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Stick With You
Stick With You
The MSBY Black Jackals were vacationing on an island when lockdown measures were put in place due to a pandemic. While the rest of their teammates managed to get on the last flight back to Japan, Kiyoomi and Atsumu didn't make it. To be stuck in close quarters with your enemy-slash-teammate in a foreign country for an indefinite period of shouldn’t be too bad, right? (Or: Due to an unfortunate series of events, Kiyoomi and Atsumu get stuck on an island together. For seven months.)
99.3K từ
Stiles left on a Tuesday. Nobody Noticed.
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Soft As It Began
Soft As It Began
The day after his infamous victory at the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter disappears without a trace. When the rest of the world gives up their search, Hermione Granger, an up-and-coming investigative journalist, is determined to do what they couldn’t: find him. After years of searching, she finally stumbles upon a clue that might just lead her to her best friend. She is determined to journey across Europe to solve the mystery and, naturally, write about it along the way. But when her intolerable co-worker Draco Malfoy is also assigned to the case, she must learn to set aside old grudges and accept their dysfunctional partnership in order to bring Harry home again. A slow-burn enemies to lovers fic with mystery, adventure, and our two favorite idiots in love.
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Abandoned: Humanity's Drift
Abandoned: Humanity's Drift
They could come back tomorrow, or never. All he could do was prepare. Or: Izuku Midoriya wakes up one day to find all of humanity gone. Except him. (This work is ongoing.)
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Twirl Three Notes and Make a Star
Twirl Three Notes and Make a Star
The Warlord of the North receives an invitation to the elven summer festival, and Geralt sends Jaskier, Eskel, and Ciri (and more than a dozen overprotective Witchers) off to be diplomatic. Or: Eskel finally gets to take a vacation. If you can call riding herd on Jaskier and the little menace a vacation.
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Invasion - Part 1
Invasion - Part 1
NASA sent out three exploratory spacecrafts to find life outside of Earth. At least one was successful, but then that extraterrestrial life decided to come to Earth. And they weren't friendly. No, they needed men for slave labor and women for sex slave labor. They successfully take control of Earth and change human life forever. Anthology series with reoccurring settings and characters.
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365 Days
365 Days
Second Part of the Loft. 365 Days of free use at any time, at any place, the way it pleases him.365 days – he and his niece, free access all the time, no worries, no limits.How did he get into such a perfect situation? *UNDERAGE/INCEST* - read the tags carefully, if you don't like it, don't read it.
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Casual Encounters
Casual Encounters
“You have never once been careful in your entire life.” Bucky huffs out a laugh. He looks away. “Maybe I’m offended you didn’t think to ask me.” He says it like a joke, but he can’t bring himself to laugh again. “Bucky,” Steve says, scandalized. “You’re my friend. I’m not gonna use you to experiment sexually.”
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For Love or Money
For Love or Money
Emma Swan is deep in debt, working for a boss who hates her, and has just been dumped by a guy who didn't deserve her in the first place. When Regina Mills - millionaire, high-flying art dealer and the most beautiful woman Emma has ever seen - swoops into her life and offers her a world of luxury in exchange for pretending to be her girlfriend, Emma can't possibly say no. Modern-day AU set in New York. Based on Sarra Manning's 'Unsticky'.
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on another ocean
on another ocean
“You want me to come with you on the holiday that you specifically booked for you and your girlfriend?” “Ex-girlfriend,” Sirius corrects. Remus looks at Sirius searchingly, and once again, several emotions flicker across his face; only this time, his expression lands on something like hope. “Yeah. Okay.” or, Sirius is dumped by his girlfriend and drags his best friend on a holiday across Europe. And somewhere between Berlin clubs, Parisian boulevards, and Transylvanian villages, they fall into each other.
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Foreign Scenes
Foreign Scenes
Lance has dreamed of travelling since the first time he heard stories from his family as a child. Now, having finally the time and money to do it, he goes on a trip to Europe to see some of the most culturally rich cities on the continent. Except he keeps bumping into the same guy over and over again, in random cities, doing stupid shit, and ultimately dragging Lance into his trouble, too. Basically an AU in which Lance and Keith become impromptu travel buddies and get into trouble.
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walk my days on a wire
walk my days on a wire
Harry hums, staring at his hands in his lap, and Louis can still feel their smoothness, how solid they were in between his own. “Do you think it’s the same for us? Are we here only because of the likeliness of our jobs? Of our lives?”“We’re here because we have inventive managers,” Louis says, giving Harry’s leg a little nudge with his knee, but all that’s going around in his head is, I think I'd be in the same spot in every possible universe. or, when actor Louis Tomlinson used to daydream about dating Harry Styles, this is not what he had in mind.
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Can Beauty Come Out of Ashes (with Xanax and a Cold Brew)?
Can Beauty Come Out of Ashes (with Xanax and a Cold Brew)?
Based off prompt #56: Wade is a huge fashion designer that no one has seen and Peter is hired to be his model. - "I got one of my sources tellin’ me Wade Wilson, fucking Deadpool, is going to make an appearance," Jameson says. "You know how big that is kid? That’s recluse coming out of a billion dollar hiding hole big. I want you on the ground floor, I want you taking the first goddamn picture of that pompous scarred sonofabitch and coming back here to print first thing, you got that?” Peter's head hurts.
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The Inaccuracy of Infinity
The Inaccuracy of Infinity
Zhongli finds himself in quite the conundrum when a simple day trip with Childe, gone wrong, ends with him turning Childe immortal instead... And how he fails to inform the harbinger about this new development. Though, Zhongli supposes there'll be time to fill him in on this small detail sometime during the journey around Teyvat Childe has managed to rope him into.
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100,000 Galleons
100,000 Galleons
When a weekend with Harry gets purchased at a Bachelor charity auction by Malfoy, he's sure the trip is going to be filled with disaster. And it is. It really is. Just... maybe not in the ways he thought.
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Say You'll Remember
Say You'll Remember
au. louis and harry are best mates that are only half aware that they're also soulmates. alternatively, louis goes to university and harry travels the world, and they always manage to find their way back to each other. takes place over nine years, in which they love and hurt, make mistakes and learn, and above all, grow.
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Potential Gravity
Potential Gravity
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around. The one with Beirut and video games.
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That Is Born Out Of Agony
That Is Born Out Of Agony
Renfri of Creyden has known she is cursed since she was old enough to know anything at all. But she is a princess of Creyden, and if her curse is going to condemn her, she'll accept that judgment from no lesser person than the Warlord of the North.
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Wearing Only a Sneer
Wearing Only a Sneer
With the war finally over, Harry Potter is dead set on losing her virginity. What will happen when she decides that the perfect candidate for a partner in this endeavor is Severus Snape?
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A Lightness
A Lightness
Sandor never left during the Battle of the Blackwater. Stannis was defeated and killed. Robb returned to Winterfell to take back his home. He married Roslin Frey and there was no Red Wedding. Joffrey did not die at his wedding. Robb waited for the right opportunity to take Joffrey down. For Sansa, there was only waiting. Waiting for someone to take her from King's Landing... waiting for the rest of her life to begin. All characters, and their universe, belong to George R.R Martin. (New Username - Same Story)
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Highland Fling [+podfic]
Highland Fling [+podfic]
The summer before college, Sirius goes backpacking through Scotland in order to escape his family's expectations. In a small village in the Highlands, an unexpected flirtation turns his whole world upside down. Alternately, the story of how Scotland loves Remus and wants him to be happy.
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Peace Is A Journey
Peace Is A Journey
It was a long way to Xadia. A really, really long way. A month's travel if they were lucky. If they weren’t lucky....well, it could take twice that, or even longer.It would take a miracle to get the egg to the Dragon Queen before war broke out. But what else could they do? (AU in which the Xadian continent is much larger, the kids and their egg will be travelling together for a long, long time, and canon lays dying in a ditch along the way)
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Diplomatic Excursions and Other Ways to Die
Diplomatic Excursions and Other Ways to Die
Conceptually, attending Emperor Ling's coronation celebration is simple enough. In practice, it involves far too much trekking, yearning, bleeding, burning, hoping, running, and dodging of diplomatic catastrophes for Roy's tastes. [Major spoilers for Brotherhood.]
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"We can't stay here." Hiccup shoots down a dragon, but realizes that a dragon-killing Viking is not the kind of Viking he wants to be. Staying in the human village is not an option: they must leave. Together, dragon and boy will discover the world, and Hiccup has to leave the past behind ... even if the past has the annoying habit of trying to catch up. (The story of a dragon and his boy, and a world that changes around them.)
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Not Just Biology
Not Just Biology
"When did you realize you had feelings for me?""When you saved me from the cabby. When did you realize it was okay to have feelings for me?""When you pulled me out of the Thames and saved my life." A twist on the 30 Day OTP challenge.
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strings of fate binding us together
strings of fate binding us together
After Geralt blames Jaskier for everything, the bard leaves. He will not cry, he will not break down. He's much more than Geralt's useless companion and he will not let the Witcher ruin him. It's a stroke of luck that he meets another Witcher in Oxenfurt, and finally finds out what's it like to be openly called a friend.Then, they decide to spend winter in Kaer Morhen, and Coën isn't the only Witcher who goes there.It may be Geralt's only chance to apologize to his bard, his friend, his everything. 13 years is a long time to ponder one's mistakes and now, Geralt is desperate to fix what he broke.
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A Long List of Happy Endings
A Long List of Happy Endings
“–Come Durin’s Day, the Mountain will host great entertainments, games, and feasting in your name and in the names of the other thirteen of the Company. Your path through all of Arda shall be made smooth to ensure your welcome in our lands, Bilbo Baggins. I bring this summons as it was sent from the Throne of Thorin, King Under the Mountain.” Bilbo’s heart, racing as it had been from this thrilling invitation, seemed to trip over itself at the name. “Thorin?” he whispered, and he stepped forward without thinking. -- Or: Bilbo learns that his story isn’t actually a tragedy, and that happy endings still take a bit of luck.
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Naked as we came
Naked as we came
The story begins with the night when they had sex for the first time and it goes from there to who knows where.Warning: lots of smut and fluff in almost every single chapter.
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breathe me in (exhale slow)
breathe me in (exhale slow)
Six years ago, Jeon Jeongguk disappeared on Taehyung. Six years later, he reappears. (Taehyung has never quite recovered from the heartache- and seeing Jeongguk in front of him once again only brings it all back.)
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Body Double
Body Double
Body doubling for a famous actress in a movie is a good job if you can get it. Body doubling for a famous actress in a movie with Tom Hiddleston is another thing entirely - especially when the movie has a lot of kinky sex scenes, the famous actress is too shy to strip, and you're required to do it ALL. AU actor!Tom, inspired in part by the new Crimson Peak trailer that hit today. So SO much smut here. (This story is based closely on the CP movie set, but with movie details and actor/director names changed just slightly so you know who they're meant to be without me using their real names. Tom is the only one whose name isn't changed.) 8/25/2016 - THANK YOU EVERYONE THAT STUCK IT OUT TILL THE END! Tom and Anna have finally reached their final chapter, and what a bittersweet ride it's been. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for hanging in there through thick and thin with me (and them!) Chapter 39 is the final chapter, but I decided to toss in a chapter 40 at the last minute, just to give you some pretty pics of the pair to look at as you say farewell. ENJOY!
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Up the long, delirious, burning blue
Up the long, delirious, burning blue
After the curse was broken, Colonello hoped to rekindle his romance with Lal Mirch. After being rejected, he's not sure what he's supposed to do anymore.Enter Skull. - “Okay,” Skull said, nodding as though the shrug had been a whole novel on his feelings. “Want to talk about it, or want me to get my secret stash and get wasted?”“You have a secret stash?” Colonnello couldn’t help but ask, disbelieving.“Duh,” Skull said, looking a bit amused. “How else do you think I coped all those years with you lot?”
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you go your way (i'll go your way, too)
you go your way (i'll go your way, too)
Wei Ying licks his suddenly dry lips, and continues. “It’s all petty drama, really, and you’ll probably think it’s stupid, hah...” He scratches his head, feeling extremely self-conscious. “It must have meant a lot to you,” says Lan Zhan, firmly. “And to the people who followed you.” The people who followed him? More like that single person. His chest fills with warmth as he thinks abruptly of bunny130809 and his bunny icon and his earnest, awkward, achingly sweet words. “Well, anyway,” Wei Ying says, eager to move on from the subject. It’s making him dizzy, the way Lan Zhan’s voice keeps bleeding into his old follower’s typed words. He’s probably just projecting, and that must say something about him, right? Had there been only two persons in all this time who’d been patient enough to really listen to him, for them to mesh together so seamlessly in his head?
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Super Bowuigi Odyssey
Super Bowuigi Odyssey
When Luigi and Bowser find themselves stranded together in the Lost Kingdom after a turbulent windstorm sends them flying off Bowser’s airship, a busted up Odyssey becomes their unlikeliest of saviors. Now reluctant traveling companions, doomed to remain marooned without the other’s help, the two gather power moons and embark on a globe-trotting adventure home. However, as they fly and hunt for moons together, encountering and overcoming any and all conflicts in their way, their reservations about each other wither away while a fondness forged through their travels grows into something neither of them ever thought was possible.
180.4K từ
Divining Infinity
Divining Infinity
Sometimes the universe can be a passive and improbable place, but it may also unleash the most unexpected of gifts. Asami's world as he knows it is set adrift by a fateful encounter with a strange and fascinating young man. Warning: This story contains explicit artwork.
123.6K từ
An Ode to Broken Things
An Ode to Broken Things
“Thorin, I have a weak heart. It has trouble pumping enough blood through my body. That’s why I’m always so low on energy. And…” Bilbo swallowed, forcibly keeping his eyes on the flickering flames. Thorin wasn’t moving by his side. “And it’s failing. There are healers in Greenwood who have gifts for mending hearts, but there isn’t much chance it will work. I haven’t been very responsive to any other methods, and… Well… I don’t have very long.” Bilbo dropped his eyes to his hands. He’d ripped the four-leaf clover Bofur had given him. It seemed horribly symbolic of his life. Headed to Greenwood to see the healer Thranduil, Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey hitch a ride with thirteen dwarves headed to Erebor. Bilbo had hoped it would be like the adventures he read. That there would be orcs, sword fights, torture, revenge, trolls, chases, or escapes. He had never expected miracles or true love.
41.1K từ