Yearning For Home
“Dear Mr HQ. I am delighted to inform you that the Committee on Admissions has admitted you to the Class of 2023. Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements”
Quackity looked up at the group, the first sign of tears and a smile breaking out on his face.
“I got in” he said, turning the letter around to show them.
“I got into Harvard law!” He then cheered and the table broke out cheering and yelling. All the other customers in the dinner turned to look at them with annoyed looks.
“Let’s go!” Sapnap hugged Quackity close, almost lifting him from his seat.
“That’s our boyfriend! The Harvard student!” Karl cheered loudly and giggled excited.
“I am a goddamn genius!” Quackity said, practically shaking and jumping in his seat, his hands were shaking with all the build up excitement.
“Cambridge better watch out with you running wild” George laughed and leaned back in his seat, grabbing his milkshake.
“What?” Quackity blinked and the fog of euphoria in his brain seemed to stop....or, Quackity gets into Harvard Law without Sapnap and Karl, and they find out long distance relastionship sucks a lot .