you go your way (i'll go your way, too)
Wei Ying licks his suddenly dry lips, and continues. “It’s all petty drama, really, and you’ll probably think it’s stupid, hah...” He scratches his head, feeling extremely self-conscious.
“It must have meant a lot to you,” says Lan Zhan, firmly. “And to the people who followed you.”
The people who followed him? More like that single person. His chest fills with warmth as he thinks abruptly of bunny130809 and his bunny icon and his earnest, awkward, achingly sweet words.
“Well, anyway,” Wei Ying says, eager to move on from the subject. It’s making him dizzy, the way Lan Zhan’s voice keeps bleeding into his old follower’s typed words. He’s probably just projecting, and that must say something about him, right? Had there been only two persons in all this time who’d been patient enough to really listen to him, for them to mesh together so seamlessly in his head?