hunter | the golden guard (the owl house)

hunter | the golden guard (the owl house)

6 相關內容
the owl house (cartoon) hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) darius deamonne raine whispers flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) eda clawthorne luz noceda lilith clawthorne steve (the owl house) king clawthorne (the owl house) willow park gus porter amity blight stringbean | snake shifter palisman (the owl house) kikimora (the owl house) emerald entrails members (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & philip wittebane | emperor belos flapjack | cardinal palisman & hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & raine whispers eda clawthorne & hunter | the golden guard hunter | the golden guard & steve (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & luz noceda emerald entrails members & hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard & willow park lilith clawthorne & hunter | the golden guard darius deamonne & hunter | the golden guard hunter | the golden guard gets therapy (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard needs a hug (the owl house) alternate universe angst cults religious imagery & symbolism past child abuse non-linear narrative lilith clawthorne needs a hug everyone needs a hug philip wittebane | emperor belos's a+ parenting loser philip wittebane | emperor belos idk how else to describe him that's literally it cult recovery hunter | the golden guard has ptsd (the owl house) lilith clawthorne has ptsd grimwalker biology (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard is a little shit blood and violence bad but sad boy hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) it gets worse before it gets better therapist raine whispers partially blind hunter | the golden guard dark unhealthy coping mechanisms flapjack | cardinal palisman is an emotional support animal (the owl house) identity issues unreliable narrator late night conversations curses religious trauma minor eda clawthorne/raine whispers bamf hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) good brother steve (the owl house) the emerald entrails (the owl house) character death palismen (the owl house) 恐怖 she/her pronouns for flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) they/them pronouns for flapjack | cardinal palisman (the owl house) witch biology (the owl house) king clawthorne is a titan (the owl house) king clawthorne and hunter | the golden guard are siblings (the owl house) king clawthorne and luz noceda are siblings (the owl house) minor amity blight/luz noceda asexuality spectrum minor skara/viney (the owl house) pov jesus is eating cake batter out of the bowl in your foster mom’s kitchen trans hunter | the golden guard (the owl house)
金護衛一生都以泰坦的形象長大。他總是努力實現祂的旨意,正如祂的言語,他叔叔所說的那樣。生活並不容易,但他從未預期走正義的道路時會如此。 然後他和他叔叔被抓與貝洛斯分離,黃金衛隊將盡一切努力釋放他,以便他們可以回歸履行泰坦的意願 —— 即使這意味著與「治療師」一起玩,給自己一個「名字」並嘗試結交「朋友」;他會盡一切努力使他們的警衛降低。 這個計劃的唯一問題是他不期望和他綁架的人一起去。 [或者,另一個獵人在宗教中養成,然後在貝洛斯出現在澳大利亞時獲得拯救,但這次教派在惡魔境除外。]
自從亨特和朋友一起成為人類世界不願的居民以來,一個令人擔憂的事實在地起來:他沒有能夠獲得自己的抗動作藥水。 他希望自己的大腦能夠仁慈,讓每個人在他不得不披露自己的狀況之前,都能夠安心地進入自己的新常態。但當然,它必須發現自己(僅在他們逗留了一周後),因為它發生了一次發生動作。 一個糟糕的
the owl house (cartoon) luz noceda vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) camila noceda amity blight gus porter willow park philip wittebane | emperor belos caleb wittebane evelyn (the owl house) mattholomule (the owl house) masha (the owl house) edric blight emira blight darius deamonne eda clawthorne raine whispers alador blight king clawthorne (the owl house) jerbo (the owl house) lilith clawthorne gwendolyn clawthorne dell clawthorne hunter | the golden guard & camila noceda & luz noceda & vee hunter | the golden guard & luz noceda luz noceda & vee hunter | the golden guard & vee (the owl house) amity blight/luz noceda masha/vee (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard/willow park mattholomule/gus porter camila noceda/manny noceda evelyn/caleb wittebane eda clawthorne/raine whispers human au hunter | the golden guard and luz noceda and vee are siblings good parent camila noceda bad parent philip wittebane | emperor belos caleb and evelyn are hunter’s parents luz noceda has adhd vee has adhd (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard has ptsd (the owl house) autistc hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) hunter | the golden guard needs a hug (the owl house) luz noceda needs a hug vee needs a hug (the owl house) trans hunter | the golden guard (the owl house) genderqueer luz noceda trans willow park trans mattholomule (the owl house) paganism religious imagery & symbolism child abuse alcohol abuse/alcoholism cigarettes marijuana addiction disabled characters implied/referenced suicide implied/referenced character death grief/mourning depression panic attacks self-harm dissociation unsafe binding author is a theater kid musical references implied/referenced sexual assault implied/referenced grooming implied sexual content
諾塞達家族多年來一直遭到悲劇。在一個月內,太多死亡週年紀念日聚集在一起,Luz 和 Vee 渴望終於將奧古斯特放在後面。 獵人·維特班自 7 歲以來沒有感到完全快樂。在整個聖經帶的失落、虐待和生活狀況不穩定的困擾,他在近十年後回到家鄉感到奇怪。 一次命運的巴士乘車將三人團聚在一起。 〜諾塞達兄弟姐妹人類 AU 〜 阿萊克·本傑明的如果我們有彼此的小說標題。 請檢查標籤和章節說明以獲取內容警告。
你只是想幫助那個公交車站的少女孩在她的營巴士到達之前拿回她的書她在那個年齡的時候很想起你自己不幸的是,當她逃離皇帝的守衛生來實現她的神奇世界幻想時,你並不是那麼幸運。皇帝一直堅持,島嶼對於你這樣的甜蜜小人來說,對於這樣的甜蜜小人來說,這些島嶼太敵對了。 或者,貝洛斯如何把你當他完美的小妻子,只是為了你轉身,獻給你一生成為 Hunter 應得的母親。 注意:我經常在發布後返回並編輯幾次章節,以修復任何語法錯誤或調整句子的流程。如果我錯過了任何事情,請告訴我! 如果您喜歡這個故事的任何部分,請發表評論。把我的工作數小時放在公開的情況下真可怕鼓勵的話對我來說意味著世界。