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132 相關內容
The Binding
The Binding
“Okay, what we know so far.” Hermione listed, "One, our magic is drawing us together. Two, we can use each other’s wands. Three, there were actual sparks when you touched me." After an infant binding ritual magically joins Hermione and Draco to counteract the Black family blood curse, they must navigate the secret binding through their years together at Hogwarts.
The Rise Of the Last Potter
The Rise Of the Last Potter
During the battle in the COS the basilisk fang destroys the horcrux in Harry's Scar. The Chamber holds more than a giant snake. What happens when Harry finds the secrets? Will it aid him achieve the greatness he was always destined for? Powerful! Harry. Good! Dumbledore. HPXDGXFDX Susan.Massive Canon divergence from Ch.5
The End Is The Beginning
The End Is The Beginning
Death was not what Harry thought it would be. An empty train and a being proclaiming himself to be the Death, telling him that, “sorry, no afterlife for you” certainly wasn't anywhere near his expectations. And having his soul and magic crammed back into his four year old body, being told that he can never die… That was another painful kick to the groin. But Harry is British, and the phrase “keep calm and carry on” is practically a part of him by now. He realises that this is a second chance at life. To actually live and do whatever the hell he wants without being someone else’s pawn. It is a new beginning, and things are going to be vastly different this time around. UPDATE: As of Novmber 2024 this story is in the process of being updated/rewritten.
Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw
Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches - Revenge is Best Served Raw
Harry Potter has been banged up for ten years in the hellhole brig of Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, and his traitorous brother, the not-really-boy-who-lived, has royally messed things up. After meeting Fate and Death, Harry is given a second chance to squash Voldemort, dodge a thousand years in prison, and snatch everything his hated brother holds dear. H/Hr/LL/DG/GW.
Rewriting Destiny
Rewriting Destiny
They all thought after Voldemort's fall that the world would get better. But they were wrong. The Death Eaters used politics to accomplish what Voldemort never could. And with the dwindling Wizarding population and no one left to fight, there's only one solution: to go back in time to before Voldemort rose to power, and fix what broke the first time around. Time Travel AU. Nominated for Best James Potter and Best Peter Pettigrew in the 2018 Marauder Medals!
After the Sectumsempra incident, Harry runs to the Room of Requirement to get rid of the Half Blood Prince’s journal. He wants somewhere to hide but when he enters the room, he is thrown back to 1943 where he struggles with his use of Dark magic, sending him down a path leading to Tom Riddle.
The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinski
The Various Triumphs of Mischief Bilinski
"Hello, Chris," sings a honeyed voice from behind. Chris' attention snaps toward the intruder, his gun already out of its' holster and aimed at whoever it is — a boy, apparently, with braided russet hair, a red jacket, and wise eyes. He's wearing a gas mask, but Chris can tell by the way his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way sun-burnt sand swirls in his irises, that he's smiling. Chris cocks his gun. "You killed my father," he says. "No offence, but he totally deserved it," the stranger agrees with cheerful solemnity. "What the hell are you doing in my home?" Chris demands. The kid is perched on a windowsill in Chris' office, as nonchalantly as if this were something he did every day, as if they were familiar. "I was just wondering," the kid speaks softly, fond amusement sewn through with a peculiar resignation, "how you'd feel about putting down some nazis?" [Or: The one where Stiles goes back in time and subsequently fucks with everything.]
The Chase
The Chase
Derek's fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn't catch an omega this time. He's starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
Under Dragon Wings
Under Dragon Wings
Being able to turn into a dragon is not all its cracked up to be, not when Draco has to navigate an increasingly fractious Hogwarts, Death Eaters, and anti-Death Eaters—and lead his Slytherins to safety through all of it. And if Potter becomes one of his Slytherins, then he’ll have to...treat him nicely too. (the horror!) May 2022: Available in Brazilian Portuguese here and here with thanks to CeresYuki10! November 2022: Available in Indonesian here, with thanks to Xiao Ainun!
Harry Potter and the Secrets Within
Harry Potter and the Secrets Within
Harry Potter is a very special, but very abused little boy. When a giant drags him into a world unknown, he'll need all the help he can get to understand his newfound belonging. Lucky for him, he has a snake, a dragon, and a horde of protective allies on his side.
When Patterns Are Broken
When Patterns Are Broken
After two years of murder attempts and terrible summers, ominous letters from the Ministry and adults who act like they care but never actually do anything, Harry decides to grab the basilisk by the horns. In the few weeks he has before school begins, Harry learns more about himself, his family, and his role in the magical world. When third year starts, he just hopes he's ready. [A canon retelling starting in PoA through DH, with a Harry that's just a bit more perceptive, a Sirius with changed priorities, and a caring Theo]
Three and a Half Days
Three and a Half Days
When Harry gets quickly bored of staying in Diagon's main alleyway, he devises a plan to explore the rest of the alley, to the exasperation of Tom the Barman. He never thought he'd discover a mild version of a rare magical skill and gain a passion in rune craft while doing it, but he can't really complain as it eventually gets him a boyfriend too.
The Dragon of Time
The Dragon of Time
A ritual went wrong. An international crisis began. Old deceptions are brought to light. In the end, Harry decides there is only one way to set things right: time must change.
Harry Potter and the Magic of Bonds
Harry Potter and the Magic of Bonds
Lucius Malfoy discovers Harry Potter in a bad situation and takes him away from his relatives at age 8. Little does he know the bright eyed, messy haired boy will become something much more than either of them ever imagined. Follow along as Harry finds his place in the wizarding world, gets friends and mentors you’d never expect, and finds love in an unlikely place. Dec 10, 2023 - Updated Chapter 12 (Chapter 11-Practicing Bonds) Formatting ONLY. I don't know how it got jacked, but it's been fixed. Please visit my Prompt Survey to suggest prompts or story ideas!
Draco Takes A Slave
Draco Takes A Slave
A cruel pureblood takes advantage of an opportunity. The consequences of which change Hermione Granger's life forever and set Draco on the path of fulfilling a family tradition during their 8th year.
Sweets and Studies
Sweets and Studies
Hermione has been looking forward to attending Hogwarts as a student ever since she first heard of it. Being separated from her god, however, is intimidating. At least her Hogwarts years are filled with the sort of chaos that "Loki" loves (though Gabriel really would prefer it if she managed to stay out of danger more often. And he really does not like this 'Voldemort' character. Those twins are alright, at least, even though they're a bit too fond of his priestess for his liking).
Lollies and Loki
Lollies and Loki
Hermione Granger is seven years old when she kneels in front of an altar she's made herself with an offering of the best sweets her pocket money could buy and prays to a Trickster God. Gabriel hears.
The Mudblood of Slytherin
The Mudblood of Slytherin
A college student is reborn as Ted Tonks's little sister. She is determined to learn all that she can in order to vanquish Voldemort before Halloween of 1981. At any cost, by any means. That intense ambition and utter ruthlessness has the Hat sort her, a known muggleborn, into Slytherin. _____________________ I got tired of reading OCs and SIs and AUs that did nothing to change to the plot so here we are.
The Answer is Silence
The Answer is Silence
Lord Voldemort might have been the first to know it, but others learned, including the Dursleys, the Hogwarts professors and students, and the Death Eaters: Harry Potter is terrifying.
Granger will do almost anything to survive the curse slowly killing her, even if it means reawakening magic that has been dormant for a thousand years. Draco will do whatever it takes to save her. “Draco...” she says again, fingertips fondly brushing across his cheekbone. He opens his eyes and finds her staring at him. “Before I do this, I want you to know—“His heart lurches.“Don’t,” he says before she can say another word. “Don’t say it.”He catches her wrist and pulls her hand away from his face, careful not to smudge any of the words scripted across her skin. “I don’t want you to tell me.”
Harry Potter and The Secret Enemy
Harry Potter and The Secret Enemy
Harry Potter returns to school after a first year filled with peril, brotherly battles and a changing world. Conflict follows from school to Privet Drive and back to school, where an altogether too mysterious man of fame and fortune is their new Defence teacher - and it only becomes worse when the Petrifications start.
The Heart In The Tree
The Heart In The Tree
The future is murky and prone to shift. The best laid plans are never fool proof. When Harry woke abruptly to an incredible surge of magical power, the destiny he thought lay before him suddenly changed. With the looming threat of Voldemort ever present, the future of three of the magical worlds most powerful noble families have been ensnared by the machinations of a different yet just as dangerous enemy. With the support of those who came before him, Harry must uncover the truth behind the betrayals he'd faced, and do whatever he could to make things right.
The taxidermist
The taxidermist
It's strange how things happen sometimes. Only three words are needed to ensure that a curious person does exactly what you expect them to. These three simple words will never fail you: Don't do it. It happened. She did it. And she was too late. An AU.
A Familiar Bond
A Familiar Bond
Right after overhearing how Sirius Black betrayed his parents, Harry finds a certain little feline in the snowy wilderness of Hogsmeade, and the future changes forever. Bellatrix Lestrange escapes Azkaban after her cousin and somehow finds her master's greatest nemesis at his weakest moment. What if said nemesis decided to make her his familiar? Strong!HarryxMulti. AU.
Harry Potter Oneshots
Harry Potter Oneshots
A series of oneshots featuring Harry Potter and the women/girls of his world. Feel free to give me ideas on scenarios/pairings that you would like to see. I will be updating the tags with each chapter.
When Hermione returns to Hogwarts for her Seventh Year as Head Girl to Draco Malfoy's Head Boy, she's prepared for anything. Or so she thinks. But when a portkey takes her to Malfoy Manor just days before the winter solstice, she finds her whole world flipped on its head as she's plunged into a secret marriage with the one person she'd never expected to like, let alone love.
A lonely girl wished for a friend, a lonely boy wished for a companion. Accidental magic is a powerful thing.Every night Hermione dreams of a boy who thinks he’s a wizard. A strange English girl keeps bypassing the wards and visiting Gellert in his family home.With so much in common, they were bound to become friends.
The Web of Power
The Web of Power
His first two years have a significantly higher impact on Harry's mindset. His encounter with the Dementors and the events that follow further add to his resolve, and the emergence of his name from the Goblet of Fire finally pushes him over the edge. Realizing the sheer magnitude of threats to his life, a determined Harry Potter is set on a very different path. How will a driven Harry Potter face all the challenges to come, and will Voldemort truly be the final one? Harry/Multi.
Sure enough, not five seconds later, the door cracked open, and a tall boy with green lining on his robes strode into the Hospital Wing. Hermione absent-mindedly noticed his attractive face, but she was more focussed on his uniform. Lord, that looks stuffy, was her first thought. At least he knows how to tie a proper Windsor knot, was her second. Hermione wakes up in 1943 alone, annoyed, and uninformed. And why the hell was life so determined to pit her against Tom bloody Riddle, anyway?
Demons and Darkness
Demons and Darkness
Levi is a scout, and protects his village day and night from feral yokai, demon like creatures who feast on human flesh. When the chieftan of his village is killed by the beasts, Levi's father takes over, putting him next in line to lead his people. All Levi wants to do is watch over Mitras with his blade, fighting along side his teacher, who he has been in love with all his life. When he discovers that Erwin is getting married, he heads off into the woods alone to drink and slay demons, trying to forget. He never expects to summon from the darkness a yokai of his own. After a few minutes everything went quiet, and then his yokai was before him, magnificent, covered in splashes of red. My yokai? He wore a maniacal grin , the joy of taking a life that deserved to be taken. Levi knew that joy, had worn that expression so much he could feel the ghost of it on his face. Then, the yokai spoke."You were so damn slow, I thought I'd never meet you." Levi felt his mouth gape open. Yokai couldn't speak. They were like animals, beasts without souls. "Who are you? What are you?" That smile grew predatory, eyes slitting deviously. "I'm Eren, and I'm yours."
Sword and Shield
Sword and Shield
Percival Graves, hanging in between life and death, is visited by two Beings who grant him a second chance. A chance to help save and change the Wizarding World. He accepts and is thrown forwards in time in his fifteen-year-old body where he finds himself in a park with the sky darkening and the temperature plummeting…. This is an Adopted work!!
At the Altar
At the Altar
Nibelheim’s patron deity was Fenrir. For as long as Cloud could remember, he had been taught the songs and prayers for offerings. He had been blessed with the strength of the wolf, the eyes of the wolf, and the cunning intelligence of the wolf. He had never crossed outside of Nibelheim’s borders. He was Fenrir’s. So, why then, did Cloud feel an aching burn on his chest?
Kinktober 2019
Kinktober 2019
Day1:Deepthroating-Harvey/Nick(CAOS)[422]Day2:Watersports-Hiram/Archie(RD)[184]Day3:Edgeplay-Tony/Peter Parker(MCU)[284]Day4:MirrorSex-Harry/Chad(DESCENDANTS)[409]Day5:Feet-Liam Payne/Harry Styles(1D)[1234]Day6:Daddy-Steve/Hopper/Billy(ST)[518]Day7:Praise-Credence/Graves(FBAWTFT)[592]Day8:Fisting-Stiles/Derek(TW)[848]Day9:Strength-Billy/Freddie(SHAZAM)[443]Day10:Rimming-Cena/Orton(WWE)[224]Day11:HairPulling-Penny/Quentin(THEMAGICIANS)[315]Day12:ObjectInsertion-HalJordan/Batman/Superman(DCU)[350]Day13:Distracted Sex-Christian/Polo(ELITE)[474]Day14:Choking-Dick/Jason(TITANS)[501]Day15:Facesitting-Liam/Theo(TW)[276]Day16:Masturbation-Dean(SPN)[656]Day17:BodyWorship-Finn/Poe(SW:TFA)[618]Day18:Scat/Enema-Archie/Hiram(RD)[698]Dat19:Gangbang-Archie/Everyone(RD)[830]Day20:SizeDiff-Jon/Tormund (GoT)[736]Day21:FoodKink-Scott/Jackson (TW)[800]Day22:SuitKink-Illya/Napoleon (TMFU)[690]Day23:ScentKink-BeastBoy/Everyone(TITANS)[606]Day24:Voyeurism-Alec/Magnus/Jace(SH)[781]Day25:Licking-Jeremy/Alaric(TVD)[714]Day26:Incest-DolanTwins(YT)[482]UPDATE
The Grey-Eyed Dragon
The Grey-Eyed Dragon
As soon as Harry gets on the Hogwarts Express to start his Eights Year he begins to feel terribly cold and no hearth or blanket is able to warm him. What is the meaning of this? And why does it get better when he is in close proximity to Malfoy?
You don't own me
You don't own me
''Death will come for you eventually, Mr. Riddle. My Master will ensure it.'' *** Betrayed by so many people and devastated by the loss of many more, Harry tries to find a safe place. He never expected to find it in the past. And maybe, maybe he also came for a bit of revenge.