Storm's Saga
Collection of One-Shot centered on the universe of Star Wars, and especially around Obi-Wan. Is staged here, Obi-Wan who saves the galaxy in all possible ways, from a simple misunderstanding to a failed coup because Palpatine deserves to die in excruciating pain. Time travel, adoption of adorable clones, the Force deciding it doesn't care anymore...and much more!
Or: Obi-Wan destroys Palpatine in every way possible (OS)
You have the French translation on and Wattpad, "La Saga de la Tempête" that I wrote myself (it's my real version, before I translated it into English)! This translation will one day be posted on AO3!
The Portuguese translation is available on Wattpad, Storm's Saga, translated by Jacknovak67! Thanks a lot for this translation!