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hope is the thing with feathers
hope is the thing with feathers
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely. "Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up.He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
28.9K từ
Those Are The Days That Bind Us
Those Are The Days That Bind Us
His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said, “It’s like you’re not my son anymore.” And Stiles broke.
52.1K từ
Of course, the transfer kid gets mentioned because transfers are rare, but the news isn’t that exciting. In fact, according to Laura, no one even seems to know his first name. The only thing anyone has really figured out about him is that he’s American. And that’s not exactly hard because he obviously has an accent. The only thing Derek really knows is that, despite other reports, he seems quiet enough, prefers to work alone, and has the most amazing shade of amber eyes that Derek has ever seen. Not that he’s looking. Obviously. OR: A Harry Potter AU where Stiles is a Slytherin transfer student and Derek is the grumpy Gryffindor who falls in love with him. There are also potions, elves, and falcons involved. Oh, and illegal use of magic. Obviously.
28.2K từ
That Which You Cannot Undo
That Which You Cannot Undo
By twenty-eight, Stiles has resigned himself to a quiet life of working in his magic shop, selling Jackson Whittemore fart-inducing tea, and looking after his goddaughter. It's a good life. But the quiet goes to hell when his sister, Lydia, shows up with a crispy werewolf in her trunk and a bite mark on her shoulder, because hard on her heels comes the hottest person Stiles has ever seen, and he happens to be looking for his uncle. You know, the dead guy Stiles helped Lydia bury last night. (Or: the Pracitical Magic AU nobody asked for.)
28.1K từ
Stiles left on a Tuesday. Nobody Noticed.
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A Life Less Ordinary
A Life Less Ordinary
It takes a few years but eventually they manage to agree on something; Derek Hale is an asshole, and Stiles Stilinski is in love with him.
19.2K từ
If the ley lines you should follow
If the ley lines you should follow
And Derek just stood there, staring at Stiles like he was a ghost. “Dude, I know it’s been a while but you don’t have to look at me like you’re that surprised I’m hung over in the woods. It’s practically a tradition at this point.” “Stiles?” Derek whispered, the name falling from his lips like a punch to the gut. Stiles watched, confused, as Derek took a deep breath in and took a shaky step forward then back again. “You’re not- you can’t be. Who are you?”
52.1K từ
Silver (vibrator) Bullet
Silver (vibrator) Bullet
Stiles hadn’t meant for it to become a thing. He’d just been interested in helping out his fellow man. He certainly hadn't meant for anyone to find out about it. Or the one where Stiles makes amateur porn, and of course, a certain alpha finds out about it.
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Where The Inevitable Isn't
Where The Inevitable Isn't
Stiles has a magical thingamajig that's supposed to get him out of danger. Trouble is, it took him really, really far out of danger. Like, to the point where he isn't in the same universe anymore. "A part of Stiles had been thinking that he’d come home, and just go, 'hey, Derek, are we mates and you just haven’t said anything about it?' and Derek would reply, 'now you mention it, we are indeed! Now come to my bedchamber, where we will have super hot sex and then cuddle after!'"
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The Walls Are Breathing In
The Walls Are Breathing In
Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski. Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
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Satan has a new #1
Satan has a new #1
¬¬¬ HAITUS Prompt: Fic idea where a lonely person sells their soul to Satan to be their friend. And Satan just rolls with it until he realizes at the time of their death he genuinely likes them.Since he can’t renege on the contract he takes them to Hell and puts them in a high position of power. Demons hardened by millenia of torture now have to answer to a shy, self-conscious, quiet, depressed, lonely person who has unintentionally become Satan’s #1 And it has now taken over my life. Please enjoy literal devil!peter and Stiles!!
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(Once in a) Blue Moon
(Once in a) Blue Moon
Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
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salt and a waltz
salt and a waltz
"Not that lubed-up Q-tips aren’t the sexiest thing in the world, but I kinda want to know what it’s like, you know. To be impaled on your huge dick without actually being impaled.” “It was about to get sexy there, but you shot the mood right in the face.” In which Stiles is a faerie and Derek is sick and tired of not being able to fuck him.
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You Have to Want It
You Have to Want It
“Do you. Want. The Bite?” Peter repeated, as if he were talking to a child, "Yes or no?" “I don’t want to be like you,” Stiles said with conviction, but Peter could hear past the words. The kid may believe he was telling the truth, but Stiles was only lying to himself, and Peter knew it. Here, the alpha smirked, a predatory gaze fixed on the boy's body. “I wasn’t really asking.”
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When I'm Gone
When I'm Gone
Stiles is leaving. For good if he has any say in it. He gave everything to them and received nothing in return, so who can blame him for wanting to leave and find his place in the world. Apparently? Everyone and their uncle.
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The Circus at the End of the World
The Circus at the End of the World
Three hundred years ago, the world ended not with a bang or a whimper, but with magic. Since then, magic has been outlawed, and the world has clawed its way back to some kind of stability, with people and shifters alike divided between living within the walled safety of the Havens, or the small, less protected outposts dotting the frontier. Derek Hale and his sisters, Laura and Cora, are the proprietors of Hale's Circus of Magic, Monsters, and Mystical Wonders, known colloquially as the Circus at the End of the World. They and their ragtag pack ride the rails between the outposts and the Havens, performing for those who can pay (and some who can't). Their circus is a small haven in and of itself, a place of safety for those who have nowhere else to go. It's a quiet life...until Stiles Stilinski joins the crew. The circus has something Stiles needs—a ticket into the Haven of Santa Francesca. His father has been abducted, and Stiles is determined to get him back no matter what he has to do. But Stiles has another secret, one that puts him and every member of the circus in danger. And if he's not careful, it could get them all killed.
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Làm Tôi Xương Mà Da (Bạn Đã Ở Đâu Thế)
Làm Tôi Xương Mà Da (Bạn Đã Ở Đâu Thế)
Stiles chịu ảnh hưởng của bóng tối từ Nemeton nặng hơn Scott và Allison rất nhiều. Derek trở lại sau khi rơi vào trạng thái hôn mê.
54.8K từ
maybe then a witch could believe in the moon
maybe then a witch could believe in the moon
Okay, I get it. You were just asserting dominance. I can relate to that. I do know Derek.
10.7K từ
A Single Magic Bullet
A Single Magic Bullet
It’s Stiles last week before graduation and it seems like everything is going wrong. Between Scott finding True Love, werewolf kidnapping rings, sadistic professors, and his final projects, it’s not like Stiles doesn’t have plenty on his plate… but he’s a Stilinski and Stilinskis deal with it. Fortunately there’s a new lycanthrope on campus who seems amenable to pulling his bacon out of the fire. (Now if only Stiles could figure out why he keeps waking up with his window open, that would be just peachy.)
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“So what you’re saying is; you’re a mermaid princess.” Erica concluded. “Yes, clearly. That is what I am saying. Thank you for putting it so concisely.” Stiles sassed, frowning at her. He wasn’t fucking Ariel; this was so far from being a Disney movie it wasn't even funny. Or the one where a perfectly normal Beach Vacation escalates way too quickly, because this is Stiles' life.
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Vampires, man. Not to be trusted
Vampires, man. Not to be trusted
Stiles appreciates Derek worrying about him being overwhelmed but he really could have used a few overenthusiastic werewolves and impatient humans for his homecoming. He’s felt disconnected because of his forced isolation and would have at least liked to have had Scott on his doorstep when he got there.
9.6K từ
Trong câu chuyện trên
Trong câu chuyện trên
Stiles đi cùng Scott đến một tiệm xăm hình người sói, nơi Stiles gặp lại một người bạn cũ. Được rồi. Chàng trai suýt chết trong vòng tay cậu ta vào một lần, và Stiles đã cứu cậu ta bằng cách sử dụng phép thuật rune cổ Nga bị cấm. Điều đó xem như làm cho họ trở thành bạn bè, đúng không?
15.3K từ
Dangerous Things
Dangerous Things
"You want me to hold you down while we do this, Stiles?" says the incubus. In one sudden movement it has Stiles’ arm wrenched over his head and pinned it by the wrist below the headboard. "Would that make this easier for you?" Stiles swallows. "Maybe?" This whole thing where he gets the chance to opt out of having mindblowing sex with a demon of questionable intentions is causing him more unnecessary stress than he wants to deal with. Can't it just get on with ravishing him already? "You really think that’s what we do? You think we need to? Ever?" The incubus' breath ghosts warm against his neck. (Actually, Stiles has half an idea that ‘thinking’ isn’t much of good description of anything that’s gone through his head for a good few minutes. It’s so unfair of it to pick on him for that.) AKA: The Medieval AU where Derek is an incubus and Stiles is so, so far out of his depth right now.
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Break Me Like A Promise
Break Me Like A Promise
Stiles has to learn to live with his choice. So does everyone else.
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Your Words Are Robbery
Your Words Are Robbery
When Stiles is dragged back to Beacon Hills, he has to face everything he left behind.
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When the Wolf Bites
When the Wolf Bites
"Are you a cop?" the man asked hesitantly. “Uh, no. I just work reception,” Stiles said, tugging nervously at his hoodie. There was something about this man that made his anxiety start to build. Normally Stiles was great at charming the people who walk into the station, even calming down the angry moms. “We’ve been understaffed for years so I help out where I can. You needed something?” “I need to file a missing person’s report.”
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nơi mà Người Đi Bộ Đôi sinh sống
nơi mà Người Đi Bộ Đôi sinh sống
Derek trông vẫn như mọi khi, chải chuốt hoàn hảo và hơi cục cằn. Tuy nhiên, khi Stiles liếc nhìn anh, khuôn mặt Derek lại thư giãn vì ngạc nhiên. “Stiles?” Derek hỏi, giọng có vẻ bối rối. “Cậu bạn, tớ biết đã lâu rồi, nhưng đừng ngạc nhiên như vậy khi thấy tớ say xỉn trong rừng chứ. Gần như là truyền thống lúc này rồi.” Derek ngửi không khí, nhìn anh với vẻ không tin tưởng. “Nhưng mà, cậu không thể… Tớ chỉ…” anh bỏ lửng câu nói như một câu hỏi, bước nửa bước về phía trước trước khi lấy điện thoại ra và gọi một số, mắt không rời khỏi Stiles.
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Out Of Milk...
Out Of Milk...
Derek Hale moved in with the Stilinskis after acting a hero, much to Stiles distress. However, things take a turn for the strange when his arrival coincides with some strange happenings in Stiles life - that will change the course of the pack forever.
87.6K từ
Smoke and Ashes
Smoke and Ashes
Scandals were popular in Beacon Hills. The town was small enough that everybody knew something about everybody, and big enough that there were always plenty of stories. Only the big things stuck in the greedy gossip mongrels’ minds, though. Like, the kid who smashed his car into the forever dented “Welcome to Beacon Hills” sign, or the fire that killed most of the Hale pack, or the banshee who went crazy in her weird horror-story, science-lab lake house. Or Stiles.
25.8K từ
Bringing Light into the Dark
Bringing Light into the Dark
"When did you realize?" "Realize?" Stiles queried, face scrunched up in confusion, "I sort of embraced it not long after you guys left. I mean there was no denying that I was needed. The twins were far more receptive to me compared to Mr. 'True Alpha'. There was no way I could leave Isaac on his own and the Argents needed someone who wasn't too busy pining after Allison to discuss and plan with."--They left and she had to deal with it. Five Months later and now they've returned.
70.2K từ
Lines of Communication
Lines of Communication
With the Alpha Pack gone to lick their wounds, Stiles and the Pack hope for a little time off from the fighting to enjoy their returned members and new relationships. The Universe has other plans however. Beacon Hills is about to explode with trouble of every kind. ...And then it might actually explode.
137.9K từ
Battle Lines (Not So) Clearly Drawn
Battle Lines (Not So) Clearly Drawn
In order to save Erica and Boyd from the Alpha Pack, Stiles is forced to face certain facts about himself and decide where he stands.
77.9K từ
Strength Thy Name Is Family
Strength Thy Name Is Family
Family means everything to a Stilinski man, it's something they cherish, love, and value more than anything else in the world. However, those feelings can sometimes hurt the people they love as they try and protect them from harm. Magic!Stiles and Sterek.
123.5K từ
Chúng ta không cần bạn
Chúng ta không cần bạn
Stiles bị đuổi khỏi bầy mà chính cậu đã giúp tạo ra. Stiles bị phản bội bởi người bạn thân nhất. Stiles đến New Orleans để tìm hiểu về mẹ và cuộc sống của các dì cậu. Stiles là một trong những phù thủy quyền năng nhất mọi thời đại. Derek và Scott nhớ Stiles ở Beacon Hills, họ chỉ đuổi cậu đi vì lợi ích của cậu mà thôi. Hãy đọc nhé! Mình đã thực sự làm việc rất chăm chỉ cho điều này! Mình rất thích khi mọi người đọc những câu chuyện của mình, điều đó khiến mình muốn tiếp tục viết chúng!
12.6K từ
How to Chain Your Dragon
How to Chain Your Dragon
Derek Hale has always been the least werewolfiest werewolf in existence, and he's really getting sick of it. When he finally catches a break and accidentally takes down a Night Fury, he cannot believe his fortune (or misfortune). He's expecting an angry, vicious Night Fury--what he gets is a sarcastic, furious boy. How can the awkward boy and the deadly dragon be the same creature? (The story is officially updated [as of 2/5/2020]. Thank you for your support!)
34.7K từ