Jimin, a meek, quiet assistant at Bangtan News Station, catches the wrath of his long-time crush, the 7’o clock news anchor, Min Yoongi, when Jimin accidentally switches scripts one night and almost causes an incident on live, national television. Yoongi is furious and makes Jimin cry in a room full of their coworkers, calling him names and telling him how stupid he is. Afterwards, Jimin takes to avoiding Yoongi like the plague, and Yoongi, who at first couldn’t stand Jimin, can’t help but start noticing him everywhere. Soon he finds himself falling for Jimin, which scares him, because Yoongi has never felt this way about a man before. Will it be too late to salvage a relationship with Jimin, or did Yoongi ruin his chance for good?
67.4K حرف
The Oath of Hippocrates
The Oath of Hippocrates
Tommy was forced into being a doctor at a young age because of his healing powers. He works nights at the hospital and finds the days blurring together. Feeling lost, he wanders into a bakery and meets someone who helps him stay grounded. Little does he know, his new friend is one of the villains that make his job harder. Or: Superhero AU where Tommy is a doctor and Wilbur is the villain, Tragedy, who also happens to work at a bakery. Crimeboys (+SBI) found family.
90.2K حرف
The Fire Within
The Fire Within
When strange symptoms begin to consume Todoroki’s life, he turns inward and hides everything from his friends, even when his powers start to grow wild and unpredictable. ~Or~ My extremely angsty whump filled fic where I torment poor Todoroki. XD
125.6K حرف
ستراي كيدز سيكفيك
ستراي كيدز سيكفيك
لي مينهو | لي كنو سيو تشانغبين هوانج هيونجين هي جيسونغ | هي يانغ جيونجين | في مجموعة ستراي كيدز Stray Kids فرقة/الجميع crying إجراءات طبية إصابات طفيفة مرض مزمن الدم والإصابة الحضن الأفلاطوني العناق فُرْفُرَة pain medical الحالات الطبية القيء كسور إصابات خطيرة أنا آسف هراءٌ يُفسدُ الأسنان مجموعة واقية للأطفال الضالة قائد جيد بانغ تشان (أطفال ضالة) تتمحور حول كيم سيونغمين (الأطفال الضالين) حزين كيم سونغمين (ستراي كيدز) كيم سيونغمين الباكية (أطفال ضالون) بان تشان الواقي (ستراي كيدز) بكاء هان جي سونغ | هان سعيد هان جيسونغ | هو راتشا ناعمة (أطفال ضالة) سوفت سيو تشانغبين بانغ تشان لطيف (ستراي كيدز) أَذَى لي مين هو | لي نو سيك لي مينهو | لي نو لي مينهو | مركز لي ناو إغماء الصداع والصداع النصفي هان جي سونغ | هان صديق جيد تتمحور حول هوانغ هيون جين هيرت هوانج هيون جين بكاء هوانغ هيون جين ساد هوانج هيون جين هوانج هيون جين المجهد لي فيليكس صديق جيد (أطفال ضالون) ألم ينغ جونغ إن | آي.إن مريض يانغ جيونجين | in. بان تشان المتوتر (Stray Kids) النوبات سيك هوانج هيون جين هان جيسونغ المتوتر | هان ستيك هان جيسونغ | هو آذيته جسمي | هو بكاء لي مين هو | لي نو يانغ جيونجين | مركز الأمم المتحدة لعبة جي سونغ | تتمحور حول اليد كيم سونغمين مريض (ستراي كيدز) هيرت كيم سيونغمين (أطفال ضالين) سيك سيو تشانغبين هيرت سيو تشانغبين هيرت بانغ تشان (أطفال ضالون) سيك بانغ تشان (أطفال ضالون) هيرت لي فيليكس (أطفال ضالة) لي فيليكس مريض (ستراي كيدز)
مجموعة من Stray Kids وهم يبكون أو يتألمون أو يمرضون استنادًا إلى مقاطع فيديو للأطفال أو مقابلات ذكروا فيها حالات محددة. أتلقى الطلبات على الرغم من ذلك وسأخرج ببعض الأحداث الخاصة بي.
90.2K حرف
Hurt!SpencerReid Stories
Hurt!SpencerReid Stories
Welcome to a very long series of one-shots and multipart chapters that follows Spencer Reid's journey in the BAU.I go episode by episode, looking for any potential angst or hurt/comfort moments with him and then write where I feel the cm writers might've left something out.There are tags to episodes, extras, 'what if's', and more! Some chapters are stand alone and some have multiple parts but, just like in the show, the chapters are linked to some degree with reoccurring themes.If you need an excuse to watch the series over again, or if you're watching for the very first time, I label each chapter with the season and episode number so that you can avoid spoilers (if you want)!!!I am still working on this fic (though it looks like it is complete, I did this because you could read most chapters as stand alone) and more new chapters are coming as frequently as I can put them out.Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy!:)
166.4K حرف
(Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE
(Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?!Well, turns out he never needed to. --“Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!”"Really closely?"
46.1K حرف
Parker Luck
Parker Luck
He never met one, he got left behind by the other, the next one died, and the only one he had left was pushing him away. And he doesn't know what to do. Peter really has rotten luck when it comes to parental figures. No matter how hard he tries. Parker luck will always prevail.
24.0K حرف
Sick Stories & Hurt Stories of F1 Drivers
mayday, mayday, mayday
mayday, mayday, mayday
“Mayday mayday mayday, this is Ship 268454, CCS Clara, does anyone copy?” After an accident that he isn’t even sure how occurred, Junior Crewmember Tommy Innit is stuck out in the dead zone of space with a dead crew and on a damaged ship. No nearby inhabited planets. No nearby stations. Nothing. He’s billions of kilometers away from any hope of rescue, and has to figure out a way to safety. Not only that, for the first time in his life, he’s completely alone.
32.0K حرف
Loki is sick (and tired) (and abandoned, and injured...)
Loki is sick (and tired) (and abandoned, and injured...)
To celebrate my 100th fic here (counting both pseuds) I decided to do a whump extravaganzza, featuring my most whumped guy: Loki. Some eps will be longer, some shorter. Prompts are welcome, but no reader insert things or smut. 1. Catatonia / 2. Slit throat / 3. Bridal carry / 4. Stomach virus/ 5. Trapped / 6. Poison / 7. Unconscious / 8. Nightmares / 9. Beaten / 10. Suicide / 11. Whipped / 12. Weight loss / 13. Brainwashing / 14. Jaundice / 15. Concussion/ 16. Drown / 17. Asphyxia / 18. "Interrogated" / 19. Coma / 20. Burned /21. Drained / 22. Collapsed lung / 23. Fever / 24. Amnesia /25. Flashbacks /26. Blown up / 27. Blindness /28. Anthrax / 29. Lips sewn shut / 30. Recovery / 31. Resurrection / 32. Appendicitis / 33. Transference / 34. Asthma / 35. Bitten / 36. Overdose / 37. Flu / 38. Lab rat / 39. Punishment / 40. Deaf / 41. Broken neck / 42. Shot / 43. Childbirth /44. Heatstroke /45. Stranded in space /46. Electrocuted /47. Insomnia /48. Friendly fire /49. Haunted
72.0K حرف
How to Care for Your People; An (accidental) Memoir by Fire Lord Zuko
How to Care for Your People; An (accidental) Memoir by Fire Lord Zuko
While trying to stop himself from falling, Chen had been flailing his arms in a desperate attempt to regain his balance. All his flailing manages to do, however, is smack his arm into one of the torches lining the wall. The force of his arm hitting the torch causes it to fall from its holder. Chen watches from the floor in horror as the torch falls, and somehow, somehow, on its way down, the flame touches the portrait of Fire Lord Sozin. Which then begins to catch fire. Chen feels like he’s watching everything happen in slow motion as the portrait is slowly being eaten up by flames. The portrait of Fire Lord Sozin is on fire holy shit. Chen thinks he’s going to faint. Or, times Fire Lord Zuko was nice and people were surprised, and one time everyone expected it.
15.4K حرف
Donnie collided with Leo in a tangle of limbs. There was an instinctive cling in return from his twin, before the realization sunk in. "No." Leo breathed in his ear, immediately shattered. "No, no, no, no, no!” Every muscle in Donnie's body was shaking like an earthquake from the amount of effort he'd just expended. The explosion caught up to them, sending the twins spiralling away into space and debris. For one singular moment, Donnie allowed himself a burst of victory. His heart was still thudding a thousand miles an hour in his chest, having been absolutely terrified he wasn't going to make it in time. But he did. And he held onto Leo, his prize. Then they hit the ground, the sudden tumble bursting them apart. Donnie felt the world spin, rapid and disorientating, before he slammed into something rock and cracking under his impact. or: donnie doesn’t let leo go to hell alone
222.0K حرف
falling in love (is hard on the knees)
falling in love (is hard on the knees)
Secretly, somewhere deep, deep down--beneath the layers of animosity, sarcastic humor, and the hardened shell of a personality he called a secret identity--Bruce Wayne definitely wanted Superman to rip his clothes off. But not like this.
3.7K حرف
I wanna find a home (and I wanna share it with you)
I wanna find a home (and I wanna share it with you)
A collection of my Irondad Bingo prompts Chapter 13: Peter defending Tony
29.7K حرف
you move to dayshift but aren't paid any more, go figure
you move to dayshift but aren't paid any more, go figure
You never, never wanted to be on dayshift. All those children running around, being loud and messy and eugh... but that's what corporate scheduled you for, and they're the ones that write your checks, so. You weren't expecting to get along with the daycare attendant, but that doesn't mean you want to stay on dayshift just to hang out with them. Too bad you can't back out now.
166.1K حرف
When John Dory receives word from his Grandma that Branch isn't doing so well, he feels obliged to go back. Just to check, just to make sure they were okay. He never expected this. Basically, what if John Dory had no idea his other brothers had actually left? He returns to find Branch grey, malnourished and living alone outside the village, and he decides he has to step up and be the brother Branch needs him to be. Featuring: a JD who is doing his best™, and a Branch who is 90% paranoia 10% guilt
177.8K حرف
i tried too hard, i tried too hard and now im drowning
i tried too hard, i tried too hard and now im drowning
Tony's hanging on the edge, he can't remember the last time he dropped, his house is full of spies and mother hens and its rapidly beginning to feel like there's no space to breathe. And as if it couldn't get any worse he has to keep it together. He has to keep it together because no one knows. He decided that a long time ago. Tony Stark is not a little. Not to the world, not to the Avengers, and not to himself. It's fine, he's totally fine. Nobody needs to know about his classification, and no one ever will. (Maybe he's falling apart a bit.) (Maybe this could end badly.)
80.8K حرف
The Mist 2: Rescue Operations
Self Care
Self Care
If Soap weren't completely in love with one Simon “Ghost” Riley, he would probably kill him. He might still do. He hasn’t decided yet. To be fair, he’s still in shock. It all happened so suddenly. OR— Ghost, back from a six day mission, collapses from exhaustion in the middle of a conversation with Soap. It's about as pathetic as it sounds.
4.3K حرف
At the bottom of the bottle, you're the poison in the wine
At the bottom of the bottle, you're the poison in the wine
There's this tumblr post about what would have happened if Jin Zixun poisoned that wine he gave to the twin Jades. Or planned to. He was /planning/ to have a little fun with them and make them appear a little drunk by the poison to draw on their golden cores. What he did not know is that Wei Wuxian would step in and -because he has no core- just collapse immediately in the middle of the banquet. This is about as well-received as expected.
11.4K حرف
my thoughts are the cold kind
my thoughts are the cold kind
There's something wrong with Draco Malfoy and as hard as he tries to hide his failings, Harry Potter seems determined to unearth him. aka. nothing but hurt!Draco and angst (Updates every Monday and Thursday) Now complete!
14.9K حرف
The road to recovery
The road to recovery
After Technoblade finds Tommy sitting on the edge of a cliff in L'Manberg's crater, a lot of things ensue, which eventually results in Technoblade taking a vulnerable Tommy back home to a cabin in the cold tundra.While they're there, the two of them reluctantly work together to set out onto the road of recovery and reconciliation. The road is not without its bumps, but they'll traverse the harsh terrain and distance together, hand in hand.___ Continuation of Atlas, not Theseus! You should definitely read that one first before getting started on this, otherwise it won't make any sense.
158.2K حرف
Izuku faints during class when weeks of sleeping and eating poorly catch up with him. Aizawa, All Might, and his friends, remind him that no matter what he's going through, he doesn't have to do it alone.
10.8K حرف
Tony Whump Compilation
Every Moment Becomes Eternity (Film It Now)
Every Moment Becomes Eternity (Film It Now)
Jungkook's admitted to a new school, but his classmates can't help their eyes off him. Or their hands. The school administration steps in - and it's not to help him.
16.7K حرف
The Five Times Peter's Enhanced Metabolism Screws Him Over + the One Time He Gets Help
The Five Times Peter's Enhanced Metabolism Screws Him Over + the One Time He Gets Help
Peter only knows how to be empty or overflowing. Nothing in between. (Or, in which Peter's enhanced metabolism causes him to essentially develop an eating disorder.)
10.3K حرف
Is It Your Heart That Breaks First or Fragile Bones?
Is It Your Heart That Breaks First or Fragile Bones?
Number Four was a failure, he said. Number Four didn't have powers, no, he had schizophrenia. He took pills that came from his father's hands and told himself it was all a hallucination. In the end, they should have known better. Klaus Hargreeves can speak to the dead, can conjure and control every dead soul, and he ends the world. Or, Klaus' powers get out of hand at a young age. Reginald, the A+ parent, claims him as schizophrenic from there on. Eventually, he breaks.
37.8K حرف
the straw
the straw
Robin, running dangerously low on too-little sleep and overwork, finds himself in Crime Alley.
4.6K حرف